15:16:40: RT @GameOfThrones: Congratulations to George R.R. Martin, who made the @Time 100 list. READ: http://itsh.bo/fXngJJ by @Hodgman #gameofth ...
17:10:28: "It's a spider whose butt is covered by a million baby spiders! It's a SPIDER FRACTAL." --me, on the horror of http://youtu.be/Yf6_qDoCUu0
21:36:48: RT @paulandstorm: We are truly living in the Geek Guilded Age RT @alyankovic Age Ladies and gentlemen, I humbly present… THIS. http://j. ...
21:37:16: RT @JacksonPearce: I see you driving/ round town with the girl I love/ and I'm like, HAIKU.