A quarter to midnight, Ko was watching
The Two Towers:EE Commentary, and she got to the bit where Billy and Dom natter on what kind of dessert is comparable to their return after fifty minutes of non-Merry and Pippin action. I, working diligently on my fairy tales paper, went to see what she was giggling about, and we listened to the clip together.
I mused, "Mmmm, Pie."
Ko looked at me. "Let's get some."
I grinned. "Let's get some!"
So we did. We went to Fresh Grocer and got pie. Two pies, actually, but if you mention this to us we will deny it and claim it was only one. Just because I prefer Apple and she prefers Blueberry does not merit buying two pies! Also whipped cream.
We are so awesome. The rest of my life is going to suck. Where else am I going to find a roommate that will go out with me for almost-midnight pie runs after I graduate? I think that needs to be my top criterion in a potential boyfriend.
P.S. The pie was delicious. Penn friends (Penn pals? Too easy), feel free to come by and eat some! It's not like Ko and I are going to be able to finish
two pies one pie in the tree days we have before we go home.