*laughs* The clip answering the question "who's at the door?" in the season finale of
Veronica Mars has been
leaked. (If the video doesn't work, try it with
VLC) Now the question remains: Are they kidding?
First off, from the promo, unless the scene with Logan was a flashback (which it can't be, because it was day), it's pretty much impossible for Logan to be the one at the door. So we ask ourselves: Would Rob Thomas--the man who scripted two alternate endings for the season in the event the fandom figured out the identity of the killer--let the answer to the biggest VM question on the net get leaked?
The answer: heck yes, just not the correct one!
I heard somewhere that Joss Whedon, in an attempt to throw a wrench in the spoiler factory, filmed two alternate endings for the last scene in
Buffy season 6: one in which Spike got his soul, and the other in which he gets his chip removed. That way, no one involved with the show could say for sure which scene would be used. I'm not sure if this story is actually true, but I definitely wouldn't put it past Joss to try it with such a major reveal.
Therefore, I stand by my guns. I don't like it, but I'm convinced that Duncan is behind the door, despite the
307-ers protests. Of course, if the 307 theory is true, I will be utterly overjoyed at the sheer geekiness of the writers, and won't mind at all that I was completely and utterly wrong. Viva los fan speculation!
(Hey, wouldn't now be a good time to
preorder the VM DVDs on Amazon? Out October 11th!)