I usually make it a policy not to open spam emails, but after reading the preview text Gmail allowed me, I had to make an exception. The full email read:
Ent amiss. Not until the rifle magazines were empty did they cease, and then only to reload. Again and once again they repeated the onslaught, until it would seem no object the size of a human being upon the place where they aimed could by any possibility remain alive. Then, and not until then, did silence return, did the dummy upon Stetson's rifle again raise its head. But this time there was no response. They waited a minute, two minutes--tried the ruse again, and it was as before. Had they really hit the man out there, as they hoped, or was he, conscious of a trick, merely lying low? Who could tell? The uncertainty, the inaction, goaded all that was reckless in cowboy Buck's nature,
So... what are they trying to sell me, again?
Oh, spam. I don't think I will ever understand you.
Labels: spam