Has anyone made an icon with Anakin/Vader that says "Sith Happens"? Because if not, I totally disown fandom for having FAILED.
In other news, Mein Schlienen, do you want to dress up for
Serenity? Rachel is going as River and Cherise is waffling between Zoe and Inara (I'm pushing for the former, Rachel the latter). I was thinking I'd be Kaylee, as no one needs two Rivers (and I always feel kind of odd lusting over Simon when dressed as his sister), but then I figured if you wanted to dress up as well, you'd make an adorable Kaylee. Or you would make a fantastic Saffron, or even Jayne should you desire. (It is, after all, a girl's name.) I love all my Firefly women, and I'll gladly take whoever's left.