Renata: Of course you can skip merrily into the sunset with us! What is your mutant superpower?
In random fandom news,
House season 2 is available for pre-order,! The release date is August 22nd, the same day as
Veronica Mars. This is getting to be a habit for you two, isn't it? Are we going to have to separate you?
Someone on wtf_inc reminded me of the
cracked-out UK Lost promo. The revelation that it was directed by David LaChapelle makes
so much sense.
And only like, two of you will get this, but it amused me too much not to post it. It's my sig graphic for the new McAnally's forums. I kept giggling like a loon throughout the entire process of making it!
And on a related note, I'm SO GLAD that
The Dresden Files doesn't have ship nicknames. "Harry/Karrin" looks and sounds too much like "
Hari Kari" to not be exploited by vengeful Harry/Susan shippers. Maybe that's why I always refer to the ship as "Harry/Murphy."