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Monday, March 31, 2003
![]() I had a shocking realization in JAVA today. My MoLM design rocks an unbelieveable amount of sock. That silhouette in the background that I thought was a windmill? That's actually a cross: subliminal Christian symbolism, as Don Quixote is a Christ figure. Good gravy, my subconscious kicks butt.
Meanwhile, our set is absolutely marvelous. Ricky, setmaker extrordinaire, is my God. All is coming together. This has to be the smoothest off-book transition I've ever seen. April 30th and May 2nd at 7:00. Dallas area Lincolnites had better be there. Priscilla said at 9:56 PM
Sunday, March 30, 2003
![]() Wah, Man of La Mancha design due tomorrow and it sucks. Dishonor on me, dishonor on my cow...
::wails:: Why does Don Quixote look like Dr. Finklestein? Priscilla said at 10:41 PM
Saturday, March 29, 2003
![]() It's meme time!
THE SEVEN DEADLY SINS -------------------------------- *ANGER - Who did you last get angry with? I last got irritated with Chungy, for not inviting me to the Margaret Cho thing. But I haven't been truly angry for some time. - What is your weapon of choice? Psychological warfare - Would you hit a member of the opposite sex? Surely. No scruples whatsoever. - How about of the same sex? Certainly. I thwapped Marcelina quite a few times with my "Krup You" inflatable newspaper last night. - Who was the last person who got really angry at you? Erm.... I really can't think of a recent occasion. - What is your pet peeve? People infringing excessively on my time. - Do you keep grudges, or can you let them go easily? If I'm not very fond of a person, I keep grudges almost indefinitely. If they're my friend, they're forgiven instantly. -------------------------------- *SLOTH - What is one thing you're supposed to do daily that you haven't done in a long time? Wear my dental mouthguard thing. - What is the latest you've ever woken up? Maybe 2:30 PM? I'm sure I've slept later when ill, though. - Name a person you've been meaning to contact, but haven't: I'm quite curious as to what's happened to Brittany Bond, a childhood friend that moved away in 4th grade. - What is the last lame excuse you made? I fell asleep at the keyboard. - Have you ever watched an infomercial all the way through (one of the long ones...)? No. - When was the last time you got a good workout? ::laughs hysterically five minutes straight:: Well... I'm excersizing about every other day for 15 minutes on the rowing machine, whilst belting along with "It's all the Same"... - How many times did you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock today? Today, I didn't set an alarm. On school days, it's usually 3 or 4 times. Or less. -------------------------------- *GLUTTONY - What is your overpriced yuppie beverage of choice? My only yuppie beverage is the Starbucks Tazoberry, a blend of ice, tea, and raspberry juice. - Meat eaters: Bite me, I'm an O+ blood type. I've seriously considered vegitarianism, because I'm so twitchy about animal rights, but the realization that it would be detrimental to my body to not eat meat put my crusade on hold. - What is the greatest amount of alcohol you've had in one sitting/outing/event? About 5mL of a Chocolate Marcelina, 3-parts chocolate soy milk and 1-part Kahlua. But that was just out of curiosity, and I've never since had the desire to consume any sort of alcoholic beverage. My curiosity has been fulfilled. - Have you ever used a professional diet company? No, and I doubt I ever will. - Do you have an issue with your weight? Nope. - Do you prefer sweets, salty foods, or spicy foods? I hate spicy foods. I love salty foods, but I couldn't get by without a bit of sweet every so often. - Have you ever looked at a small house pet or child and thought, "LUNCH!"? ::blinks:: No.... -------------------------------- *LUST - How many people have you seen naked (not counting people in movies/babysitting/family)? About 9 different nude models at Parsons, 1 scary naked man in the Hot Tub Incident (as chronicled in "Dischord of the Rings"), and plenty of half-naked cast members in various theatrical productions. Hurrah for Jesuit's coed changing rooms. Oy. - How many people have seen YOU naked (not counting physicians/family?) the Scary Naked Hottub Man, then said cast members. - Have you ever caught yourself staring at the chest/crotch of a member of your gender of choice during a normal conversation? Nope - Have you "done it"? No. - What is your favorite body part on a person of your gender of choice? Eyes, hands, shoulders, mouth, nose... I haven't settled on a favourite. - Have you ever been propositioned by a prostitute? Nope - Have you ever had to get tested for an STD or pregnancy? Nope -------------------------------- *GREED - How many credit cards do you own? One, shared with my dad and sister - What's your guilty pleasure store? any bookshop, anywhere. - If you had $1 million, what would you do with it? Buy the ultimate supercomputer and stalk some famous people. - Would you rather be rich, or famous? Famous, I guess. - Would you accept a boring job if it meant you would make megabucks? I would accept the job, make said megabucks, then quit and find something more exciting. - Have you ever stolen anything? Once, and by accident. I returned later to reimburse the shopkeeper and explain the mistake. - How many MP3s are on your hard drive? About 200, but nearly all were copied from CDs I bought. -------------------------------- *PRIDE - What one thing have you done that you're most proud of? The progression of my vocal, acting, and CGing abilities. - What one thing have you done that your parents are most proud of? Doing v. well in school, I guess. Becoming a well-adjusted young lady that refuses to touch alcohol or drugs and does not bankrupt the Bank of Daddy. - What thing would you like to accomplish in your life? Complete and stage Men at Arms and gain fame and fortune. - Do you get annoyed by coming in second place? Yes - Have you ever entered a contest of skill, knowing you were of much higher skill? Knowing me, I probably have, but I can't think of an occasion - Have you ever cheated on something to get a higher score? Yes. In a first grade spelling test, I changed the spelling of "ov" to "of" when we were checking our answers. I still feel guilty. Never cheated since. - What did you do today that you're proud of? Wrote more music and integrated it in the script of MAA. Wow, the end is going to prod buttock. -------------------------------- *ENVY - What item (or person) of your friends would you most want to have for your own? Monica's drawing talent - Who would you want to go on "Trading Spaces" with? Kill me. If anyone touches my room, they're dead. - If you could be anyone else in the world, who would you be? Someone talented and famous. - Have you ever been cheated on? I've never been in what I considered a dating relationship, so nope. - Have you ever wished you had a physical feature different from your own? I really don't like my profile and I wish the scale of my upper body matched the scale of my lower body, but for the most part, I like my body, so I suppose it's just the profile now. - What trait do you see in others that you wish you had for yourself? Mon, Mags, and Alicey's drawing ability and Linda Eder's high belt. - Do you wish you'd come up with this survey? Not really -------------------------------- * Finally, what is your favorite deadly sin? Pride. I am Egozilla! Priscilla said at 5:29 PM ![]() I developed 8 rolls of film today during a free period. I'd have gotten 16 done today, had Mrs. Yoshii not decided to completely waste the class period. Bah. Anyway, I've now developed rolls #1-20, and I have 21-24 reeled on. Just five left to go, as the 30th roll is only half-spent. Bwee, I can't wait to start printing! ::starts going through negative sleeves and marking favourites::
Priscilla said at 12:29 AM ![]() ::is still singing::
Just got back from the West Side Story sing along. Augh, I keep forgetting how much I absolutely adore that musical. ::sniffs:: For the costume, I eventually decided on Angua, as it was ready-made and looked nifty, but this was probably a mistake. When the affair turned out to be a costume contest, Marcelina and I felt a bit silly, as she was wearing her blue fairy outfit, claiming to be an alternate universe Tinkerbell. At least 5 different women stopped her to admire her wings and her outfit, while all I got was a bunch of scary old men leering at my breastplate. Wah. But in the end, justice triumphed, as Marcelina won the contest. There were ten entries total, and though two of the costumers had fabulous outfits, Marcelina received by far the most cheering. She went home with the newly-released West Side Story DVD. Go her! Anyway, taking a nod from audience-participatory shows like Rocky Horror, at this showing, we were given goody bags filled with WSS-related trinkets and a guide sheet that told when each piece should be used. The clickers, meant to immitate the gang snaps, became an audience favourite. In every tense moment, the audience erupted in clicks. It was a fairly cool effect. We also had blow-up "Krup You" newspapers that Marcelina and I refused to comment on. We all bopped each other over the head whenever a Jet was thwapped with a newspaper in "Dear Officer Krupke". We waved little plastic flags in "America". We blew wedding bubbles in "One Hand, One Heart". We had West Side Story Kleenex for the several tearjerker moments in the show. And of course, we sang along! The woman next to me was rather impressed with me and Marcelina. Har. So that's today's story. Priscilla said at 12:07 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 11:20 PM ![]() Your history textbook lies.
Priscilla said at 11:08 PM ![]() Priscilla's Latest Subtle and Cunning Plan:
1. Poke Marcelina until she chooses to go to Bryn Mawr*, a college she is already looking upon quite favorably. 2. Send psychic mind rays to Neil Gaimain's daughter, Holly, and make her prefer Bryn Mawr over Smith (she's currently waffling between the two). 3. Send MarcelinaScout to find and befriend Neil Gaiman's daughter. 4. Find out when Neil Gaiman is visiting Holly in college, then politely stalk him. 5. Introduce myself as the girl who hugged him, gave him gingerless ginger cookies, and asked him to say into a tape recorder that Lincoln is better than Wilson. 6. Frowl in consternation when he runs away screaming. A good plan, I believe. And indeed subtle and cunning! * This is not the reason I am poking Marcelina to go to Bryn Mawr. I was poking her long before I found out about Holly Gaiman. She would be only 11 miles away from me! We could chill! Life would be merry! I would not have to endure Life Without Schlienen! Priscilla said at 11:01 PM ![]() Wow. I'm a very special person.
Me: Hi, this is Priscilla, can I please speak to Pris-- Rachel? Elizabeth's Mom: Hi, Priscilla, this is Elizabeth's house. Me: Wow. I just called completely the wrong number. Priscilla said at 9:03 PM ![]() Bwee! Tomorrow at the Angelika, there's a sing-along screening of West Side Story! And Schlien and I are going! The first 25 that arrive in costume (either WSS or the musical of our choice) get in first, so I'm looking for something Anita-ish. Of course, because we can go as characters from other musicals, I'm considering donning my Angua costume and challenging anyone that denies the validity of "Men at Arms: The Musical". Har. ::goes to look though CDs for ideas::
Meanwhile, Man of La Mancha goes swimmingly. Mama (Ms. Morton, the accompanist--hee!) and Mr. Oliver finally decided to drop "It's All the Same" a minor third, making the high notes beltable, and much more easily singable considering the strain of the table dance. So hurrah! Quotes of the day: Loh: Electric charge is concentrated on pointy things. Marcelina: Like bacteria! Oliver: [to the Muleteers] You know her! You know her very well. Tom: Biblically. Me: And I have the receipts to prove it! Me: Aww, you know she's just jealous of Aldonza's collection of venereal diseases. Priscilla said at 8:25 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 7:56 PM
Wednesday, March 26, 2003
![]() Aww, how charming! Monica made it to the list of filthy anti-Potter sinners, led by Cassandra Claire, that will lead to the moral corruption of our youth and downfall of society as we know it. Do you think that if I collabbed with her on some filthy pedophilic, incestous bit of slashy smut images I could make it on the list, as well?
Priscilla said at 8:13 PM ![]() Ironic humor of the evening: Watching the "Cell Block Tango" sequence from Chicago immediately after reading the play Medea. I am so making jokes about this in English class tomorrow.
Quotes of the Day: The turkey exacted its sweet, sweet revenge. Benjamin Franklin felt the wrath of poultry! --Me You may take a good, long look at the middle digit of my right hand. --Tom, to Dominic (after Nathan and Lobo jokingly pecked Tom on the cheek in parodic choreography for "A Little Gossip") Mrs. Felice: It takes a real man to kiss another man. Mr. Oliver: That's what they say at St. Marks! Priscilla said at 12:12 AM
Tuesday, March 25, 2003
![]() What do you get when you clone a bunch of inspirational historical figures and let them grow to adolescence in a typical high school environment?
You don't get Woodrow Wilson, that's for sure. Huzzah for Abe Lincoln, who made it to Clone High. Priscilla said at 9:14 PM ![]() Developed roll #8 of 30, and I have rolls 9-12 reeled on and ready to go. Yay, negatives v. pretty. I wonder if I'll have any time to print tonight... or if I should continue developing before I even think about printing? Ah well.
Meanwhile, the MoLM poster/program cover/t-shirt design is due on Monday and what I have so far is absolute junk. I was really excited about my ideas, but when transferred into reality, they're rubbish. Wah. I need a new idea, and fast. Priscilla said at 7:36 PM
Sunday, March 23, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 10:35 PM ![]() Wow. I've always known that I had a weird (and possibly annoying?) laugh, but I just figured out what it sounds like. A squeaky hinge. Go me.
Priscilla said at 10:02 PM ![]() ::dies:: There's a place in Paradise reseved for people that write really good Good Omens Crossover Fanfiction (und part II).
Priscilla said at 6:06 PM ![]() After a great deal of careful consideration and introverted speculation, I have deduced that Inigo Montoya is equivalent to Pumbaa the Warthog. Why? Both Mandy Patinkin (Inigo) and Ernie Sabella (movie Pumbaa) have played Sancho in Man of La Mancha. Listen to some of Sancho's songs in the Placido Domingo version and chortle merrily at Mandy singing, keeping in mind at all times that this is Inigo singing, too.
Har. I'm back, by the way. XD Priscilla said at 5:34 PM
Saturday, March 22, 2003
![]() Mum told me today that New York City is under "red alert" today.
Didn't I read somewhere that "red alert" was martial law? Mum most likely misinformed. Spring Break Statistics: (hey, start a meme! ::preens::) 1 digital camera battery drained (curses! foiled again!) 2 cities visited 2 books read to parents (Feet of Clay and Mort) 2 stage door stalkings (MoLM and Nine) 3 museums visited (Metropolitan, Matisse/Picasso at MoMA QNS, and Degas in Philadelphia) 5 musicals seen (MoLM, La Boheme, The Last Five Years, Urinetown, and Nine) 30 rolls of film taken 150+ women outside the theatre (Nine) ready to kill me (see below) And now, sleep. Must wake up early to compensate for airport security delays. Priscilla said at 11:56 PM ![]() Touched Antonio Banderas' hand. Am now object of envy for huge, thronging mass of 30-year-old women. Go me.
Meanwhile: Dad: If this and Urinetown can get funding, Men at Arms certainly can. Me: [announcer] with Antonio Banderas as Carrot, Chita Rivera as Angua, Brian Stokes Mitchell as Vimes... Dad: Jane Krakowski as Cheery? Me: Cheery's not in this one, Dad. Alas, I won't get the chance to stalk Eddie Izzard. Wah. Still, all in all, an absolutely FANTASTIC spring break. Priscilla said at 11:44 PM ![]() Today, went to the statue of Liberty to take more Fee-wannabe shots. Was v. amused to think about how we replace French Fries and Toast with Freedom and/or Liberty Fries and Toast, yet the very symbol of our freedom was a gift from the French. Har.
Rolls of film used on this trip now at an even 30. Kill me. Must recruit all family members with giant 4-reel tanks to develop this. Predicted Future Conversation: Mrs. Yoshii: Did anyone get anything done over spring break? Classmates: Are you kidding! I was working on my tan! Me: Actually, I shot 30 rolls of film. Classmates: Weugh? Me: ::the sound of a person being viciously attacked:: Meanwhile, I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't been able to photograph at any protest marches. I hesitate to even suggest it, because my parents don't look too fondly upon them. Ah well. Maybe I can find one in Dallas sometime. Heck, I have enough film to develop. Priscilla said at 5:33 PM
Friday, March 21, 2003
![]() Priscilla v. hormonal today.
Note to self: Lock yourself in a windowless box the entire week before the red tide. Otherwise, bad things happen. But I'm actually rather happy, because if I'm having my period now, on schedule, then I'll probably be out in time for "Man of La Mancha"! Huzzah! And to think that people thought I was cheating on the City Watch character selector when I said I was profoundly affected by a monthly cycle. Hah! </stuff you didn't want to know> Priscilla said at 5:16 PM ![]() Pretty! But curiously berefit of plot detail.
Actual, real, true, unfabricated, geniune conversation that Priscilla certainly did not just make up: Mary GrandPre: Okay, Jo. I'm ready to start the cover for OOP. Give me some juicy tidbits and plot outline and character details so I can made a lovely cover with curious details that will tantalize the awaiting fans! JK Rowling: Meh, just draw a lot of candles. Mark GrandPre: Okey-dokey! EDIT: Har, I love Faith. Priscilla said at 5:06 PM ![]() Yay, back in NYC! Tonight we see Urinetown, huzzah.
Yesterday, we went to the Eastern State Penitentiary, were my mom worked her keen feminie wiles (not really) and got us in, alone, even though during winter it's only open on weekends. So we had the entire prison to ourselves to photograph! It's absolutely gorgeous. The paint is peeling off the walls and the cells are long-since abandoned. A James Fee favourite--the guard told us that he brings his classes by twice a year to photograph there. I shot ungodly amounts of film (10 rolls of 24 exp in 1h15), so I should have quite a bit to pick from when I get home. Better to shoot too much than too little, har. And now, I'm going to lunch. Priscilla said at 12:42 PM
Tuesday, March 18, 2003
![]() Jolly fun.
Elfwood comment of the day: "I like all this work I've seen it else where and that makes me think that this is not all your work but I havent really looked into it so yeah......." Yay plagiarism! Ah well. By this point, most of the stuff in my gallery is so old that I wouldn't give a flip if Elfwood tried to delete it. It would give me an excuse to lay the smackdown on art thieves, which is always fun. But for now, a giant "meh" to the world in general will suffice. Yar. Priscilla said at 9:43 PM ![]() ![]() I'm sorry, cow, I have to. I know, I know, it's rude I shouldn't work my problems out with food. I'm sorry, pal, I've got to. It's either me or you. Fight or be beaten! Eat or be eaten! Look what it makes me do. Priscilla said at 9:31 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 9:13 PM ![]() ::dies of cuteness:: My dad is the most adoreable person in the history of the universe. He got misty-eyed at the end of Feet of Clay. ::awwws:: I loff my daddy. And huzzah for the Good Ship C/A.
Meanwhile, I found the V/V banter at the end adoreable. Monica, I blame you. Priscilla said at 9:01 PM ![]() ::scowls:: Why didn't anyone tell me that my blog layout breaks down on Macs? Hisssssss. Must fix when I get home.
Meanwhile, I'm quite pleased, because I originally thought I wouldn't have net access when in Philly, but because I'm staying with one of my sister's friends tonight, I get to use her computer while she's out in a study group. Good gravy, I'm in love with this city! ::dies:: I got to meet with Becky Young, one of the photography instructors, who let me develop some of my film so that I could ensure I was getting the Fee-ish effects I desired. I absolutely love what I've developed so far! The fisheye lens is way too cool. Four rolls down, twelve to go. Well, sixteen rolls so far, plus whatever I shoot in the next few days. Mrs. Yoshii (my photography teacher) is going to be floored. Yay for overachievers! Hehe, the rest of my class hates me. XD I also got to meet with Amy Calhoun, big cheese of the Digital Media Design program, who redefines coolness. She's such a happy person -- just being in her presence for two minutes is enough to make your whole day. She showed me the new animation/modeling facilities, in which dozens of cameras from four different angles plot the movement of specific points on the body, which can be translated onto a digital form, a la Gollum. I can't wait to go to school here! Penn is a lifetime of dreams come true! ::dies of joy:: Edit: Oh! I forgot! Amy showed me a first-prize-winning short film some DMD students made about Ninjas. Too cool. They had Real Ultimate Power. Priscilla said at 8:57 PM
Monday, March 17, 2003
![]() Hmmm. Error 203:java.lang.NumberFormatException: (server:page)[more info]
Curiouser and curiouser. Priscilla said at 9:52 PM ![]() I shot at least 10 rolls of film today alone. Somebody stop me before I do damage to myself and others.
Operation: I wish I were James Fee goes well. Our next photographic assignment is to write a report on a famous photographer, then submit images in that photographer's style. Because James Fee took so many pictures in NYC, I'm capitalizing on the opportunity. Good timing, huzzah. Anyway, today first we cruised for snaps* at the St. Patrick's Day Parade, which started right outside our hotel. My dad snuck beyond the barricades to get better angles, then when he was questioned by the Fire Department Chief, told him that he respresented the Dallas Morning News. ::facepalm:: What's a bit of larceny among friends? Oh well. It worked. We both got some great shots. Next, Bryant Park, where all but two of the New York pictures in my art section were taken. Later, waiting outside MoMA QNS, I also shot massive numbers of pictures of the truck yard across the street. Then, going into Fee-mode, we rode the subway (finally! I've been working on my dad for three days about the ease of subway trains!) to Brooklyn Bridge, where I played with our wide-angle/fisheye lens extension. Finally, we went to the docks at the southern tip of the island to try to shoot the Statue of Liberty, which unfortunately was just too far away, even with my mom's 300mm lens. Ah well. A highly productive day! * "Crusing for snaps" was coined upon the realization that all photographic terms imply violence. "Shooting" film, "taking" pictures... in photography class, we came up with a bunch more. "Cruising for snaps" became our friendly alternative. Last night, I blogged about my fabulous experiences at Man of La Mancha and La Boheme, but the skanky computer ate my entry and I didn't feel like retyping it. Suffice it to say, both shows were marvellous. MoLM, which I saw Saturday night, was remarkably innovative with sets and props, and Brian Stokes Mitchell made an utterly phenomenal Quixote. His performance was unbelieveably good. Also remarkable was Mark Jacoby, as Padre. Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio as Aldonza, however, left quite a bit to be desired. I really disliked her envisioning of the character. But the show gave me dozens of ideas for the Jesuit production, so all was not in vain. I got my script autographed by several of the actors, who all wished me good luck in my performance. One of the Muleteers, an understudy for Quixote, actually went to Jesuit in high school. What a coincidence! La Boheme, which I saw yesterday, was simply divine. The voices were all magnificent, and the acting was beautiful and touching. I especially loved Alfred Boe as Rudolfo and Daniel Okulitch as Schunard. I wasn't as fond of Wei Huang's (Mimi) acting, but her voice was so gorgeous that it didn't matter. There was not a dry eye in the house at the end. As an added plus, it was rather cool to pick up on all the tidbits that inspired Jonathan Larson to write Rent. Awesome. And now, the answers to your questions. In reverse order, because I'm lazy and that's how they showed up when copy+pasted from my comments field. Continue to submit questions if you so desire. Johanne: Have man kind actually walked on moon? Yes. Anyone that tells you otherwise is part of the government conspiracy trying to instill doubt that we have walked on the moon. Jia: What vegetable goes best with carrots? Arugula (ouch -- okay, close enough) Allison: Do you think that, given time, I can become as cool as you are? Forsake all winter coats and travel to Antarctica. Maybe then you can be truly cold. Actually, because I find I'm never really cold, it's quite easy to be cooler than me. Jo: Er... What is your favorite place in New York City and why? :) Broadway, for obvious reasons. Stalking actors is always fun, as is actually seeing said musicals, as well as taking pretty pictures of blinking lights. Alicey: Do you like cheetahs? They never win. Claudia: Did you go visit 'ground zero'? No. I don't think I could. Matt: When do we get to see the sexy table dancing? April 30th and May 2nd, at 7:30 PM. At least, those who know me IRL will. All others will have to wait until I get the footage uploaded. Joel: If a train is going 150 miles an hour and it needs to get to Toledo which is 562.45 miles away, how long will it take to reach the station? It would be faster if he took the subway. ::glares at dad:: Brenna: Is Santa Claus real? Yes. He killed your favourite pet tortise, Igbert. Brenna: Are you Don Quixote, the man of la mancha? and if you are, can I be your sidekick sanchez guy or something? Nah, I'm no one, I'm nothing, I'm only Aldonza the whore. Or actually, I'm only Aldonza, that's all. Yay censorship. But you're welcome to be my Sancho any day. Renata: whaaat is your name? whaaat is your quest? whaaat is your favorite color?! In order: Inigo Montoya, to find a word that rhymes with orange, and slightly ecru. Priscilla said at 9:37 PM ![]() Weren't we already at Orange Alert?
Watching Bush's address this evening, sitting in the bar area of a restaurant and holding my jacket up to my face to stifle the cigarette smoke, the How to Succeed song "Gotta Stop That Man" became lodged in my head. Glean from this what you will. ::sighs:: Priscilla said at 8:58 PM
Saturday, March 15, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 4:36 PM ![]() Woo! Blogging from my hotel in New York.
Gravy, I'm in love with this city. My parents and I spent the day walking around, photographing, and tonight, we're seeing Man of La Mancha on Broadway. I'm getting the actors to sign my script afterwards. XD Link of the moment: The Nightmare is Over! Meanwhile, here, have a meme. Ask me any question, and I'll answer it in my next entry (unless I don't feel like it, which could always be the case). Priscilla said at 4:32 PM
Thursday, March 13, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 10:26 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 8:43 PM ![]() Wow. I feel like I've been kicked. XD
But all is okay. We choreographed the "abduction" scene--not a rape, I might mention--today in rehearsal, and it's absolutely brutal. Fortunately, I'm in good hands. The Muleteers (the men who are certainly not raping me) are careful to make sure I'm not hurt, while still maintaining the appearance of violent realism. I think that in the production (even though this scene is definitely not a rape, no sirree), my dad is going to run onstage and try to save me. XD Too funny. And it's not a rape! Even funnier is how Lauren, my double, was scared out of her wits and refused to let Mark carry her offstage over his shoulder. After carrying me around the stage, then hefting another actor twice her weight, she was terrified that he would drop her. Even though we're supposed to be unconscious, she started kicking and flailing when he picked her up, which made him have to put her down. And despite her squirming, he still didn't drop her. Mark is nifty like that. It's so cute how carefully he puts me down in the nook-thing, making sure I have my footing before letting go, then asking if I'm okay. ::is amused:: Ah well. Lauren will get used to it when she gets over her initial fear. She has all of tomorrow's rehearsal to practice, as I have to leave school early to catch my plane to New York (squee!). I will have internet access for most of the trip, but it will be limited. Plus, who wants to be stuck in some drab room, surfing the net, when they could be out, taking in museums, Broadway musicals, and countless photographic opportunities? This trip is going to be way too much fun. Musicals in NYC include: Man of La Mancha (goes without saying!), La Boheme (as directed by Baz Luhrman), Urinetown (because I wanted my parents to see it), and Nine (mum's choice -- stars Antonio Banderas). And in our brief sojourn in Philadelphia, we're seeing The Last Five Years. When in NY, I'm considering a hajj to the Union Square Theatre to see if there's any signs of the dear, departed Bat Boy. I'm definitely stopping by the Johnny Rockets on 8th Street to see all my friends on the waitstaff. Huzzah. Now back to my Othello paper. Much stuff must be done before I depart! Priscilla said at 8:27 PM
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
![]() Thank gravy the musician's strike is over! Now I'll still be able to take in massive amounts of Broadway over Spring Break! ::grooves::
Priscilla said at 11:31 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
![]() Bwee! TNM.n is back! *delights*
I just got back from the Dallas Theatre Center, where my family went to see Big Love, a reaction of sorts to the first play ever written. It was absolutely amazing! The acting was magnificent, the staging was innovative, and the characters were genuine. I saw the Headmistress of our school at the show. This amuses me, because the last time I ran into her in a theatre was at Rent, four years ago. She said she wanted to be Maureen. XD I'm rather brain dead at the moment, so I think I'll go back to work on my art assignment. Mrs. McCullough is a slavedriver. I put in more work for her class than I do for all the rest of my classes put together, and she acts as if I'm slacking off and not doing any work. Gaghk. Priscilla said at 11:20 PM
Monday, March 10, 2003
![]() Heck, it beats the one we got.
Priscilla said at 10:50 PM ![]() Woo hoo! Feel the burn! Yet another "It's All The Same" rowing workout. I'm exhausted, but I feel good about myself, so all is right with the world. I shall prod buttock when I perform this song next.
Priscilla said at 10:46 PM ![]() ::picks off Your-Site employees one by one::
BITE ME. They've sent me an email confirming that they received the new payment. So where's my domain? Meanwhile, all my email is bouncing and I can't touch my files. I'm so sick of this stupid host. Priscilla said at 7:41 PM
Sunday, March 09, 2003
![]() The Internet Book List -- rather like the Internet Movie Database, but with paper, rather than celluloid. A website clearly frequented by those of excellent taste, as the top five ranked authors are (in order) J.R.R. Tolkien, Douglas Adams, Neil Gaiman, Isaac Asimov, and Terry Pratchett. Huzzah.
Priscilla said at 11:23 PM ![]() I just got an email back from Your-Site, and they tell me that the billing department only works weekdays. TNM.n will be restored on Monday. ::sigh::
Priscilla said at 9:27 AM
Saturday, March 08, 2003
![]() I am such a t00b. Because I've been having some difficulty trying to loudly belt out "It's All the Same" whilst energetically table-dancing, I decided to give myself some practice trying to sing while physically exerting myself*. So I spent the last 15 minutes on my dad's rowing machine, singing along with my CD player, "It's All the Same" set on "repeat". I could have made myself do more, but my voice was giving out, so I decided not to overexert myself. Tomorrow, I'll do it again, and over time, perhaps I'll be able to increase the duration or intensity. And I'll put a lot more time into memorizing the dance, outside of rehearsals. I have the steps down, more or less, but they're still way too awkward. It needs to be much more fluid before I can start adding character depth.
Come April 30th, I will ownz this number. Yo. Yes, singing is quite a workout in itself. Let's say "physical exertion in addition to the strain of singing." Does that make you happier? Priscilla said at 10:31 PM ![]() CoL is now temporarily hosted at http://cultoflincoln.blogspot.com/ until Your-Site.com gets their act together and processes my credit card payment. Grrr. Can't they understand that I haven't checked my AOL email in months, and that if they need to contact me over billing issues, they should email one of my tnm.n accounts? Hiss. I hope they have employees that work on weekends.
Priscilla said at 3:55 PM ![]() Bwee! Brian Flemming, co-author of Bat Boy: The Musical, has a blog! ::pops:: And Bat Boy is one of the featured albums on mp3.com. Glee!
Although I'm surprised to see credit given to Flemming instead of Laurence O'Keefe, who wrote the music and lyrics. Most likely, O'Keefe just doesn't have a website. ::shrugs:: Priscilla said at 1:50 PM ![]() Perfect. Bloody. Timing.
The day after my sister loses our credit card and my dad cancels the number, Your-Site.com chooses to try to process the next year of webhosting. Because they sent the invoices to my old AOL account, which I never check, I didn't know about it until they cancelled my service. Ugh. And I still haven't gotten the new credit card number. Fortunately, my mom took pity and let me use her credit card, which has a different number from the card I share with my dad and sister. Grrr. Feeling v. cross. Priscilla said at 1:15 PM ![]() This evening, I went to Urseline's production of The Music Man, which was great. I still hold sacred "How to Succeed" as the greatest show in the history of high school theatre, and I still hold precious our 8th grade production of the show, but I have to say, their rendition was way too much fun. Nathan, who has been with me in "Ten Little Indians", "Dark of the Moon", and now "Man of La Mancha" played Marcellus, and he was hilarious. He and Harold had absolutely boundless amounts of energy -- they were like ferrets on pixie sticks. Harold's energy was downright Preston-esque. And Nathan looked like he had stepped off the set of "Newsies", especially in his dance in "Shipoopi" and "The Sadder But Wiser Girl".
The quartet was played by four Urseline teachers, which was quite amusing. And it didn't help that I kept getting the urge to sing the bass part. But their Eulalie Shinn couldn't even begin to compare with Marcelina's performance four years ago. Schlien completely stole the show. Meanwhile, this show was stolen by a 6-year-old extra, an adoreable little girl that looked and behaved remarkably like I did when I was that age. Watch out, kid. XD Her movements during "Wells Fargo Wagon" were so exaggerated and adoreable! And when Constable Locke brought Harold in front of the town meeting in handcuffs, she ran up to him and kicked him in the ankle, then ran back to her mother. Too. Utterly. Cute. In other news, my "B" key is close to dying. If a word in here ever doesn't make sense, try adding strategic b's and see if that words. Friday Five! 1. What was the last song you heard? "76 Trombones" Reprise/Finale thing 2. What were the last two movies you saw? "He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not" and "Dr. Strangelove", plus clips of two versions of Othello -- one with Laurence Fishburne (Morpheus) as Othello, and the other with Bob Hoskins (Hook's "Smee") as Iago and Anthony Hopkins as Othello. Gods give me strength... 3. What were the last three things you purchased? - Smoothie - Bagel - "Best of Gilbert and Sullivan" CD 4. What four things do you need to do this weekend? - Work on MAA - Catch up on my art homework (or work ahead, really) - Work on my Evil Plot of Doom with Moni 5. Who are the last five people you talked to? - Margo - Ms. Morton/Mrs. Oliver - Mr. Oliver - Annabel Chang (from "How to Succeed") - Ms. Morton's friend Hmm. TNM.n is down. Joy. ::kicks Your-Site.com:: Priscilla said at 12:54 AM
Thursday, March 06, 2003
![]() Eee! Amanda Grazini has a weblog! ::prances::
Priscilla said at 11:26 PM ![]() A thought, submitted for your approval...
Moni: and of course, I cannot wait for [spoiler]!Vimes and [spoiler]!Angua Priscellie: *laughs* T'will be fun! Priscellie: and we'll find out if I can actually write Carrot. The boy is difficult. *wrinkles nose* Moni: oh yeah Moni: its almost impossible to get into his head Priscellie: We've been in just about everyone's head except his. In fact, his only thought we've been privy to is that Angua is beautiful and has an interesting chest. *coughpervcough* Moni: *laughs* Priscellie: gotta love Pervy!Carrot Moni: True... now that I think about it, we understand *Vetinari* better than Carrot Priscellie: ...which is an eerie thought Moni: indeed Moni: but says a lot about human nature if you think about it Moni: We cannot even begin to understand "simple", and yet we spend hours trying to get into a twisted mind like Vetinari. Priscellie: ::stares:: Good point. wow. Moni: gee, I am so deep Priscellie: *beatnik snaps* Priscilla said at 9:19 PM
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
![]() ::goggles:: When did we get a book of the complete librettos of eleven Gilbert and Sullivan operettas? Gravy, the stuff we have just gathering dust...
Priscilla said at 11:47 PM ![]() Bandwagonspotting: Fill in the blanks in a comment field.
I ____ Priscilla. Priscilla is ____. If I were alone in a room with Priscilla, I would _______. I think Priscilla should _____. Priscilla needs ______. I want to ____________ Priscilla. When I think of Priscilla, I think of _______. Someday, I think Priscilla will ________. Priscilla said at 9:26 PM ![]() Renata -- Let's combine your Shakespearean-themed restaurant, "Stratford Upon Eatin'", and our Beatles-themed juice bar to form "A Hard Day's Twelfth Night".
What do you say? Priscilla said at 9:22 PM ![]() A new record! After about 30 seconds of listening to HMS Pinafore, I'm inspired to write more Men at Arms. Quirke is now an homage to the Captain. God bless you, Gilbert and Sullivan!
And Brenna -- the reason your school has been teaching you about Jesus being Don Quixote is because Jesus was Don Quixote. We're packing Man of La Mancha to the gills with Christian references, even to the point where we have him die, arms splayed out as if he were on a crucifix. And the Aldonza/Mary Magdeline paralells are too amusing not to reference. We actually considered doing a tableau of The Pieta, but we thought that would be going too far. XD Priscilla said at 9:19 PM ![]() She will claim -- in a report which streets March 12 -- that Michael Jackson paid $150,000 to an African voodoo chief who promised him that David Geffen and Steven Spielberg and the 23 other people on Jackson's enemies list, some of whom had worked with him for years, would soon die.This is what I love about our world. You never know what'll happen next! Priscilla said at 1:21 AM
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
![]() Just got back from the Pocket Sandwich Theatre, where the St. Mark's "Creative Writing" class put on a coffee house of original poetry and short stories. Quite impressive! I was quite glad Matt invited me -- it was a fun experience. Most of the writings were hilarious, including Matt's Zen of ice cream (with spontaneous haiku), a guy's chronicle of an effort to say "I love you", and another boy's story of a man-eating giant. Huzzah!
Flail Count: 2. Adequate, but with room for improvement. "Flail" is such a versatile word! I wish Hockaday would do something like that. And I wish I were taking Creative Writing. Too much fun. Priscilla said at 10:46 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 10:36 PM
Monday, March 03, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 11:33 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:29 PM ![]() Happy 03/03/03, everybody. I hope 3:03 is appropriately surreal for you.
Priscilla said at 1:22 AM ![]() In case you've ever wondered, Which of Priscilla's Favourite Musicals Are You?
Because if you can't be part of the solution to online quizzes, it's fun to be part of the problem. :D Priscilla said at 1:20 AM ![]() In the News...
"RUS members also discussed whether the First Amendment gave the sculptors the right to construct the snow phallus." "Man pleads guilty in pillow attack." "Strickland, who lives in Port Charlotte north of Fort Myers, was charged with possession of an alligator, a felony in Florida." Those that don't read Dave Barry's Blog probaly should. Priscilla said at 12:14 AM
Sunday, March 02, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 5:30 PM ![]() Glee! Legolas VSD2 posted! ::hearts Cassie::
Priscilla said at 4:52 PM ![]() Gotta love my family. I wake up at 1:15 to find four tickets on my desk chair to I production I'd never heard of, over at SMU. The show starts at 2. There was no note. I ask my dad, but he has no idea what's going on. He tells me that my mom is out with my sister, getting lunch. I try to call my mom and sister's cell phones, but I get their answering machines. Still clueless on what's going on; the show starts in 20 minutes. Dad tells me to invite friends, as he doesn't think the family is going. In 20 minutes? What the hell? Why didn't my mom at least wake me up?
Checked the SMU website, and the show sounds interesting. Of course, I have massive art assignments to work on and two papers to write. Communication could have definitely improved this situation. Priscilla said at 2:36 PM ![]() And now, presenting a view into the mental processes of Marcelina and Priscilla at midnight, while waiting for Dr. Strangelove to begin:
Epiphany #1: "Pop Rocks", the candy, is named after the Pop/Rock genre of music. Epiphany #2: The clef and musical staff on packages of "Sweet and Low" sugar substitute derives from their homage to the lyric from "The Music Man". While Watching The Movie: Epiphany #1: In the low-angle, high-contrast shot of General Ripper (the especially loony one that doomed everyone), right before he kills himself, he looks worryingly like George W. Bush. This is further proof that Stanley Kubrick is God. Epiphany #2: General Turgidson looks weirdly like Paul Kidby's version of Carrot (esp. how he appears in "The Last Hero") Priscilla said at 3:57 AM
Saturday, March 01, 2003
![]() Monica and I hereby announce the creation of the "We Want To Shag Young Vetinari Senseless, Or At Least Swoon Over Him From Afar (Though Preferably From Close Up)" Society.
I call the first meeting of the WWTSYVSOALSOHFATPFCUS to order. Priscilla said at 9:22 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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