LibraryThing, after it was plugged by Renata.
From Jane Espenson's blog, yet another brilliant trailer remix:
10 Things I Hate About CommandmentsFrom Keith:
An old man gets down with his bad self... and more!Ramesh Ponnuru (pwned) on The Daily ShowShaveEverywhere.comFrom... Moony, was it?
Male Blood Elf Napoleon Dynamite DanceReason 7 trillion, 455 million, 846 thousand, 7 hundred and 28 that
Henry Selick is AWESOME.
Quote of the day, from Jane Espenson: "See, that's the thing. There is an exception to every joke-writer's "Thou Shalt Not." If you find a really clever way to do it, feel free to break the rule! Just like a real commandment!"