I've watched an unusual amount of TV while working on the wig this week, so I can actually talk about pilots! Originally, I'd been planning to watch only a select few, let my flist determine the winners of the shows I didn't watch, then play catch up with those that made the cut.
Journeyman didn't really grab me, mostly because I kept comparing it unfavorably to the extraordinary
Life on Mars. It certainly has promise, but unless my flist convinces me otherwise, I won't be watching.
I haven't gotten around to watching the aired version of
Bionic Woman, but it's waiting for me when I get home.
I watched the first five minutes of
Moonlight and had to change the channel.
Returning shows:
Heroes returns with a bang, and if Hiro doesn't end up beoming Kinsei, I'll eat my Fangirl Card. I saw this coming from the first time we saw that painting of Kinsei in Linderman's collection and I noticed that he had the same facial hair as Future Hiro. And Will thought I was mad, HAH! Not sure what to call Mohinder's new friend. Has the fandom come up with a nickname yet? My top contenders are "Mister Midas" and "The Alchemist."
House was absolutely hilarious. THIS is why I love this show!
Labels: heroes, house, tv