I love the Geico gecko, but what's his accent supposed to be? Ko an I are flummoxed. Australian upper class?
Keith Olberman on
The Colbert Report makes me a happy Cellie. His occasional bits on
Crooks and Liars are worth a smile, if not a great, appreciative guffaw.
Pat Robertson continues to be an idiot. Instead, I will think about his nominal spoonerism,
Robert Pattinson, who is hilariously ridiculous, but at least pretty. Or I could look at these
new James-Marsters-on-Smallville photos, but Mars Jamesinters isn't a person. And I think I need to go to sleep before I write something else I'll go "wha??" about in the morning.
Also surreal is this month's
The Onion horoscope for Saggitarius:
Despite the niggling feeling that you require medical attention, you will continue to leave the symptoms of schizophrenia untreated this week after management at Pixar awards you yet another raise for the facility and inventiveness with which you anthropomorphize inanimate objects.
*calmly hides Pixar summer internship application, steps away from the computer, and goes to bed*