More sqeeful stuff for that last week of September:
- Series 2 of the new Doctor Who premieres in the US on SciFi September 29th at 9/8c. It'll be a two hour season premiere: The Christmas Invasion followed by New Earth.
- My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding, a short story collection featuring one by Jim Butcher (presumably about the marriage of werewolves Billy and Georgia), comes out October 3rd.
I honestly believe that week is going to explode from the awesome.
Edit: Though Renata points out that ASoUE #13 comes out October 13th (Friday!), not October 1st. Stupid Amazon lists the first on their Search page but the 13th on the individual page for the book. (It also lists
The Beatrice Letters as coming out on September 1st on their Search Page but the 5th on the individual page. What kind of crack are you smoking, Amazon?) Thank you, Renata! I'm so glad I didn't place my massive preorder yet! :D