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Saturday, November 30, 2002
![]() Are we surprised? Weasley Boy: Percy
Priscilla said at 11:59 PM ![]() Wow. I am the most unromantic person in the universe. I delight in the fact that I will never have a boyfriend, despite the multitude of men throwing themselves at my feet. XD Casper leaned in, obviously hoping to kiss me, and I started laughing uncontrollably. There's something about seeing people's faces really close up... I told him I just wanted to be friends, and he seemed perfectly okay with it, so I guess all is fine. Yay for Platonic relationships! At this rate, my first kiss is going to be for theatre.
Priscilla said at 11:33 PM ![]() ::snorks:: Casper and I are off to see Treasure Planet, with hopes that the film doesn't burn up again. It was quite entertaining trying to choose a movie! Ikkle Casper only a Sophomore, so I teased him about not being able to get in to rated-R movies. He flailed a great deal and all was merry.
Priscilla said at 6:05 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 10:32 AM ![]() ::giggles madly:: I had such a fun evening. You know those times when absolutlely everything is hilarious? That's how I felt. Mum and I went to the movies -- she went to Solaris and I chose Treasure Planet -- and all was happy and keen. Except when the film burned up during the climax of the movie. So the theatre gave us free passes for another show, and I caught the tail end of Solaris. I had to bite my lip to stop from giggling madly as the actors rattled off strings of scientific gibberish that anyone who had taken a basic Physics class would recognize as absurd. Oh no! They're made of Boooooooosons! ::jazz hands:: I wanted to howl "Sooooodium!"
While eating dinner afterwards, I made up a large mental list of all the Bad Physics elements I caught in that final 45 minutes, eventually concluding that 2001 and The Great Stanley rock an entire Wall-Mart aisle of socks. My mom chided me about "suspension of disbelief", saying that some things in movies just had to be accepted, like reincarnation. I told her I had no problem with the reincarnation -- my objection was to sci-fi scriptwriters plucking words out of Physics textbooks they don't understand. Not to mention spacecraft designs that make absolutely no sense. But oh well. The cinematography in Solaris was nifty, and the plotline looked interesting. Maybe I'll go back and watch the first part of Solaris, then sneak out and finish Treasure Planet. Sure, we can guess what happens, but we want to see it. XD Priscilla said at 12:39 AM
Thursday, November 28, 2002
![]() Happy Thanksgiving. A day to remember and give thanks for our countless blessings, feasting upon a bounty of delicious, nourishing food with family and friends. And watching Pierce Brosnan slaughter countless evil cronies to the tune of violent explosions. Review of "Die Another Day" now playing in Sgt. Pepper.
Priscilla said at 7:58 PM
Wednesday, November 27, 2002
![]() ::laughs:: I should check my LJ comments more often. From Emily:
i am slow and pathetic, but well-meaning, and what counts after all? :) birthday haiku: If our Priscilla lived in Ankh-Morpork, she'd eat a meat pie floater. ::beatnik snaps:: Loff to you! Priscilla said at 12:32 PM ![]() My mom says the picture of Vimes in the sidebar looks like Don Quixote. I'm scared.
Priscilla said at 12:14 PM ![]() I wonder why I haven't posted anything in the last few days. It's not as if I didn't have the free time! My school gave us this week off. ::loffs her school:: I've spent most of the week working on the Very Secret project (soon to be revealed!). I also saw "Casablanca" last night, mostly instigated by Monica's Casablanca/Discworld crossover birthday card. Does it bother anyone else that no one ever says the words "Play it again, Sam"?
Meanwhile, I'm a Ravenclaw. I was quite pleased to see that I understood nearly all the Javascript source coding for the quiz. Taking computer science is a good thing. *nods* Priscilla said at 12:12 PM ![]() The continuing Birthday loff extends to Brenna. Huzzah for sexy Texan female sheriffs! ::snorks::
Priscilla said at 11:42 AM
Sunday, November 24, 2002
![]() Alicey is wonderful.
InigoMontoya/Musketeer!Shoe kills me every time. Look at that little moustache! *delights* Aww, and Visit has a clerical collar! I'm not the only one who imagined him having one! And Vimes is highly schnoogleable. And Colon is adoreable -- I feel like in a second he's going to try to give me candy. ::hearts the lot of them:: I adore it, Alicey! ::loffs:: Priscilla said at 11:59 PM ![]() Because I have no voice (getting sick -- ugh!), I'm now forcing my dad to do our near-nightly Night Watch readings. Let it be known that his Vimes voice is the cutest thing ever.
Priscilla said at 10:57 AM ![]() Blecgh, why do I always get my period during a performance? Thank gravy that today is the last show and I have no cramps.
Priscilla said at 9:35 AM
Saturday, November 23, 2002
![]() Drumroll, if you please! The Very Secret Project!
Priscilla said at 11:59 PM ![]() ::flails overjoyously:: Renata is my herd! Not only is she the recipient of Gaiman loff (archive junkies: see 4:33PM post on 11/23), but she sent me a birthday package containing a Weird Al poster, the most amusing card I've seen in the history of Hallmark, and a Delirium plushie! *cuddles Delirium* With a fishie! Awwww, you knew Delirium was my favourite! Loff to you! And the packaging is highly amusing, too! One notice suggests you "Look for Death!", and another, more non-sequitorial notice says: "Who can know what Delirium sees through her mismatched eyes? She comes with hands that can adhere to other soft toys or her plush fish." Apparently the next sentence is not the answer to our hypothetical question. "Plush fish" is officially my new favourite vocal warmup.
Edit: More joy! Let us revel in Rebecca's admission that Lincoln is better than Wilson! ::hears Neil's words echoing in her memory:: But we knew that already, didn't we, Renata? Priscilla said at 11:42 PM ![]() My love for Monica knows no bounds. This has to be the most wonderful birthday present in the history of history.
Here's lookin' at you, kid! Priscilla said at 12:18 PM ![]() Two shows down, two to go. I'm quite saddened that Casper chose the first two nights to perform, as he's now finished. He's such a fabulous actor! I'll be disappointed to see Michael take over his role for the next two performances. I mean him no offense, but to be frank, I just don't feel he's the caliber. Ah well. My mom taped the first night, so at least we'll have that. Here's hoping that he tries out for "Man of la Mancha", despite his protests that he can't sing. He promised me tech crew, at least.
Anyway, here's the first/only batch of pictures: First dose of birthday loff: Allison! Schnoogles to you! Loff also to Tanja, Alicey, Jia, et all who wished me a happy birthday. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 9:58 AM
Friday, November 22, 2002
![]() 1) First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Lynch
2) Last word you said: me 3) Last song you sang: "Hello, Mr. Zebra", Tori Amos 4) Last person you hugged: Casper 5) Last thing you laughed at: demented visions of Daniel Radcliffe as various Discworld characters (see interview) 6) Last time you said 'I love you': Talking on the phone with Daddy 7) Last time you cried: JETS competition Present: 8) What's in your CD player: "Scarlet's Walk", Tori Amos 9) What color socks are you wearing: white 10) What's under your bed: books, dust bunnies, random junk 11) What time did you wake up today: 6:50 12) Current taste: banana 13) Current hair: hyperactive, light brown, lower-mid back 14) Current clothes: DotM t-shirt, uniform plaid skirt, blue sweatshirt jacket, saddle shoes 15) Current annoyance: no one coming to tonight's performance, which has the second-best cast (best cast was last night) 16) Current longing: orange juice (getting sick) 17) Current desktop picture: on HAL: omnibus b-day card, on Jimmy: a random grunge thing 18) Current worry: losing my voice 19) Current hate: my immune system 20) Story behind your LJ username: a Renata nickname. Priscilla + pseudonym Ellie 21) Current favorite article of clothing: my nifty jeans 22) Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: quoi? 23) Last CD that you bought: "Boys For Pele" and "Scarlet's Walk" (bought together) 24) Favorite place to be: at my computer 25) Least favorite place: Dimension of Pain 26) Time you wake up in the morning: 6:30 - 7:00 27) If you could play an instrument, what would it be: I'm content with singing, but I'd like to be able to play the violin or piano 28) Favorite color: red, I guess 29) Do you believe in an afterlife: sure, why not? 30) How tall are you: 5'9" 31) Current favorite word/saying: squee, flail 32) Favorite book: "Ender's Game", Orson Scott Card 33) Favorite season: fall or spring. dunno. 34) One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: John, so I could yell at him and make him give me back my omnibus Hitchhiker's guide. He's had it for nearly two years. 35) Favorite day: Halloween 36) Where do you want to go: to meet various online friends 37) What is your career going to be like: special effects 38) How many kids do you want: none 39) What kind of car will you have: Prius 40) Type a line you remember from any book: "...so you're saying we should send Carrot off to be a duck among humans because Bjorn Stronginthearm is my uncle?" 41) A random lyric: "If I saw it written, I couldn't pronounce it" (MAA) 42) Identify some things surrounding your computer: I'm in the Physics lab right now, so Motion Detector/Sonic Ranger, lab weights, scale, and CBL. 43) What's up next: English class Priscilla said at 10:51 AM
Thursday, November 21, 2002
![]() Tomorrow is opening night. Let it be said that I have to most awesome costume of anyone in the play. It certainly helps to have demented artistic flair! Again, I essentially CGed my skin with makeup (sunken, hollow eyes, prominent cheekbones, believeable age lines, accentuated nose...) and I swiped charcoal all over my costume and appendages and the bottoms of my feet in order to look more dirty and rustic. Even after showering madly and scrubbing everywhere, I'm *still* finding charcoal in places. And my face is scary as hell; I'm going to have to get pictures. I also teased up and hair sprayed and teased more and sprayed more until my hair was a mutilated afro mess. I put dull red maple leaves inside the tangle -- it looks fabulous. Of course, it took me more than fifteen minutes with a wide-toothed comb and detangling conditioner to restore my hair it its natural appearance. My hair is going to hate me forever. Anyway, performances at 7 tomorrow, Friday, and Saturday, then a 2:00 matinee on Sunday. We celebrated one girl's birthday today; I wonder if anything will happen for mine on Saturday...
Priscilla said at 12:28 AM
Tuesday, November 19, 2002
![]() Musing of the day: I used to have bright red lips. I've now been applying Vitamin E to them for about a week and a half, as they were evilly chapped and most chap sticks contain dessicants that make it worse. My lips are no longer chapped, but they are no longer red, either. They are now light pink. This is curious.
Priscilla said at 1:06 AM ![]() See that "Renata is cool" post? For some reason, Blogger isn't letting me edit/delete it. Strange. So I composed a haiku:
Here I wrote a post That I now wish to delete But Blogger is dumb Priscilla said at 1:01 AM ![]() Expect very few posts from me in the next few days, as DotM Hell Week is upon us. Here's today's hilight:
We learned the "Ankh-Morpork Handshake" in self-defense today. Of course, the teacher wasn't aware that it was called the Ankh-Morpork Handshake, but I recognized it from the description. This is the niftiest class. I probably forgot to mention here that I'm now taking a self-defense course for my P.E. requirement, which is quite interesting. The teacher usually makes me play the "attacker", because I'm the tallest in the class. In addition to the Handshake today, she also taught us several techniques for incapacitating an attacker that grabs you from behind, so I got to spend about 10 minutes attempting to dodge blows, while clinging to the instructor in a bear hug. My only vocalizations were the occasional tiny "meep?" and "der". Yeah, that was interesting. Priscilla said at 12:56 AM
Sunday, November 17, 2002
![]() Renata is cool, so I feel compelled to copycat her. Sign my Guestmap. (Why yes, mother, I am working on my English paper...)
Priscilla said at 9:54 PM ![]() Oh, yeah -- before I forget. Any and all Lincolnites can consider themselves invited to "Dark of the Moon" on Thurs-Sun this week. Email me or comment if you're interested.
Priscilla said at 9:34 PM ![]() Oh man. I'm rather irritated at myself right now. The major English paper for Mill on the Floss that I thought was due Wednesday is due tomorrow. 6-8 pages. Lovely. Thank gravy that I decided to get a "head start" on it tonight so that saw the real due date. Why does my mental filing system always seem to be completely off? Ugh, and my design art project is due Tuesday. With next week being Hell Week, I wonder when that's going to get done. Bah. Back to work.
Priscilla said at 9:15 PM ![]() My DSL is back! Hurrah! *makes zooming noises*
Priscilla said at 12:55 PM
Saturday, November 16, 2002
![]() O_o
I just realized that I was supposed to go to the Hockaday/St. Marks coffee house, then the "Brave Combo" rock/polka mixer. Brave Combo ends in eight minutes. This is what happens when I don't write things down. Oh well. It's not horrible. It would have been cool to see Matt's improv troupe perform, and polka rock music is always awesome, but I'm not really sorry, because I spent the evening at the Magnolia with my mom watching Cocteau's "La Belle et la Bete" (Beauty and the Beast), which was unbelieveably gorgeous. I was floored. So it wasn't a complete loss. XD Priscilla said at 8:56 PM ![]() New layout. Comment.
Priscilla said at 1:52 PM
Friday, November 15, 2002
![]() Wow. Sex-Me-Up!Oliver... Scruffy-Bed-Head!Percy... BadPlace!Dan... Puberty-Love!Rupert... Evil-Never-Looked-So-Good!Christian... Smarmy!Lockhart... Snape!Snape... Barbie!Lucius... good gravy! The drool in the midnight CoS showing had to have been at least ankle-deep. Infinitely superior to PS, but then we knew that already. I'll most likely post a longer review once more people have seen it and I don't have to be out the door in 8 minutes.
Priscilla said at 8:07 AM
Wednesday, November 13, 2002
![]() My Studio Art class, as well as several other art and photography students and the entire Junior Class, got to visit the Kimbell Art Museum to see the Mondrian exhibit. Huzzah.
Conversational hilight: I was talking with Tori about which Discworld book she wanted me to lend her next, and I was telling her that she'd like Night Watch, because it has so little Carrot (she doesn't like him much, silly girl) content. We started discussing which characters we liked (and disliked), and she mentioned Wolfgang. "But he has back hair!" I mockingly shouted. "But he does one-handed pushups in the nude! And he's evil!" she replied. I love Tori, despite her lack of taste. Priscilla said at 11:18 PM
Tuesday, November 12, 2002
![]() Oh! More GoodThings! Apparently, the boy Mrs. Felice asked to do the shirts and posters missed the deadline, so she's using my graphic for both! Instead of just being the program, it's now all three. Upon hearing this news, the cast erupted in cheers. Words cannot describe how loved I felt right then.
Priscilla said at 10:22 PM ![]() Grr. Stupid blog still refusing to publish. Gah, evilness.
Priscilla said at 9:50 PM ![]() Major joyness happening on the Very Secret Project front. That's all I have to say. For the curious, current estimates for Project Unveiling suggest late November.
On a completely unrelated note, my new blog layout is nearly finished. Jolly good. Priscilla said at 9:35 PM ![]() Eunice gave me back my copy of Night Watch yesterday, which means more fanart for you guys, as I have my reference back! We spent about 15 minutes squeeing in the hallway, most likely disturbing whatever classes were going on around us. Good times. Meanwhile, today I got my "Molybdenum is the Answer!" shirt from Swussian Capitalist, and I'm officially obsessed with it. Tanja is a genius. I think I'll wear it to rehearsals tomorrow, or to the next dress day. Huzzah. Speaking of rehearsals, I'm quite pleased, because I've finally figured out why I like participating in Jesuit theatre so much more than St. Marks (no offense, Matt) theatre: the sheer per-capita ratio of Discworld fans.
It's crazy. I was rereading snippets of Night Watch when I wasn't needed onstage, and I was approached by at least three different guys, each delightedly exclaiming, "Is that Night Watch? Terry Pratchett!" Then, after rehearsals, Eugene (a fan) was talking with one of his friends while I was talking with Casper (another fan), and suddenly Eugene's friend shouted at me "You lent him Men at Arms? Why not start with the first one?". I explained, "Because I like Men at Arms more than Guards! Guards!." I must have said that a bit too loudly, because a bunch of the crew guys turned to look at me and shouted "YEAH!" I must have been glowing with joy as I left the theatre. Wow, if I'd known that Terry Pratchett had such a huge following at Jesuit, I would have considered staging MAA this year a bit more seriously. Or at least one of Stephen Briggs' adaptations, seeing as how MAA is still in embryonic form. Anyway, life is good. Finding topics of conversation is going to suddenly be a heck of a lot easier. Priscilla said at 9:27 PM
Monday, November 11, 2002
![]() More squeeage! I only have two midterm exams this year, and they're both in the afternoon. One is December 18th, the other December 19th. Because they're in the afternoon, I think I'll be able to go to the LOTR midnight showing! Huzzah! Time to start pleading with mum.
EDIT: I'm the only one of my friends able to go to the midnight showing, so I'm electing not to. Thursday afternoon, probably. Priscilla said at 2:04 PM ![]() What the... How in sweet gravy did that happen?
English: Civility and Propriety -- B+ Computer Science Java -- A Topics in Advanced Mathematics -- P (it's a Pass/Fail class) AP Physics B -- A- AP Studio Art -- A Adv. Photography -- A+ Voice Lessons -- A+ Phys. Ed./Health -- A I thought that the hightest anyone had in Studio Art was a C! Ye gods! I feel really surreal now... Priscilla said at 10:40 AM
Sunday, November 10, 2002
![]() Oh! I nearly forgot! Today is Neil Gaiman's 42nd birthday. Happy Birthday, Neil! ::bakes cake::
Priscilla said at 11:14 PM ![]() Gravy. Just when I think my blog is working again, I get whitescreens. Your-Site and Blogger are both getting deathglares. Grrr. I've fixed my ordinary FTP woes, but Blogger remains fiendish.
Priscilla said at 10:05 PM ![]() Daily Sketch updated with Night Watch fodder. Itty-bitty spoiler for character description.
Priscilla said at 9:41 PM ![]() ::wipes away a happy-tear:: I'm so proud of my wibble Moni and Alicey. Growin' up and drawing Discworld fanart and saving China...
Priscilla said at 10:25 AM
Saturday, November 09, 2002
![]() Priscilla does a bit of shooting with a disposeable camera. Conclusion: thumbs are photogenic.
Priscilla said at 10:18 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 9:53 PM ![]() Hehe, Allison's post about finally procuring a copy of Nightmare Before Christmas made me think of Studio Art class on Thursday. I was the only person who had brought CDs, so I treated/forced everyone to listen to NMBC. Good stuff, yo. Some day I'm going to actually get the official one, as opposed to my Kazaa-burned monstrosity, as the end to several songs just cut off, which isn't cool. So yes. And now I must go.
Priscilla said at 3:40 PM ![]() This is an amusing find, though miles away from my mental image. Somehow I always interpreted that Crowley was in snake-form in that first scene... and "evil" though he is, I never imagined him a smoker. Oh well.
Priscilla said at 1:35 PM ![]() Yes! Blog updates again! Go me! ::grooves:: I think it's because my FTP was going wonky, as both work now. But nevermind the cause, now I get to tell you all about what's been going on, that I haven't been able to blog about.
Priscilla said at 10:27 AM
Friday, November 08, 2002
![]() I love math and science songs. We watched a video on Fermat's Last Theorem in math today, and we were treated to classics like "The Square of the Hypotenuse" and There's a Delta for every Epsilon. Then in Physics, Mr. Loh seranaded us with "M times V (Just a Little Momentum)" and other Physics favourites. I love my life.
Priscilla said at 12:36 PM ![]() Another day, another refusal to publish my blog. Blogger continues to deserve my express permission re: biting me. Bah.
Things go well otherwise, though. Last night, in "Dido and Aeneas" rehearsals, we did blocking for the first time. Man, the Sorceress rocks Wal-Mart budget "family-pack"-size quantities of socks. I'm excited about getting to dramatically wave people offstage and conjure my Witches from the darkest depths of the Orchestra Pit. And I get to sit in Dido's throne. Go me. I also had "Dark of the Moon" rehearsals yesterday, which went surprisingly well. I knew my lines a lot better than I had imagined! Hurrah. And in the scenes when I'm offstage, I get to sit in the audience with Jimmy (my laptop, you silly girls) and work on my CGs fo-- ::cough:: I mean the Maya-generated wireframe structural model for the 50-foot bronze statue of Draco Malfoy for the Very Secret Project. Yes. Lots of compliments, yo. I also went to Borders, looking for Tori goodness and Neil's Smoke and Mirrors. I couldn't find Smoke, but I picked up "Boys for Pele" and "Scarlet's Walk", two Tori CDs I've heard Renata squeeing about in her blog. Hurrah! ::listens and loves:: Priscilla said at 8:09 AM ![]() I'm getting really upset about Blogger. For the past three days, I've been unable to publish properly. Growl.
Priscilla said at 12:19 AM ![]() Looking at Mon's Angua sketch (sorry, Mon, I pestered Alicey until she showed it to me. She was being good), I realize that nowhere in the books does it imply that she wears a skirt, as far as I can remember. There might be something buried in Feet of Clay, but nothing came up when I ran a search through my e-texts. I have been corrupted by fanartists! I see no reason why she wouldn't wear the knee-shorts all the other Watchmen wear. Wow. Revelation.
Priscilla said at 12:10 AM
Thursday, November 07, 2002
![]() "Poetry--even bad poetry--may be our final hope."
I'm adding this quote to my Writings section when I next update it. Hearts for Edward Abbey. Priscilla said at 2:47 PM
Wednesday, November 06, 2002
![]() MadSchnoogles to Allison.
Priscilla said at 10:18 PM ![]() What's going on, daddy?
Well, son, you remember at the end of Star Wars: Episode II, when the wise and peaceful Jedi masters are sad because they realize the Republic has elected a Council that will support the Evil Emperor, who will create a massive army to fight a battle that will eventually destroy the Republic? That's pretty much what just happened last night in the 2002 Elections. (Thank you, Mr. Wasserman) Priscilla said at 10:08 PM
Tuesday, November 05, 2002
![]() I earlier suggested that the Theme of the Day was revolution. I was wrong. The theme is most indubitably Night Watch. My parents went to a concert this evening, and two of the last three pieces were entitled "Nachtwache", German for "Night Watch". It's enough to make a person paranoid.
Oh -- and today, I found out that my friend Eugene (Conjur Man) from "Dark of the Moon" is a Pratchett fan, as well. He's only read the Rincewind books, Mort, and Thief of Time, though, so I've taken it upon myself to warp him further. Perhaps if I keep him occupied with Pratchett books, he'll stop trying to steal my G.I.R. shoelaces. Anyway, we decorated out Conjur Cave (our name for the Conjur Woman's cave, which he insists belongs to both of us) with my printout of the Night Watch UK cover, and we have resolved to get a lawn flamingo. Good times. Priscilla said at 11:16 PM ![]() Interesting. It appears my blog has temporarily kicked the bucket. It'll be back soon, though, I'm sure. Actually, the mere fact that you are reading this most likely indicates that my blog has been restored.
I wonder what metaphor you would use for temporarily kicking the bucket. Maybe like one of those clown toys with the weighted base, so that when you push them over, they immediately pop back up again. You could kick that, and it would immediately return upright. Yeah, that works. I think this is my brain's way of telling me to forget my hundred-some pages of "Mill on the Floss" and get some sleep. Priscilla said at 9:56 PM ![]() You have no idea how gratifying it is to see a LJ-cut entitled "Queen Priscilla and the Mighty Fruitbats of Doom". I am filled with glee, yet at the time of this posting, I haven't even read the entry.
There will now be a brief intermission. ::you are entertained:: Rebecca M. makes me happy. Why she chose my name, I do not know. But I feel somehow complete. Priscilla said at 9:49 PM ![]() What ho! The plot of "How the Moon Began"! Finally, you'll be able to understand my weird Photography!
Priscilla said at 9:45 PM ![]() Every time I think it's not possible to love Monica any more than I already do, she proves me wrong.
Priscilla said at 9:42 PM ![]() Priscilla's Mental Tangent:
Ever get that feeling when you're aware and awake, but only just? You're functioning, but you're in such a fog that you really can't be bothered to have an IQ larger than your shoe size? This happens to me rather often in my Studio Art class. It's happened the past three or four lessons, and it happened again today. We were working on a design project, in which we take a few pieces from our dozens of smaller design assignments and try to fuse them into a huge design image. We had each scattered our miniature design assignments around on the floor so that we could begin to synthesize the ideas. I smiled when I saw my whale. Now, the whale needs some explanation. He was born a few class periods ago, when we were cutting up construction paper to make images that represented simplicity, excitement, tranquility, and chaos. I picked up a scrap piece of paper and there he was. He was such a wonderful whale, this scrap piece of paper. He was my friend. Just looking at him made me happy. I saved him and pasted him on a seperate piece of paper and kept him with my other design mini-assignments. And there he was, waiting patiently in my sea of images, ready to be used in my project if I needed him. I slowly circled the pile, looking for ways for my shapes and contours and lines to fuse together into a legitimate design. But as my eyes travelled back over my whale, I felt not happiness but horror. I audibly gasped, making a couple of my classmates turn around to see what was the matter. "My whale!" I wailed, "Upside-down! It looks like a snake head! And it's laughing at me!" Yes, indeed. It was laughing at me. It's huge, innocent eye was now wide and menacing. It's amusingly bent tail was now a vicious, gaping jaw. No question about it, it was evil. My whale had been tainted. I felt crushed. This must be what it's like to be Delirium, I thought to myself. Earlier, in the car, I had remarked to Mimi my feelings of what a surprising word "Suburban" is. It's like popcorn and bubbles, swimming in hot fudge. I felt the urge to make butterflies. I think I'll be Delirium for Halloween next year. I'm still upset about my whale. Priscilla said at 9:20 PM ![]() Lent Night Watch to Eunice. Feel somehow empty. Also want to draw fanart scenes, but fear spoilering. Bah.
Priscilla said at 4:40 PM ![]() Remember, remember
the fifth of November gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason why gunpowder treason should ever be forgot. Happy Guy Fawkes Day! Sidenote: I find this rather worrisome. I celebrate Guy Fawkes Day, finish Night Watch, and start Les Miserables all on the same day. Vive La Revolution! Truth! Justice! Freedom! And a Hard-boiled egg! Priscilla said at 4:30 PM
Monday, November 04, 2002
![]() Priscilla posts more How the Moon Began photos. Care to see them?
Priscilla said at 11:55 PM ![]() Wow, this is certainly an exercise in self-control. I read half of Night Watch, and I'm saving the other half for tomorrow. (...) Wait a second. That's what I was planning to do until I wrote it down, but then I remembered that tomorrow I have both Dark of the Moon and Dido and Aeneas rehearsals (meaning that I don't get out until 8), and I have over 100 pages of Mill on the Floss to read for Wednesday. Decisions, decisions. Maybe I'll read a bit more of Night Watch tonight to make up for tomorrow, then finish it Wednesday. That works. ::nods:: Yes. Now back to Vimes.
I love Vimes. I. Love. Vimes. Night Watch brings prodding buttock to a new level. Priscilla said at 11:35 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 9:55 PM ![]() ::waves copy of Nightwatch delightedly::
Current Mood: Kid at Christmas Current Music: Overjoyed squeeing (What, did you expect a long entry? I've got a book to read!) Priscilla said at 9:21 PM
Sunday, November 03, 2002
![]() ::gabbles speechlessly::
Writing: 750 Physics: 790 Math Level 2C: 800 Fairy godmother? Priscilla said at 10:53 PM ![]() Halloween pictures! Yay!
Chalk Outline -- my favourite aspect of TinkerHell. Proof I am a sick, sick person. Costumes, part I -- Mariam (Thanksgiving Community Service Food Drive Turkey), Marcelina (Virgin Guadeloupe), Elizabeth (Harry Potter), Emily (Snape), Dana (I have no idea), and Tess (She-Ra). Costumes, part II -- Cherise (Rama), Christine (she has no idea), Mackenzie (a hobbit), and me (Angua -- I like my version better). Priscilla said at 10:33 PM ![]() Why do I keep randomly quoting Tori Amos?
On Halloween, before first period even began, one of my calf strips broke. I knew that my mom was coming to school during Advisory (the Break between first and second period), so I called her and asked her if she could bring me another one from the huge wad of leather strips I got from MJDesigns (in the meantime, I just knotted the pieces back together, which worked, but looked silly). When she came, proffering a bag of the strips, I found myself singing "Hand me my leather". Now that I think about it, I'm finding it difficult to remember other specific instances, but I know they're happening. I get the urge to quote a lot when I'm talking with Marcelina, but I curb the inclination, as she's not very fond of Tori Amos. And that's my random observation of the day. I think I'll clean my room a bit, scan Halloween photos, and memorize huge chunks of Dark of the Moon. Priscilla said at 2:58 PM ![]() I am suddenly stricken with a passionate love for Daniel Radcliffe.
Priscilla said at 2:33 PM ![]() Woo! Fun stuff going on! Last night, I went with Marcelina and Chungy to see Nightwatch, the conveniently titled Hockaday/St. Marks fall play. Matt was in it, and he was hilarious. Just the method he used to deliver his lines... he looked hyped up on too much coffee and constantly ready to smack Krista. Go Matt! And Krista, who played the lead, was quite nifty. The end was craaaaaaazy. Huzzah to them.
Afterwards, the three of us went to the Magnolia, where we saw "The Truth About Charlie", which was fabulous. Again, craaaaazy, but absolutely awesome. I recommend it highly. Chungy is surprisingly good at picking movies -- she was right about Punch Drunk Love, and she took me to Amelie, which I probably wouldn't have seen, even though the trailer looked awesome. Because by this point it was about 12:30 (thank Percy I have no curfew), we went to IHOP to get a snack, as none of us had eaten dinner and IHOP is the only restaurant we know of that's open that late. We were greeted by incredibly friendly night-shift employees, which was all fun, then we discussed Chungy's nonexistent gaydar and aspects of the play and movie. Good stuff. Then I dropped Chungy off at Hockaday and took Marcelina home and went to sleep around 2. A splendid time was had by all. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 12:28 PM
Saturday, November 02, 2002
![]() Woo hoo! Finished Draco's kneecap! Bring on the next mold, Mon! Hurrah for the Very Secret Project!
Priscilla said at 5:51 PM ![]() I am a Pop Artist.
You're a modern/pop artist. You have the ability to turn your problems into bright, colorful works of art. People like being around you because you make them smile. Kudos! Priscilla said at 4:34 PM ![]() Significant updation going on, yo. I added a bunch of images to the art gallery (some you may have not seen!) and a couple poems to "Writings". Check them out! I also broke up the art gallery further into "Gifts", "Design", "Black and White Photography", "Color Photography", and "Cyanotypes".
Priscilla said at 1:55 PM ![]() Cleaning hard drives can be fun. HAL went from 156Mb free to 2.16GB. God Bless Modern Technology.
Priscilla said at 10:46 AM ![]() Tim gave me this link. Mmm, inspiration.
Priscilla said at 9:52 AM ![]() priscellie is so nifty
priscellie is baaaack priscellie is quick to show her displeasure with all overt forms of authority and repression priscellie is getting a new host at the moment Googlism entertains me. Priscilla said at 9:40 AM ![]() Nightwatch comes out in three days. Excuse me while I squee loudly enough to make your ears bleed.
Priscilla said at 9:34 AM ![]() On Halloween, lunch table discussion revolved around costuming for the Two Towers premiere. Chungy came as Gandalf and Mackenzie came as a hobbit for Halloween, so their costumes are already taken care of. Everyone apparently decided I should be Legolas, despite the fact that my hair is unquestionably brown. Perhaps Elizabeth should be Legolas and I should be Arwen or Eowyn or summat. But no, nevermind, we're supposed to be members of the Fellowship. First person to suggest I should be Aragorn gets smacked.
Priscilla said at 9:17 AM
Friday, November 01, 2002
![]() I'd like to take this opportunity to say that Alicey is absolutely wonderful. HP Monthly continues to thrive only because of your awe-inspiring devotion, and even with all the worship you get from us, you don't get half the admiration and kowtows you deserve. All hail Alicey!
Priscilla said at 9:46 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 9:34 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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