Whew! Just got back from my Virtual World Design presentation, which went swimmingly. Ari and David are programming gods. That is, they are gods of programming, rather than somehow engaging in the act of coding the inner workings of deities. And my artwork and animation went over well, so yay. And I figured out how to compress movies in AfterEffects, so I'll definitely be able to upload my animation final project when it's done. One more project out of the way!
Still To Do:
10-page paper for Networked Life. Due tomorrow at noon.
Short paper 1-2 pages for (much needed) extra credit for Networked Life. Due tomorrow at noon.
MASSIVE CRAM SESSION and half a semester's worth of reading catch-up for Networked Life. Exam tomorrow at noon.
Finish animating "Little Old Lady Land," futz with timing of certain sequences in AfterEffects, as some of it came out much slower than I intended. Must be rendered, edited together, etc, before I leave Saturday afternoon.
Find time to PACK everything, as the storage company is coming Saturday morning.
Come up with something for Mothers Day.