The Cult of Lincoln

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

  • 01:10:09: Ricky Martin is gay. In other news, I am at work at 1am. I am not sure which is less surprising.
  • 01:50:24: RT @nprnews Apple May Be Working On Verizon iPhone // SIX DAYS AFTER I UPGRADE WITH THE 2-YEAR CONTRACT.
  • 08:08:44: @longshotauthor Count me in! It can be co-mascotted by Ehren and Tim Gunn.
  • 09:34:09: I left work at 2:15. I went to sleep at 2:30. I woke up at 8. I left for work at 8:20. I got to work at 9. I will kill everything.
  • 10:38:41: Investigating fares for SDCC/SIGGRAPH nerdgasm. Which reminds me--gotta do business cards to apply for Press Pass. Anyone know a good place?
  • 11:43:34: Coworkers are talking about animating a yawn, and it's making me yawn.
  • 11:43:41: RT @Marcipantz: @NathanFillion Here's a funny pic I ran across on the web. ...
  • 11:50:51: @nataliemorales *jaw drops* That's so beyond insane I don't even know where to begin. Come on, reform!
  • 12:27:23: "Just checking in early that we're expecting OT tonight - our goal is to have all characters done." No jury in the WORLD would convict me.
  • 13:29:18: @ljredeye Yeah, I've been waiting to upgrade since last summer. I expected it in January. I finally gave up last week. Then this!
  • 13:31:15: @ljredeye Oh well. I'm not sorry. I adore my 3Gs iPhone. It was time for a change.
  • 14:15:04: I hope there's a hell so everyone involved in this game can go there:
  • 14:15:54: Okay, I need something to pull me out of this funk. Even John Barrowman dancing to "Single Ladies" isn't working. Help me, Twitterverse!
  • 15:17:33: @Uilos I want to see a lightsaber fight to a techno mashup of that song with something truly hardcore.
  • 15:18:13: @avarielwings I'm at work. This is a substantial source of my funk. :D
  • 15:20:53: Watched CASTLE during lunch. @NathanFillion looking concerned while choking on hot scrambled eggs? This is why I love this man and this show
  • 15:23:16: Please let @NathanFillion stay on my TV forever.
  • 15:44:52: DUDE! #Castle just got renewed for a third season! "Just" as in minutes ago! I credit my timely tweets. :D
  • 15:53:09: @8tracktape The rape scene in "Seeing Red" wasn't meant to be titillating; it was meant to be horrific. Huge difference in context.
  • 17:07:51: "Hopefully, he'll be able to help you with your characters after 10 tonight." How does he make good news sound so depressing?
  • 17:35:45: Coworkers just went on a five-minute tangent about the optimum way to kill and eat bunnies. I'm back to loving my job.
  • 17:56:55: Coworker told me he'd finished a prop for me, then disavowed knowledge when I asked him where it was an hour later. Back to hating my job.
  • 18:57:40: Video of Dan Dos Santos painting the cover of @BrandonSandrson's "Warbreaker" --
  • 19:03:56: RT @dresdenfiles: You can now download blank character and city sheets from our new Downloads page at the website!
  • 21:06:32: @avarielwings Ha! One of my coworkers just started playing "Sugar High"! Your prophecy is being fulfilled!
  • 21:26:34: @AnneSowards Marcone and Lea are Harry's "frenemies"? I just laughed so hard I hurt myself. XD
  • 21:56:41: It sure would be nice if every piece of software on my computer weren't crashing.

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Monday, March 29, 2010

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Priscilla said at 3:07 AM


Sunday, March 28, 2010

  • 10:24:13: - Hey, @Za_Lord and @PadawanMolly--Having trouble with demon mucus sludge stains? Try going here!
  • 14:50:23: Today is a beautiful day to not be at work! Guess where I am?
  • 15:33:16: RT @SheckyX @priscellie At work. // Give the man a cookie!
  • 20:53:10: AWESOME dinner with Ko, her sisters, and a couple of her friends... who are now MINE!
  • 20:53:14: Cunning plans are afoot, dear reader. Epic costumes a MUST.
  • 21:42:34: @blazeorama Fact: "The Last Boy Scout" is where Jim got the name "Marcone." :D
  • 22:00:30: @jimsissy On behalf of those forty-eleven people, I give you permission to take the night off!
  • 22:17:57: RT @EndGameOakland: We have something very special to announce for the March EndGame MiniCon: The Dresden Files RPG instacontent preorde ...
  • 22:19:10: @issshhhhh It's like "Ebony" for the 1970s!
  • 22:20:58: RT @ebertchicago: In Texas, these two SANE women are running for the State Board of Education. They could tilt balance. ...
  • 22:22:14: @mightykatemusic Great photos!
  • 22:33:23: @ShawnadQIC694 @fourteenacross Fine, ruin my fun!
  • 22:40:03: Today was Earth Hour? Whoops.
  • 22:43:53: Dear Priscilla, It's been several months now. Your heart can stop leaping every time someone acknowledges the Alera map. Love, me
  • 23:14:25: @SheckyX I figure the fandom is working up to it.

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Priscilla said at 3:07 AM


Saturday, March 27, 2010

  • 00:16:12: - Mom and I are staying at a family friend's apartment. This is his view.
  • 09:47:56: Read THE GUILD #1. Hilarious! But "Codex of Fury"? I knew @feliciaday was a @longshotauthor fan, but I didn't think she'd read Alera. :D
  • 09:49:38: @SheckyX 40+ floors over midtown Manhattan, looking out onto the Hudson River. It's beautiful.
  • 13:42:28: RT @KevinConn: Please RT: I'm in 3rd place with views VOTE for the LAVA-ROID video. Thank you. :)
  • 14:58:14: Coworker sent a company-wide email with subject: "A Request for Doc Vigilance!" Sounds like the name of a comic book. I think I'll write it.
  • 17:24:01: THANK GOD. I'm not going to have to do all my supervisor's work in addition to my own weighty workload while he's on vacation until the 7th!

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Priscilla said at 3:07 AM


Friday, March 26, 2010

  • 00:08:37: Okay, internet, it's bedtime for all good Cellies. Or maybe reading time, then bedtime. It's a mystery!
  • 10:01:28: On my way to work, I saw a huge bus ad for the new Doctor Who series. Did I emerge from the subway into Great Britain?
  • 10:20:21: @rdonoghue Ye gods! Feel better.
  • 10:33:57: I've posted about it so often that I cannot remember if I have actually purchased "Changes."
  • 11:31:08: @spodalicious Me too! And @Uilos will be joining us on the walk.
  • 12:35:22: RT @nprnews: Pentagon Makes Changes To 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
  • 12:37:16: Man, Pentagon fail. Don't want to compromise morale? What about the morale of the gay troops living in fear of being arbitrarily discharged?
  • 12:38:39: Homophobes in the service can learn to cope with the idea that gay people exist.
  • 13:21:23: Woah, "Hot Tub Time Machine" is a real movie? I thought it was a joke from 30 Rock.
  • 14:43:09: Dear Coworker, I am not a mind-reader. If you need a character by 2pm, don't tell me end of day. Disgruntledly, Priscilla
  • 16:54:12: @ravenofoctober Please let it have been a musical. Please let it have been a musical. Rorschach needs to SING. (Nite Owl = Barrowman?)
  • 18:00:10: I for one welcome our new Nerd Goddess overlord:
  • 18:05:23: Check out Adobe's Content Aware feature. I thought tech and magic couldn't coexist!
  • 18:57:53: RT @edgarwright: This is no April Fool. This is the Scott Pilgrim teaser trailer. ...
  • 18:58:41: #Scott Pilgrim trailer looks FANTASTIC. And I bought the first trade last night at Midtown, so life is grand!
  • 20:36:24: At the Here theatre to see the @vampirecowboys' Alice in Slasherland! So excited!

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Priscilla said at 3:14 AM


Thursday, March 25, 2010

  • 00:45:07: What? Do I have to re-buy all my iPhone apps? That's not cool.
  • 09:05:06: Rating this morning -- Con: Had to lug 2 huge bags of laundry three blocks. Pro: HOLY COW this new iPhone is fast!
  • 13:20:14: RT @pulsejfk: 3/29, 7pm. Come meet Project Runway's Tim Gunn as he discusses Models Inc. Details -
  • 15:53:32: RT @nprnews: 'And He Didn't Say Fargo': How To Say The F Word Without Saying The F Word (via @waitwait)
  • 16:15:49: @fourteenacross I'll read it!
  • 16:27:03: RT @BordersNYC: Christopher Moore will be at Borders Columbus Circle on 4/3, 6pm:
  • 17:33:48: RT @JewelStaite: Dear Patton Oswalt: Thanks for making my day. That is all. Sincerely, Me. ...
  • 18:19:56: RT @cleolinda: RT @thinkgeek: Happy Ada Lovelace Day! In honor of world's 1st codemonkey, give geek girls some <3 today. Just for the ...
  • 18:25:00: @AnneSowards Yay! Have fun. If your calculations are off and you end up with an extra pass, I'd be happy to take it off your hands. :D
  • 18:37:39: @blazeorama The amount of drool I would generate would raise the sea level .7 inches.
  • 19:00:54: Soundtrack at work: "Kill the wabbit, kill the wabbit..."
  • 19:30:02: I'm at Midtown Comics to pick up The Guild #1. What shouldn't I leave the store without? Give me recs!
  • 23:54:44: RT @MoTancharoen: This is cool. Conductor is a bit much at times but...

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

  • 12:24:49: Just read a small handful of @GlennBeck's tweets. I think I burst a blood vessel in my brain. Thanks a lot, @caseyreuter.
  • 12:44:23: .@GlennBeck uses netspeak. And CAPS. And TEN EXCLAMATION POINTS IN A ROW. Didn't Pratchett say a mere 5 was the sign of a deranged mind?
  • 14:38:40: .@caseyreuter makes up for linking me to Glenn Beck's twitter by linking me to Aliens vs. Pooh:
  • 14:42:52: RT @dresdenfiles: Chaps 1-4 of Changes are up on the Jim Butcher website: - & later today find a big #rpg preview a ...
  • 14:42:57: RT @dresdenfiles: New blog post: Nevermore
  • 16:10:47: @mightykatemusic Q for you: What's your favourite song you had to leave off the album? Do you ever look back and wish you could swap it in?
  • 17:59:31: RT @arcaedia 2 ARCs CHANGES by Jim Butcher @longshotauthor 2 chances to win. RT & comment on by 10am 3/25 #dresdenfiles
  • 18:38:02: Is there anything better than bursting into showtunes in the middle of work, and this being okay? I submit that there is not.
  • 20:48:36: Had to visit the Apple store this evening, and while I was there, I decided to take the plunge and upgrade to the iPhone 3Gs. ZOOM!
  • 20:50:57: Now I need to figure out what to name the new iPhone. The previous was named Justine. A) After Justin Long, to go with my laptop, Hodgmina.
  • 20:51:01: And B) After the Dresden Files character, because I'm in love with and addicted to my iPhone.
  • 21:08:21: Ha, lots of House Raith suggestions! I'm thinking Coulton, because it's musical and goes with Hodgmina, and it's also the MIDDLEMAN.
  • 21:09:36: @Requiemm You have experience with Lara Raith? You are the envy of the fandom. :D
  • 21:30:12: Hmm. A White Court name would actually be quite appropriate, as I went with the white model. "iNari" is too obvious and facepalm-inducing...
  • 21:35:01: Ooh! @fredhicks suggests Madrigal. Perfect! It's a musical term, and he was in evil cahoots with "Priscilla."
  • 21:53:37: @SheckyX Priscilla was the Skavis, not Madrigal. I am not my phone. I am not Spock!
  • 22:16:23: @8tracktape Not uMaster?
  • 22:24:05: @Dark_Puck LINK!
  • 22:24:16: RT @jimsissy: RT @LizLaff: RT @TheKarenHawkins: What firemen do on their time off:
  • 22:25:54: OH GOOD GOD. You know how you sing to yourself when no one is around? (Don't try to deny it. Everyone does.)
  • 22:26:01: I just realized I was singing with my roommate in the next room. Now frantically trying to remember if I sang anything incriminating.
  • 22:27:42: @anglophile80 Three horrid words... "There's no pie"?
  • 22:29:29: @gypsyjr And without Alan Tudyk? I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. I think we need to remake every movie starring Alan Tudyk in every role to compensate.
  • 22:30:10: @Esperacchius Dancing Dresden? Note to self: Attend every con Matt attends.
  • 22:34:12: @OKBJGM You misheard the lyric. The desert misses the reign of Louis XIV, the "Sun King." And the desert likes the sun. For its ecosystem.
  • 22:49:32: RT @dmonzel: Sam Harris: Science can answer moral questions | Video on
  • 22:52:00: @SheckyX *offers your brains to you glopping handfuls*
  • 22:53:54: @grabman I recently read both and loved them! @BrandonSandrson and @JasperFforde also both generously participated in Project Teddybear.

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

  • 00:03:24: After chuckling at a string of @reelmolesworth tweets, I read "reading" as "reeding." It is speled "redeing" as any fule kno.
  • 00:14:10: @Stana_Katic The serial killer is aiming for her shoulder? Must not be a particularly brainy one. :D Can't wait to watch!
  • 08:20:42: "Double Finger" rings are trendy right now. I'd rather be able to move my fingers independently. Can you type wearing those?
  • 09:33:59: "Spaced" Slow-Mo Finger Gunfight Flashmob in Trafalgar Square!
  • 10:52:01: @edeainfj Eeee, congrats! The little one is adorable.
  • 12:06:25: Awesomesauce, A tumblr feed of awesome things:
  • 12:07:59: I've read too many spam subject lines. An email asked, "Did Your Member of Congress Stand Up for Women?" and my brain removed "of Congress."
  • 12:17:11: My mind will never be clean again. Thanks a lot, internet!
  • 12:34:54: RT @ebertchicago: Be a good sport. Sign the bon voyage card for Costa Rica-bound Rush Limbaugh.
  • 12:49:24: NOOOOOOOOO. My office has been gerrymandered out of the delivery area of my favourite salad place! This is a cold world, friends.
  • 12:57:06: I counter my sadness with a Black Bean Vegan Bacon Burger and a Pineapple Mango Shake. Take that, world!
  • 13:05:30: @terioncalling It's vegan "bacon." Not sure what's in it, other than deliciousnesss.
  • 13:31:12: @mightykatemusic My favourite Mighty Kate song changes with my mood, but "Overflow" and "Epitaph" get significantly higher play count.
  • 14:10:51: RT @Dark_Puck: brb i am splode
  • 14:36:31: Okay, this is awesome. Clips from 50s films spliced together into an Indiana Jones trailer:
  • 14:38:08: Happy International... Talk... Like William Shatner... Day.
  • 15:51:56: Challenger for VA-01 named Krystal Ball.Pundits are mesmerized by her vision of the future. Bet this is the first time she's heard that one.
  • 16:09:20: RT @ebertchicago: NYTimes interactive: How health care reform will affect you, individually.
  • 16:09:36: RT @JohnPicacio: George R.R. Martin w/ solid HCR perspective for freelancers and creatives. #hcr
  • 16:40:23: - Ryan loves the smell of Nerf in the morning!
  • 16:52:49: @ljredeye With or without the Nerf darts? Those were applied by my coworkers. :D
  • 17:22:37: Obama called "Portal" the “Greatest thing since sliced bread.” Omg. Guys. If I told our President "The cake is a lie," HE WOULD UNDERSTAND.
  • 18:31:15: @Esperacchius Just don't get arrested!
  • 18:32:20: Just got my favourite error message again: "Cannot find GOD." Clearly, my computer wasn't programmed by the Texas Board of Education.
  • 19:09:42: Why, why, why do I cling to the delusion that cabs are the fastest way to get around? I could walk faster than this. By a lot.
  • 22:49:35: Dear #Castle, That doesn't even remotely aspire to vaguely resemble Grand Central. Love, Me
  • 23:45:08: @myyrdneopia Work, not play! There's a node in our character hierarchy called the "god." We get the error when MotionBuilder can't read it.
  • 23:49:11: @Owlswing38 Mountain time! Two hours and eleven minutes from now.
  • 23:53:00: Who's eager to read the last sample chapter of @longshotauthor's CHANGES tonight? Two hours to go!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Monday, March 22, 2010

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Priscilla said at 3:07 AM


Sunday, March 21, 2010

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Priscilla said at 3:07 AM


Saturday, March 20, 2010

  • 08:02:21: RT @threadless: The @threadless $10 sale starts in LESS THAN ONE DAY!!! (RT for a chance at a $100 gift code)
  • 11:28:54: @ShannonKButcher Sounds lovely! Have a great time! We're in the high 60s in NYC--perfect walking weather.
  • 12:10:20: "Cauliflower Gratin, Gouda, and Spec Pizza with Crispy Shallots"? Blake and Todd's, I love you, but you are crazy. Hmm, where to order...
  • 14:09:52: @spodalicious We don't bring food in to work. You'll have to be jealous of a different meal!
  • 14:59:25: *look of horror* My earlier tweet to @spodalicious was retweeted by @RandomSpotlight, subbing in "2 B" for "to be." Hamlet wept.
  • 16:32:47: RT @dresdenfiles: On March 23rd you will get our biggest advance peek of the Dresden Files RPG yet!
  • 17:50:19: Woohoo! Weekend workload isn't as intense as we feared, so I'll be able to do both training walks. 13 miles Sat and 7 on Sunday. Bring it!
  • 18:02:57: Ha! No way! I pitched this idea to my coworkers last week. XD
  • 18:12:32: RT @laughingsquid: Fonts That Match The Dog
  • 23:44:37: Woohoo! Great conversation and lots of laughs at @Uilos' 24th birthday party. Hope it was a good one, Craig!

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Priscilla said at 3:07 AM


Friday, March 19, 2010

  • 00:48:18: RT @mightykatemusic: @fourteenacross I will definitely do Abracadabra in my next ULWMK - probably post another this Friday // YAY!!!
  • 11:55:28: NOOOOOOO. The server crashed, and when it came back, so did the evil bug that made Firefox a horror. The bug was fixed a week ago! Go away!
  • 11:59:08: Holy stromboli. Before I sent out a single email, I met my #AvonWalk fundraising goal of $2,000. Upping that goal to $5,000! Thank you!
  • 13:13:22: RT @jonrog1: @boymonster @fredhicks just bought y our stuff on rpgnow. Nice, and yes, that's how I like my crunch. // Victory! Congrats.
  • 14:05:09: Have Verizon's "Big Red" jingle stuck in my head. Is the purpose of that ad to make me want to attack their creative team with a spork?
  • 15:12:39: NASA Rocket Scientists + Photoshop = extreme coolness!
  • 16:18:19: RT @laughingsquid: the Na'vi from Avatar playing Chatroulette
  • 18:11:40: I'm salivating already. After work, doing a 5 mile walk with @spodalicious and Jen, ending at Fred's: home of the mac & cheese of the GODS.
  • 18:32:09: @fredhicks *laughs* Nope! I won't be pestering you until May 1st and 2nd. :D
  • 19:00:52: @ShannonKButcher Why hello there! Great cover!
  • 23:15:15: Woah! I only planned to walk 4, maybe 5 miles today. All told, I ended up walking just shy of 7. No power in the 'verse!
  • 23:21:08: P.S. My addiction to the Google Maps Pedometer site is sick and should be squelched immediately.

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Thursday, March 18, 2010

  • 00:04:43: @ksmccarthy24 That makes me think of Denethor's "Go now and die in what way seems best to you." :D
  • 07:49:35: @Asselberghs That is correct! Well, 20-ish, give or take a novel.
  • 08:07:57: Got bears! Got books! Got mah walkin' shoes! It's off to work I go!
  • 09:16:08: Freaking OW. Walked to work again, but with half a mile left, my left calf was consumed in a cramp of DOOM. Managed to walk it off, but meh.
  • 09:24:09: @SheckyX Nope, cramps never bothered me during the longer walks. And I had a banana with breakfast! The luck of the Irish is not with me.
  • 09:32:39: @issshhhhh Better hope Michelle doesn't see that tweet. :D
  • 09:53:13: "Kick Jorge in the chest and shout 'This is Sparta.' I just want to try an experiment." --Cameron
  • 10:00:14: RT @vampirecowboys: What?!? The opening weekend of ALICE IN SLASHERLAND is sold out? It's true! Tix for the remaining 12 perfs available ...
  • 10:16:14: RT @denofgeek: Our request to Hollywood: can we have fewer talking CG animals now please?
  • 10:44:15: - So it begins! The first dozen of what will be a hundred bagpipers, right outside my office!
  • 11:00:17: Did I mention they're going to be playing for like six hours? Because I should mention they're going to be playing for like six hours.
  • 11:15:21: Dear People on My Followers List Who Like Bagpipe Music, WHY? Love, Priscilla
  • 11:32:48: @bomburjo Yup! 45th&5th.The bagpipers chill on 45th until parade time. It's going to take approximately twelve years for us to get lunch. :D
  • 11:55:45: @caseyreuter I would offer to trade seats, but... you're in mocap. :D Wonder how loud it is on 3...
  • 12:43:54: @ShannonKButcher *cheers*
  • 14:09:20: I think my bagpipe hate comes from my sister's swim team days. Meets were opened w/ 3 bagpipers in an echoing, sound-magnifying natatorium.
  • 14:52:19: @SheckyX I can't tell the difference between skilled and unskilled bagpiping. It's all cat-strangling to me.
  • 15:08:35: A coworker just came to me, asking where one of the dogs was. Instead of, say, the dog's owner. XD Puppy O'Clock's reputation has grown!
  • 15:26:50: An artist from Maryland publishes a graph of the elements in her dreams: (@infobeautiful)
  • 16:16:05: RT @MickeydotFinn: FANTASTIC Photos from Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, supposedly airing Easter (against the new Doctor ?!?) on Sky O ...
  • 18:30:16: OH MY GOD, WHY IS MIKE ROWE KISSING A BEAR. My job is hard, y'all.
  • 18:42:37: - Huzzah! The bands are marching out! Can I remove my headphones yet?
  • 21:05:40: Thanks to Norah Jemisin, Ellen Datlow, @EllenKushner, and Michael Shea for participating in Project Teddybear!
  • 23:29:07: @ksmccarthy24 I'm on now! Whatcha need, loffie?

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Wednesday, March 17, 2010

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Monday, March 15, 2010

  • 00:07:23: @beckyh2112 CRIVEEEEEEEENNNNNNNNS!!!!
  • 00:10:02: @ksmccarthy24 Will you have time to get on AIM sometime tonight? I have FG questions.
  • 12:05:37: @ksmccarthy24 Sure thing!
  • 12:26:03: @longshotauthor WOOHOO! Enjoy your victory, for it is well deserved!
  • 12:56:42: ARG! Why must you toy with me, weather gods? I saw the gorgeous weather and rejoiced that I'd get some good walking in. Then: rain! D:
  • 12:57:49: RT @hodgman: RT @veronica Best headline ever: Gold Nanoparticles and Lasers Kill Crazy Cat Lady Brain Parasite /via ...
  • 12:58:54: @hodgman @veronica Another contender for Best Headline Ever: Skywalkers in Korea Cross Han Solo
  • 13:08:28: @SpanoMano Should we? It's not like yawns spread disease or flash unwanted views of macerated food particles at those around us.
  • 13:28:58: @beachkid *gasp* I would've missed it! Thank you!
  • 13:36:43: Happy Pi Day, Twitterwebs! Hmm, I should bake a pie to bring to work tomorrow. Wonder if I can find a moderately healthsome recipe?
  • 13:38:56: RT @JHOCHE: Hello Ladies. RT @KevinConn "My Old Spice parody ad" // EPIC HILARITY!
  • 13:40:52: Also epic yum! @KevinConn's ad just convinced me to buy a dozen "Lava Roid" comics and see @JHOCHE's fine figure in Titus Andronicus. XD
  • 13:45:12: @Jamie1km I didn't say "healthy;" I said "moderately healthsome." There's a difference. :D
  • 14:43:26: Copperbadge has a fantastic blog post about immediate and long-term grief in storytelling:
  • 14:44:56: Woah. Pi Day is also Einstein's Birthday? This explains SO MUCH.
  • 14:48:53: @longshotauthor Funnel cake... fries? This is one of those things I don't want to know about, like Fried Coke and Fried Butter, yes?
  • 15:10:32: @Uilos Not at all! It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake!
  • 15:23:09: With Blogger shutting down FTP, I'd been waffling over if I should go with Blogspot or a managed domain, or just go to Wordpress.
  • 15:23:32: But as Blogger has been increasingly difficult to deal with, Wordpress is looking increasingly appealing. I'll start the legwork tonight.
  • 16:21:21: - If you work here, do you have a wackjob?
  • 18:59:30: I just got a letter from the Census, informing me that I should expect a letter from the Census. Most useless mailing ever.
  • 19:01:17: RT @Uilos: A photo of me is up for an award, please vote for it! // I voted!
  • 19:15:23: Huh. Not sure why I would be following a certain account. Not only are the tweets irrelevant to my interests, but they use "Sneak Peak."
  • 20:09:47: RT @ebertchicago: - You know you want it. The steampunk earpiece for iPod.
  • 21:30:55: I've decided I'm getting rid of in favor of something more me-ish, suitable for both fandom and professional life.
  • 21:32:04: I like, but some misspell it: Do I go for it? Or do something safe and lame like
  • 21:34:16: @JHOCHE Well, if there's ever a play that would drive someone to drink, "Titus Andronicus" is it. XD
  • 21:35:00: @SheckyX is domain-parked.
  • 21:35:56: @ksmccarthy24 To be fair, he'd been touring for a week. I doubt he could spell his own name at that point. :D
  • 21:41:54: @Beq He didn't even get it right then! It's every bit as massacred as the previous attempts!
  • 22:08:59: @beckyh2112 I love that poem. Johnny Depp recites part of it in a thick Scottish accent, and it is hot.
  • 22:19:40: @highlander_ii *flings love at you* Thanks again for getting it signed for me! It's my favourite autograph. :D
  • 22:31:41: @nataliemorales Why are you :(-ing? Now octopi can enjoy White Collar and Middleman!

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Priscilla said at 3:09 AM


Sunday, March 14, 2010

  • 00:05:52: Woah! N.K. Jemisin's "The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms" is only the first in a trilogy? I love these kinds of surprises!
  • 00:07:53: Looking forward to meeting her at this month's KGB:
  • 11:11:45: Oh, man. I slept HARD last night. There's something about rain that makes sure I feel the weight of every hour. LIfe is good.
  • 11:16:06: According to @JewelStaite, Hollywood is making a Gilligan's Island movie. Dear Hollywood, Please stop kicking my childhood in the face.
  • 11:16:35: @jimsissy Clearly, you raised your kids right. :D
  • 11:30:13: @fredhicks Yay! Happy Birthday, Evie!
  • 11:33:20: RT @ebertchicago: Simply a great two-minute film, even if it is a commercial.
  • 11:37:13: @nataliemorales Fear not; you wear it far better than she does!
  • 11:43:02: @ravenofoctober Grand Central was creepily empty on MLK Day. A great "Ha ha, you have to work when no one else does!" from the Universe.
  • 11:46:36: "...a play about a pretty Quaker girl and a politically idealistic bloodsucker, performed to Paula Abdul songs." I <3 NY.
  • 16:28:21: Boo, rain. Cold and windy and miserable. That laundry list of errands is going to have to wait.
  • 16:29:42: Lunch was fun, though! Ate at Dafni with @Uilos, @SheckyX, @Sue_Sue4, and Neurovore from the forum. Good stuff.
  • 16:45:27: The window is open, so my apartment has a brisk chill to it. Don't know if I should close the window or curl up with a Slanket and tea.
  • 16:47:19: @MickeydotFinn How cool! Have a great time!
  • 16:54:34: Utah Gov Signs Controversial Law Charging Women With Murder for Miscarriages // Dear Utah, Die in a fire. No love, me
  • 16:55:22: @boymonster It's like a Snuggie: a blanket with arms.
  • 17:06:30: RT @jeffeastin: - This made me laugh hard: McCaffrey & Burke Bar and Grill on 31st in Long Island City.
  • 18:23:47: @feliciaday You could be feliciabyday. By night, SHE FIGHTS CRIME!
  • 18:36:04: Was just sent pictures of the Coolest Freaking Thing In The Universe. I can't wait until I can share! Just two weeks...
  • 19:31:32: I have spent waaaaaay too much time watching @RiceBunny's awesome makeup tutorials. Can't wait to integrate them into my cosplay!
  • 20:05:18: Okay, time for RESPONSIBILITIES. *puts on beta hat*
  • 21:33:07: @ksmccarthy24 Summer and Nathan? I c whut u did thar. :D
  • 22:16:09: @utilitygeek I have a bunch! Molly and Maeve from Dresden, Kaylee, Zoe, and River from Firefly, Sally from Nightmare Before Christmas...
  • 22:16:23: @utilitygeek ...movieverse Nightcrawler, Delirium from Sandman, Wendy from the Middleman comic, and Professor Trelawney from Harry Potter.
  • 22:19:05: @Owlswing38 Not yet. This is the final part in "Aftermath," the Murphy-POV, post-"Changes" novelette exclusive to the upcoming anthology.
  • 22:23:18: RT @ebertchicago: Head of Catholic Health Assn. says abortion wording in HC "doesn't justify opposing a pro-life issue and a human right ...
  • 23:40:22: @ksmccarthy24 THE FUTURE HAPPENED. *sparky lights and robot noises*
  • 23:47:14: @ksmccarthy24 FG is Picard-approved! Make it so!
  • 23:50:28: @Dark_Puck On behalf of the Universe, I love you!

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Priscilla said at 3:08 AM


Saturday, March 13, 2010

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Priscilla said at 4:30 PM


Okay, this is getting ridiculous. I haven't blogged in such a long time that my brain has decided my return needs to be grandiose and epic and cerebral, coupled with a vow to continue blogging every such and such per unit time increment blah blah blah. As a result, I'm thwarting myself before I even begin. Blogging should be fun, not an added stress. Let's go from there.

So! Recap! For those who have been ignoring my blog in the absence of actual human communication, here's what's going on.


Let's start with the day job! I'm still at Launch in NYC. We have some new faces in Asset Land (we fused Character and Prop Lands), and I remain second in command. Over time, I've slowly become to go-to girl for celebrities, and I've gotten to create representations of Robert Pattinson, Heidi Klum, Reese Witherspoon, Tiger Woods (pre-scandal, natch), Roger Federer, Jaime Lee Curtis, J.K. Simmons, Bette Midler, and a bunch of Nascar racers whose names I can't remember, to name a few.

Just before the holidays, I was moved to a new seat, which is a source of frustration. My previous seat was in front of a window--a window ten feet from another building, but a window nonetheless. I could see the sky reflected in another window! I could kind of see the weather, if precipitation was heavy enough! It was great! My new seat is in the corner of a cramped, windowless pit. I have a whole laundry list of complaints, but it even makes me roll my eyes, so I'm not about to post it on the internet, for fear of being subjected to the world's tiniest string orchestra.

So instead, I'll focus your attention on the light amidst this darkness: coworker Erica brings her one-year-old Maltese to work, and every day around 5 I'll declare "Puppy O'Clock" and indulge in some quality snuggling and petting time. While I'd jump at the chance to move to the shiny new 15th floor, with its ergonomic chairs, spacious setup, high-res monitors, brand-spanking-new Wacom tablets, and soaring picture window view of midtown Manhattan, I'll make do with puppy love for now. Also, my coworkers are hilarious and have fantastic banter, and I hear it's a lot quieter on 15. I guess it all balances out.


As for Fandom-Land, last year, I created a map for the Codex Alera, which was published in First Lord's Fury, the sixth and final novel in the series. It will also be included in upcoming reprints of the first four books! I still haven't gotten over how awesome this is. Every time I visit a bookstore, I have to find Jim's books, and if they have a copy, I have to open it to the map and be struck all over again with the fact that MY ART IS IN A #7 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING NOVEL and squee like a maniac. Yes, I am lame, but I have awesome-cred to back it up.

I've gotten a lot of positive feedback and my fair share of criticism, but my favourite bit of praise came from the blog of a soon-to-be-published author, who was in the process of creating her own map for her fantasy novel. She was studying aspects of other fantasy maps to get her brain-juices flowing, and the three maps she gave particular attention were from the Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, and FIRST LORD'S FURY. One of these things is not like the other! I tell myself it's because FLF was published more recently and was therefore readier in folks' memory, but that's some pretty flattering company. It's one thing for folks to admire an illustration I created--it's a whole different kettle of fish for it to inspire someone else!

I also made an artistic contribution to the upcoming Dresden Files RPG, masterminded by my friend Fred Hicks. It's the Gruffs from Small Favor. I need to get back in the swing of doing art outside of work. Sure, the fifty-plus-hour work week makes me not want to go near Photoshop when I get home, but it's the only way I'll grow.

And another development since I last blogged: I actually wrote something! My disappointing entry to Yuletide 2008 must've rattled my confidence, because I didn't post anything for ten months following it. Sure, I dabbled, but I never brought anything to completion. 5/6 of the way through the year, I did! I organized a Codex Alera ficathon in an effort to generate some fanfiction before the series concluded, and I wrote an Araris-centric fic called "Fading Away." For Yuletide, I redeemed myself with "Looking Out," a Spook story that appears to be the first non-crossover fanfic in the Mistborn fandom. Oh, pioneers! Then Kait did a Writing Chat Thingy and I wrote "Letters," a highly amusing ficlet in which Tavi and Kitai confront the frustrations of grammar.


I started pitching in with my friend Lisa Spodak's fundraising for the Avon Walk back in July, and over the following months, Lisa finally cajoled me into taking a much more active role in the charity. I'm going to walk in the D.C. event May 1-2, which I'm now training for. I'm so proud of myself; not only am I going to be raising money for a very important cause, but I'm also on an actual exercise regimen, something I haven't been able to stick to in the past. It's great to have a goal.

Back in 2004, Lisa created Project Teddybear, in which she collects autographs and photos of celebrities with an Avon Walks bear, which she auctions off on eBay, with all funds going to the charity. I've contributed to her efforts by collecting the cast and creator of The Middleman, Billy Boyd of Lord of the Rings, Jorge Garcia of Lost, Robin Thorsen of The Guild, Rick Holmes, and Jim Piddock.

Of course, because of my connections to geeky literature fandom, I'm branching out with Project Teddybear: Geek Lit Edition. (I'm still looking for a good name.) In addition to the photo with a bear, I bring a book for the author to sign--usually the first in a series or their most recent release. I've nabbed Jim and Shannon Butcher (The Dresden Files, The Codex Alera, a host of increasingly enjoyable, genre-crossing romance novels), Jane Espenson (Buffy, Firefly, Battlestar Galactica, and more), Pat Rothfuss (The Name of the Wind), Jasper Fforde (the Thursday Next series, Shades of Grey), Lev Grossman (The Magicians, David Anthony Durham (Acacia), Brandon Sanderson (the Mistborn series, The Gathering Storm--also signed for PTB by collaborators Harriet McDougal and Maria Simmons), John Hodgman (Areas of My Expertise), Eoin Colfer (the Artemis Fowl series, And Another Thing), and probably a few others who have slipped my mind. At the most recent KGB Fantastic Fiction event, Ellen Kushner was eager to participate, but I didn't have any of her books on hand, so it'll have to wait until next month. I also hope to get Ellen Datlow, Terri Windling, and guest authors N.K. Jemisin and Michael Shea.


In addition to my increased attendance at book signings, I'm also going to a lot of music events. Leading up to the release of her new album, Katy Pfaffl aka "Mighty Kate" held an abundance of gigs, many of which I've uploaded to YouTube, with her permission. I also saw Vienna Teng, Lenka, Billy Boyd's band Beecake, Regina Spektor, Kristin Chenoweth, Jonathan Coulton with Paul and Storm, and... does a sing-along of Doctor Horrible's Sing-Along Blog with Joss Whedon count? How about a performance of Lemony Snicket's The Composer is Dead? Though I saw that a looooong time ago, so maybe not. I also saw a taping of Inside the Actor's Studio with James Cameron, which is not even remotely close to a music event, but I didn't know where else to mention it.

Hmm, what else has happened? I got my first-ever cavities! And I had a torrid affair with an ocelot, because NO ONE, NOT EVEN MY PARENTS, could possibly be still reading at this point. It's more a historical document for myself. I also failed to blog about San Diego Comic Con, ConDFW (in which I moderated two panels, go me!), and my trip to D.C. for the Inauguration. I'll see if I can dig up the half-written entries and finish them at some point in the near future. Or not. Whatever.

Don't forget to floss!

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Priscilla said at 4:21 PM


  • 00:09:20: RT @Jess_Wade: If this isn't the basis for a historical novel, I don't know what is. Portrait of Queen Eliz 1 chang ...
  • 00:17:33: Back from "Alice in Wonderland"! T'was awesome. I want every costume ever.
  • 00:20:41: Booo. It's supposed to start raining early tomorrow and not let up until Tuesday. Guess my training walks will be forced indoors.
  • 00:21:11: Fortunately, I have the first audiobook of "The Wheel of Time" on my iPhone!
  • 02:45:32: RT @OKBJGM: ...and they say conservatives can't think outside the box!
  • 02:58:36: RT @tlrd: Let Constance Take Her Girlfriend to the Prom! #Constance
  • 12:56:49: Email sig from a massage place:"Suffering lets us see where our attachments are--and that helps us get free." -Ram Dass. Should I be afraid?
  • 13:16:02: @ShannonKButcher Would that be a concrastinator?
  • 13:21:05: @MickeydotFinn Dudes who knit = awesome. I was taught how to knit by a guy.
  • 16:15:41: @ShannonKButcher Yay happy life things!
  • 19:15:54: Texas Approves Curriculum Revised by Conservatives // Sometimes I really, really loathe my state.
  • 20:04:44: RT @Iron_Spike: Rachael Maddow on Republican hypocrisy, health care reform, and taking a brave stand against yourself.

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Priscilla said at 2:08 AM


Friday, March 12, 2010

  • 00:38:12: Someone wrote, "I like ska." My brain provided, "Shouldn't that be 'skaa'?" I have read too much @BrandonSandrson.
  • 00:52:49: @jimsissy *cackles* That would be fantastic! Does she want to borrow my pink and blue wig?
  • 01:08:24: @jimsissy Yeah, that's a tough one. 3D stickers or little balls adhered to the face with eyelash glue could work.
  • 01:10:40: @jimsissy I went with the "Proven Guilty" look instead of "Death Masks," so my fake ear, nose, and lip piercings compensated for no eyebrow.
  • 01:16:56: RT @cleolinda: Mad Men Barbies:
  • 01:34:00: @jimsissy Hee, yeah, Death Masks is much more fitting, then. :D
  • 01:35:24: @jimsissy Of course, she was blonde in DM. If Ellie wants a blonde wig, my favourite wig sites are and
  • 02:03:12: Sleep time for me! I walked four more miles this evening (after the 3.2 this morning), so I've earned a rest. :D
  • 09:08:20: RT @JewelStaite: It's true: Sean Maher. And me. On Warehouse 13. We're like the new Tom Hanks/Meg Ryan! Except with less Oscars!
  • 11:47:00: I'm brainstorming for names for my Project Teddybear spinoff, in which I auction autographed geek lit to raise $ for @avonwalks. Any ideas?
  • 11:58:51: Let me clarify: I'm looking for a name for the spinoff, not for authors' names. :D
  • 12:14:00: RT @jeeemerson: Skip DVD trailers: : Tip : Press Stop, Stop, Play (via @paulgoade)
  • 12:23:22: A spot we're making involves a creepy child's voice. Every so often, I'll hear it, at the edge of perception. Like being in a horror movie.
  • 12:26:41: "I wish I could quit this job right now and go watch Zoolander!" --@issshhhhh
  • 12:29:40: RT @arcaedia: Thrilled for Anne Bishop - SHALADOR'S LADY and Jim Butcher (@longshotauthor) - TURN COAT on the NYT list !!
  • 12:38:43: @utilitygeek Perhaps not the best tone for a charity raising funds to fight breast cancer. :D
  • 15:20:42: Woo! Someone accidentally moved a folder, and thanks to my keen investigative chops, all was not lost! *plays @Psych_USA's Private Eyes ad*
  • 16:49:13: @ebertchicago Version One, definitely.
  • 16:49:31: RT @zeitgeist1975: RT @EWAusielloFiles: Pilot Scoop: FIREFLY/DOLLHOUSE star Alan Tudyk joins NBC's ROCKFORD FILES reboot! ...
  • 17:20:43: Woo, boss is treating us to Alice in Wonderland in IMAX-3D tonight. Gotta love working for a 3D animation studio.
  • 17:44:17: RT @BWBooks: Happy Birthday to Douglas Adams (3/11/1952), writer of the famous series "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (http://bit ...
  • 17:59:37: Hilarious! via @spodalicious: @JimmyKimmel's "Handsome Men's Club"
  • 18:07:50: @meg_evonne I have no Alice costume, though I had a Disney Alice when I was little. Couldn't understand why I couldn't wear it in public.
  • 19:23:12: Pandora decided to play Jewel's "You Were Meant For Me" and Shawn Colvin's "Sunny Came Home." Holy middle school flashback, Batman.
  • 20:01:17: Oooooh. @issshhhhh sent me this: Especially fun if you have a tablet.

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Priscilla said at 2:09 AM


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