Note to self: When getting dramatic haircut, don't do it with a stylist you've never met. I wanted to get 4-5 inches off to even up the back and get rid of broken ends, but it looks like he hacked off more than 6. This is the shortest my hair has been in memory. I AM NO LONGER A MEMBER OF THE LHFCXDE. Plus, without asking me, he decided to cut my hair in a straight line across the back, so that it would be longer in the front. In the past, I've always done it the other way around. Coupled with
Serenity trauma, this was not a good morning.
The afternoon, however, was fabulous. Mom gave me the go-ahead to get my new computer, and I keep going over the specs list and drooling. Dell
Precision M70 Notebook with Windows XP Pro, 1 Gb RAM, 100 Gb hard drive, and 8x DVD+RW. The LCD is a 15.4" widescreen WUXGA, and the laptop itself is only 7 pounds and 1.6" thick. If you ever encounter a laptop sexier than that, I want it caught and shot now. And now, I have a week to decide on an appropriate name for it! *does a dance of joy*