Bush, Cheney, and Doctor Gregory House: America's Superheroes. (
caps from here)
House finale spoilers!So tonight's
House? GUH. That episode was made of awesome. Awesome and a lot of gore. I had to cover my eyes in certain parts. It's nice that House's subconscious is so... vivid. Though I wonder how the slashers will spin it, with House punching Wilson and undressing Cameron (House = KINKY. Maybe
that's what the slashers will play with all summer?). Ah, fandom! And ah, the writers, poking fun at a much older canon! Moriarty? Hee!
The stuff about his leg was perplexing. It's one thing for there to be no pain, but it's totally different for him to be able to walk, even in a hallucination. Isn't there still a fairly huge section of muscle missing? Anyway, I would love to see where the writers would take his character if the pain indeed went away. Ooh, the character development potential! I was getting a bit annoyed with season 2, how the only "escalation" taking place was House being even more of an ass than before. Let's rock House's foundations a bit, shall we?