Rock on, New Jersey.
While I won't be satisfied until gay marriage is legalized nationwide with all the rights and benefits awarded to same-sex couples, with so much of the nation opposed, I feel like this is the path the country has to take for the time being. With the denial of the "marriage" buzzword, I feel like many of the opponents of same-sex marriage will have less "moral" ground to stand on, and the ruling will be less likely to be overturned. Then like the ending of slavery, the rise of women's suffrage, desegregation, and every other great movement to equalize society, Americans will slowly realize that it's not the end of the world, and the wheel of progress will roll on.
Of course this ruling isn't enough. But it's a big step in the right direction.
Hey, speaking of the Conservative "gay marriage" bogeyman... I've noticed that a lot of publications are actually calling it gay marriage, and I wouldn't put it past the right wingers to try to work their base into a frenzy talking about the gay marriage "threat." I wonder if someone could analyze the ratio of publications that incorrectly refer to it as gay marriage, and compare the conservative-leaning publications/writers with those with a liberal bent.