Ooh! I check my flist once more before bed, and what do I find?
Covers for the third Serenity comic! And they're every bit as funny as I expected them to be, given the first six. River's isn't so humorous -- it just has a very "I *hart* Adobe Illustrator kthxbye!!1"-type vibe. And I do find it funny how obviously it was referenced from what is probably the most widely-used
promo shot of River. Wash's I can't
wait to caption. (Oh, I hope it's the next subject of Caption Tightpants on FFF.n!) It looks like poster art for "The Sound of Music:
In Space!"
1 And the idea of Simon with a huge gun makes me snerk mightily. Look at that arm! Look at those muscles! He's a
doctor, yet it looks like his head has been pasted on the body of... I don't know, Gaston? And he's dressed like a Ren Faire reject. He looks like he should have a ponytail for some reason. Silly boy.
1 "The Sound of Music: In Space". Maybe "The Sound of Music: 3000" would sound better, as there is no sound in space, and therefore no sound of music. Of course, the events of
Firefly happen in [I don't have the patience to look up the date], and you KNOW that in "The Sound of Music: In Space" they fight Space Nazis, so I'm going with that.
And now I'm going to bed. May visions of shirtless Sean Maher dance in my head!