*chortles* Oh, man. Apparently I'm in the minority opinion on this, but I enjoyed the heck out of
Red Dwarf: Back to Earth. It was like crackfic made canon, and I applaud the sheer balls of it.
I took particular glee in the opening of part 3, in which the crew uses overblown sci-fi lingo to describe the basic operation of a car. Dude,
that was my driver's test. My driving instructor, a guy named Ron, was the person who introduced me to
Red Dwarf. One day, we jokingly set up my driving session with gratuitous sci-fi terms, announcing stuff like:
"Ignition sequence initiated!"
"Life support systems on."
"Scan for possible collisions," and
"Activate reverse thrusters!", when turning on the car and the A/C and checking for pedestrians and whatnot. The other people in the car just kind of stared.
You were a good person to be, 16-year-old me. Rock on, you magnificent nerd. *exchanges a fist pound with former self*
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