Chad linked me to this excellent Daily Kos article comparing the Senate records of Hillary and Obama. Long, but
well worth the read!
I Refuse to Buy into the Obama Hype (now a supporter). The author summarizes her article thusly:
I looked up Obama and looked up Clinton [on the Library of Congress Website]. I looked at the bills that they both authored and introduced. Anyone who has been around politics, and is honest, realizes that there are a lot of reasons why a Senator votes one way or another on bills or misses votes. However an examination of the bills that each of these Senators cared enough about to author and introduce revealed much to me: what they care about, what their priorities are, how they tackle problems. And the list of co-sponsors showed something about how they lead, inspire and work with others. Finally, looking at which bills actually passed is pretty indicative of how effective each would be at getting things done.
Or if you have no interest in American politics, you can check out this highly amusing
Frye and Laurie sketch. Those that did read the above article are invited to view it as well.
Labels: obama is awesomesauce, politics, you tube