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Tuesday, December 31, 2002
![]() Alicey deserves huge, hulking, steaming heaps of unadulterated love. She commented on nearly every single image in my Elfwood gallery. Cookies and loff beyond reason! ::schnoogles her madly::
Priscilla said at 8:18 PM ![]() Too amusing. I'm listening to what I have so far of my "Feet of Clay" recording (over 3 hours, so far), and I'm finding that the microphone sometimes picks up my heartbeat. Singing in the Rain, anyone?
Priscilla said at 5:51 PM ![]() Hurrah! This spring break, I'm going to NY with my family. Today, we got tickets for "Man of La Mancha", "La Boheme", "Urinetown", and "Flower Drum Song". Squee!
Priscilla said at 2:17 PM ![]() How embarassing! Look Marcie, we're wearing the same dress!
Is anyone else really, really amused that Neo and Lord Vetinari appear to have the same fashion sense? Neo is actually wearing the getup I intended to draw him in originally, though I added the jacket thing on Mon's influence. Yay for demented coincidences! ::goes off, humming "Paris Original":: Priscilla said at 12:10 AM
Monday, December 30, 2002
![]() Still cleaning desk...
Autographs found: Huzzah. Priscilla said at 11:44 AM ![]() ::giggles madly:: I'm cleaning out my desk right now, and I just found a printed version of the entire RML haiku party. Good gravy! This brings back memories.
Priscilla said at 11:29 AM
Sunday, December 29, 2002
![]() Quote of the Day:
"A man who can juggle, be a cunning politician, and get Nobby in an exotic dancer costume is my type of man." --Moni Priscilla said at 6:21 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:39 PM ![]() Oy. Over the past few days, I've been working on a recording of "Feet of Clay" as an empty-nest present for my parents (we always read together -- the HP series, FotR, and now Discworld), and I had no idea how slow my pages per minute ratio was. On page 63, I had already used up a 90 minute tape. No wonder the real audio versions are abridged!
Priscilla said at 10:28 AM ![]() For those curious, the alpaca is a domesticated mammal (Lama pacos) especially of Peru, most likely descended from the guanaco. A relative of the llama.
Loff to Brenna, despite her evil. Priscilla said at 9:58 AM ![]() Looking through my LJ Friends list, I have come to the conclusion that I am the only person in existence that does not own a webcam.
Priscilla said at 9:53 AM ![]() Weeeeird dream. I was taking my English exam, which was half regurgitation of facts from history class (I didn't take a history this year), half writing Discworld fanfiction, and a bonus of fanart. Meeble.
Priscilla said at 9:15 AM ![]() See Renata's pretty new blog layout! I helped her out with some of the images. Phear our 1337 graphic skillz.
Priscilla said at 9:10 AM
Saturday, December 28, 2002
![]() Brenna is evil and must be stopped. If she offers to show you her Christmas present for Moni, DON'T LOOK AT IT!
Brenna: not my best work, but it amuses me nonetheless Priscellie: *can't wait to see* Priscellie: AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGGGGGHHHHHH!!!!! Brenna: MUAHAHAHHAAH! Priscellie: *claws out eyes* Brenna: And my job is done Priscellie: *yanks out brain and scours it vigorously with lysol and sandpaper* Brenna: I finished Rebecca's as well, which ISN'T ultraevil Priscellie: you have just surpassed The Olsen Twins as most evil being on this planet! You'd better be satisfied! Priscellie: evil, evil, evil Brenna: I could only be more satisfied if I was eating chocolate... Priscellie: *glowers* Brenna: *does happy evil dance* Priscellie: *pouts as she does her "expunge evil and ward off demons" jig* Brenna: I suppose that's the one that involves lots of crucifixes, eh? Priscellie: yes. made of garlic bread sticks. Brenna: Ooo! Those are tasty! Brenna: wanna see rebecca's non-evil card? Priscellie: yes. Priscilla said at 11:35 PM ![]() Review of Chicago: The Movie now playing in Sgt. Pepper.
Priscilla said at 6:10 PM ![]() Ate at Chili's with a bunch of friends. Realized that we all have LiveJournals. Went to Chicago. Went to house where Chungy is house-sitting. Watched Yellow Submarine. Went to sleep as friends watched bootleg cut of Almost Famous. Woke up. Watched Hard Day's Night. Was mildly disappointed, as I mistook HDN for HELP. Still enjoyed it muchly, though. Wanted to schnoogle Ringo. Left. Got lost. Stopped and looked for directions in MAPSCO. Found way home. Went home. Felt proud of self. Yay.
Will post review of Chicago in Sgt. Pepper later today. Priscilla said at 5:54 PM
Friday, December 27, 2002
![]() And aaaargh, Blogger is being stupid again. What happened? You were being so good!
Hiss. Priscilla said at 3:18 PM ![]() My family and I went to a Christmas party last night. Very game-oriented. When we walked in, they put nametags on our backs, and we had to guess who we were. My sister was Big Bird. My mom was Martha Stewart. My dad was Lance Armstrong.
Person: You're too short. Me: Shaquille O'Neil? Person: No, your person is too short. You're too tall for him. Me: Frodo Baggins? And I was right. Go me. One clue! Next, we played Disney edition Monopoly, where I flailed endlessly over mentions of Snow White (curse you, Neil Gaiman!). We left right before Charades started up, which was disappointing, but as I had "work" to do (namely, this layout) and my sister had to pack, it was worthwhile. And that's my story. Talk amongst yourselves. Priscilla said at 3:16 PM ![]() Friday Five!
1. What was your biggest accomplishment this year? Getting in to Penn, when only 5 applicants in the entire ED pool are accepted into DMD. Also completing the calendar was a huge achievement. 2. What was your biggest disappointment? Not winning the JETS notebook after the countless hours I poured in to it. And it was by far the most gorgeous notebook there; all involved agree. Bah, stupid engineers not appreciating eye candy. 3. Will you be making any New Year's resolutions? Keep my room clean, now that it's impeccable and gorgeous (I worked my tail off this morning -- piles that have stood for three years were vanquished in my wake!) 4. Where will you be at midnight? Do you wish you could be somewhere else? I'll probably be at my house, with all my friends, watching movies and counting down the seconds. 5. Aside from (possibly) staying up late, do you have any other New Year's traditions? See above. Priscilla said at 3:06 PM ![]() I'm so happy about how fast this layout loads, in comparison with the Watch layout. Most of the time, the images didn't even load. Now all is happy. This is what I get when I take leaves out of Britt's book. Hurrah for bunches of tiny <1k images!
Priscilla said at 2:13 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 2:09 PM ![]() Hurrah! Alicey got my Christmas gift! I sent her Neverwhere to get her hooked on Neil Gaiman and
Priscilla said at 1:37 PM ![]() I decided a few days ago that Renata has the best taste in music in the entire world, and perhaps surrounding planets. Read her blog and absorb her coolness.
Priscilla said at 9:38 AM ![]() New layout! On Monica's influence, of course. She's a fickle muse, she is. Opinions?
Note: There is no especially devious reason why I change CoL's layouts more often than tnm.n or WIAN or whatever. I see it every day, so I get tired of it faster. And it's just one page of updating, rather than 100+. Point of interest: My first black background! Aww, get your Baby Books and cameras ready. Well, not really my *first*. Back when I was trying to make an X-Files website (it never opened, thank god), it had a black background. But this is my first serious layout with a black background. So yeah. Oh wait. I lied. The Blogger layout parody had a black background. Okay, going over here now... Priscilla said at 12:49 AM
Thursday, December 26, 2002
![]() God help me, I'm in love with Photoshop 7. And all I've done is fiddle around with the brushes and Liquify tool.
I don't even want to know how deep this love will reach when I start playing around with the other features. Priscilla said at 3:13 PM
Wednesday, December 25, 2002
![]() Priscilla said at 8:22 PM ![]() No one else in the family had seen LotR:TTT, so I went to see it a third time. We went to see FotR last Christmas, so it's getting to be a bit of a tradition. Anyway, I felt much like Percy Weasley in my Penn sweater: maroon with a navy blue "P" knitted to the front. Hurrah for unintentional Harry Potter references!
And go see Alicey's Christmas present. Still incomplete; I'll post the final version in the next few days, then send the original to Alicey. Hurrah! Lord Vetinari, the Patrician. Priscilla said at 6:42 PM ![]() ::overjoyed squeal::
Photoshop 7 upgrade! Penn insignia! Books, books, books! Sandman! Tori Amos! Warm clothes! What a Christmas! Priscilla said at 6:38 PM
Tuesday, December 24, 2002
![]() Merry Christmas! Happy Hannukah! Happy Kwanzaa! Happy Solstice! Happy Agnostica! Happy Atheist-Children-Get-Presents-Day! Happy 25th of December!
...and to all a good night! Priscilla said at 10:20 PM ![]() Holy cow. I just had the most phenomentally amazing dream. ::runs away to write down every detail:: There was color. And there was sound. Two things I was never quite sure I dreamed in, but know I know for certain. Good gravy, my subconscious is brilliant.
Priscilla said at 10:07 AM
Monday, December 23, 2002
![]() Die Blogger Die. It's GreyMatter for me.
Priscilla said at 4:41 PM ![]() Wow. Eyes dialated. I can't focus within two feet from my face, which makes it difficult to write greeting cards and ship out holiday packages to places like Malaysia and Argentina. Hoo boy. And the doctor said that I'm just barely nearsighted, so I'd only really consider getting glasses for driving or at night and such. In the meantime, I remain the lensless wonder.
Priscilla said at 4:36 PM ![]() ...and Blogger is back to not publishing. Kill me now.
Priscilla said at 10:31 AM ![]() ::dies of joy:: Monica sends the gift of Vimes. ::loffs Moni utterly::
Priscilla said at 10:28 AM ![]() Arg. Got a haircut. Hacked off three inches. Feel bald. Probably do not qualify for LHFCXDE anymore, as my hair is just about an inch below the bottom of my shoulderblades. Alas.
Priscilla said at 10:22 AM ![]() ::explodes in a fit of overjoyed squeeage:: The Very Secret Diaries are back! ::schnoogles Cassie::
Priscilla said at 1:22 AM ![]() I find out if I need glasses tomorrow. Erk.
Priscilla said at 1:04 AM
Sunday, December 22, 2002
![]() Musings on His Lordship's attire...
Me: okay, the torso looks fine, but the bottom half makes him look like the Prettiest Girl at the Prom. Mon: *dies laughing* Me: yay for Vetinari in a Dress. Mon: put him in pants Me: pants aren't intimidating enough Me: intimidating men wear robes or dresses and stuff. Darth Vader wore a skirt. Priscilla said at 6:53 PM ![]() If blogger does not publish soon, I will seriously consider switching entirely to LiveJournal. I'm getting sick of this!
EDIT: I'm switching to GreyMatter when I'm finished with all the Christmas stuff. This is ridiculous. 2nd EDIT: ::stares:: I fixed it! Holy cow, I fixed it! And I was just grasping blindly at straws! Go me! ::does a dance:: Now let's see if it holds up... Priscilla said at 3:53 PM ![]() Ultimate Loff To:
Jia-Ling, for an utterly awesome compilation of Roald Dahl stories and the originals for birthday cards from this and last year. Alicey, for a bunch of Discworld drawings (plus the rough-draft for the TLC layout line art) and an absolutely spiffy figure drawing book Sannali, for a hefty share of the funds for EspressoFerrets. Renata, for hot cocoa mix, a giant chocolate penny (perfect timing, as I was in dire need of chocolate last night), her soundtrack, and a burned Choirgirl (as mine is evilly scratched). MadSchnoogles! I adore you all! ::snugs:: Priscilla said at 3:34 PM ![]() TTT + MST3K/VSD + hypnotizing video games + crazy Moldovan music + Freud = a very amusing evening
I went with Matt, his friend Luke, and Monty (Malvolio in last Spring's 12th Night) to see The Two Towers again, and it was again wonderful. We kept a VSD-inspired running commentary, with hints of Monty Python thrown in for good measure. Frodo wakes up next to Sam: All: ::uncontrollable snickering:: The trio things Merry and Pippin are dead: Aragorn: Nooooooooooo! Me: Stellaaaaaa! Legolas backflips onto the horse: Matt: Score! Legolas ownz gravity! Me [Legolas]: gravity is my biznatch! Gandalf banishes Saruman from Theoden: Me: I think the most fun aspect of this movie is seeing old men beating the hell out of each other. Grima and Saruman check out the army of Oruk-Hai: Me [Taco Bell Chihuaua/Grima]: I theenk we need a bigger box. Arwen: No, but I want to stay! Luke [Elrond]: But my forehead says otherwise. Saruman plans the assault on Helm's Deep Matt [Saruman]: Now, if we were to build a giant badger... Legolas: 17... 19! Matt: ...and still the prettiest! Orc runs with the flame Me and Matt: It's the Olympic torch! Gimli: Toss me! Toss me! Me [Aragorn]: I'm sorry, I don't feel that way about you... A splendid time was had by all. After the movie, Monty had to go home, but Matt, Luke, and I headed to Gazebo burgers. I haven't eaten there in years -- not since Lower School, where we occasionally went there after soccer games. T'was better than I remember it. Anyway, we enjoyed our burgers, while Luke sat entranced, staring at a video game, whose "All Your Base"-worthy captions said: Alien: You my friend, give me Earth! Hero: No!! Go to Star!! Alien: Why not Space, bomber scramble Too funny. After dinner, we sat in Luke's car and listened to his CD of crazy Moldovan music, including a song about Gypsies vs. Aliens and another about the Moldovan national dish. "This is the best ode to an almost-solid thing I've ever heard!", Matt said. We also discussed recent movies (Equilibrium's cross + swastika = crosstika, I suggest), my apparent recent designation as HP Inner Circle (with confused thanks to Percy Weatherby), colleges, Red, White, and Swing, Vimes' birthing hips in my card for Mon, and other related topics. Good times. Priscilla said at 1:54 PM
Friday, December 20, 2002
![]() oh -- I updated tnm.n's art section. Check it out. Go on, all the cool kids are doing it.
Priscilla said at 11:31 PM ![]() tnm.n needs a new look. Right now. Someone get on Y!M and inspire me.
::toddles off to work on Alicey's card:: Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 6:13 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:49 AM
Thursday, December 19, 2002
![]() This is sick. I'm ashamed of our government.
Priscilla said at 5:33 PM ![]() Exams over. Relief sets in. Frantic cardmaking time!
Priscilla said at 5:19 PM ![]() I'm working on Moni's Christmas present right now. (why yes, I do have an English exam in 2 hours!) On a whim, I decided to color using colored pencils, rather than CG, and I'm having far too much fun. I'm also noticing just how much I've learned doing the calendar project. Dealing with backlighting, for one. Squeeee, Moni's going to love this. ::grins::
Priscilla said at 11:47 AM ![]() Happy 2nd Birthday to "Cult of Lincoln"! Though I didn't start posting regularly until Feb '01, my first CoL post was made on December 19th, 2000. Keen.
Priscilla said at 10:34 AM ![]() Another haiku:
Blogger is on crack, Publishing errors of doom. Switch to LiveJournal? Priscilla said at 10:27 AM ![]() A haiku:
Elfwood is missing. Says "this page cannot be found." I suspect foul play. Priscilla said at 10:22 AM
Wednesday, December 18, 2002
![]() ::snooping around Moni's egroup:: And why haven't I seen this, young lady? Explain yourself!
Priscilla said at 10:56 PM ![]() ::laughs uncontrollably:: Check out the IPs.
+---------------------------------------- - | At Tue Dec 17 22:51:39 2002 | Anonymous <> | () | IP#: (216-12-61-63.access.ntelos.net) | Referring to: ellie/artemislogo.gif | "It's awful, try colors, if my professor were to look at it | he would cry. | At least it's just a robot. | Ha! | Tootles" +---------------------------------------- - +---------------------------------------- - | At Tue Dec 17 22:54:36 2002 | Anonymous <> | () | IP#: (216-12-61-63.access.ntelos.net) | Referring to: ellie/artemislogo.gif | "I love it i don't know what anonymis was talking about | it's lovely | kisskiss" +---------------------------------------- - ::wipes away tears of laughter:: I really, really love the internet. Priscilla said at 9:31 PM ![]() Viggo = Cameron Diaz
Priscilla said at 6:54 PM ![]() Question of the Day: Has Peter Jackson read Pratchett? Gimli's treatise on dwarf females was hilarious.
Anyway, fate smiled upon me last night, for my mother relented and allowed me to see the midnight showing, despite having a Physics exam today. I arrived at the theatre at about 9:50, toting all my books with me, and got in line, fairly close to the front. I proudly wore my "Still the Prettiest" shirt, but I don't think anyone took notice, as they were too busy laughing at the guy dressed as Sam, a retinue of two dwarfs in tow, flashing a poster that bore the words "Saruman is Gay". I wish I had gotten pictures. The line was let in to the theatre at 10:20. Chungy, of course, had the tickets. Chungy and Eunice arrived at 10:40, by which point I had become downright murderous. Chungy: Priscilla! Yay! You're here! Eunice: Hey, Priscilla! Me: deathmaimbitestabkill! Anyway, we still got rather good seats, which was nice, and we only had to sit through two perviews, which was even nicer. I had hoped to see the trailer to Chicago or The Matrix II, but this was even better. Huzzah. People to Loff: Pippin (and Merry) -- because their accents make we want to melt into a little fangirlish puddle Gimli -- who stole just about every scene he was in (esp. Helm's Deep battle) Gollum -- who managed to be adoreable, hilarious, and disturbing all at once, though he did have the tendency to sound like Jar Jar. Frodo and Sam -- who I know Cassie will have a field day with if she writes TTT VSDs. Saruman -- who looked like a kid at Christmas when the Ents were destroying everything Legolas -- who made me laugh. "Legolas! What do your elf-eyes see?" ::snorks:: Eowyn -- who kept reminding me vuagely of Angua (and if you've seen Treasure Planet, Monica and I agree that Mr. Arrow reminds us of Detritus. Ha!) Arwen -- because she's too pretty not to like Aragorn -- for being dead sexy I might post more once more people have seen it, so that's all for now. Go see it! Priscilla said at 4:48 PM
Tuesday, December 17, 2002
![]() One never knows true fame until they have been featured on Fandom Wank. Now remember, children: when you're perusing the DV Calendar Store, you're shopping for Communism!
Sidenote: Methinks I shouldn't respond to flames when in full English paper-writing mode. Priscilla said at 5:18 PM ![]() See What Happens when Priscilla gets bored in Photography class!
Meanwhile, has anybody else seen "The Furies", the latest Sandman offering? I gave it a peek at Borders and immediately put in on my Christmas wish list. The story isn't by Neil, which just isn't cool, but what little I allowed myself to see of the art was gorgeous. Priscilla said at 5:14 PM
Monday, December 16, 2002
![]() Priscilla said at 7:54 AM ![]() "Psssst!" the pretty calendar says. "Buy me!"
The Very Secret Project is ready for shipping! (broken link now corrected!) Priscilla said at 12:28 AM
Sunday, December 15, 2002
![]() Quote of the Day:
queekie99: OH NO queekie99: BLAISE DOESNT HAVE SPARKLY BOOBS! Priscilla said at 12:04 AM
Saturday, December 14, 2002
![]() Do the British regularly not use the metric system? In Harry Potter, wands are expressed in inches, and when Harry falls off his broom in PoA, Ron describes the height in feet. I'm trying to remember now what units of wet and dry measure are used for potions ingredients. And in Discworld, Carrot is described as 6 feet, or 6-foot-6, depending on which book you're reading. So explain yourselves, oh Brits. Why make fun of America not switching over when the UK hasn't switched over entirely, either?
Priscilla said at 1:09 PM ![]() arrrrr! *swashbuckles*
Priscilla said at 12:09 AM
Friday, December 13, 2002
![]() Wow. Here's a nice instance of "Misheard Lyrics". In "What Is Urinetown", Cladwell says "Stance-Dance forget it! Never, nada, nein!", but I always heard "Stance stands for carrot", imagining that he was making some obscure reference to "Don't Be The Bunny". Now that I know the real lyric, I feel somehow robbed. Alas.
Priscilla said at 11:48 PM ![]() (cross-posted in my LJ because Blogger was being stupid)
Who's Aldonza? Who's your Daddy! ::squeals:: Man, this has been the most fabulous week for me. I finish Dido and Aeneas, I get into college, and I get the role of the leading lady in the Jesuit musical. Could it get any better? Probably, when we release the Very Secret Project for shipping! Priscilla said at 6:00 PM ![]() Carpool Conversations: (paraphrased, because I don't have memorex memory)
Mimi: You've seen the latest batch of submissions for HP Monthly? Me: Yep. Mimi: The costume thing? Me: (laughs) Hermione and Ron as Carrot and Angua? Mimi: I'm scared. Me: I really don't get it. Her justification was "A blonde and a redhead -- what did you expect?". Hermione's not blonde! Mimi: Well, there aren't many blondes in the books. Me: Point. Mimi: Ron and Fleur, maybe? Me: Hmmm. You know, my friend Monica's pet pairing is Percy/Fleur. Mimi: And there's the canon-accepted Bill/Fleur. Me: Carrot with a dragon tooth earring and long hair? Mimi: Nevermind. Charlie? Me: hmm.... maybe. Mimi: then there's always Narcissa Malfoy! Me: Or you could have a nice gender reversal. Draco/Ginny has quite a following. Mimi: Indeed. Me: Then there's Seamus Finnegan, Rita Skeeter-- Mimi: Rita Skeeter as Angua! Gahgk! Me: and Lucius Malfoy... (revelation) Gilderoy Lockhart! Mimi: Yes! Gilderoy Lockhart! And Lily Potter was a redhead. You could have Lily/Lockhart! Me: (dies) Mimi: Or Lily/Peter. Me: No. (pause) Was Hannah Abbot a blonde? Mimi: who? Me: Sorted into Hufflepuff. Mimi: You want a Hufflepuff as Angua? Me: Point. Super-loff to Alicey for maintaining HP monthly against all odds, and for making conversations like this possible. Priscilla said at 7:53 AM ![]() Erk. Minor annoyance: Penn =/= Penn State. Penn is the University of Pennsylvania. Penn State is... erm... Penn State. :)
Priscilla said at 12:36 AM
Thursday, December 12, 2002
![]() Quotes for the Week, to make Tanja happy: :D
"It's like Barbie for Physics nerds!" --Me "...so we can multiply r2d2, and if we're lucky, it could equal c 3p0." --Loh ::Marcelina trips on a stack of books:: "There will be no tripping over Neil in my presence! ::pause:: Mind you I'm sure that there are quite a number of people who would think Neil to be a good thing to trip on, but that's irrelevant." --Me Me: I liked it when the boy walked down the sidewalk and went into the toy store, without sound. It was so artistic! Marcelina: Take that, Stanley Kubrick Marcelina: You wouldn't understand! It's a British thing! Rachel: Well neither are you... Loh: It runs at 15 revolutions per second-- Me: Sounds like the French. Get you mass on! --Erin (who also got into Penn! Go her!) Do you have a problem with homoerotic incest? --Me, discussing a particularly unsettling poem It looks like a sperm and an egg. With a moustache. --Mrs. McCullough There are like... tons of guns in Canada! But nobody kills each other! --the point of "Bowling for Columbine", according to Marcelina Priscilla said at 11:53 PM ![]() Despite the continuous squeeage that lasted several hours and the endless line of hugs from the Dido cast, I don't think that the fact that I have been accepted into Penn really sunk in until I got home and saw a stack of mail from other colleges. It's so liberating to know that I don't have to deal with it anymore. The impending fog that has been hovering over my head the last year is absolutely gone. Good gravy.
Priscilla said at 8:48 PM ![]() I'M IN!!!!!!!
HOLY GODS, I'M IN! Priscilla said at 3:17 PM ![]() Oh. Goody.
Today: Tonight: Plus: If I get into Penn, will I be able to concentrate? If I don't get in, will I be able to stop crying? EDIT: ::cries tears of joy:: Dr. Moreland gave me an extension. Major paper now due Monday. You are my savior, Dr. Moreland. It's actually all going to happen! Priscilla said at 7:22 AM
Wednesday, December 11, 2002
![]() ::wails:: Where is my West Side Story CD? Mrs. Felice told me at Dido and Aeneas (yes, she got to come! hurrah!) that she wanted me to sing "A Boy Like That" at Callbacks tomorrow so that Mr. Oliver could hear the other side of my voice. I got the music from Mrs. Glaros, but now I can't find the CD. Arg. ::implores KaZaA::
EDIT: ::gawps:: Okay, since when is it in my main CD case? I took it out ages ago! Someone is trying to spite me. XP Priscilla said at 11:28 PM ![]() ::blinks:: You know how I just said in that last entry that I had to finish the VSP stuff by Sunday? I must be missing a couple neurons, because it's Friday. Yay. Two/Three days to CG an image, when it took me at least 2-3 weeks to do the others. Meeble? Happy Hell Week, Charlie Brown.
Priscilla said at 5:33 PM ![]() Tonight = opening night for Dido and Aeneas
Tomorrow = I find out if I got into Penn. Tomorrow also = callbacks for Man of La Mancha Sunday = Very Secret Project must be finished. Meeble? Priscilla said at 8:04 AM
Monday, December 09, 2002
![]() Curse Seej for being inspiring. Now I want to do Night Watch/Les Miserables parody fanart. Meanie. As if I wasn't swamped enough already...
Priscilla said at 11:33 PM ![]() ::reads comments::
Who is Nishnash? Priscilla said at 11:24 PM ![]() Happy Theatre Day to Priscilla.
1) 3:50 - 4:15 -- at Jesuit to tell Mrs. Felice I might not be able to come to auditions because of "Red White and Swing" rehearsals. 2) 4:20 - 5:30 -- Hockaday, "Red White and Swing" rehearsals 3) 5:35 - 6:20 -- "Man of La Mancha Auditions". Details below. 4) 6:35 - 9:15 -- "Dido and Aeneas" dress rehearsal Der. Anyway, MoLM auditions went very well, I think. I came in as Casper was singing "The Impossible Dream", which was fairly good (he doesn't have the melody quite right, but you can tell he has a good voice), and I listened as the other actors belted out their songs. I was the last girl to go, as I was so late in arriving, but I think I did quite well. "What Does He Want of Me?", from MoLM, thanks to my score-photocopying exploits with Mr. Oliver. I originally wondered if I was warmed up enough, but when I sang, I hardly faltered at all, and that was covered up by Mrs. Oliver's accompaniment. Good stuff. Mrs. Oliver was overjoyed -- she asked "What happened to your voice? Have you been taking lessons?" Apparently, she hasn't heard me sing since "How to Succeed" two years ago. Mr. Oliver offhandly remarked "...and when you perform in the real thing, we'll have castanets." Of course I don't want to read too much into that statement, but it certainly gives me a good feeling about a role. As soon as I uncross my fingers for Penn, I'll re-cross them for the role of Aldonza. I might not have the build for a busty kitchen wench, but I can pull it off. Arrrr. Priscilla said at 11:23 PM ![]() There are few things as simple and beautiful as a deserted city at night in the rain. If I'd had my camera with me, I would have stopped about every three seconds to take pictures. The silhouetted buildings... the splashes of red and green light on the road... beautiful. ::contented sigh::
Anyway, I spent the evening down at KERA, answering phones for the pledge drive. I was actually onscreen for quite a while! I ended up (unknowingly) ending up in the seat where I was just barely in the frame, on the far right side. Because there were personalities in front of us, talking about the gifts that come with the pledges, Christine, Izabella, and I were the only ones visible throughout nearly all the breaks. Rachel and Ashley saw me. ::waves:: Also Mrs. Radtke, my beloved former english teacher, saw me, and called in a pledge, hoping to get me. I was already on the phone, so she got Christine, who passed on Mrs. Radtke's sentiments. How cool is that? I think I want to volunteer at KERA more often. The phone calls they get are absolutely hilarious! I think they diverted all the crazies to me... one woman made me look through my entire notebook for a listing of BritCom shirts, complained about the 6-8 week shipping time, and terminated the call with "I love you". One senior kept referring to me as "Honey" and "Sweetie". A teenager prank called, asking if he could donate 5 cents. Another woman figured out which volunteer I was by lip syncing with the TV and complimented my shirt. And that's only the tip of the iceberg! I was there 6 1/2 hours -- you can imagine the drama. It was fabulous! I also got to read a lot of "Smoke and Mirrors", because we rarely got calls during the actual shows. Bizarre as it may sound, we worked during the "breaks". XD Anyway, I enjoyed myself. Hurrah. Priscilla said at 12:51 AM
Sunday, December 08, 2002
![]() I'm gonna be on tee-vee tonight! Well, okay, so I'm going with the Anglophilia Club to be a phone answerer for a pledge drive and there's a chance I might be in the frame briefly, but that's irrelevant. I will be a star! ::poses::
Priscilla said at 5:55 PM ![]() ::sigh:: I was lucky. I really was lucky. Now I'm cursed. Speaking of the DMV, I got my new license today.
Last Year's VS This Year's I look drugged. God, can't it expire any sooner than 2008? ::wails:: Priscilla said at 11:03 AM ![]() I just dreamed that I saw a Broadway performance of a mix of Urinetown, Dark of the Moon, and West Side Story. That was messed up.
Priscilla said at 9:19 AM ![]() Scene from a couple weeks ago:
DMV Lady: Read the fifth line. Me: ::reads the fifth line:: DMV Lady: (pause) try that again. Me: ::rereads the fifth line:: DMV Lady: Close enough. Scene from a few days ago: Julia: ::plays with Hayden's glasses:: Me: Hey, Hayden! Can I try on your glasses? Hayden: Sure. They're very low perscription, though. Me: ::tries on Hayden's glasses:: ::looks around:: ::sees "Come And Take It" cannon Alamo flag:: ::takes off glasses:: ::can no longer read flag:: ::puts glasses on again:: ::takes them off again:: ::puts them on again:: Me: Oh. Well then. I'm probably getting glasses. Priscilla said at 12:47 AM ![]() "oh, i forgot... go read priscellie's additions to sgt. pepper's happy juice club bar, 'cos she's a genius and one day she'll be president of the world, and then you'll be sorry you didn't read her blog, i bet."
I love Renata. Priscilla said at 12:36 AM
Saturday, December 07, 2002
![]() Alicey and I had another OC Session. See screencaps. Season with .wavs to taste.
Priscilla said at 7:25 PM ![]() I'd like to take this opportunity to ask WHERE THE HECK IS SIAN? I haven't heard from you since August! ::whines::
Edit: Aha! Posts on the Terry Pratchett UBB! November 14th, you still exist! Now when is your blog coming back? It's been "Under Construction" for four months! And will Fabricati or "Bucked Up" be updated in the wake of Night Watch? We miss you! Priscilla said at 11:05 AM ![]() Grrr. Mum just came into my room with a package, and I squealed for joy, thinking it was from Alicey. She sent me a bunch of drawings before Thanksgiving, and I still haven't gotten them. Then it turned out to be a t-shirt from Texas Tech, a college I'm not even considering. Sigh. ::resignedly climbs back into mailbox to wait::
EDIT: Wow, I feel silly. She hasn't even sent it yet! Now I'm relieved. It's not lost in the mail! Yay. Priscilla said at 10:57 AM
Friday, December 06, 2002
![]() Additions to Renata's Suggestions for "Sergeant Pepper's Happy Juice Club Bar":
Additional Smoothies: We can also sell: And because many juice bars also sell wheatgrass and carrot juice and such: The tip jar can say "You never give me your money," and the yellow submarine sandwiches can have the option of adding "Glass Onions". On the coffee cups, we can write "Good Morning! Good Morning!". And of course, as I mentioned when I first told you of the idea of the juice bar, all workers wear Sgt. Pepper uniforms. We'd make a fortune. Priscilla said at 5:41 PM ![]() This Sluggy storyline amuses me. "Satan's Kittens" is just asking to be turned into a band name.
Priscilla said at 12:21 AM ![]() Monica is cool, so I feel compelled to copy her. Alicey, Mon, and I were reading passages and doing voices for a bunch of characters, and Sybil was a favourite. Presenting one of my favourite scenes from Guards! Guards!. (Mon's version, for those interested)
Priscilla said at 12:14 AM ![]() I read "Snow, Glass, Apples" last night. Was unnerved. Today, saw pictures of myself dressed as Snow White, posing for Stephanie's fairytale assignment. Was also compared to the Witch in "Snow White" in my Sorceress outfit. Meeble? ::curls into a corner and hugs knees::
Anyway, looking at said fairytale assignment, I am further convinced that if Neil Gaiman had been a photographer, he would have been my friend Stephanie Swingle. She produces the most gorgeous, unearthly, dark, dreamlike images I've ever seen. I want to be her. ::dies:: Absolutely amazing. Priscilla said at 12:07 AM
Thursday, December 05, 2002
![]() spockmonkey4: Alicey is Great. *radiates youthful confidence*
queekie99: I am ALicey and I am Queen of CG and everyone else sucks and should clean my toilet. queekie99: Better? spockmonkey4: *copies comment to paste in CoL* spockmonkey4: much better. XD Priscilla said at 11:28 PM
Wednesday, December 04, 2002
![]() ::blinks:: We posted all our mono-prints together in art today, and I was shocked to see that all my images had been done in either red or blue. Penn is taking over my brain, and I don't even know if I'm in yet! ::frets a bit:: Just 183 more hours until I learn my fate... ::crosses fingers and starts counting down the seconds::
Priscilla said at 11:43 PM
Tuesday, December 03, 2002
![]() Just got a call from Matt. He asked if we were "still dating". Poor guy. Sure, I feel rotten about the whole thing, but there's definitely a strange sort of humor to the situation. I originally didn't think I would mention the Thwarted Kiss Incident in my blog for fear of Matt reading it and getting the wrong idea or Elizabeth reading it and making fun of me (she now jokingly calls me a brazen hussy and a femme fatale), but I finally decided I would, because I don't think I should have to hide things from my blog, as if I were ashamed. Plus, the whole point of the post was that Casper and I aren't involved. ::sigh::
I think this incident pretty much marks the downside to single-sex education. The act of merely hanging out with members of opposite gender gets blown out of proportion, and suddenly, going out to the movies with a friend can no longer be seen as innocent. Banter is seen as "leading someone on". It seriously irks me to realize that the Hockaday/St. Marks/Jesuit social world forbids being good friends with more than one guy at a time, and Said Guy = Boyfriend, no exceptions. I told Matt that while I wasn't interested in a boyfriend right now, he could be my Designated Male Companion for social occasions. He sounded disappointed, which made me feel like mud. Coed schools are lucky in that regard. Groups of boys and girls pal around and no one thinks twice about it. Casper came with us to the midnight showing of CoS, and I would have invited Matt and his friends had the decision to invite Casper not been so spur-of-the-moment. His girlfriend had dumped him that day, and he was feeling depressed, and I wanted to cheer him up. No ulterior motive whatsoever. We had fun, and he seemed to get along with my friends. Meanwhile, I got to spend time with Matt and Co. after Homecoming, and we had a great time, sharing opinions about Star Wars and Discworld and online comics and a thousand other interests we had in common. Just because I like spending time with a guy doesn't mean I'm interested in him romantically! It's such a stilted view. I could have the same conversations with Chungy or Alicey or any of my other friends. ::sigh:: I can't think of a clever or insightful way to conclude this, so that's all the rant you're getting this evening. Thank you for flying Cvlt of Lyncolnne. EDIT: Wow. Priscilla = scum of the earth. Priscilla said at 6:58 PM ![]() Happiest of birthdays to Nemmy! ::drowns her in schnoogles:: Will have proper card for you in the next few days. I hope. Hell Week for "Dido and Aeneas". ::loffs::
Priscilla said at 1:15 AM ![]() Another pro-Abe Reason: Woodrow Wilson doesn't have comics about him.
Priscilla said at 12:49 AM
Sunday, December 01, 2002
![]() Oh! On Thanksgiving, I found that I am now taller than my sister. ::mamboes:: She's 2 1/2 years older than I, and she was 2 inches longer at birth. Am now tallest female in family. Huzzah.
Priscilla said at 11:49 PM ![]() Priscilla gets out of her drawing slump! Yayfun!
Priscilla said at 11:44 PM ![]() At long last... The Very Secret Project is revealed! Check out the details in Mon's LJ.
Priscilla said at 10:38 PM ![]() ::listens to Choirgirl for the first time in months:: Good gravy, I love this CD.
Priscilla said at 4:40 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:53 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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