Proven Guilty day! Hope you all had a lovely May Day and didnd't get in a plane crash or your ship didn't sink, unlike MINE, which is taking on water! Stupid
Proven Guilty elevator scene. *dons tinhat and steadfastly waves Harry/Murphy shipper flag*
It's sad when your Harmonian roommate suggests you're being silly.
Anyway, here's yesterday's linkmine:
My nominee for Most Useless Person in the Universe:
Marissa Leigh.
For a link with the same initials, but which is infinitely more awesome:
Mario Live! Ganked from Beth.
"Thank You, Stephen Colbert" -- how delightful is this outpouring of Stephen!love on my flist? Delightfully delightful.
Stephen on 60 MinutesNew Mac Ads:
John Hodgman is a PC.
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 Full Trailer -- an unbelievably slow download. But the fifteen seconds I've downloaded in the last hour look pretty cool.
New Frankenmix Prompts, hurrah!