Back from Kevin Smith, which was four hours of awesome. Now I need four hours of sleep. Actually, I'd rather have 6-7 hours, but I wanted to make the funny.
In the meantime, someone apparently nominated me for Ms SEAS:
This will not be your ordinary pageant -- the Engineering Student Activities Council is looking for SEAS undergrads who embody what it means to be a Penn Engineer. Candidates will go through a competition based on Q&A, talent, and fashion -- with a SEAS twist. On April 4th, student-selected nominees will compete for the inaugural crowns of Mr. and Ms. SEAS!
Okay, 'fess up. It's rather perplexing, as anyone that would like me enough to nominate me should know that I'm all about bringing the pretty, and I can't work the Computer Science to save my life.
I have no idea why I'm phrasing sentences in this manner, either. Perhaps Kevin Smith is to blame, but most likely it's just me being tired. Good night, and good luck. Or something.