International Serenity Trailer is online! Gah, I have chills. The one word to describe it: YES. This is what the movie is like! Delicious Whedonesque snarky dialogue, thrills and hijinks, and oh look! Kaylee is actually in this movie! No sign of Book, though. Oh well. I don't think anyone would deem it spoilery if I said that Book's scenes, while wonderful, aren't exactly trailer material.
THIS is a trailer that would make me interested in seeing the movie. The first trailer, while squeeworthy in its "New Canon! EEEE!" quotient, didn't really do the job.
Gah, I can't wait until September 30th, when everyone else gets to see the movie.
P.S. Did they change the Serenity logo
again? Not really sure whether I like the new more than the old, but as far as I'm concerned, the further they can get away from that Papyrus font, the better.