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Friday, February 29, 2008
![]() Happy Leap Day, my lovelies!
Last night, I went with Kait and Steven to see The Farnsworth Invention, Aaron Sorkin's play about the invention of television. It was excellent--far better than the trailer on their website or the scathing review from the New York Times would lead one to believe. Unfortunately, Hank Azaria was replaced by an understudy for our show, but the replacement gave a very solid performance. His costar, Jimmi Simpson, give a heartrending portrayal of a man struggling to keep pace with his own genius, and his transition from buoyant spirit and imagination slowly giving way to frustration, exhaustion, feelings of betrayal, and finally utter despair were felt palpably throughout the theatre. The moment at which I finally recognized where I'd seen him before--playing one of the MacPoyles on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia--only made me respect him as an actor even more. I'm so glad I got to see it before it closed March 2nd! Kait wins super-love for suggesting we go. The linkspam continues: Battlestar Galactica: The Story So Far. I love my show with the silly name! April 4th, people! McSpaced is go. Fortunately, it's on Fox, so if it displays even a fraction of a glimmer of Spaced's brilliance it'll probably get canceled in a day. Google gives free voice mail to San Francisco's homeless Obama releases open letter to LGBT folks Campaign Logos Stephen Colbert Misses Starbucks Pregnant woman uses train toilet, baby slips out ...Are Edgar Wright and Diablo Cody a couple? Or is Best Week Ever joking? I only ask because their babies would be AWESOME. Priscilla said at 12:52 PM
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
![]() Political Linkspam!
Si se puede -- a really beautiful video for Obama in Spanish Viva Obama -- a really hilarious Mariachi song for Obama in Spanish And an excellent blog article: The Obama Doctrine SNL Weekend Update: Huckabee's Graceful Exit SNL: Tina Fey On The Most Important Women's News Issue. Awesome, but it would be more appreciated I didn't of want to slap Hillary in the face right now. What are you DOING, Hillary? What happened to the woman we saw giving that wonderful final statement at the Texas debates? Remember how well that went over, and how all the pundits were asking why she didn't show that side of her personality more often? Sure, it was almost word-for-word taken from Edwards' concession speech, but I was willing to forgive. Who is this bitter, mocking creature you're turning into? I understand you may be frustrated, but your snarky tirades are not presidential. Sheesh. And finally, another Fry and Laurie video for people that don't care about American politics (though it would actually make a delightful satire of the second Bush doctrine had it not been written in 1992): The Ass-Kickers Song. Labels: linkspam, obama is awesomesauce, politics Priscilla said at 9:49 AM
Monday, February 25, 2008
![]() We at Cult of Lincoln felt that the first episode of Fire At My Workplace was so successful we decided to bring it back for Round Two!
![]() First, we noticed the smell of smoke. Then, we noticed the five firetrucks outside (the other two were in the other direction). Then we noticed the steady stream of smoke emanating from the the sewer grate nearest our building and a flickering red glow coming from below, with occasional mini-explosions therein. A fireman removed the sewer grate... and the fire TRIPLED in intensity! In the red-orange glow, we could discern actual flames! Hey, maybe we shouldn't be breathing this stuff in. After about fifteen minutes of us gawking, they turned on the hose. Then after about ten minutes of that, the fire still wasn't completely out, and they changed the direction of the hose. And then I went back to work. Not sure what's happening now. But it's probably awesome. Labels: i love my job Priscilla said at 3:46 PM ![]() A massive linkspam for you!
X-Files 2 teaser from WonderCon! Photos That Look Photoshopped But Aren't Hilarious Science Fair Experiments Robot does interpretive dance of your dreams Fifteen Reasons Mister Rogers Was The Best Neighbor Ever An awesome stop-motion animation for Shakespeare fans: Next! How many plays can you identify? Best Fandomsecret Ever (thanks, Puck!) PassiveAgressiveNotes.com Coraline teaser! The same as the one we saw before, except this one wasn't filmed by a handheld camera in a 3D theatre. Silly and awesome: Record Sleeve and Money Portraits Windows 98 Jam -- a piece of music made using only default sounds from Windows 98. Sarah Silverman : Matt Damon :: Jimmy Kimmel : Ben Affleck Metaquotes: Using fandom to explain Democratic presidential candidates And in other news... Puck: ...oh, gods. Puck: There are gonna be movies for Monopoly, Candyland, Battleship, and Ouija. Me: ...those were jokes, hon. Puck: you're sure? Me: ...whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut Puck: Actually, if they do Candyland like a cartoon movie for kids, it might not be that bad. The other ones scare me. Me: Yes. Though Monopoly, if done in a completely serious, reinvent-the-wheel-taking-the-basic-concept could be potentially interesting. In a "Codex Alera was based on Pokemon" kind of way. Puck: Well, it worked for POTC. Puck: ....and failed miserably for Haunted Mansion. Puck: So there you go. Me: Yup. And The Country Bears. Puck: *fingers in ears* LA LA LA THAT DOESN'T EXIST Me: I can imagine an evil, Machiavellian Monopoly man cackling with glee as he puts people though a sinister game that will make them filthy rich or render them absolutely destitute and possibly imprisoned. Me: Like a TV game show with TEETH. Puck: Oujia might work as a cheesy horror flick. Puck: Otherwise it'll be ninety minutes back and forth of "You're moving it!" "No, I'm not!" "Stop moving it!" "I'm not!" Me: XD Me: ...Jumanji was lots of fun! Puck: Yes! Puck: Yes it was! Puck: Also Clue! Me: Yes! Me: Good point Puck: But Jumanji had Robin Williams. And Clue had Tim Curry. Me: Yes. And PotC had Johnny Depp. Me: Wilford Brimley for Monopoly Man, Y/Y? Puck: But Haunted Mansion had Eddie Murphy AND Wallace Shawn and still was made of fail. Puck: And Y Me: I like my Monopoly idea. It's like "The Most Dangerous Game," except with finance. Puck: So of course Hollywood will make it fail. Me: Of course. XD Labels: links, neil gaiman, obama is awesomesauce, wtf Priscilla said at 11:34 AM
Sunday, February 24, 2008
![]() *loud stream of expletives that lasts approximately five full minutes and focuses primarily on the offender's ancestry and sexual habits*
Ralph Nader officially announces candidacy. I can only respond thusly... Labels: oh hell no, politics Priscilla said at 1:54 PM
Friday, February 22, 2008
![]() Chad linked me to this excellent Daily Kos article comparing the Senate records of Hillary and Obama. Long, but well worth the read! I Refuse to Buy into the Obama Hype (now a supporter). The author summarizes her article thusly:
I looked up Obama and looked up Clinton [on the Library of Congress Website]. I looked at the bills that they both authored and introduced. Anyone who has been around politics, and is honest, realizes that there are a lot of reasons why a Senator votes one way or another on bills or misses votes. However an examination of the bills that each of these Senators cared enough about to author and introduce revealed much to me: what they care about, what their priorities are, how they tackle problems. And the list of co-sponsors showed something about how they lead, inspire and work with others. Finally, looking at which bills actually passed is pretty indicative of how effective each would be at getting things done.Or if you have no interest in American politics, you can check out this highly amusing Frye and Laurie sketch. Those that did read the above article are invited to view it as well. Labels: obama is awesomesauce, politics, you tube Priscilla said at 11:12 AM ![]() Grammar Tip: When asked by your roommate how late you stayed at work Wednesday night,
SAY: "I was there until 12:30." DON'T SAY: "I was only there until 12:30." The latter is symptomatic of insanity. Priscilla said at 8:07 AM
Thursday, February 21, 2008
![]() Priscilla said at 4:12 PM
Monday, February 18, 2008
![]() Woohoo, Dresden Files Ficathon! Doo eeeeet.
And AAAAAAAARGH. I just ripped my SECOND pair of jeans in TEN DAYS. Sure, these were very old jeans, but they were my favourites. Also, poor timing, universe! If this had to happen, why couldn't it have happened yesterday? I could have gone shopping today and taken advantage of all those lovely Presidents' Day sales. LIFE IS SO HARD. Oh Firefly marathon, will you make it better? Of course you will! You're a Firefly marathon! You make everything better! Maybe my ripped jeans are a sign from God that I should dress up as Delirium for Comic Con. (This moodswing is brought to you by the chromosomes XX and the color Red.) Labels: dresden files, fanfic, firefly, omg teh angst Priscilla said at 8:08 PM
Sunday, February 17, 2008
![]() Happiest of birthdays to that great heroine of PhauxCon, Xionin! Hope your day was wonderful!
Labels: birthdays Priscilla said at 7:23 PM
Thursday, February 14, 2008
![]() Now that's what I call inspirational.
Senior McCain Adviser Refuses To Campaign Against Obama. Said McKinnon (the senior McCain advisor in question), "I would simply be uncomfortable being in a campaign that would be inevitably attacking Barack Obama. I think it would be uncomfortable for me, and I think it would be bad for the McCain campaign." When is the last time a candidate has inspired that kind of emotion from members of an opposing political party, to say nothing of members of the senior staff of the opposing party's de-facto nominee? This is one more reason why I support Barack Obama. Labels: obama is awesomesauce, politics Priscilla said at 11:07 PM
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
![]() It's official: WGA strike is over! 92.5% of guild vote in favor of strike's end. *does a groovy dance* I offer my heartfelt congratulations to the brave writers who stood their ground for fair treatment and fiscal compensation for themselves and for future generations of writers, despite knowing they would suffer financial losses in the process that will likely never be recouped. I thank the members of the SGA, show crews, and more, who stood in solidarity with the writers even though they themselves would see none of the benefits of the strike, risking their livelihoods in the process.
Check out this Variety article for the status of your favourite Network shows, but here are mine: Pushing Daisies: Renewal called a "no-brainer," as it's one of ABC's top-rated scripted performers. Received a 13-episode pickup, as is standard practice among frosh skeins. Will wait until September before making a grand re-entrance, so ABC can give it a proper relaunch. House: Fox plans to extend the regular TV season in order to take advantage of late-delivered episodes from shows including "House." Heroes: With its elaborate serialized storyline, it is expected to take the summer to regroup. It will return in the fall. Does anyone know of a good article that addresses cable and other pay channels? I'd like to know what to expect regarding Psych (season finale this Friday, WOE!), Burn Notice, and Dexter. I'm currently watching what I imagine is the last episode of A Daily Show, assuming this means Jon's writers and the absent The will come back tomorrow. Yay for showing viewers how utterly crazypants Huckabee is. How the heck is he still in the race? Of course, I can't stomach McCain either. MY REPRODUCTIVE RIGHTS: YOU CANNOT HAVE THEM. Hands off my Roe v. Wade, you 71-year-old man! Shouldn't you be old enough to remember the outrageous death rate due to septic complications of pregnancy as a result of illegal, unsafe abortion? A problem that has been virtually eliminated today? Even if abortion is illegalized, abortions will still happen. Except the end result will be a dramatically increased number of women who suffer severe ramifications to their health, sometimes leading to infertility or death? Just read this doctor's truly heroic story. And when did this entry stop being about the writers' strike and start being about me soapboxing for reproductive choice? Uh... Hey! Jon Stewart is hosting the Oscars again! Sweet! Labels: jon stewart, politics, wga strike Priscilla said at 10:59 PM ![]() New chapter of Small Favor up at Jim-Butcher.com!
And a new video frow Lawrence Lessig, exploring Clinton and Obama's respective chances at beating John McCain. Definitely worth a watch. Labels: dresden files, obama is awesomesauce, politics Priscilla said at 10:38 AM
Monday, February 11, 2008
![]() Priscilla said at 3:44 PM ![]() Anonymous vs Scientology: EPIC WIN.
How am I only hearing about this now? Internets, you have failed me. Labels: intarwebs Priscilla said at 9:55 AM
Friday, February 08, 2008
![]() Aaaaaaaand I lied. See what Robert J Elisberg has to say on the matter. Hopefully it'll be over soon.
I don't care about the Oscars. I just want my Pushing Daisies back next fall. (Okay, maybe I care a little about the Oscars. I want to see the three musical numbers they do for Enchanted. But mostly Daisies.) Labels: wga strike Priscilla said at 9:26 PM
Thursday, February 07, 2008
![]() Priscilla said at 7:48 PM
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
![]() This just in: Mrs. Frizzle is a Time Lady and The Magic Schoolbus is her TARDIS.
(This INDISPUTABLE FACT is brought to you by ihasatardis.) Ten/Mrs. Frizzle OTP! Labels: fandom crack Priscilla said at 10:07 AM
Tuesday, February 05, 2008
![]() BOOYEAH! TRY TO DISENFRANCHISE THIS! My Texas driver's license satisfies your criterion of "Government-Issued Photo ID," silly poll worker. "New York" was never stipulated. I WIN!
This is the most ecstatic I've ever been about voting for a candidate. I had full-fledged Dean fever, but he was out of the running by the time Pennsylvania's primary came around. I was overjoyed at the prospect of voting Bush out of office, but I never felt the passion for Kerry that I did for Dean and as I do for Obama. And now, here we are. My ballot has been cast. I can't wait to see how the chips fall when the polls close tonight. Labels: obama is awesomesauce, politics, voting is sexy Priscilla said at 10:54 AM ![]() If you're registered in one of the twenty states holding primaries tomorrow (today? It's nearly 2am and I'm still at work...), take a moment to hear what Lawrence Lessig has to say about his perception of the difference between Obama and Hillary, and why he's supporting the former.
After that, unwind with a bit of political silliness: Is Obama a Mac and Clinton a PC? Ironic that John Hogman, who plays the PC in those ads, is both a Mac user and an Obama supporter. :D Labels: obama is awesomesauce, politics Priscilla said at 1:38 AM
Monday, February 04, 2008
I mean, I only got half a weekend! Less! I worked until midnight on Friday and spent 11 1/2 hours at work on Saturday. Then I slept half of Sunday. And now I'm supposed to accept the notion that it's MONDAY? Go peddle your lies somewhere else, calendar! Labels: i hate mondays Priscilla said at 7:54 AM
Sunday, February 03, 2008
![]() ...Bush just compared himself to Lincoln. Several times. The first of which saying that Lincoln's approval rating probably wasn't very good either.
He's like a parody of himself. Priscilla said at 9:48 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 8:54 PM ![]() Guyyyyyyys! Only two more days until I can vote for OBAMA. Go, Super Tuesday, Go!
Labels: obama is awesomesauce, politics Priscilla said at 6:04 PM
Saturday, February 02, 2008
![]() The season finale of Psych will be called "Shawn (and Gus) of the Dead."
I LOVE THIS SHOW. Priscilla said at 9:12 PM
Friday, February 01, 2008
![]() Priscilla said at 1:38 PM ![]() Woah! The guy that played Tommy in last night's Torchwood is NEVILLE'S OLDER BROTHER. That's just... neat.
Also, where is my old school Steampunk Edwardian Torchwood fanfic? Give them to us, precious! Edit: Speaking of Matt Lewis, HOLY HOTNESS, BATMAN! I'm going to heeeeeeeeeeell. Can we be magically transported to the happy day when he is no longer jailbait? Further Edit: I fail at math. I thought it was 2007. SWEET, HE'S 18! Not making me feel any less like a dirty old woman, though. Labels: torchwood Priscilla said at 12:12 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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