new Goblet of Fire trailer is out, and it's AWESOME. The CG alone makes my heart go pitter-pat. I'm quite curious, however, what happened to the Beauxbatons boys and the Durmstrang girls, and I'm slightly irked that their Mad-Eye Moody and Madame Maxime are so off base of my mental image (wasn't she supposed to have olive skin?), but overall, my reaction is a massive SQUEE.
Of course, amidst all this stuff I can't wait to see brought to life, there's also a lot of stuff I just don't want to see. Ko and I were discussing the darkness in the later books, and how our mental images are scary enough. I don't want to see Pettigrew chop his own arm off. I don't want to see Harry's detention with Umbridge. I don't want to see the cave scene in HBP, or Sirius' death. I also don't want to see a lot of silly Harry/Ginny fluff, but that's for entirely different reasons. Ko and I are worried that even though this movie is PG-13, parents will take their kids anyway, and they'll have nightmares as a result. I don't know how you can do justice to the books without causing a few nightmares. Feh.