In the wake of all my annoyance over petty, trivial things, I will take a moment to show my appreciation for other petty, trivial things, like the crisp, clean feel of a new mouse.
My brain just transplanted "computer mouse" for "rodent" to hilarious effect.
It's a five-button optical mouse, because that was the only option that wasn't a weird shape or wireless. I don't trust wireless mice. Of course, until now I didn't trust optical mice, because the optical mice we used at my high school were junk. Clearly, the past four years have been kind to optical mouse technology, because this baby points to things like a dream.
If only the two extra mouse buttons weren't so easy to press! I deactivated them this morning, because I kept clicking when I didn't mean to and losing LJ comment entries and whatnot. So now I have a three-button mouse with safety bumpers.
Why on earth am I writing about mice? If you're still reading, I simultaneously love and fear you. Shutting up now.
To stop this entry from being completely useless, here's the most useful
Lost fansite ever: Thanks to Indy for the link.