Adventures in Font Matching: Firefly and Serenity!Is it sad that I find this kind of sexy? Ah well. *thumbs nose at Chungy for thinking me a geek for knowing the name of the font used on the Dresden Files covers and parts of Battlestar Galactica*
Agency FB Bold Extended, by the way.
And it cracks me up that Fox used
1979--the font I will forever associate with Animorphs, but is probably more recognizable today as the Spider-Man movie font--to advertise
Firefly. Check out the original Fox ads
here and
here. I'm amazed it's taken this long for them to surface!
For those that don't care about fonts, um... here's
Oedipus Rex in 8 Minutes, Performed By Vegetables.
And the font they use for the title is the same as the one used for the Sci-Fi short "The Ore," and looks like an ancestor font of Lumos, the font used for chapter headings and such in the Harry Potter books, and the sub-font looks a lot like the one used on the Star Wars website circa The Phantom Menace. Shutting up now.