I saw
The DaVinci Code with my parents and a bunch of their friends last night. I don't know what the reviewers are smoking, because I enjoyed it. It was all ridiculously contrived, but still entertaining. I never got around to reading the book, so I don't know what the original tone was like or what was changed, but I'm not sure what else could have been done to make the film more "exciting", the aspect many of the reviewers complained it lacked. It was a little overlong, but not
King Kong overlong. Also, it was such a breath of fresh air to have our duo NOT HOOK UP AT THE END. Though it did bug me that Sophie didn't figure *anything* out, aside from that second anagram. Though she gets mad props for her rockin' reverse driving skills.
Also: I want to attend Robert's lecture at the beginning of the film! And Sir Ian, as always, is awesome.