00:03 Misplacing my Warden Molly wig is no great trial when she's only given two lines of description! She gets any hair color I give her, mwaha. #
00:04 @Julie_Butcher You've seen my official hair! It grows from my head, all curly-like! #
00:14 @Julie_Butcher Funny--I like your color of hairs, too! #
00:24 What happens when the company that makes those giant inflatable strike rats goes! on strike? #
00:37 Searched in vain for my black bra, only to realize upon preparing for bed that I was wearing it. #MENSA #
07:11 Can't tell if my alarm is going off or if I'm so tired I'm experiencing auditory hallucinations. #
09:22 @Esperacchius @longshotauthor This is brilliance. #
09:31 New Yorkers: Today's LivingSocial deal is $15 off BonChon! SO MUCH YUM. A Friday Fried Chicken Fiesta is in order! t.co/jvhPNxV#
09:33 Today's breakfast spread incl! uded biscuits and gravy. One coworker thought the gravy was cream of mushroom soup and was eating it alone. DX #
09:43 @SheckyX It's New York. Of course they weren't proper biscuits. :D #
09:44 @stellamortis No, she's blonde, like her mom. Where did you get the honey brown thing? #
09:55 @stellamortis Huh, could've sworn Jim fixed that. Pretty sure he meant honey blonde. #
10:00 @contraducktory @SheckyX @padawanmolly Nothing to see here, move along. #
10:15 @SheckyX @stellamortis Google search the two terms. They're used to describe very different colors. #
11:20 Once again, I am staggered by how freaking awesome and brilliant my friends are. I love you guys! #
11:40 @SheckyX No specific one thing. Just cumulative moments of niftiness and anticipation for SDCC. #
11:41 @RobJDurand @stellamortis There shouldn't be any disparities. Anything is possible, though. #
11:49 New Rebecca Black video. After all that cloying, ar! tificial sweetness, I feel like I need to eat some bok choy or kale. < a href="http://t.co/u56hcDD">t.co/u56hcDD #
11:52 Just looked at the weather report for San Diego. Can I go there right now? #