HOLY COW, last night's
LOST. It was like
Fight Club meets
Buffy's "Normal Again"! That episode was so much crazy fun. Combine it with last night's
Veronica Mars and you have an hour of television that redefines awesome. On one network, OH MY GOOD GRAVY, WEEVIL! On the other, GREAT GOOGLY MOOGLY, HURLEY! Mac! Beaver! Logan! Thumper! Wallace! Jackie! Dave! Sawyer! Jin! Henry! Libby! Charlie! And lots of wasted food.
Dude, what would Claire have to say about Hurley taking that entire tub of peanut butter? Anyway, best moment ever: Jin and Sun cracking up as Hurley whaled on Sawyer.
House and
The Daily Show are next! Plus James on tonight's
Smallville. *does a dance*