The Cult of Lincoln

Thursday, May 12, 2005

I wrote a rather long, tetchy post about last night's Lost episode, but I realized in the morning that it wasn't the show in general I was irked at, it was the uselessness of Kate. But it's always nice to vent, so I'm still posting (albeit in a wee tiny font), in all its rambling, unedited glory.
Lost. Feh, another Kate episode. Good thing we have Charlie/Claire to make it worthwhile! Ikkle TurnipHead, lulled to rest by the soothing tones of Driveshaft... Domestic haircutting bliss... an invite to live with him in LA... Only non-lame part of the entire episode! *does the ovary dance*

But I'm getting seriously tired of the "Something went wrong on the island! Let us each accuse someone else of wrongdoing! Let some random character figure out what happened, let him/her confront the other, and let no one else find out!"-pattern of storytelling. YAWN CITY. It feels like a show in its 4th season. Hurley is right, it's impossible to keep track of who knows what. It's getting ridiculous.

I'm sick of episodes that will have little to no impact on the events of the future. I want character interactions and plot developments to mean something. I'm getting bored by all these secrets flying about -- can we try nailing something down? The sheer multitude of secrets takes the novelty and intrigue away from the Big Questions. And in fact, what ARE the Big Questions now? We haven't heard from LostZilla in some eight episodes (not counting the ridiculous recapfest), and that wasn't even real LostZilla, it was a part of Boone's twisted visionquest. Will the hatch be opened, and what's inside? Frankly, that plotline has been drawn out past the point of me caring anymore. Is Claire's baby teh ebil? Given that the only thing that can quiet its cries is Sawyer's voice, I'm thinking yeah.

I was trying to explain the main plot points to my mom last night, and I felt like a moron because there's just so much that's been left deliberately obscured. I feel a lot like Hurley right now. "All I want is some friggin' answers!," I shout. Not because I'm curious or because I find the mysteries intriguing. Because I'm fed up. It's not getting exciting, it's getting tiresome.

Is Michael ever going to find out who poisoned him? Is Kate going to just keep feeling sorry for herself, even though she could stop all the accusatory stares by just taking five minutes to explain why she was wanted by the law? "Do you really think I'm capable of [poisoning Michael]?" she asks. Well DUH, of course he thinks you're capable of it! NO ONE KNOWS WHAT THE HECK YOU DID. Until you come clean with your history, no one is going to have any idea of what you're capable of! You could make it so much easier for yourself, but NOOOOO, you and Sawyer just heap on the guilt. You invite people to punish and mistrust you, and you're offended and betrayed when they do. GET OVER YOURSELF.

And I'm getting tired of the whole "Oh no, at the end of this episode starring me, everyone shuns me and judges me, but by the next episode, I'm back in the bosom again, and I'm shunning and judging whoever's next up." The only characters I can stand nowadays are Hurley, Sayid, and those like Charlie and Claire that don't have enough screentime to incur my wrath.

Maybe I just wasn't cut out for serial TV. Smallville isn't even fun to mock anymore.
Here endeth the useless ranting. Feel free to forget and/or ignore most of what you just read. Anyway, this makes me feel a lot better, so hurrah.

Side note: I love that when Jin and Sun speak Korean, they speak Korean. That will never stop being cool. It's kind of weird in comparison when Sayid and the HoSuBoYay gang all speak English to each other, but it's okay, because I highly doubt Naveen Andrews knows Arabic, being Indian and all.

Stupid Kate. I hope LostZilla eats her. Or she could drown, that would be fun! Or get mobbed by a pack of flesh-eating weasels.

Priscilla said at 9:20 PM

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