MAN. Rebecca and I had
this same idea when we were in New York last Spring. Except we called it "Corpse Cam", and our scam was going to be a lot more in-depth. A section of the site about the "deceased" (played by me), a fake Livejournal for our girl that went back at least several months, etc. Come on, if you're going to run an internet gag, go full hog!
So I'm back in Philly. Since I arrived, I have had leftover pudding, put away 2/3 of my clothes, and recounted the plot of
Serenity to Ko, who would rather wait for it to come out on DVD than see it in theatres due to the violence.
Meanwhile, here's
a list of organizations whose offers of aid have been denied. Shame on you, Michael Brown. Shame on you, George Bush. This is disgusting.