Wow, how psychological of me! I was being all petulant and frustrated about being deprived of My Shows, with the news about
The Inside and the fact that last night's
Lost episode wasn't up on iTunes until this morning. Even though I'd been so disenchanted with the show, my desire to watch the show to spite The Man was even greater. As a result, once I finally got to see it, I enjoyed it a great deal more than I probably would have in a different frame of mind. I am such a tool. XD
Mr. Clean Locke wins for his "Who are we to tell anyone what they can or can't do?" comment. THANK YOU FOR SAYING TO JACK WHAT NEEDED TO BE SAID. Not your show, Jack! You were supposed to be killed off in the Pilot!
Second, Jin/Sun (or maybe Jin/Sun/Hat) is SO my
Lost OTP, pending Hurley/Whatserface. Charlie, stop being a moron and I'll give you a second chance.
Lastly, the folks on
TWOP are calling for a ninja army. Mwaha!
In other news, I'm looking at DVD Recorders, rather than a VCR. Does anyone have experience with them? How important is it to get one with a hard drive?