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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
![]() *silent scream of joy*
A Joss-Penned episode of Veronica Mars? I think I just died of potential happiness. Priscilla said at 3:40 PM ![]() Arg. I wish Outlook didn't automatically compensate for time zone shifts. When I change my clock from Central to Eastern Standard, it also changes all my appointment times to be an hour later. I'm sure there are some people in the world that appreciate that, but I know I don't. If I set an appointment in the future, when I'm going to be in a different time zone, I set it for Priscilla Standard Time time. I don't think "Well, it's at 3 EST, but that would be 2 CST, so I'm going to set it for 2 now so that when I get to Philly, it'll be right."
*kicks Outlook for being yet another straw to deal with* Priscilla said at 2:14 PM ![]() *sigh* Well, I'm back in Philly, waiting for my storage boxes to arrive so I can start unloading my stuff, and for Ko to arrive so that she can verify that my proposed room split is fair. Urgh, so far, my day has been one small disappointment after another. Apparently, when I checked out our future room last year, I went to the wrong room or floor or something, because this is not the room I squeed over. There are huge gouges in the carpet in the bedroom, making me wonder if the previous inhabitants kept a particularly rambunctious pet jaguar. Also, there's a massive crack in the wall next to the front door, and the door itself is split vertically almost all the way down the side. Maintenance will be getting a call before the day is out, mark my words.
Also, apparently I didn't screw the cap on a bottle all the way, and a sizeable region of my duffel became quite damp. Most of my stuff was fine -- the towels absorbed the worst of it, but the case for my Buffy season 6 DVDs looks like it has been partially digested. Oh well. At least my room looks better than Rebecca's! Priscilla said at 1:29 PM
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
![]() Am now most of the way done with packing. Because I have the self-control of a monk living in an abbey next door to a strip club, I have severely limited the number of books I'm taking, bringing along only books I haven't finished yet. I suspect the absence of my literary comfort blankie will ache like a phantom limb, but I shall prevail!
Chungy came over so we could swap back DVDs we'd borrowed from each other, but ended up staying much longer than planned. Before she arrived, I was mostly sitting around being lazy, but her presence gave me a work ethic. We joked about Napoleon Dynamite and Veronica Mars and Firefly as she helped remind me to pack essential yet easy-to-forget stuff. As we waited for my mom to return home so we could all go to dinner together, I joked about Napoleon Dynamite's brown prom suit, and how it looks laughably similar to Spike's "Randy Giles" suit in "Tabula Rasa". I started by showing her the clip, but then we ended up watching the rest of the episode. Chungy is now cursing my name, because it's motivated her to want to start watching Buffy. Bwaha! I leave for Philly tomorrow at an ungodly hour. Meh. Priscilla said at 11:58 PM ![]() *laughs* My sister watched the first three discs of Firefly. She said she liked it, but she was annoyed by River, because in the trailer for Serenity she was all kung-fu and awesome, yet on the show "so far" she was just whiny and psycho. I wonder if all the trailer inductees feel this way. XD
Priscilla said at 7:01 PM ![]() If you're a HP fan, you've probably seen this (tentative yet well-placed) spoiler for book 7. Of course, if you have any contact with the internet (as I assume my readers do XD), you were probably well aware of the fan speculation on this point, and it's fun to know that we were (probably) right.
Of course, there goes my theory that it was actually LJ user Indilime, who indeed shares those same initials. Priscilla said at 5:06 PM ![]() Excerpt from Thud!, the next Discworld novel! Out September 13th.
Priscilla said at 12:32 PM ![]() I just got an email from a former Photography teacher, informing me that the trip she was planning to Sierra Gorda in Mexico had fallen through. My mom and I and several other photographers were going to all go together. While disappointing, this does mean that I'll be spending my 21st birthday with my family, and keeping intact our perfect "entire family together for Thanksgiving and Christmas" record another year.
Priscilla said at 10:10 AM ![]() Listened to the Rent CD last night. Remembered that "Christmas Bells" will not be included in the movie. Am despondent and inconsolable.
Though slightly consoled upon hearing the news that In Style magazine has devoted several pages of its most recent issue to upcoming Sci-Fi movies, including Serenity and Inara's pretty dress. I am so amused. Priscilla said at 9:32 AM
Monday, August 29, 2005
![]() Session 165: The latest (last?) clip from the Session 416 Serenity guerilla marketing campaign. Yeah, that's our River...
Priscilla said at 6:11 PM
Sunday, August 28, 2005
![]() They're building a Stargate!
Priscilla said at 5:57 PM
Saturday, August 27, 2005
![]() I love, love, love, love, love, love, love fandom. I know that if I ever accidentally do something stupid, there are always people out there more pathetic than me. It's not H/Hr shippers in general that are delusional, it's just you. XD
Petition Spot: Harry and Hermione are destined for each other. Priscilla said at 7:23 PM ![]() Caved to peer pressure and threw my name in the Snaps Cup.
Priscilla said at 7:15 PM ![]() Zounds. Not only has Serenity just broken into the IMDB Top 250, but it's currently topping the Sci-Fi charts, as well, nudging Star Wars out of the top spot. And all this before entering distribution! Mmm, heresy sweet heresy!
I'm torn between "But Serenity is fantastic!" and "But it's Star Wars!" It's also in 2nd place on the 2000-2009 list, second only to "Return of the King". Of course, I'm not deluding myself. I'm sure a number of fans have given it a "10" before they've even seen it, and however awesome the movie is, I imagine the score will change when it reaches a wider audience. Still, I feel a "BOOYEAH!" is appropriate. Priscilla said at 6:05 PM
Friday, August 26, 2005
![]() *snorks* Meghan posted this link in the comments, and I want to make sure everyone sees it. Summary Execution: Greatest Hits!
Priscilla said at 12:37 PM ![]() Best Serenity review EVER. No spoilers, contrary to the warning at the top. Registration required, but it's free and takes no time at all, and worth it to be able to read this review! *dies laughing*
Priscilla said at 12:13 PM ![]() Zounds! My blogger post count just started working again, and apparently this will be the 5005th entry in "Cult of Lincoln"! That definitely merits special recognition. And to mark such a momentous occasion, I will post a meme. Ganked from everybody.
Make a list of all the characters in your icons. (Although you may have more than one icon of a single character, they only go on the list once.) Alphabetize it. Take the first two people on the list; that's your first pairing. Second two people; second pairing. Etc. I have a ridiculous number of icons, so I'm only posting the highlights: Andrew Wells (Buffy)/Anthony Crowley (Good Omens) -- they try so hard to be evil! Charlie Pace (Lost)/Cordelia Chase (Angel) -- There's something satisfying about the way their names sound together. Darth Vader (SW)/Dawn Summers (Buffy) -- Hah! Well, she already had one crush on a guy that was evil, but turned good. French Taunter (Monty Python)/George W Bush -- Quite possibly my favourite pairing EVER God (Monty Python)/Gollum (LotR) -- Kills me dead. Harry Potter/Hermione Granger -- About as likely as any of the rest of these pairings! *ducks* Kaywinnit Lee "Kaylee" Frye (Firefly)/Kip Dynamite (Napoleon Dynamite) -- Fed up with her inability to connect with Simon, Kaylee finds someone so open with his feelings that he will compose a song for her upon their wedding! Mooch (Mutts)/Nagini (HP) -- though I think a relationship between an evil snake and a lovably dimwitted, naive cat is doomed from the start Napoleon Dynamite/Princess Leia (SW) -- HAHAHAHAHA. Spike (Buffy)/Spongmonkey (We Like Tha Moon) -- Well, fans have paired Spike with everyone with or without a pulse. It was inevitable. Priscilla said at 11:04 AM
Thursday, August 25, 2005
![]() RAGE. Went back to work on the QSA site, which I had been putting off for most of the summer, only to find that on my new laptop, I don't have the main font I used for the layout, and that the only FTP program I have that connects with their finnicky server is the one that crashes my computer if I use it for more than a few minutes at a time. And I just wiped my old laptop THE DAY BEFORE YESTERDAY.
Does anyone have the font TrajanPro Regular? I don't want to have to pay the $22 to get it again. Priscilla said at 12:57 PM ![]() Session 22, the next Serenity viral marketing clip. Heartwrenching.
Plus bonus spoof from online comic Checkerboard Nightmare. (Also, The Signal #8 is out!) Priscilla said at 9:43 AM
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
![]() An excellent review of Serenity from a Firefly virgin. Makes some interesting points about sci-fi and CG. Mild spoilers.
Also, Serenity wins the Edinburgh Film Fest Audience Award. Priscilla said at 9:20 PM ![]() EEE! A followup to the unbelievably creepy "Session 416": Session 1. And HAHAHA, it's JOSS. In both clips! (And duh me, "John Dowses" is an anagram of "Joss Whedon")
Spoiler-free. Priscilla said at 12:48 AM ![]() I think I just hurt myself laughing.
Scientologist Tom Cruise revealed that he is much older than the forty three years he has spent in his present body.And it gets even better! P.S.: My possible ancestor kicked your past life's scrawny midget backside. Priscilla said at 12:39 AM
Monday, August 22, 2005
![]() HOLY. IMDB has a poll for the "September release you're most looking forward to", and Serenity is winning so far, even beating out Corpse Bride! Vote, and help increase awareness in the movie-loving community! Or something!
Priscilla said at 2:40 PM ![]() Dude. The new GoF trailer is awesome! Download and watch it, then after you've recovered somewhat, give the Rocked-Out Hedwig's Theme a listen!
Oh, and Happy Birthday to Percy Weasley. *makes face at mother* Priscilla said at 10:54 AM ![]() The Star Wars Kid. How am I only just seeing this now?
Priscilla said at 12:53 AM ![]() Oh my god. For those of you that died laughing at the Sam and Gollum Tater Rap, now They're Taking the Hobbits to Isengard! I almost couldn't see the screen at some points, as I was laughing so hard I was in tears.
Linked from wtf_inc. Priscilla said at 12:31 AM
Sunday, August 21, 2005
![]() Good news yesterday, coinciding nicely with James Marsters' birthday! It looks like the Spike TV movie might actually happen, and if so, it will be written and directed by Tim Minear! Glee!
Of course, I still don't really like the idea of having any kind of resolution from the Angel season 5 cliffhanger. (I give comics the canon-credibility of good fanfic.) And seeing as how SMG and David Boreanaz wouldn't go near the project for all the tea in China, the lack of both Spuffy and delightful Spike/Angel snark would be quite a downer. Maybe Tim will go in the opposite temporal direction and write about the wacky evil hijinks of Spike and Dru? Feh, whatever. I trust Tim, and I trust Joss. And seeing the gruesome fate that has befallen (that is so not a word. that befell?) Tim's recent projects, in spite of their brilliance, I'm not getting my hopes up. I just hope he can work with someone other than Fox. Priscilla said at 10:06 PM ![]() I love getting references and jokes years after I hear them. Senior year, for some bizarre occasion, my friend Julia came to school in her father's old lederhosen. A few weeks later, in the April Fools' day edition of our school newspaper, they featured a photo of Julia from that day, with the caption "Julia Tucker-Huth dresses in lederhosen and gets drop-kicked into a fjord." I found the line utterly hilarious at the time, and now, two and a half years later, I find that the line originated in an episode of The West Wing. It's like an easter egg for me alone!
Priscilla said at 6:42 PM
Saturday, August 20, 2005
![]() Well, that was out of the ordinary.
Yesterday, my dad and I went down to our old house in East Texas to start cleaning everything out. We're selling it, as Bush makes everybody poor. After boxing up a bunch of books and toys for goodwill, we decided to take advantage of the good light and photograph this lot that had a bunch of old cars. I was delighted, as I'd gotten some lovely images (I'll post the digital ones in my LJ later). As we were getting ready to go, my dad pointed out this broken down Model-A truck from the 20's that we hadn't noticed. I took a few steps towards it, then started feeling slightly nauseous. I started walking back to the car to sit down and turn on the AC, I suddenly got hit with a wave of dizzyness and heat. As my dad guided me the few steps to the car so I could sit down, my vision went nearly black. I sat down in the driver's seat, then realized that if we were going to go somewhere to get some water, I'd need to be elsewhere, so as soon as my vision was back to normal, my dad guided me around to the other side of the car to the passenger seat, so that I could get some air. By the time we arrived at the nearby convenience store, I felt more-or-less okay again, though still unsettled. We decided to drive home then, rather than staying overnight as planned. We stopped for dinner, because in a blood test two days prior, a doctor told me that I had low blood sugar. By the end of the meal, I felt fine. I just got off the phone with the doctor, who diagnosed it as hypoglycemia and gave me some advice as to what I should do until my mom gets back in town and we have a more formal meeting to discuss the results of the blood test. All is being taken care of! And now: more West Wing. Ko has said she will disown me if I don't watch the first season over the summer. Man, there are few things more depressing than getting sucked in to the first eight episodes, then to get in your car and be greeted by the soothing strains of Air America Radio and remembering what your real presidential cabinet is like. Priscilla said at 3:45 PM
Friday, August 19, 2005
![]() Clone High on DVD (in Canada) September 20th. I think "EEEEEEEEEEEEE!" sums up my reaction nicely. Thanks to Rebecca for the link! Now they just have to release Invader Zim on DVD with a price that doesn't amount to highway robbery.
Priscilla said at 10:40 AM ![]() Really rabid shippers kill me dead. Thanks to Chungy.
Priscilla said at 12:02 AM
Thursday, August 18, 2005
![]() *snorks* The girl playing "Buffy" in an episode of Smallville was Rachel on Animorphs. And looking back at Shawn Ashmore's credentials (Jake on Animorphs), I'm reminded that he was also on Smallville, playing "Eric Summers". Mmm, irony! (But where, dear IMDB, is the mention of Shawn's stint on Veronica Mars? Did I just hallucinate all those episodes? *surfs around* Holy cow, he has a twin brother!)
Anyway, I love the endearing idiocy of Smallville. It's so so very painfully bad, and that makes it special. Priscilla said at 11:44 PM ![]() Does it seriously bother anyone else that Jason Fox has not read Harry Potter?
Priscilla said at 10:50 PM ![]() Firefly fans: Check out Session 416. Morbid and creepifying. To quote Beth, "Universal's marketing campaign just got a LOT more interesting."
Spoilerphobes need not worry. It's not from the movie. Those that have seen Serenity are just as creeped out as you. Though you might want to tread lightly in the discussion on Whedonesque. Priscilla said at 10:12 PM
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
![]() We have a release date for the Serenity soundtrack: September 27! *toddles off to listen to the sample tracks again*
Priscilla said at 2:22 PM
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
![]() Priscilla said at 9:48 PM ![]() Serenity article from Entertainment Weekly
A rather humorous post from Joss: Serenity Alternative Taglines A rather awesome fanvid: "Big Damn Heroes" Priscilla said at 8:37 PM ![]() This entry was originally timestamped August 8, 1:14PM
The first chapter of the Serenity novelization has been posted. Spoiler free -- it's backstory for the uninitiated, essentially the battle scene and "deleted scene" from the episode "Serenity". Meanwhile, Zoe Alleyne? Why have I never heard that name mentioned? I thought her maiden name was supposed to be Warren... Also, this is the first time I've seen her name spelled quasi-canonically with the umlaut. Priscilla said at 1:43 PM ![]() Yesssss! Pterry is coming to Philly! And like last time, he's touring before the book he's promoting actually comes out! He'll be at the Borders at 1 S. Broad Street on Wednesday, Sept 14, at 7PM. See the rest of his US tour dates here!
Priscilla said at 1:30 PM ![]() Lookit all the pretties! Two new promo shots of the Serenity cast, one from Entertainment Weekly and the other from sources unknown! Haha, Ron is adorable.
And check out some of the Lost German trailer links! Priscilla said at 9:49 AM ![]() This post originally timestamped August 6, at 11:46PM.
Gah, that was terrifying. Tonight, we got together with another couple and their friend for a birthday dinner. We arrived in two cars, as my parents, my aunt, and I wanted to visit the Art Fest beforehand. The first car was a massive suburban. The second was a lightweight little Jeep. I chose to ride home in the Jeep with my uncle, partly for the conversation and partly to observe him driving stick (he's been giving me lessons). Now, we got a lot of rain during dinner, so the roads were still pretty wet, the sky was rapidly darkening, and the ride from town to my aunt and uncle's cabin was about an hour. The road was more or less empty all the way, and of course, in the winding mountain roads, there were no street lights. About halfway in, the headlights suddenly went out. We slowed to a stop as my uncle attempted to fiddle with the various knobs and levers and switches on the dash and steering column. I was pretty much paralyzed with fear. I wasn't thinking rationally, terrified that someone could suddenly barrel into us without us seeing them. As if all cars suddenly didn't have headlights, rather than just ours. And our car was a tiny Jeep! We could be crumpled like tinfoil! Stupid irrational brain. Eventually, my uncle got the lights working again, but after that, I was living in constant fear that they would go off again. And my fears were justified, because about 5 minutes from their cabin, the lights went out again. My uncle kept fussing with the switch he'd found before, but the lights would only blink on for a second or two, then turn off again. After about a minute of flipping the switch on and off, our headlights blinking like morse code, my uncle pulled over and waited for my aunt and my parents in the massive Suburban to catch up with us. While we were waiting, my uncle managed to get a steady again, but we figured it would be safest to have an escort. A few minutes later, my aunt showed up, and wouldn't you know it? The lights stayed on for the entire rest of the ride home. Priscilla said at 9:43 AM
Saturday, August 13, 2005
![]() Dear New Serenity Website,
"Shepard" is spelled "Shepherd". And although I'm all about expanding the viewership, I think that calling the movie "Serentity" will draw entirely the wrong kind of audience. Maybe the Harry Potter fandom can lend you some of its grammar junkies to keep you on track? Love, Priscilla I've been refraining from posting since I got back from Colorado, merely because I can't be bothered to finish the posts I started writing when I was there. So there's going to be some retroactive posting going on this week. :D First off, I love that Leaky felt compelled to post about Joss Whedon fangirling Veronica Mars. And then I love that Whedonesque posted about the Leaky Cauldron posting about their post in which Joss demonstrated his VM love. Fandom cracks me up! Now we just need Leaky to post about Whedonesque posting about its previous post! Anyway, those that haven't seen Veronica Mars or Firefly yet, shame on you! Go to your nearest video store and buy/rent Firefly, whilst downloading all the Veronica Mars episodes on BitTorrent! Season 1 comes out on DVD October 11th, if I recall correctly, which is probably after Season 2 premieres, so you'll need to resort to shady practices to be ready in time. And if it comes down to watching Veronica Mars or Lost for you? Watch Veronica. And then, you can watch the Serenity trailer dubbed in German. Remote-Controlled Humans Microsoft Weasley Clock? GoF preview footage! Looks to be awesome. Caps from Indy here! Posts from the Colorado trip coming soon. Priscilla said at 1:29 PM
Friday, August 05, 2005
![]() Ooooooooh! The Serenity "Behind the Scenes" featurette (which has been airing in select theatres in front of riveting summer dramas such as "Must Love Dogs") is now available on the internet! Click "Featurette: An Inside Look." Requires Internet Explorer, Flash, and Windows Media.
The official Whedonesque post is here. If you're having difficulties viewing the clip, I'm sure fans will hack the site and post more compatible versions for download in the next few hours. Priscilla said at 5:00 PM ![]() In Colorado! On the plane flight over, Mom and I watched "The House of Flying Daggers" on my laptop, which we had rented for the trip. Ooh! I forgot to mention that my Blockbuster is having a "three pre-viewed DVDs for $25" sale, and the selection is actually pretty good. Yesterday, I bought The Incredibles, Phantom of the Opera, and Spiderman 2. Anyway, moments after settling in, I melted into a rather delicious nap. My aunt and uncle have furnished their home with some of the most comfy, nap-encouraging chairs and couches I have ever encountered. We spent a lot of time just talking, then Aunt Janet, my mom, and I made dinner, which was delicious. Though even better than the food was the conversation! My dad, my uncle, and I approach meals as though dinnertime conversation is a constant pun competition. It's so much fun!
Some links: Mollyringwraith's HBP Condensed (Part 1). Seriously funny. RENT movie poster! Me like. 5 Reasons to Watch Veronica Mars. No Really. Spoiler-free! Priscilla said at 12:12 AM
Thursday, August 04, 2005
![]() Off to Colorado! My parents and I are going to spend today through Tuesday with my aunt and uncle in their home in Colorado. Woohoo! I will have internet access, but I won't be spending much time online, so if you want me to see something, email it to me, rather than expecting me to see it in your blog or LJ. And I doubt I'll have much luck with cell phone reception.
Anyway, to ease the horror and withdrawal symptoms of my absence, entertain yourself with my snippet from Frogslayr's HBP Readaloud. I do a couple pages from "Draco's Detour." I fail at being British, but it was still quite a lot of fun! Also, here's a pretty desktop I made with the new Serenity poster art. When I get back, I'll post versions for other resolutions, if anyone else wants it. The massive Book 6 WIAN revamp is still in the works. Hopefully, I'll have access to whatever I need to get it done by the time I get home. Loff! Priscilla said at 9:51 AM
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
![]() *hisses* I spent all that time at the Apple store, and the course of action they recommended didn't even work. Back to square one.
Priscilla said at 3:16 PM
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
![]() Sick, sick, sick, sick, sick. Evil and sick and totally absurdly stupid. Wisconsin has passed a bill entitled UW Birth Control Ban-AB 343, which prohibits University of Wisconsin campuses from prescribing, dispensing and advertising all forms of birth control and emergency contraceptives. Read the full article and try to resist the urge to vomit.
Related: Do you want John Roberts to reveal his views about the right to choose abortion before the Senate votes on whether to elevate him to the U.S. Supreme Court? If you're like more than half of Americans, your answer is a resounding yes. Join us in demanding that he answer the question. Sign the Planned Parenthood Two Million for Roe petition. Priscilla said at 10:49 PM ![]() *hisses* I just waited in line an hour at the Apple store to be told "visit our website!"
When it's good, it's very very good, and when it's bad, it's horrid. Priscilla said at 7:44 PM ![]() New Rent trailer!
Bonus Content for the Lost season 1 DVD. EEEEEEEEEE!!!! Commentaries by David Fury, Terry O'Quinn, and Dominic Monaghan? And a 7th disc of nothing but extras? With Dom and Jorge reading for Sawyer? And all those deleted scenes! Oh my god, I must see this! Sounds like just what the doctor ordered to reawaken the Lost love, which has been in remission for the past few months. From Indy: Lovely GOF pics! Mmmmm, Cedric... Anyway, last night I was invited to attend an advance screening of The Chumscrubber. Director Arie Posin and Producer Bonnie Curtis were both in attendance and did a Q&A session afterward. First off, wow. Comparisons with Donnie Darko are definitely justified, though I definitely prefer Donnie Darko. Although I felt the "chumbscrubber" metaphor wasn't really thought through, the movie nevertheless was well-scripted, well-acted, and delightfully well-executed. There's a blend of whimsy and dark humor, coupled with stark adolescent cruelty and inability to communicate, that make this film experience simultaneously horrible and delectable. See it if you get the chance. Priscilla said at 10:55 AM
Monday, August 01, 2005
![]() Very awesome and rather lengthy interview with Joss Whedon! Very, very mild spoilers for Serenity. I'm quite spoilerphobic, but I would not have balked at these comments. Though there's one thing Joss confirms that even the fans that have seen the movie didn't know for sure, though the entire fandom was more or less convinced of it. If that makes any sense.
(P.S. River is made of chocolate!) Priscilla said at 3:00 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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