Makani posts Lost doodles, one of which includes Sawyer reading HP&HBP.
Me: Sawyer's revelation reminds me of
this. XD
Makani: ahaha i've seen that xD i was going to make a comic out of the sawyer one too.. like he reads that and then yells into the camp "Hey, Snape kills Dumbledore!" and someone in the camp yells back "YOU BITCH! YOU BITCH!" and Sawyers like :]
Me: Haha, that is SO something Sawyer would do!
Hurley: [re: Sawyer's glasses] It looks like someone steamrolled Harry Potter.
Sawyer: Oh yeah? Well it looks like SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE!
Sawyer: Hey, Doc, I want my stash of medicine back.
Jack: And what can I expect in return, Sawyer?
Sawyer: I won't tell you SNAPE KILLS DUMBLEDORE.
Jack: OMG UR MEEN! *wailsob*
Sawyer: Hey, Mr Clean! Guess what?
Locke: Snape kills Dumbledore.
Sawyer: SNA-What?
Locke: The island told me.
Sawyer: O_O
Locke: Actually, I overheard you shouting the last 48 times when you were spoiling it for the tailies.
Sawyer: Harry hooks up with Ginny.
Sawyer: *smirk*