The Cult of Lincoln

Monday, August 31, 2009

  • 00:15:40: @SheckyX That video is the most compelling argument to get me to watch old school Star Trek.
  • 09:12:09: @beckyh2112 "Sunshine" by Robin McKinley? I love that book. What did you think?
  • 09:14:10: @longshotauthor I'm stunned that the works of Joss Whedon have not answered this question for us. *gleefully awaits said apocalypsiness*
  • 09:27:56: RT @scottlynch78: New surprise is sprung: QUEEN OF THE IRON SANDS, an online serial novel unrolling at my website.
  • 09:40:12: @MickeydotFinn Would that come with an NVIDIA graphics card?
  • 10:27:03: @MickeydotFinn *jams to "Make the Logo Bigger"*
  • 11:13:39: @tomlenk NYC welcomes you!
  • 13:17:04: Finished the drawings for Alera Imperia, the Marat and herdbane, and the leviathan in the past day. Whee, it's all coming together!
  • 14:35:09: @terioncalling Oh, wow! Gorgeous!
  • 14:41:26: RT @DerekRuiz: HAHAHA... // "The World of Religion." Hilarious!
  • 14:42:08: RT @whedonesque: James Marsters in "High Plains Invaders", tonight on SyFy // *laughs until she cries*
  • 14:47:01: @terioncalling That hat is GLORIOUS.
  • 16:41:02: @NewMexiKo Want my recipes for Pear and Cream Cheese, Peach Ginger, and Apple and Gruyere pies?
  • 17:35:09: @edeainfj Eee, congrats to your sibling!
  • 18:02:36: @MickeydotFinn Love it! And my boots aren't from any episode--my costume was of comic book Wendy Watson.
  • 19:00:01: @ShannonKButcher *glances over at Jim, typing frantically in servitude to the treacherous deadline beast* Dark and tortured. Gotcha.
  • 19:00:45: @ksmccarthy24 *tacklesnugs* Glad the world is back on track!
  • 19:04:22: ...Did Ehren just do a Wilhelm scream? ilu so hard, audiobook reader Kate Reading, even though you make Tavi sound like a whiny brat in CaF.
  • 19:07:25: @ShannonKButcher You're so good to your men! Now I want cinnamon rolls, too. Living above a grocery store is a daily test of my fortitude!
  • 19:09:58: @ksmccarthy24 @Dark_Puck Simple. California is full of stars, and stars are big, fiery balls of burning gas. QED.
  • 19:13:04: ...There are mountains north of Alera Imperia? *grumbles and adds them in* Man, why didn't I do this read-through weeks ago?
  • 19:19:25: @MickeydotFinn I can hurt you.
  • 19:41:12: @MickeydotFinn That reminds me. @LongshotAuthor claimed that FLF would be about bunnies. I assume they'll play a role in the last 2 chps?
  • 20:00:47: Seamless Web allows you to tweet the orders you place? Wow. THAT'S why some people think Twitter is useless.
  • 20:05:56: Whee, finished the eagle crest!
  • 20:21:35: It cracks me up when people online call me ma'am. Dude, "ma'am" is my grandmother.
  • 23:03:19: RT @lisawalkscom Just 6 auctions left in this batch! Have you taken a look? Proceeds to @avonwalks for breast cancer!
  • 23:05:45: Man, my energy level suddenly plummeted. Should finish redrawing Forcian orchards and mountains of Aquitaine, but ZZZZZZzzzzzzzz...
  • 23:06:19: And by Forcian I mean Rhodesian. Wow, I really *am* tired. Also nerdy.
  • 23:33:16: @SheckyX Lord, can you imagine how fast vordbunnies would reproduce? Maybe if Team Tavi needed a *real* challenge...
  • 23:34:27: @SheckyX You just lost the beignets I claimed I owed you, mister. :D
  • 23:40:50: Ooh, figured out a way of representing the Amaranth Vale without looking busy! Think I earned going to bed 20 minutes earlier than planned.

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Sunday, August 30, 2009

  • 08:01:10: @Esperacchius I know that tune. I've conducted that symphony and toured with the New York Philharmonic. My sympathies, man.
  • 08:02:53: I got eight hours of sleep! Decadence! I've been averaging 4-5 the past few map-crazed weeks, and that is NOT sustainable or healthy.
  • 08:46:00: @NathanFillion WOOHOO! *feeds the birds* What catchphrase will you popularize next?
  • 13:39:42: @ShipLizard Ask @LongshotAuthor! Related: the new "Electric Company" filmed an ep. outside my apartment last year. My building is famous!
  • 13:42:20: @Esperacchius *jabs you with a tranq dart* Better?
  • 13:45:01: @smuu It's the world's most unconventional advertising scheme. Tina Fey has a truly devious mind.
  • 13:46:35: You know what? I like adverbs. Adverbiphobes can bite me. Repeatedly.
  • 13:52:40: Gah. So much text in Ceres and the Amaranth Vale, I barely have room for the geographic features. Not how maps work, Priscilla. *tweaks*
  • 13:53:51: @Dark_Puck As @ksmccarthy24 to show you the "Adverbs are truly evil" shirt her mom made. :D
  • 15:07:10: @terioncalling Please tell me you're going to be giving us frequent status updates! I can't wait to see how this costume comes together.
  • 16:04:51: @SappySwami So. How 'bout them burning lamp shades?
  • 17:44:42: @wilw Ha! I was humming that this morning, as I performed a spontaneous hard drive purge of music I rarely listen to! Fhqwhgads stayed.
  • 17:48:41: @gypsyjr I like her already!
  • 17:53:57: @longshotauthor The Mouse may be scary, but Mouse could take him! Shame it's too late to make jokes about Wardens and pantsless ducks. :D
  • 18:27:27: @avarielwings @longshotauthor Pfft, Mister could take Demonreach. The Mouse is no contest.
  • 18:29:49: Hmm. Both of my peripherals that are unable to talk to my Mac are using the same cable. Wonder if they'll work if I use a different one...
  • 18:53:31: @horsehearted *catcalls*
  • 18:58:42: @ksmccarthy24 *hugs* You ok? *offers chocolate, ponies, and Invidia dancing with the Master to "I Can't Decide"*
  • 19:05:27: @SheckyX @horsehearted *boggles* Wow, I fail. I mistakenly thought catcalls could be positive or negative, as long as they were lecherous.
  • 19:26:08: Different cable didn't work. Now on phone with Apple. Their wait music is "Video" by India.Arie! I approve, Apple.
  • 19:45:45: @ksmccarthy24 *hugs you and Toby for good measure* I'm on, if you need virtual schnoogling.
  • 19:54:12: @longshotauthor Others have done worse. "Jim Butcher: He's not as bad as Hitler."
  • 19:55:58: @eddieizzard You're going to need a three-day-long massage when this is over. What is the world record for most marathons in shortest time?
  • 21:08:03: afdjklfasjd;fa External hard drive issues--which I'd hoped had been solved earlier tonight--resumed FIVE MINUTES after tech support closed.
  • 21:14:42: @ksmccarthy24 Reasons to be happy: John Barrowman wearing a SuperObama shirt.

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Saturday, August 29, 2009

  • 09:56:02: I am Tiger Woods!
  • 13:02:12: @SappySwami Just shared that with my coworkers. Now I'm imagining a very politically incorrect superhero squad...
  • 14:35:50: RT @sarah_haskins: This was my favorite show. RIP, Reading Rainbow. Show ends its 26 year run today. // Mine, too!
  • 15:12:26: @beckyh2112 Go for it!
  • 15:25:50: @ProfBanks My dad showed me "Baron Munchausen" when I was a kid. I loved it! Good parenting. :D I need to see it again.
  • 15:37:31: @fredhicks @xiehicks She is so beautiful. You done good. :D
  • 16:13:12: @longshotauthor In 9th grade, I wrote a parody about atomic bonds called "Ionic." I think that says everything you need to know about me.
  • 17:18:40: @anglophile80 A dress made out of money.
  • 17:19:52: @stephanieyee I would love a 4-day work week, too! Heck, I'd settle for just a 40-hour work week. *glares at 9-7 M-F schedule*
  • 17:21:09: Dear spammers, When your username is "tweetadvertise2," you aren't even trying. Love, me
  • 17:27:53: "He's like the offspring of a ninja assassin and a Christmas tree." --me, describing a coworker trying on our new mocap suit
  • 17:30:12: "I made this ridiculous BLT the other week. I'm still having dreams about it." --Pascy
  • 18:11:52: Ah, Placidus Aria. You're like Cordelia Vorkosigan with superpowers.
  • 18:24:20: @wendywoowho Which series, Codex Alera or the Vorkosigan Saga? I love them both. :D
  • 18:25:11: @boymonster How much I know, or how much I cracktheorize?
  • 18:31:39: @boymonster Ooh, I love chicken makhani! If I hadn't already had Indian about fifty times in the past week, I would totally copy your idea.
  • 18:44:40: BOOYEAH! I have Labor Day off! Three cheers for Labor Daybor!
  • 21:45:11: RT @kelldar: I want this book! // WANT! I adore him. My favourite contestant!
  • 22:53:02: Cleaning up my music library. Found Andy Serkis singing "You're the One that I Want" in his Gollum voice with Tenacious D. I love the world.
  • 22:55:11: @ProfBanks @longshotauthor Fear not! My posts about Alera stuff either pertain to the map or my re-listens to the Alera audio books. :D
  • 22:58:06: D'oh! Forgot "Psych."
  • 23:01:35: @hodgman No Scrabble game is complete without "Qi"!

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Priscilla said at 4:36 PM


Friday, August 28, 2009

  • 00:20:25: No way! Amazon shipped my order this morning, and it was waiting for me when I got home. And it was free shipping, too! I love New York.
  • 00:21:03: Saw "Viral" at the NY Fringe Festival with @spodalicious. T'was awesome. Thanks so much for inviting me, Lisa!
  • 07:40:27: @OKBJGM I believe there's an old TV show called "Sargasso Planet" that hasn't been fully mined yet. :D
  • 07:45:41: RT @scottlynch78: Website Update: The prologue to THE REPUBLIC OF THIEVES. In rtf format, u haz it.
  • 07:47:46: Not sure if I can stand to read @scottlynch78's prologue, though. Still no release date, as far as I can recall. We wants it, precious!
  • 08:00:26: RT @laughingsquid: review of Snow Leopard in @nytimes // Wow. WANT. Worth upgrading to CS4? Have CS4 at work--it sucks.
  • 12:54:57: @beckyh2112 The series is going to be seven books long! Because I need a new unfinished series like I need a hole in the head. :D
  • 12:56:24: @fredhicks Odd. At work, Photoshop CS4 is a huge memory hog. You can barely run anything else at the same time.
  • 12:58:01: Hmm, shall I watch Leverage or True Blood during my lunch break?
  • 13:51:44: Yay, a coworker actually noticed that I cut my hair! It only took what, three weeks?
  • 15:03:08: @Requiemm Long lunch? I wish! I can generally swing about 20-25 minutes. The first half of last night's "Leverage" was awesome. :D
  • 15:16:58: My coworker just sent me this Harry Potter vs. Voldemort rap. Highly amusing!
  • 15:35:34: Woohoo! Leverage is go for Season 3!
  • 15:48:53: @CapricaSeven The Dresden Files audio CDs are a treat--read by James Marsters.
  • 15:55:57: RT @nprnews: 'How Hot Is It On NYC's Subway Platforms?' WNYC Has The Startling Temps.
  • 16:46:23: @SheckyX About 5-6 inches shorter.
  • 17:00:38: @NeilMSchwartz Man, you make me want a milkshake. But I don't need a milkshake, and I had Cuban for lunch. Fiend.
  • 17:01:02: @CBSisSlayer730 Come play in New York! We'll entertain you!
  • 17:07:40: @fredhicks WANT. My work computer only has 3GB!
  • 18:01:53: @beckyh2112 No kidding. Heart was always dismissed as such a lame power, but it's the scariest of them all.
  • 19:48:56: @SappySwami Nope, second. And it is full of joy and heists and merriment!
  • 19:49:24: @Dark_Puck Someone killed his monkey?
  • 19:50:26: @Dark_Puck Um... picture of Neo with crazy white hair bending a fork, and you call it "Eins Tine"? Yeah, I won't quit my day job...
  • 19:54:09: @WriteRCastle @ksmccarthy24 Mmmm, waistcoats...
  • 20:05:24: Hrm. How do you draw a circular, seven-tiered citadel that doesn't look like Minas Tirith? Or a wedding cake? *scribbles*
  • 21:18:20: @ksmccarthy24 Didn't I tell you about the glory of @beatonna's comics months ago? Genius!
  • 22:48:12: Ooh. Citadel looks like cross btw a high fantasy city and Frank Lloyd Wright's Guggenheim. Still needs work, but it's no Minas Tirith! :D
  • 23:07:51: WOE! "Project Runway" cut my friend's college RA! This designer was such a fun addition to the show. Alas!
  • 23:09:35: "Planet Earth": Attenborough is talking about some arctic bird, but I can't understand what he's calling them. Sounds like "little orcs."
  • 23:17:14: @longshotauthor "Broadview" sounds like "not detail-oriented." Not particularly reassuring for a security company.

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Thursday, August 27, 2009

  • 00:22:11: Aww, ikkle wee map-Cane is looking so tiny and blood-crazed! Whosagoodboythen? Whosgonnadevourmylovedones? *scritches chin and loses hand*
  • 01:00:18: Drat. Was considering upgrading to Snow Leopard, but apparently the Adobe CS2 suite isn't compatible. Deal-breaker.
  • 01:03:10: @Uilos *1UP*
  • 01:59:10: Hmm, @NathanFillion brings up a good question. What should I dress as for Halloween?
  • 02:01:00: Oh no! Ted Kennedy died.
  • 06:42:29: @MickeydotFinn Book 6 comes out the day after I turn 25. Two snazzy milestones together!
  • 07:50:22: @mkcho73 I'm seeing "Viral" tonight with @spodalicious. Will we see you there?
  • 13:03:19: @Uilos WOOHOO! We have a Harry again!
  • 18:23:14: @SheckyX Not the official one. It's a message board-based DFRPG that's been going on a little over three years. I play Molly and Thomas. :D

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

  • 00:06:06: D'oh! @Uilos informs me that @liquidsilverbks is an erotic book publisher. Serves me right, blindly retweeting my romance writer friends. :D
  • 00:11:34: @anglophile80 WOW, fantastic!
  • 00:25:24: Mmm. "Academ's Fury" audio book currently on the "You are not alone" scene, AKA the hottest thing @longshotAuthor has ever written.
  • 07:16:42: @longshotauthor You are truly formidable! Also completely insane.
  • 07:21:45: @gypsyjr Lunatic! Sending us to TV Tropes to look up what you're referring to? Do you WANT us to lose a fifth of our days? :D
  • 10:12:27: I HAVE A ROOMMATE!!!!!!!!! *fireworks explode; a horde of cartoon floats parade down 5th Avenue; every orphan is given a puppy*
  • 10:12:43: Thanks to all who crossed their fingers for me!
  • 10:16:37: (I've been working on this since the end of MAY, mind you. I AM EXCITED.)
  • 11:26:00: @ksmccarthy24 ...because I love you?
  • 12:48:06: @ShannonKButcher Ooh, what fun. Glad to see you're keeping things fresh and not letting yourself get tied down in a particular genre!
  • 14:07:17: @SheckyX No, @ShannonKButcher definitely wears a crown. I lent her my Maeve tiara at PhauxCon. :D
  • 14:11:45: @NathanFillion Partly cloudy, with a chance of Fillion! The city that never sleeps welcomes you!
  • 16:59:54: @Dark_Puck I haven't the foggiest. We have a lot of followers in common, though.
  • 17:00:41: WOOHOO! I do believe I just finished backing up all our female clothing! And it only took me like a year and a half!
  • 17:12:39: @DerekRuiz Wish I'd accomplished that! If so, the project may have taken less time. :D
  • 18:46:38: @ksmccarthy24 Should I make you a Wikipedia page?
  • 18:51:31: RT @sarah_haskins: How you know you are reading a super nerdy book: It has a map in it. The map has the word "vale" on it. // *shifty eyes*
  • 19:53:33: @MickeydotFinn Jim sent you your birthday prezzie at 3:35am! You want one to grow on? :D
  • 20:33:46: Dual interview with @ShannonKButcher and @LongshotAuthor! They are as adorable as they are prolific.
  • 21:10:15: @fourteenacross Holy moley! Was anyone hurt?
  • 21:10:56: @ShannonKButcher *blinks* Carrots? Did I just turn over two pages at once? :D
  • 21:13:54: @AnnLarimer That's the nice thing about working for a 3D animation company. NSFW = a coworker will play it for everyone nearby.
  • 21:19:56: @ShannonKButcher @fredhicks Wow. And every bad one-liner leaping from my tongue is used in the movie already, I'd imagine?

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Priscilla said at 3:10 AM


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Gak! How long have my tweets been double-posting? I've disabled LoudTwitter, so the problem should be fixed. Sorry for the spam.

Priscilla said at 11:26 PM


  • 00:46:31: Returned safely to New York! Miss my @ksmccarthy24 and El and Sarah and baby Evie already!
  • 01:17:12: Matt just linked me to Hogwarts/Giant Squid smutfic. There is not enough brain bleach in the UNIVERSE. SHARE MY PAIN:
  • 01:19:16: @Uilos Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, or peanut butter?
  • 01:34:06: @Uilos Blame @Esperacchius! *gives you an oatmeal raisin cookie*
  • 06:46:02: @SheckyX None were taken, alas! We were too preoccupied with cooing.
  • 06:53:49: Hmph. Am not in D.C., basking in Kat's presence and eating her mother's delicious baked goods. Whose stupid idea was this?
  • 06:59:17: @skbbooks #2: The Swarm, #3: Luceria. (I'd answered #1 previously: "A Daddy.")
  • 14:38:51: What did you just say, "Academ's Fury" audio book? Mountains near Placida? Mrsfglfsnjkl*#$%$@.
  • 20:19:54: @Uilos Did you use the flowchart?
  • 20:20:28: Holy frak. Michael Jackson’s death ruled as homicide
  • 20:22:48: @Esperacchius Oy! I'm trying to create a Crowning Map of Awesome here! Lose the schadenfreude! :P
  • 21:13:09: @Uilos Not sure if/how well it pays, but: RT: @liquidsilverbks: LSB looking for proofers! Email tina @ for more info.
  • 21:15:06: @ksmccarthy24 *gives Kat a cookie to bite upon*
  • 21:28:30: @fourteenacross Anyone who doesn't shriek a little at "Blink" is not human. Ditto crying when Littlefoot's mom dies. A modern Voight-Kampff!

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


  • 00:46 Returned safely to New York! Miss my @ksmccarthy24 and El and Sarah and baby Evie already! #
  • 01:17 Matt just linked me to Hogwarts/Giant Squid smutfic. There is not enough brain bleach in the UNIVERSE. SHARE MY PAIN: #
  • 01:19 @Uilos Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin, or peanut butter? #
  • 01:34 @Uilos Blame @Esperacchius! *gives you an oatmeal raisin cookie* #
  • 06:46 @SheckyX None were taken, alas! We were too preoccupied with cooing. #
  • 06:53 Hmph. Am not in D.C., basking in Kat's presence and eating her mother's delicious baked goods. Whose stupid idea was this? #
  • 06:59 @skbbooks #2: The Swarm, #3: Luceria. (I'd answered #1 previously: "A Daddy.") #
  • 14:38 What did you just say, "Academ's Fury" audio book? Mountains near Placida? Mrsfglfsnjkl*#$%$@. #
  • 20:19 @Uilos Did you use the flowchart? #
  • 20:20 Holy frak. Michael Jackson's death ruled as homicide #
  • 20:22 @Esperacchius Oy! I'm trying to create a Crowning Map of Awesome here! Lose the schadenfreude! :P #
  • 21:13 @Uilos Not sure if/how well it pays, but: RT: @liquidsilverbks: LSB looking for proofers! Email tina @ for more info. #
  • 21:15 @ksmccarthy24 *gives Kat a cookie to bite upon* #
  • 21:28 @fourteenacross Anyone who doesn't shriek a little at "Blink" is not human. Ditto crying when Littlefoot's mom dies. A modern Voight-Kampff! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Priscilla said at 12:03 AM


Monday, August 24, 2009

  • 00:26:43: "Living Dead in Denmark" was crazy fun! All of us lusted after Fortinbras. Wish I could have seen the @VampireCowboys' production, though!
  • 12:49:04: @fredhicks Yup, I have the address! My friend (@ksmccarthy24) will drive me over around 2.
  • 13:30:38: @ShannonKButcher Holy moley, that's GORGEOUS! I'm in awe. I am so entering the next contest!

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 3:12 AM


  • 00:26 "Living Dead in Denmark" was crazy fun! All of us lusted after Fortinbras. Wish I could have seen the @VampireCowboys' production, though! #
  • 12:49 @fredhicks Yup, I have the address! My friend (@ksmccarthy24) will drive me over around 2. #
  • 13:30 @ShannonKButcher Holy moley, that's GORGEOUS! I'm in awe. I am so entering the next contest! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Priscilla said at 12:03 AM


Sunday, August 23, 2009

  • 00:50:51: Now on a road called "Riva Ridge." GET OUT OF MY BRAIN, ALERA MAP.
  • 13:28:28: @longshotauthor They were good words. Really, really good words! *squees with glee and gasps in horror at all the appropriate places*
  • 13:48:36: @Dark_Puck @ksmccarthy My surprised face goes like |: I'm tilting my head the opposite direction. Or maybe I have toast crumbs on my chin.
  • 14:26:41: @AnneSowards 24.1 days...
  • 15:06:26: @ksmccarthy24 @Dark_Puck Thank you for subjecting me to the image of Morgan in a sailor shirt, jaunty hat, and no pants. You are sick.
  • 15:19:57: @SheckyX *raises hand* Guilty. Though it was first sent to me by lovingly deranged Morgan fan @Dark_Puck... :D
  • 15:45:29: RANDOM KATSQUEE! *tackleglomps @ksmccarthy24*
  • 15:55:51: @Dark_Puck *imagines this said by a certain character wearing a certain Enchanted wedding dress...*
  • 16:16:39: @longshotauthor @ksmccarthy just threw a stuffed horse at my head! I hope you're satisfied, fiend!
  • 16:21:54: @longshotauthor Suggested soundtrack: "Ballroom Blitz" via "Kung Fu Hustle"
  • 17:39:53: Off to see @beyondabsurdity's "Living Dead in Denmark" at Georgetown!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


  • 00:50 Now on a road called "Riva Ridge." GET OUT OF MY BRAIN, ALERA MAP. #
  • 13:28 @longshotauthor They were good words. Really, really good words! *squees with glee and gasps in horror at all the appropriate places* #
  • 13:48 @Dark_Puck @ksmccarthy My surprised face goes like |: I'm tilting my head the opposite direction. Or maybe I have toast crumbs on my chin. #
  • 14:26 @AnneSowards 24.1 days... #
  • 15:06 @ksmccarthy24 @Dark_Puck Thank you for subjecting me to the image of Morgan in a sailor shirt, jaunty hat, and no pants. You are sick. #
  • 15:19 @SheckyX *raises hand* Guilty. Though it was first sent to me by lovingly deranged Morgan fan @Dark_Puck... :D #
  • 15:45 RANDOM KATSQUEE! *tackleglomps @ksmccarthy24* #
  • 15:55 @Dark_Puck *imagines this said by a certain character wearing a certain Enchanted wedding dress...* #
  • 16:16 @longshotauthor @ksmccarthy just threw a stuffed horse at my head! I hope you're satisfied, fiend! #
  • 16:21 @longshotauthor Suggested soundtrack: "Ballroom Blitz" via "Kung Fu Hustle" #
  • 17:39 Off to see @beyondabsurdity's "Living Dead in Denmark" at Georgetown! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Priscilla said at 12:01 AM


Saturday, August 22, 2009

  • 00:18:22: Eyes crossing of their own volition. Sleep time, my body tells me. Night, all!
  • 06:54:44: @longshotauthor We are so taking you to Disneyland or something when this is all over. Or Burger King, at least.
  • 07:25:32: Dum de dum de dum... Fierce barbarian woman's resemblance to Dichen Lachman is entiiiiiirely coincidental, I assure you. *draws merrily*
  • 08:31:51: @Uilos @BrandonSanderson's "Mistborn" series? @scottlynch78's "The Lies of Locke Lamora"? Bujold's Vorkosigan saga?
  • 09:11:31: Did you know people on the bus give you weird looks when you're drawing a half-naked savage girl with a prehistoric terror bird? They do.
  • 10:18:29: @AnnLarimer This bus makes a lot of stops at lights and to let people on and off. I can draw during those lulls. :D
  • 10:20:34: Holy #FollowFriday, Batman! Welcome, new folks!
  • 10:26:09: @SheckyX She's a Marat, and the herdbane is her chala. She's standing next to it, looking menacingly at the Aleran continent.
  • 10:28:17: @SheckyX The Alerans' blatant speciesism is reflected in this map. :D
  • 10:51:46: @beachkid Ooh, I like!
  • 10:55:40: @Jamie1km Boldly go, good sir!
  • 11:20:08: @MickeydotFinn Tourists don't use crosstown buses, silly, just those double-decker monstrosities with the Statue of Liberty on the side. :D
  • 11:44:24: @MickeydotFinn I think you mean "!!!!" Three exclamation points is SplatterCon!!!.
  • 12:19:30: @Dark_Puck @longshotauthor I call 'em "huggy coats," myself!
  • 19:37:23: Off to D.C.! Soon, I shall have a @ksmccarthy24!

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


  • 00:18 Eyes crossing of their own volition. Sleep time, my body tells me. Night, all! #
  • 06:54 @longshotauthor We are so taking you to Disneyland or something when this is all over. Or Burger King, at least. #
  • 07:25 Dum de dum de dum... Fierce barbarian woman's resemblance to Dichen Lachman is entiiiiiirely coincidental, I assure you. *draws merrily* #
  • 08:31 @Uilos @BrandonSanderson's "Mistborn" series? @scottlynch78's "The Lies of Locke Lamora"? Bujold's Vorkosigan saga? #
  • 09:11 Did you know people on the bu s give you weird looks when you're drawing a half-naked savage girl with a prehistoric terror bird? They do. #
  • 10:18 @AnnLarimer This bus makes a lot of stops at lights and to let people on and off. I can draw during those lulls. :D #
  • 10:20 Holy #FollowFriday, Batman! Welcome, new folks! #
  • 10:26 @SheckyX She's a Marat, and the herdbane is her chala. She's standing next to it, looking menacingly at the Aleran continent. #
  • 10:28 @SheckyX The Alerans' blatant speciesism is reflected in this map. :D #
  • 10:51 @beachkid Ooh, I like! #
  • 10:55 @Jamie1km Boldly go, good sir! #
  • 11:20 @MickeydotFinn Tourists don't use crosstown buses, silly, just those double-decker monstrosities with the Statue of Liberty on the side. :D #
  • 11:44 @MickeydotFinn I think you mean "!!!!" Three exclamation points is SplatterCon!!!. #
  • 12:19 @Dark_Puck @longshotauthor I call 'em "huggy coats,&quo t; myself! #
  • 19:37 Off to D.C.! Soon, I shall have a @ksmccarthy24! #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Priscilla said at 12:01 AM


Friday, August 21, 2009

  • 01:55:06: @TeknoKai Yeah, I'm with @longshotauthor on this one. I don't want to have to go up against either of their rogues galleries!
  • 02:01:51: Love it when stuff I learn at my job comes in handy in my own art and vice versa. Guess that's the kind of job you're supposed to look for.
  • 02:48:18: @longshotauthor Dear sir, you are psychotic. Enjoy your food! Also doom!
  • 06:48:08: Oh my god, why? Why did I stay awake past 3 again and wake up at 6:15? I guess bloodthirsty wolfmen can't draw themselves...
  • 07:08:00: @gypsyjr *hugs you and doses you with chloroform*
  • 09:54:22: Cross those fingers, boys and girls, and cross them HARD.
  • 10:15:00: @Jess_Wade Call Adama and Roslin? I understand they've dealt with hordes of salacious, identical robots before.
  • 10:26:04: RT @lisawalkscom LAST DAY to bid on bears signed by @theguild's @feliciaday and @robinthorsen to fight breast cancer!
  • 10:48:28: @SheckyX Oy! Where's your Oxford comma, heathen?
  • 11:25:10: @ksmccarthy24 Yay nefarious plans! Call me when you get this message.
  • 11:42:56: @fourteenacross Already got my ticket!
  • 11:58:17: Wish I had the time/energy to attend @viennateng's piano show tonight. She's such a fantastic performer, and she pairs with great openers.
  • 13:47:08: RT @Islandwoo Manhattan's Population By Day vs Manhattan's Population By Night *pokes midtown and EV spikes*
  • 13:47:58: @MickeydotFinn, @Shecky, and @holajupiter: I can't say why, or I'll jinx it!
  • 14:36:56: Avatar trailer! Looks very CG, but quite worth seeing.
  • 14:37:27: @ShannonKButcher First pillage, THEN burn!
  • 14:38:25: @ingridmusic Try a jungle gym!
  • 14:55:06: Is it naptime yet?
  • 15:26:07: Got my ticket to DC to bask in the presence of @ksmccarthy24! Also hope to see @fredhicks and @xiehicks briefly and coo over Evie.
  • 15:28:06: @jbkuma We cannot nap simultaneously? Surely, there are others who can keep a lookout for wolves.
  • 16:27:16: @camsmith25 So I shouldn't give Tavi a unicorn tattoo and stilettos? Probably a good call.
  • 16:29:07: @Theresa_Bane No, DC as in Washington, D.C. I'm not going to DragonCon.
  • 16:49:52: I have a brownie! *slowly nibbles at it over a period of an hour and a half*
  • 18:36:08: Painting clown makeup on a character. I keep hearing a sinister voice uttering, "Let's put a smile on that face..."
  • 18:50:37: @MickeydotFinn It's trickle-down Twitternomics!
  • 20:07:30: Glee, new Project Runway! Life is good.
  • 21:07:06: @Esperacchius Dies iræ! dies illa / Solvet sæclum in favilla / Teste David cum Sibylla!
  • 21:08:01: @ksmccarthy24 *snugs* Almost! You okay, loffie?

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:55 AM


  • 01:55 @TeknoKai Yeah, I'm with @longshotauthor on this one. I don't want to have to go up against either of their rogues galleries! #
  • 02:01 Love it when stuff I learn at my job comes in handy in my own art and vice versa. Guess that's the kind of job you're supposed to look for. #
  • 02:48 @longshotauthor Dear sir, you are psychotic. Enjoy your food! Also doom! #
  • 06:48 Oh my god, why? Why did I stay awake past 3 again and wake up at 6:15? I guess bloodthirsty wolfmen can't draw themselves... #
  • 07:08 @gypsyjr *hugs you and doses you with chloroform* #
  • 09:54 Cross those fingers, boys and girls, and cross them HARD. #
  • 10:15 @Jess_Wade Call Adama and Roslin? I understand they've dealt with hordes of salacious, identical robots before. #
  • 10:26 RT @lisawalkscom LAST DAY to bid on bears signed by @theguild's @feliciaday and @robinthorsen to fight breast cancer! #
  • 10:48 @SheckyX Oy! Where's your Oxford comma, heathen? #
  • 11:25 @ksmccarthy24 Yay nefarious plans! Call me when you get this message. #
  • 11:42 @fourteenacross Already got my ticket! #
  • 11:58 Wish I had the time/energy to attend @viennateng's piano show tonight. She's such a fantastic performer, and she pairs with great openers. #
  • 13:47 RT @Islandwoo Manhattan's Population By Day vs Manhattan's Population By Night *pokes midtown and EV spikes* #
  • 13:47 @MickeydotFinn, @Shecky, and @holajupiter: I can't say why, or I'll jinx it! #
  • 14:36 Avatar trailer! Looks very CG, but quite worth seeing. #
  • 14:37 @ShannonKButcher First pillage, THEN burn! #
  • 14:38 @ingridmusic Try a jungle gym! #
  • 14:55 Is it naptime yet? #
  • 15:26 Got my ticket to DC to bask in the presence of @ksmccarthy24! Also hope to see @fredhicks and @xiehicks briefly and coo over Evie. #
  • 15:28 @jbkuma We cannot nap simultaneously? Surely, there are others who can keep a lookout for wolves. #
  • 16:27 @camsmith25 So I shouldn't give Tavi a unicorn tattoo and stilettos? Probably a good call. #
  • 16:29 @Theresa_Bane No, DC as in Washington, D.C. I'm not going to DragonCon. #
  • 16:49 I have a brownie! *slowly nibbles at it over a period of an hour and a half* #
  • 18:36 Painting clown makeup on a character. I keep hearing a sinister voice uttering, "Let's put a smile on that face...&qu ot; #
  • 18:50 @MickeydotFinn It's trickle-down Twitternomics! #
  • 20:07 Glee, new Project Runway! Life is good. #
  • 21:07 @Esperacchius Dies iræ! dies illa / Solvet sæclum in favilla / Teste David cum Sibylla! #
  • 21:08 @ksmccarthy24 *snugs* Almost! You okay, loffie? #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Priscilla said at 12:04 AM


Thursday, August 20, 2009

  • 07:11 @nataliemorales Ooh, you're going to be on "White Collar"? Another reason to watch the show! @USA_Network is on a roll. #
  • 07:13 @WilliamBabel Not appropriate, dude. #
  • 09:47 @travelingheidi Send up the bat signal somewhere else? #
  • 10:08 @MickeydotFinn Mmm, I like your definition better. *devours pie* #
  • 10:30 @KevinConn That is absurdly lame. I want to key their limojets. #
  • 10:42 RT @AnnLarimer RT @violetinbloom: *whistles casually* #
  • 10:43 RT @rdonogue Beautiful image of caffeine vs. Calories. #
  • 11:48 "We need to find a shader that works instead of doesn't work." --Eric summarizes our technical difficulties #
  • 14:17 Hummus, roast cauliflower, and quinoa... *gurgles happily* The Celliebelly has been appeased. #
  • 14:18 @mkcho73 Harmonica style! #
  • 14:25 @ShannonKButcher It's dangerous to go alone! Take this. *hands you a kitten* #
  • 14:31 @Uilos I've long argued that Morgan was a Gilbert and Sullivan fan in his youth. *nods sagely* #
  • 15:28 @ksmccarthy24 About five minutes! *leaptackles* #
  • 16:20 @ksmccarthy24 *sends in team of sherpas and a spool of thread for Thesus-style extraction* #
  • 16:39 @longshotauthor Try iambic pentameter nex t time? And a big rock dropped from a height? #
  • 16:40 @AnneSowards Wow, and I thought I had it bad, leaving at 7 most days! You have my respect, madam. #
  • 16:42 Cold Stone ice cream cake for Eric's birthday! I guess this job can stay. :D #
  • 18:19 @longshotauthor I'm gonna sing the doom song now! #
  • 18:43 .@Uilos Seriously. Dresden, Dexter, Dollhouse, True Blood... Valerie Cruz is the female Mark Sheppard. #
  • 20:03 Find myself inexplicably singing the Sorceress' role from Dido and Aeneas. Wow, senior year of high school flashback. #
  • 20:58 @Uilos Am I going to have to turn on "Dollhouse" in the background, as I work on the map? Fiend. #
  • 20:59 Leverage first, though! #
  • 01:55 @TeknoKai Yeah, I'm with @longshotauthor on this one. I don't want to have to go up against either of their rogues galleries! #
  • 02:01 Love it when stuff I learn at my job comes in handy in my own art and vice versa. Guess that's the kind of job you're supposed to look for. #
Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter

Priscilla said at 2:25 AM


Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:13 AM


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

  • 00:06:51: Let's welcome @longshotauthor to Twitter! Hi, Jim!
  • 00:23:48: @Jess_Wade The one and only!
  • 00:31:58: @Jess_Wade Now that you've posted about @longshotAuthor on @AceRocBooks, I don't doubt it! And once I mention it on his site... Mwaha.
  • 06:48:59: @longshotauthor Sleep is also god! Go worship, even if you only worship for three hours, like me.
  • 07:34:38: @SheckyX Now we just need to find someone to feed @longshotauthor beignets after his ordeal, like you and Sue are going to do for me!
  • 09:54:32: @AnnLarimer - I cannot imagine anything more awesome than this image. Maybe if it had a unicorn.
  • 09:56:28: @gypsyjr I'm way too late, but *HUGS YOU UNTIL YOU POP*
  • 09:59:29: @ShannonKButcher Wow, that bracelet is lovely! Hidden talents.
  • 10:45:05: @AnneSowards Oh ye of little faith! I'm sure @LongshotAuthor can find equally silly things to tweet about. :D
  • 11:37:51: @ShannonKButcher "Twimp" sounds like someone crippled by a terrifying Twitter accident. Or someone that gets beaten up by Twitter bullies.
  • 11:44:18: @Jess_Wade At 11:42, he's already at 545. I'd say you underestimate Jim's fans. :D
  • 13:49:51: RT @feliciaday Jim Butcher, my favorite fantasy author, is now on Twitter @longshotauthor // --> 1,000 followers in an hour. That's power!
  • 14:11:58: @Jess_Wade I believe that's a fair assessment.
  • 15:00:17: @longshotauthor Hee, yeah. Mere days before FLF is due maybe not have been the ideal time to join. :D
  • 17:32:11: Hello to all my new followers! I must know: where are all you lovely people coming from?
  • 18:11:57: @1Michelled The FLF sample chapters are still a ways away! The first one is slated to be posted 9/28. (@longshotauthor's web monkey)
  • 18:16:00: @ShannonKButcher You can sign up at and email your photos to the address they give you. Simple and free!
  • 19:03:13: @longshotauthor Pfft! Like you have a leg to stand on, Morganfilker. :D
  • 20:04:07: Two new potential roommates coming to visit the apartment tonight. Wish me luck!
  • 20:55:42: @ShannonKButcher "Flaming monkey poo" is so trochaic, though! It's handicaps the wordsmiths who thrive in anapest and dactyl.
  • 20:57:18: @WriteRCastle - "Summer Breeze" is quite apt. It certainly appears to be making the young lady feel fine. :D
  • 21:00:26: @horsehearted Oh, lord. Now I know why @longshotauthor joined Twitter! It's another venue for Heroin For Writers.
  • 21:09:14: @ShannonKButcher They refer to the pattern of stressed vs. unstressed syllables in a poem. Most of my friends were English majors. :D
  • 22:25:03: The betas are writing Codex Alera limericks to each other. I love my life.
  • 23:01:08: @longshotauthor *brandishes pom-poms* Write, or we'll write more limericks at you!
  • 23:01:28: @Dark_Puck Unless we are Jim Carrey!

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:13 AM


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

  • 08:19:54: *sporfle* Opening verse of @JennyOwenYoungs' "Here is a Heart" is inadvertently hilarious in the wake of last week's "True Blood."
  • 14:29:03: Oh, wow. I'd forgotten how amazing Good Health Burger's black bean vegan bacon burger is. Yuuuuuuuuuum.
  • 14:30:24: Hurrah, @buzzymultimedia is on Twitter! Great products and top-notch customer service. Welcome!
  • 16:35:11: Eee! Tim Gunn is going to be on the Daily Show Wednesday night! Two great tastes that taste great together.
  • 17:07:47: @ingridmusic It's all in the NYC tap water. They did a blind taste test on some foodie network. That's why we have the best pizza, too. :D
  • 17:11:13: @ShannonKButcher Wow, that was your page count *with* teenage distractions? The force is strong with this one.
  • 17:35:08: Good lord, my work computer is a hunk of junk today. It's taking ten times as long as it should to do basic tasks. Aaaaaaaargh.
  • 18:32:38: "We should have a meeting about not wasting time." --Eric
  • 18:44:45: @ShipLizard Pictures, pictures!
  • 18:44:57: @Esperacchius *cheers wildly*
  • 18:50:18: @fourteenacross *gets lost deliberately*
  • 20:34:04: Ah, split pea soup! It looks like vomit, but it tastes like deliciousness!
  • 20:39:19: - I didn't hallucinate this, right? I haven't gone map-crazy?
  • 20:40:19: @neilhimself Hmm. Something about how love is like telephone-flavored ice cream?
  • 20:46:21: Come on, let's get #datemyavatar trending! Felicia Day releases another gem:

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:13 AM


Monday, August 17, 2009

  • 10:49:17: I have LotR on in the background as I work on the map. Still cracks me up to see Bret of "Flight of the Conchords" in the Council of Elrond.
  • 11:36:10: You know what else is fun to draw? Fjords. Also fun to say. I pine to draw the fjords of Molvar!
  • 12:53:59: They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!
  • 12:57:25: @NeilMSchwartz He's one of the silent Council elves in FotR. In RotK, he's the elf that confronts Arwen after her vision of Aragorn and son.
  • 13:19:21: The swamps of Kalare look much prettier on a map than they would in person.
  • 17:06:27: AUGH. Just realized I totally messed up Kalare's geography. One of the two regions I thought I'd *finished.*
  • 17:49:41: @ShannonKButcher You don't happen to have any chloroform on hand, do you? A general anesthetic? That husband of yours needs to SLEEP.
  • 19:06:41: "Go now and die in what way seems best to you." ilu, crazy Denethor. I wish "Fringe" was better, so I could watch it for John Noble.
  • 20:04:04: @Uilos Yup. I'm marathonning the extended edition as I work on the map.
  • 20:21:07: Musing on Aleran techtonics. On a scale of one to ten, how lame am I?
  • 21:20:11: Oh, thank goodness! I misread before. The Rillwater doesn't violate the laws of physics after all! *makes a note to fix*
  • 21:43:00: WOOHOO! The Middleman Project Teddybear auction closed at $148.50! Thanks again to @okbjgm, @nataliemorales, @jakesmollett, and cast!
  • 22:40:13: Feh. If there's one thing that spoils the look of a fantasy map, it's the equivalent of a series of interstates.

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:13 AM


Sunday, August 16, 2009

  • 00:17:08: Hey, kids! It's time for a game of "Pin the Steadholt on the Valley"!
  • 00:18:46: @jbkuma Um. Dungaree(s)?
  • 00:22:44: @alyankovic The public thanks you for your grammatical heroism!
  • 00:26:27: @NathanFillion We look forward to catching them! When are you working in a BSTL?
  • 07:55:02: Today's WOTD is "chorography": the art of describing or mapping a region or district. Heh. *is smug*
  • 08:28:23: Hey, Self, you know how the Wax Forest is one of the most significant settings in the series? You might wanna, y'know, put it on the map.
  • 13:20:03: Potential Roommate #1 of 3 seems very fun and was obviously impressed with the apartment. Good vibes!
  • 17:13:15: @Dark_Puck Aww! I'm touched! I want to find out who it is and bend over backwards to get him/her involved somehow.
  • 17:25:53: (Written earlier today, but not posted, because Twitter + Mac + Firefox = epic fail again)
  • 17:25:56: *boggles* Could I really have gone an hour and a half without saving? Good lord! Of all the times for my Mac to crash...
  • 17:26:50: @Dark_Puck They should! However long it takes them to finish their fic, the fandom would be happy to receive it!
  • 17:27:57: @Dark_Puck I has a Granny Patsye and a Granny Mildred. Neither is edible.
  • 17:30:51: @ShannonKButcher *offers tissues and Ben & Jerry's*
  • 17:36:00: @ShannonKButcher He posted a chapter at 9! Is he on one of those weird time-shift circadian rhythms people pick up living in sunless caves?
  • 20:03:56: Getting a bit stir-crazy.
  • 22:32:22: Wussing out and going to bed at 10:30. Fair, as I've been waking up at 6:15 all week.

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:12 AM


Saturday, August 15, 2009

  • 10:29:23: The latest response to my Craigslist roommate ad had 11 exclamation points, compared to 5 commas, 2 colons, and 1 period. Oh. My. Gosh.
  • 10:31:54: Note how that tally included no apostrophes (there should have been seven), and she only capitalized "I" when it began a sentence.
  • 10:34:28: *beats internet with a copy of Strunk & White until it is reduced to a greasy spot on the pavement*
  • 11:03:31: @SheckyX "The Queen’s own English, base knave, dost thou speak it?"
  • 13:00:23: @AnnLarimer I would read that in a HEARTBEAT. Maybe less.
  • 16:20:52: I smell pancakes. I want to eat them.
  • 16:28:50: @SheckyX Wow. I always pronounced it ky-MARE-uh, the one permutation not on your list. :D
  • 19:52:25: Asfjhdfs!!!!!! Stayed a little late to finish work project, but forgot potential roomie at 8:15! Get me home NOW, cabbie!
  • 20:21:44: Got home at 8:12, despite atrocious traffic. I am a ROCK STAR. Now waiting for Potential Roomie to arrive. *eyes clock*
  • 20:22:57: @fredhicks YEE-HAW, congrats! RT @ENnies: Best Writing - Silver: Don't Lose Your Mind, Evil Hat Productions.
  • 20:25:10: @Uilos Yes. Seeing the line for the Twilight panel at Comic Con.
  • 20:41:06: 8:38 and nary a peep from the Potential Roommate. You know, phones exist for a reason.
  • 21:03:15: @SheckyX Would that be what would happen if the Phantom of the Opera and Mark Vorkosigan had a lovechild? Because I think my soul just died.
  • 21:15:48: 9:15 and still no sign. I cleared off my map table for you, devil woman!
  • 21:19:09: @ShannonKButcher *laughs* Has Jim seen that site? It sounds right up his alley. "He's a wizard P.I. with a looming death sentence ...
  • 21:19:32: @ShannonKButcher ... and overdue rent. She's a twice-divorced cop and borderline midget. They fight crime!"
  • 21:28:27: @Jess_Wade That sounds unsanitary.
  • 22:00:56: Yay, Psych time!
  • 23:15:51: @AnneSowards !!!! *jazzhands*

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:13 AM


Friday, August 14, 2009

  • 00:59:53: Alera has no pants! Alera needs no pants!
  • 01:35:33: Do YOU remember Sargasso Planet? #JavierGrilloMarxuachIsMyMasterNow
  • 01:59:50: Okay, time for sleep! Gotta be well rested for my return to the Not-Mapping portion of my life.
  • 14:11:19: @OKBJGM Fret not! Despite your slovenly demeanor, bestial lack of decorum, and mental inacuity, you command a sort of boorish charm. *sniff*
  • 15:31:11: RT @AnnLarimer & @thebratqueen: RETWEET PLEASE: Stamford Marriott blames victim for her own rape #marriottfail
  • 15:33:01: @Uilos *weeps and weeps and weeps*
  • 15:33:41: @Dark_Puck Copy the text of the person's tweet and type "RT [the person's username]" at the beginning.
  • 15:39:40: @travelingheidi Ooh, I'll have to stop by after work and check out their selection! I lost my favourite sunglasses at Comic Con.
  • 16:42:15: Coworkers & I trying not to kill ourselves learning how to ride a snake board in the Mocap room. Does our insurance cover injuries at work?
  • 17:01:24: @ShipLizard I'm so sorry.
  • 17:38:09: @beyondabsurdity Yikes! Hope it's nothing so dire!
  • 17:39:39: @kanthara It's a two-wheeled skateboard with a joint in the middle.
  • 17:40:00: @kanthara Not sure how a bunch of college-educated young adults can't manage what every kid in Brooklyn can do as naturally as breathing!
  • 17:55:45: @NathanFillion Wordy McWord, sir. "The Incredibles," FTW!
  • 17:59:32: RT @AceRocBooks Any questions for Charlaine Harris? Let us know by 10am EST, tomrw. We'll include some questions in an interview with her!
  • 18:03:41: @AnneSowards Me too. We could look up the pronunciation in a dictionary, but that would be cheating.
  • 18:47:57: Linda just ordered us a bunch of moschi. I happened to be in the kitchen at the time, so I snagged a green tea one. Good close to the day!
  • 18:48:27: @fredhicks Tuppence a bag!
  • 19:51:35: @fourteenacross Come on. Robo-chick versus pterodactyl? This is quality television, my friend!
  • 20:20:46: Oy vey. Wrench thrown in my hybrid digital/pen and ink plan for map. Scanner is crashing my computer. Guess I'll be illustrating in PS.
  • 20:22:13: @fourteenacross Every episode of Torchwood season 1 is pretty much the worst episode of TV ever. :D
  • 21:12:45: Mountains are fun to draw! Thank you, Aquitaine, for making my life easier. Too bad the same can't be said for Our Heroes. :D

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:17 AM


Thursday, August 13, 2009

I usually make it a policy not to open spam emails, but after reading the preview text Gmail allowed me, I had to make an exception. The full email read:
Ent amiss. Not until the rifle magazines were empty did they cease, and then only to reload. Again and once again they repeated the onslaught, until it would seem no object the size of a human being upon the place where they aimed could by any possibility remain alive. Then, and not until then, did silence return, did the dummy upon Stetson's rifle again raise its head. But this time there was no response. They waited a minute, two minutes--tried the ruse again, and it was as before. Had they really hit the man out there, as they hoped, or was he, conscious of a trick, merely lying low? Who could tell? The uncertainty, the inaction, goaded all that was reckless in cowboy Buck's nature,
So... what are they trying to sell me, again?

Oh, spam. I don't think I will ever understand you.


Priscilla said at 10:30 AM


  • 09:53:48: Slept in until 9. DECADENCE!
  • 09:56:43: @Uilos Ooh, I saw it last night at B&N, while trolling Fantasy section for last-minute ideas! It's awesome! Don't need to borrow it, though.
  • 13:33:19: Yay, Jim approved my new notion of how Attica, the Gaul, the floodplain, and Parcia interact. That'd been bugging me for ages.
  • 13:34:15: He also confirmed that Demos is played by a middle-aged Harrison Ford.
  • 13:40:43: @ShannonKButcher *laughs* Shecky is a brother, even wearing the Molly Carpenter wig. Then he's a *pretty* brother!
  • 16:50:06: Huh. Mount Kalus is looking like the Folgers logo. The best part of waking up is molten lava in your cup!
  • 22:07:09: Listening to "Furies of Calderon" audio book while working on map. Oh, Aquitaines, you so crazy!
  • 22:09:49: D'oh! Why do I keep thinking "Leverage" is on at 10? Missed it the second week in a row!
  • 22:46:39: @AnnLarimer D: D: D: People who make fury/furry typos in this fandom make baby Jesus cry.

Tweets copied by

Priscilla said at 2:16 AM


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