I am sooooooo tiiiired. And tonight's almost certainly going to be an all-nighter. I managed to punch out three hours of sleep last night, mostly because I knew I'd need it to complete my crime cinema paper tonight. I set my alarm for 6:45, yet I naturally woke up at 6, and it wouldn't let me go back to sleep for more than 5-minute intervals. I woke up for real at 6:13. My biological clock HATES ME.
How did it become the last week of classes already?
This Week in God-Forsaken-Me:
Monday: Figure Modeling crit
Tuesday: A bunch of two-page Crime Cinema mini-papers that I'd gotten way behind on--I turned in three this day, with two more to go for Thursday.
Wednesday: Big math project presentation at noon, Math homework I've only half-completed due at 5
Thursday: Crime Cinema final paper, remaining mini-papers
Friday: CSE Homework, which I've half-completed.
After that, I'll sleep for a solid week, waking up briefly to go to the
Body Worlds exhibit before it leaves town, catch up on the TV I missed, and start studying for exams and polishing my demo reel and internship applications.
Tues, May 2nd: Math exam at noon, writeup of Math presentation due. Also
Proven Guilty released in the US!
Wed, May 3rd: Figure Modeling final crit at 10:30
Fri, May 5th: CSE final at 9 in the frickin' morning