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Friday, October 31, 2003
![]() Found this note pinned to a suddenly prominent layer of striated muscle tissue. I fear this bodes ill.
Dear Priscilla, I've always been good to you, all things considered. Remember when you were four and you tripped and split your lower lip open on the edge of a glass table and you had to have plastic surgery and the doctors thought you would probably have a scar? Even though I usually scar easily, I pulled through for you, baby, and now no one would guess. I got you through the majority of your teenage years without major acne troubles. I don't sunburn easily, saving you some potential pain there. I do my job: I keep your internal organs in check, I keep your body temperature regulated (and without unsightly sweat stains), and I grant you the blessing of the sense of touch. All this and more! What did I ever ask of you? Nothing. Hear that? Nothing. And what do you do to me? You abuse me, you doodle on me in pen, you stifle and suffocate me with nasty pancake makeup for all those theatre productions of yours. But hey, I could tolerate that. I'm designed to take a little abuse. But this? No, no, this time you've gone too far. Blue liquid latex body paint. What were you THINKING, woman? Here I am, doing my best to keep you looking sooooo good, and you decide you want to slather me in nasty, sticky, artificial GOOP just so you can look cool for a few hours. Whatever happened to all those Halloween costumes you used to wear, huh? Angua? A jedi? Special Agent Fox Mulder? There are plenty of costumes out there that don't require being blue, you know. Do a sistah a favor next time and think of your poor, neglected, overworked skin before you go off painting yourself weird colors, kapeesh? Now, I'm doing this for your own good. I'm taking a brief holiday to get some R&R, maybe some therapy, maybe take a little time off to regrow some of those eyebrows. Maybe, by the time I come back, you'll have a proper respect for the largest organ of your body. Dermally yours, Your Skin Priscilla said at 11:08 PM ![]() New Halloween costume: Kurt acquires an image inducer. My skin hates me.
Priscilla said at 10:29 PM ![]() Dinner time. Wah. Cannot chew without destroying makeup. Gah, too late. Attempts at surgery futile. Ah well. It was crazy fun while it lasted!
Already astronomical respect for Alan and Rebecca Romijn-Stamos has increased ten thousand-fold. Priscilla said at 7:21 PM ![]() Dude, my city rocks.
Priscilla said at 5:59 PM ![]() More costume pics posted in my Livejournal!
Priscilla said at 5:14 PM ![]() MY COSTUME IS SO COOL I COULD DIE.
I'll post better pictures of the finished costume later. Now, lunch! Then math. I woke up at 8 this morning, thinking it would give me plenty of time to dress, eat breakfast, and be ready for class at 11, but not a chance. I was almost late, even without breakfast. I should have woken up at 7. Oh well. Priscilla said at 12:42 PM
Thursday, October 30, 2003
![]() Mmmmm, gah. Donnie Darko continues to be amazing. Good, good movie. And it helps that Jake Gyllenhaal is cuter than toast.
Happy Halloween, boys and girls! So who's dressing up? Roll call in the comments field! Priscilla said at 11:59 PM ![]() *leaps out from behind a door and snarls* Welcome to HELL HOUSE, boys and ghouls! Follow the arrows... if you want to SURVIVE! *cackle*
Too much fun. I blued my eyes and added a slight sickly blue hue to my skin with makeup, put a pillow under my jacket, and became a deranged Nightcrawler with osteoperosis. T'was an insane amount of fun, and I scared the pants off people. Rather like when I played Conjur Woman last year at Jesuit. Muaha! The Cast and Crew and Wannabes (try to find me! Three guesses, and the first two guesses don't count.) Oh, and I'm faaaaaamous! Or something. :D Priscilla said at 9:29 PM ![]() Oh. Em. Gee.
*dies* Of course, if I'm doing anything this summer (we're suddenly tight on money, as the real estate market remains dry and my dad just lost another client), there's no contest between that and the potential ArgentinaFest with Mon and Alicey, but still. DUDE. Priscilla said at 5:44 PM ![]() This makes my 1:30 AM. Does anyone know who's responsible? They are my hero.
Anyway, I anticipate sleep any time now. Just put in a lot of work on the suite Haunted House to prepare for the Halloween suite decoration contest tomorrow. We shall prod righteous buttock. Priscilla said at 1:33 AM
Wednesday, October 29, 2003
![]() Just a reminder: Chris Rankin Webchat tomorrow! Don't forget!
EDIT: Wah. Just realized that given the time zones, I'll be in class during the chat. Oh well, I'm sure someone will have a transcript. Priscilla said at 10:19 AM ![]() Doesn't Bush have anything better to do with his time? Protection from Pornography Week? Sounds to me like a challenge. Jen? Sam? "Smagsby"? You're on. :D
And for those not yet 18, we shall all watch xXx (the Vin Diesel movie) to celebrate! (And you know what makes it all the funnier? That whitehouse.org--a parody White House website--posted this so soon before.) Priscilla said at 10:13 AM ![]() Why Gandalf Never Married -- a speech by Terry Pratchett. Hilarious. Even if you're not a fan, read it for its amusing metaphors.
Priscilla said at 12:24 AM ![]() Taking the briefest of breaks from my paper (halfway done! Go me!), I must take note of my amusement at the number of comments I've received concerning my bust size and/or lack thereof. Of course, three of them were from my dad, as he accidentally triple-posted his comment, but still. It's highly entertaining.
Anyway, WORRY NOT, Tanja! It appears that I can only wear the 32B in underwire bras (I'd never before found one that didn't stab me in the sternum), and with regular bras, I remain a AA. I wouldn't dream of wearing a B normally. So the Long-Haired, Flat-Chested Ex-Death Eaters have not yet snuffed it! I retain my near-concavity. So, now that we're on the subject of breasts, anyone have any guys they want scared away from their journals? XD I wonder if this is what "The Vagina Monologues" is like. Sam? Priscilla said at 12:20 AM
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
![]() Just now finished my Java homework, after working since 4 this afternoon. Why, why, why do I always wait until the day before? Now I get to work on my 3 page Songwriting paper... of which I have a paragraph. My glee is tangible.
Priscilla said at 11:12 PM
Monday, October 27, 2003
![]() *gasp*
Earth-Shattering Discovery. Until this point, I thought I was a 36-AA. And then I noticed that one of my favourite bras (passed down from my sister) is a 32-B. Scandal. Still the Flattest, though. Priscilla said at 11:24 PM ![]() Best. Metaphor. EVER.
Link stolen from Matt, which should be obvious. XD Gotta love that wacky Vatican. Priscilla said at 7:05 PM ![]() Link ganked from Sannali and Ann! ::munches
Priscilla said at 7:02 PM ![]() Kate played "Mad World" in Songwriting today. I need to see Donnie Darko again.
EDIT: Woah. Surreality check. Immediately after posting this entry, I went upstairs and saw that the next issue of "Top of the Hill" (our house's weekly newsletter thing) had some out. And on the first page, they announce that the Hill Film Society is screening Donnie Darko Thursday night. *hums the Twilight Zone theme* Priscilla said at 4:50 PM ![]() Oh! And Windows fixed itself. Word, y0.
Priscilla said at 2:56 PM ![]() Woo! Got the ears! My costume is DONE! *squeals and pokes calendar*
Priscilla said at 2:52 PM ![]() Wah. I uninstalled a bunch of "unnecessary" programs this morning to free up space on my hard drive, and now Windows tries to poke me with a stick every time I open a new window. Wah.
Priscilla said at 12:21 PM ![]() *gasp* Wow. My cheapo $5 rosary just arrived today, and it's so much niftier than I expected. Absolutely perfect, except of course for the actual cross, because nothing sold in any Catholic store in the world could ever come close to Kurt's. Squee, I can't wait for Friday! And this afternoon, I'm going to a costume shop to pick up the ear tips (I called 5 different places. I swear, it's all a conspiracy against me). And then my costume will be complete! Squee, squee, squee, squee, SQUEEEEEEE!!!!
Priscilla said at 12:12 PM ![]() Does this fall under the category of Cruel and Unusual Punishment? Maybe if, like, 15 of us pooled money...
Maybe some Good Samaritan will put the whole thing online pro bono Neil Gaiman fans. Ha. And oh, A Screenplay. If only we lived in a world where any attempt at a movie based on something associated with Terry Pratchett didn't merrily crash and burn into unresuscitatable oblivion. Priscilla said at 1:42 AM
Sunday, October 26, 2003
![]() Alas. Only yesterday, my parents were just complimenting me on how lovely and trim I was, despite new collegiate dining challenges.
Ice Cream Snickers Bars will be my undoing. Priscilla said at 10:28 PM ![]() ::snickets::
It's so hilarious to see how desperate drowning pop stars can get. Not a chance, sugar. XD Priscilla said at 6:56 PM ![]() Parents have gone. Took a nice, long nap to make up for forgetting about Daylight Savings Time and going to breakfast an hour early. Now working on Songwriting paper on "The Wall." Songwriting teacher = COOLEST EVER.
Priscilla said at 4:28 PM ![]() ::stares at Lupin CG for a good five minutes::
How the heck did I do that? ::stares at hideous CG work on my next image:: WAAAAAH. My muse hates me. Priscilla said at 12:41 AM
Saturday, October 25, 2003
![]() I <333333333333 MY MOM!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, we have achieved tail! (Wow, that sounds wrong) I'll have to take a better picture later. It's absolutely, utterly, amazingly awesome. And sho lovely! Hurrah! Priscilla said at 1:56 PM ![]() Does this look like a Vermeer to anyone else?
Priscilla said at 2:58 AM
Friday, October 24, 2003
![]() Woo-hoo! Have solved the blue skin problem! I got some water-based moisturizing lotion to rub on my skin beforehand (it doesn't hurt at all when I peel it off now!), then got some talcum powder to dry up the latex so that it won't stick to everything. The result is a beautiful slate-blue color, and I now have the confidence in knowing I can touch stuff and go about my everyday life without worrying that I'll mess anything up.
I haven't tested it yet, but when I was at Utrecht today, I also got some blue acrylic paint that's just a smidgeon darker than the latex color. I'm going to go all-out and draw in the scars as well. :D This is going to be so amazingly cool... Now only one question remains. Where the heck do you find elf ear tips? Priscilla said at 9:39 PM ![]() Joy. I have no recollection of my alarms going off this morning. I slept halfway through my first class, which wasn't horrible, as it's a lecture class and all the info the teacher goes over is on the course website. It was bad, however, in the sense that I needed to talk to Jing about some of the math homework problems, and my first class was my chance to catch her, as we usually sit together. I dressed and achieved hygiene at record speed and dashed to the computer science building, where I waited for Jing to surface. Hmm. Apparently she missed class, too. So I went back to Hill where to my great luck, Jeff was finishing up his homework. We worked together to finish the problems and all was merry. Rachel came by at one point and asked if I'd had class at 11, as I'm usually so responsible about going. T'was amusing. And now, lunch! ::stomach growls:: Apologies for incoherency.
Priscilla said at 12:36 PM ![]() Just watched 25th Hour with Rachel, Giselle, Jeff, and Vadim. It started so innocently.
Jeff: Is that the girl from "X-Men"? Me: Yeah. Anna Paquin. She played Rogue. We thought nothing of it. Then it started getting strange. Me: Hey... the coworker guy looks like the guy who plays Pyro. Then: A Guy: Hey! You're beautiful! You look like Halle Berry! We all snicketted merrily. Then: Edward Norton: I want to be the girl from X-Men that can walk through walls. We started getting worried. Then, in the bar scene, I got an intense sense of deja vu. Another of the characters, Frank, was wearing a blue Yankees hat, large glasses with silver frames, and an off-white jacket. Which is exactly what Nightcrawler wears in the first scene of X2. I shared this with the group, with the warning of "At the risk of sounding like a complete geek..." All were increasingly disturbed. When the movie was over, I checked out IMDB to see if I was right about the Pyro thing. Not only was I correct, but Edward Norton's father was played by Brian Cox, who played Stryker in X2. In the great words of Teen Girl Squad, WEIRDED OUT. Priscilla said at 1:04 AM
Wednesday, October 22, 2003
![]() Step 1: Put down any food/beverage you may be holding.
Step 2: If you are pregnant or if you have a spinal cord injury, obtain permission from a registered physician. Step 3: Visit this link. And I thought the Johnny Depp one was funny... Priscilla said at 10:51 PM ![]() NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!
The DaVinci's Notebook concert is SOLD OUT. I could have gotten tickets MONTHS ago, but I decided to wait to see if any friends would want to come. ARRRRRRRGGGGGG, I've been looking forward to this for months! Wah, I hate my life. Priscilla said at 7:13 PM ![]() It's a bad sign when you find yourself typing "Billeh" into the search field of IMDB.
Priscilla said at 1:27 AM ![]() Do mein news sources deceive me? Adam Pascal as the new Emcee? ::laughs and laughs::
Go forth, Egozilla! Priscilla said at 12:30 AM
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
![]() You know what else makes everything better when you're down? Listening to Rocky Horror songs in Norwegian.
Priscilla said at 11:43 PM ![]() I know I'm the least famous of the four of us, but when you're commenting in another of the foursome's journals about how much you like the CG in the Remus pic, it hurts when you bestow worshipful credit on everyone EXCEPT THE PERSON WHO CGED IT. ARG. I know it only happens rarely, it's not malicious, and those responsible Know Not What They Do, but guh, can't you learn to read the text of the entry to determine where credit is due, then acknowledge it appropriately? No Love, Priscilla Priscilla said at 9:35 PM ![]() ::laughs uncontrollably:: Now listening to Adam Pascal and Mandy Moore sing "Suddenly, Seymour." I challenge anyone to find anything, anywhere more antithetical than this. Too funny.
Priscilla said at 8:57 PM ![]() *GASP*! The actress playing Audrey in the new Broadway Cast of Little Shop of Horrors is Kerry Butler, who played Shelley in the Off-Broadway Cast of "Bat Boy"! I am SO stalking her and forcing her to sign my script!
EDIT: AAAAUUUUUUGHH!!!!! And Hunter Foster, the guy who plays Seymour, was Bobby in the original broadway cast of Urinetown! I KNEW I recognized the name! I am SO going to see this. Three of my favourite musicals, 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon-style. *is filled with great, t00by love* And if in New York, I just MAY have to stalk Hugh Jackman, as well, on Broadway in The Boy From Oz. I have to make up for my trip to New York two summers ago when I had the opportunity to stalk my two most beloved Alans (Cumming and Rickman) but DIDN'T. Multiple, multiple shame! Priscilla said at 7:44 PM
Monday, October 20, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 9:24 PM ![]() I can't believe I'm actually starting my math homework on a Monday night. It's always due on Friday, so usually I start Wednesday at the earliest. I must be ill.
Meanwhile, I'm highly amused, as one of the questions is titled "The Mean Life of a Radioactive Nucleus." Of course, they're talking about average, but... "The Mean Life"? Someone needs to use that title for their memoirs. Of course, I suppose, if they had used the word "average" it would have been even worse. "The Average Life of a Radioactive Nucleus"? It's so thoughful how mathematics goes out of its way to keep me entertained. Priscilla said at 9:17 PM ![]() WOO-HOO! Got an A on my Major Songwriting Assignment of Quasi-Doom! Have rewarded self with a trip to the CD store in search of the new Barenaked Ladies CD. Alas, they didn't have it yet, so I shall return in a couple of days. The waiting will make it all the more sweet!
Our next Songwriting assignment appears to be a paper analyzing a symphony of our choice. Or something along those lines; the teacher only mentioned it in passing. I toyed with the idea of asking her if I could do Pink Floyd's "The Wall," as it is quite epic and has a narrative of sorts. As I mentally dismissed the idea, Prof. Weesner said "Is there anybody out there?" (the name of the second track of the second disc, as well as the last thing said before launching into "Comfortably Numb," one of my favourite Pink Floyd songs), which I took as a Sign From God that I should at least consider it. After all, Prof. W is the sort that would probably be very receptive to such an idea. Hmm. I shall ponder at length. Priscilla said at 4:58 PM ![]() Hurrah! Webchat with Chris Rankin on October 30th! The interview on the linked page is rather interesting, as it presents conclusive proof that Percy is, if not God, at least Jesus. Boba Fett status still pending.
Priscilla said at 4:42 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:22 PM ![]() Severe pokeage from Moni resulted in me getting a DeviantArt gallery. Kicks Elfwood's shiny backside any day of the week! Why oh why didn't I get one earlier?
Priscilla said at 1:21 AM
Sunday, October 19, 2003
![]() Mon and I couldn't resist. Presenting the first image for the Very Secret Project!
January: The Shrieking Shack Mmmm, an entire calendar of Marauder generation-y goodness! Enough to make one wish we used the Mayan calendar and had 13 months instead of 12! Priscilla said at 11:28 PM ![]() Wow. If I'm ever in a bad mood, I think I'll just go to the Evo section of Ff.n. So much hilariously bad fanfiction... oh, my sides. In the fic I'm reading now, poor Gambit has no one to play Scrabble with, because Magneto is, I quote, "too busy being evil." Oh, Fanfiction.net, what would we do without you?
Priscilla said at 8:47 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:40 PM
Saturday, October 18, 2003
![]() Note to self: One should not attempt to CG bloodied-up werewolves immediately after seeing "Fight Club." Too much source material. (Of course, it looks absolutely amazing, but still.)
The Very Secret Project, take 2! Coming your way this December! One month down, eleven more to go! (Eep!) Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() GAUGH, my palm is fine, but wherever I have hair on the back of my hand, it's like ripping off the world's biggest band aid. OUCH OUCH OUCH okay done.
Who the heck would use this liquid latex stuff as a sex toy? Masochists? EDIT: And this is why I should read the instructions first. Priscilla said at 5:21 PM ![]() Squee! My blue body paint arrived today! It's a lot brighter blue than I pictured, but it appears to darken as it dries. (EDIT: Yes! It's now a lovely slate-ish blue color!) Now typing one-handed as I wait for the second layer to dry on my left hand as I try it out. I might have to bring my fan back out of my closet to speed the process.
This is fun! I wonder if anyone else in my suite is dressing up for Halloween this year... Priscilla said at 4:52 PM ![]() Squee! As of lunch break, my girls back home are in 4th place in the B.E.S.T. competition! ::schnoogles them:: I'm so proud of you guys! Best of luck!
Priscilla said at 1:48 PM ![]() Grr! Bad Kurt! Stop looking so good shirtless! ::scribbles feverishly::
Renata, are you sure you weren't writing about them playing... I don't know, strip Monopoly or something? Something that would give me a valid excuse to depict Kurt without a shirt? (Not that anyone would complain) Priscilla said at 12:51 AM
Thursday, October 16, 2003
![]() Starling, Darling!
Priscilla said at 10:46 PM ![]() The submission page is not working and we don't know if it can be fixed tonight, so homework 5 will not be due until 11am on Saturday.
There is a god. It's so wonderful! All my worries are suddenly disappearing. I did abysmally on my Computer Science midterm when I expected an A? No worries! Amy says that all the other DMDers are in the same boat, and the format of the next exam will be adjusted to better reflect understanding, logic, and application, rather than nitpicky details. I won't have time to do my Java and Math homework because I'm observing a 2-hour math class (and will therefore miss the Java help session) and going to dinner with Margo? No worries! The Java homework deadline has been extended, and in the math class, they were just going over the past assignment and taking a quiz, so I didn't need to be there! So here I am, waiting for the help session to begin, so that I can use my time wisely and finish my Java and mayhap have time to do some math before I meet Margo! My schedule is intimidating and confusing? Not a problem after talking with Amy for 15 minutes! All is solved, I will have a fantabulous semester, my professors will be awesome, and I will most likely be taking Photography! Priscilla said at 6:51 PM ![]() ::snickets:: I am now officially our Suite Masseusse. James, our resident track champion, who looks disturbingly like Gene Wilder, emailed the suite listserv, beseeching a back massage from one of his hallmates. Because I needed a break from my math homework and I've been told I give good massages, I volunteered. Five bucks for five minutes. I will be rich!
Apparently, he has told everyone in the suite that I give the best backrubs in the world. A line formed outside my door. I laughed at them and gave Lauretta a backrub, then went back to math. So yay. Now I know that if I ever have to pay my way through school, I can table dance AND massage! My parents will be so proud. Priscilla said at 12:54 AM ![]() The bad news: My downloaded copy of "Matrix: Reloaded" was mislabeled.
The good news: It's "Fight Club." Why oh why didn't we have that Edward Norton fest before we all left Dallas? Who's up for Christmas break? Priscilla said at 12:27 AM
Wednesday, October 15, 2003
![]() Ah, Daily Pennsylvanian. The hilarity you bring.
Best. Quote. Ever.: "Wynter is accused on entering a female student's Harnwell room, where he was a resident, and fondling her at approximately 4:30 a.m. on Sept. 27." I love how they keep using the word "fondling" in this case. It's become a campus-wide joke. Too funny. Priscilla said at 11:57 PM ![]() ::working out next semester's schedule::
Dude! One of the writing seminars is on Film Noir! And it fits in my schedule! ::dies of joy:: Priscilla said at 4:52 PM ![]() I sang "Whatever Happened to Honor" in my Songwriting class today. Feel the love, feel the love. One guy even said "So when are we going to see this on Broadway?"
::squeaks:: Priscilla said at 4:40 PM ![]() Review of "Kill Bill" now playing in Sgt. Pepper. And now, I sleep.
Priscilla said at 12:58 AM ![]() ::snickets:: I'm currently Peppering "Kill Bill." In the meantime, remember these? Ah, Engrish. No matter how many times you see it, it's still funny.
Priscilla said at 12:14 AM
Tuesday, October 14, 2003
![]() Reading this month's Cinefex, I have decided that if Matrix: Reloaded does not win an Oscar for best special effects, I will cry. Good gravy on a stick, Batman. Zounds.
Priscilla said at 5:12 PM ![]() No one seemed about to comment again on the "Four Truths and a Lie" meme, so here are the answers:
1. As a child, my two greatest fears were parrots and elevator doors. TRUE. After my best friend's parrot bit my thumb (does it bite my thumb at you, sir?), spilling significant quantities of blood, I always stayed as far away from the demon creatures as possible. I still have the scar. I can't explain the elevator doors. I still try to squeak past them as quickly as possible, even now. 2. I have eaten chicken feet. TRUE. A few weeks ago, when the suite went to a Dim Sum restaurant for lunch, Abe ordered some chicken feet, and he, Shu Kee, and I tried them. They actually weren't that bad if you didn't think about what you were eating. 3. My only other crush on a non-fictional/non-celebrity person was at the age of 8, on a family vacation to the Bahamas. He was seven, and he looked remarkably like Macullay Culkin. TRUE. His name was Jon Kinsey. Mum tells me I was smitten. 4. I have only ever finished two fanfics in my life. FALSE. Even more pathetic, I have only finished one! Although this single fanfic holds the record for most likely being the first Percy fic ever written. Go me. 5. There was a time where I could wear the same shoes as my dad. TRUE. This was 7th grade. In gym, I wore a pair of shoes my dad had bought on his honeymoon. However, my dad realized a few years ago that the shoes he was buying weren't large enough, so he went up a few sizes, and apparently my feet have shrunk slightly since then, as I was a toad in 7th grade, and now I am a gorgeous, svelte water-nymphlike creature. Handy. Points for Alicey, but points for Renata as well, because she was cool enough to answer. *clears throat loudly* Priscilla said at 2:26 AM
Monday, October 13, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 10:44 PM ![]() Hmm. I've thinned the hair a lot, and it doesn't look like a dead animal anymore. Instead, it looks like the worst hair day ever. I wonder what would happen if I tried putting mousse on it so that it would clump rather than poof... It certainly couldn't hurt. I doubt I'd wear it in its current state, so I really don't have anything to lose.
Priscilla said at 9:26 PM ![]() Grgh. I have progressed significantly in my wig-cutting skills in the past five years, but definitely not enough. I look like I have roadkill on my head. Oh well. At least it was cheap, and at least I had the forethought to get some black hair spray stuff as well. I'll just wear my hair in a low bun.
::goes off to read 1602:: Priscilla said at 8:25 PM ![]() My feet RULE. My feet were inspired. This whole costume is going to be so nifty! Mum picked up the fabric for my tail today, so all is smooth sailing. Looks like all I need now is the rosary, face paint (we're going ahead with the sex toy latex. So bad and wrong.), and some sort of Spock ears.
How to Make Nightcrawler Feet in Five Minutes: Step 1: Take a big pair of gentleman's slippers, aquired for $1, and chop off the top with a big knife. Step 2: See how well they fit against your feet, with a chunk on the end for his signature third toe. Find where you want the toe division to be: between your second and third toes, or between your big toe and the rest of the piggies. Step 3: Slice into it, leaving a wide gap. Step 4: Put the sole at the bottom of a pair of blue tights (preferably a size or two too large for you), and then put your foot in. It's really difficult to get them both in at the same time. Don the tights and be fabulous. Step 5: Add stripey pants and you're done! Mess around with the tights until the toes don't look silly and wrinkled. Optional Step 6: Double up the blue tights with a black pair so that the color is darker. Now you can walk around with the knowledge that you will not cut your foot on broken glass and bleed to death, but still look barefoot to someone far enough away from you! Where we are today... Priscilla said at 6:57 PM ![]() I ROCK. Carmen took me, Shu Kee, Vadim, and Sherpa (so called because he guides us through the treacherous mountains of Calculus) to a Mexican food restaurant at 7th and Chestnut, as she and I were craving good Tex-Mex. Because we were all the way downtown, they decided to check out the docks. Because my comic book store is at 14th and Chestnut, I decided to split with them and pick up the third issue of 1602, as they didn't have it at the shop on 40th. On the way, I saw an ungodly number of discount stores, so I decided to check in and see if I could find a vest-thing for my Nightcrawler costume, now that I'm no longer waffling over the idea and committed to making one. Not only did I find a great vest, I also acquired some navy blue lipstick, eyeshadow, and eyeliner so that I wouldn't have to use any body paint near my eyes or mouth, a really cheap short black wig (I'm still going to cut it a bit; hopefully my wig-styling skills have improved since 8th grade), and a $1 pair of sandals and two pair of tights (blue and black) to provide the base for the feet. Muaha, I am crafty beyond my years! *dashes off to start working*
Priscilla said at 5:41 PM ![]() Squee! My friend Margo ("Dark of the Moon" and "Man of La Mancha") is coming to Philadelphia on Thursday and Friday! Merriment and glee!
Priscilla said at 12:34 PM
Sunday, October 12, 2003
![]() ::is so incredibly amused::
As many of you have guessed, I've been seriously considering going as Movie!Nightcrawler for Halloween. I have the pants, I have a similar-enough coat, and the vest thing and rosary don't look like they would be hard to find. I already have quite a few ideas on how to do the feet. My main obstacle would be the blue skin. I've asked around on various LJ communities, but I haven't heard of any good body paints that don't rub off on everything and/or stain the skin. So out of curiosity, I Googled "blue body paint." As luck would have it, one of the first results was a blue liquid latex body paint that rather looked like something the costume designers used on Mystique. The more I thought about it, the more it seemed absolutely perfect. It wouldn't rub off on any of my clothes, and it would be more durable so that I wouldn't have to patch it up, and it peels right off, no fuss. I could probably even draw in the scars if I wanted to. The downside? It was being offered by a sex toy website. What would dear mum and dad think when they saw such a purchase on their innocent, darling daughter's credit card statement? So I called my mom and told her the story, which she found hilarious as well, and she's going to help me out. As I have no car and public transportation is annoying, she's going to look around Dallas to see if there are any other alternatives in costume shops before we go ahead with the sex toy website. She's also going to make me a tail, as I have no sewing machine! ::hearts:: My mom is awesome. Priscilla said at 7:49 PM ![]() Teen Girl Squad: 33 Variations on a Theme
Priscilla said at 3:20 PM ![]() Squee! Sian made another Watch quiz! And whose art did she use? Moni's Angua, Sybil, and Vetinari, Sannali's Cheery, and Faith's Vimes!
It's a small fandom. ![]() Discworld: Which Ankh-Morpork City Watch Character are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla Priscilla said at 3:09 PM ![]() ::gasps:: She's alive! She's okay! Holy cow, that was scary. Sian, webmistress of Bucked Up, hadn't updated in over a year, leaving her blog a 404 and essentially vanishing from the internet. I was just getting to know her at the time, but some of her close friends on the net didn't even know where she was. After a while, we started to fear the worst. And then suddenly, three days ago, she updates again. And now it seems that she's been updating her LJ, which I thought I had friended... Gah, craziness and confusion. But good to see that she's okay.
Priscilla said at 2:53 PM ![]() Hee! Couldn't resist!
Your Name Here: Priscilla Literal meaning "No, look - it moved." History Dreamt by JM Barrie after being told confidentially by GB Shaw that Wendy was "a bit poofy" in 1222 AD, the name Priscilla was originally used cumbersomely to refer to a breed of goose, before it began experimenting with drugs. Famous Priscillas 1. Priscilla Tightbadger, populariser of the lost consonant of Atlatis; 2. Judge Priscilla Millington ("The Thing"), fascinated to death by a nice cup of tea; 3. Priscilla Z Cangoose, director of the new Bond movie, THERE'S NO SMOKE WITHOUT DEATH; first holder of the office of Ruler of the World in Exile; 4. Lady The Miss Priscilla Frote, indifferent to the self-propelled gardener; last holder of the office of Last Out of the Building When the Fire-Alarm Rings; 5. Priscilla de la Thews, co-habitee of twelve people associated with the monkey cartilage gear system; first holder of the office of Gross Miscarriager of Justice; 6. Priscilla Oily, who discovered the everlasting trouser; ghost-writer of Anita Ekberg's poorly bound autobiography, CHRIST, MY LIFE'S DEPRESSING; 7. Priscilla Grating, who owes everything to the constellation of Pleiades; 8. Priscilla Ach, once saved by those funny pirate hats; 9. Priscilla T Sprewt, who's never forgotten the Bakelite Diet; 10. I Am Priscilla Dots-Tinkermouse ("The Blue"), early user of mottled glass. Typical Priscilla motto "A bird in the eye is excruciatingly painful." And I didn't even cheat! ![]() Billy Boyd should be the father of your baby! Congratulations! It's a BOYD! As cute as Billy is,you know his offspring will be even cuter... and this bundle of joy will be a true dream come true. You can even go shopping ahead of time, because whether boy or girl, this little one will be wearing a skirt! Whose BABY from the Lord of the Rings cast should you have? brought to you by Quizilla Priscilla said at 2:29 PM ![]() The "Four Truths and a Lie" Meme! -- try to spot which statement is false!
Priscilla said at 2:18 PM
Saturday, October 11, 2003
![]() Listen to Tig-tag and be reduced to a quiverring, swooning blob of fangirlish jelly. That boy's accent... mmmm, Billeh. ::happysigh::
It's nice to take time off to indulge in fangirlish delights. In addition listening to these lovely Billy Boyd sound clips, I downloaded "Goldeneye" and just watched the Alan Cumming bits (and a bit of Famke Janssen so I could laugh at her). His smile ::dies::. (And it occurred to me that Alan's character, Boris Grishenko, looks remarkably similar to how I imagine Ponder Stibbons.) And man, that boy is versatile. I'm so glad I don't know anyone IRL with a delicious accent. I don't think I would be able to function in their presence. Priscilla said at 3:13 PM ![]() Mmmm, Fall Break! I'm one of three people on my hall that didn't go anywhere, the others being Leanna and Shu Kee. Very nice, as I really didn't know Leanna that well before, and after sharing brunch with her today, I realize how much we have in common. We're both theatre junkies! Hurrah! I sense a new friend in my midst.
In my newfound Copious Free Time, I've worked massively on the Very Secret Project, which is getting off to a slow start, but should take off any time now. All four of us are insanely busy! However, with Maggie and Alicey also contributing line art (and dramatic improvement in artistic skill since last year from Moni), this calendar will totally leave last year's in the dust. I absolutely adore the piece I'm CGing now. Guaranteed to steal any guy's straight at 500 yards. Mmmm, [insert character's name here]. Priscilla said at 2:54 PM
Friday, October 10, 2003
![]() Wow. I had no idea just what a terrible weight my Art History class was. I feel so incredibly free right now. For the past two weeks, I have had no time at all, and now, it's as if the universe has opened up to me, and I can actually have a choice in what I do with my time. I keep wanting to laugh out loud and cry for joy. Everywhere, I see things that remind me that I no longer have to contend with that horrible class, and I keep getting happier by the minute.
This needed to happen. Of course, it means summer school, but it's more than worth it. I can't believe I waited this long. Priscilla said at 2:13 PM ![]() Egg Drop pics:
Abe with his mini-self: our egg drop device! Photo courtesy of me. Mel attaches the parachute Mel and Shu Kee admire the Ninja Parachute. It's finished! Muaha, we are a suite of fearsome ninjas! And the egg didn't break! We are soooooo good! Priscilla said at 12:07 PM ![]() THE BIRDS ARE SINGING AND THE SUN IS SHINING AND ACTUALLY THEY'RE NOT BUT STILL IT'S A BEAUTIFUL DAY AND LIFE IS WONDERFUL AND I THINK I JUST ACED MY JAVA MIDTERM AND JOY, JOY, JOY!
Priscilla said at 11:52 AM ![]() I'M SO HAPPY. Oh, why didn't I do this weeks ago? So much agony and frustration and so many sleepless nights...
Mom and Dad, thanks so much for giving me the courage do actually do this. I actually have a fall break now! And I'll regularly be able to go to sleep before 2AM on Thursdays! I have a life again! Priscilla said at 10:44 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 10:11 AM ![]() Past 2 AM. Finished Songwriting. Haven't touched Java. On page 4 of an Art History packet 3/8" thick. I've got miles to go before I sleep.
Advice to those writing Art History text: When you're writing in English and you wish to quote a wise and witty and enlightening comment that answers the question you've posed over the last paragraph, SAY IT IN ENGLISH. I do not have the time or patience to look phrases up on Babelfish every other page. In fact, you know what? This is what I have to say about Art History: *merrily tosses the packet across the room and leaves it there* Good night! Priscilla said at 2:11 AM ![]() 1:15AM. Finished Math. Nearly done with Songwriting. More-or-less prepared for Java. Barely even scratched the surface on Art History. Ugh.
Priscilla said at 1:16 AM
Thursday, October 09, 2003
![]() I am weak-willed and feeble. Last week, I gave myself permission to drink orange juice because it's such a lovely source of Vitamin C. Usually, I try not to drink it because it's so acidic and it upsets my acid reflux problem. But it's so tasty. Now, with only a mild cough and a runny nose, I'm still drinking it. I wonder if they have support groups for this kind of thing. I have no self-control whatsoever.
Priscilla said at 12:37 PM ![]() ::sigh:: Looking over my exam schedule, I noticed that as my classes currently stand (I might be switching to a different math class), I have an exam from 1:30-3:30 on the 16th, then nothing until the 19th, meaning that I could go to the Lord of the Rings TrilogyFest. I would probably just miss a bit of FotR. And if Allison and her friends were going, I wouldn't have to worry about being in King of Prussia alone so late at night! I started getting really excited and looked up the details. Apparently, the KoP theatre is EVIL and started selling tickets several days ago, when all theatres are technically not supposed to start selling tickets until tomorrow. The theatre was sold out within one hour.
So no LOTR for me. Maybe I'll take a studybreak on the 17th or 18th when it's playing in a more convenient theatre, or maybe I'll just wait until I get home. Still, it's really disappointing. I've never seen the extended editions of FotR or TTT (is the TTT extended DVD even out yet?), and it would have been a blast to get to see them on the big screen. Ah, well. I'm sure plenty of you are in the same boat. *grins* Maybe I'll convince the Dining Philosophers or some other equally nerdy group to arrange something similar on Penn's campus, as there are plenty of movie screens about, and I'm sure someone will have the DVDs. Edit: Hmm... it looks like Harrisburg hasn't started selling tickets yet. I wonder how convenient that would be... Allison, have you bought tickets to the KoP showing? Harrisburg Regal Cinemas Harrisburg 14: Here is some more info for ALL Regal theatres. This comes directly from a corporate email. 12/16 ONLY - Trilogy Presentation. This is a special ticket event, one price of $35.00 for the day, to see all three films. (IT has created the necessary pricing scheme at your location.) A New Line representative will be at each location to distribute a special commemorative gift to each patron for the Trilogy Presentation. MANDATORY ASSIGNED SHOW TIMES: 2:00 PM - "Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring"; 6:00 PM - "Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers"; 10:00 PM - "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King." (p.s. Most Regal Cinemas seem to be selling tickets online via Fandango) Further edit: Oh, squee! I forgot that theatres are bringing back the extended FotR and TTT editions on Dec 5-11 and 12-15th! Of course, I'd have to go all the way to KoP twice in order to see them, which is no trifling journey, but the 5-11th is clear and I have no exams on the 13th and 14th, and I might not have one on the 15th. And they're not sold out yet! And I could go shopping for Christmas presents for my friends and family while I'm at it. And I wouldn't mess up my sleep cycle with a 10:00 movie! Score! Priscilla said at 10:10 AM
Wednesday, October 08, 2003
![]() I'm ripping a page out of Renata's book and answering comments in the main blog. Muahaha.
Matt: Take a chill pill, hon. I was joking about the flak Schwartzenegger has been getting for being quoted as admiring Hitler. "I admired Hitler, for instance, because he came from being a little man with almost no formal education up to power. And I admire him for being such a good public speaker and for what he did with it." Of course, this is taken dramatically out of context, and has been blown out of proportion. The full article. Renata: Woe. ::resigns to waiting another week:: But wait! I'll be able to pick it up after I finish my Art History midterm as a lovely treat for being such a good girl and studying so diligently! Even better! Sannali: You are my hero. I have now used the phrase "canonically accurate" in a formal paper. Elizabeth: Bite me, Burkhead. :D It's not "grade inflation" when the class average is 46. Renata again: Of course I'll marry you! Oh, I thought you'd never ask! Join the great big happy Spencer-Suhinina-Sancken-Weasley-Black clan! Priscilla said at 11:52 PM ![]() ::squeaks:: Apparently, 1602 #3 comes out tomorrow. I shall reward myself for finishing my ungodly amount of homework with Gaiman-y joy!
Priscilla said at 7:26 PM ![]() California has put the "goober" back in "gubernatorial." Absolutely depressing.
Deutschland, Deutschland uber alles! Priscilla said at 12:29 AM
Tuesday, October 07, 2003
![]() ::begins Art History reading::
Curse you, Terry Pratchett. I am now mentally incapable of separating Leonardo da Vinci from Leonnard of Quirm. Arg. Edit: I really think I like Leonardo. One of the chapter headings in "Leonardo on Painting" is "On the mieserable excuse made by those who falsely and undeservedly call themselves painters." Rock on, Leo. Priscilla said at 10:01 PM ![]() You hear that? That is the sound of printing. That is the sound of sweet, sweet success.
Priscilla said at 9:34 PM ![]() I RULE.
Five pages have been surpassed. Now decreasing font size. Priscilla said at 9:01 PM ![]() ::facepalms:: I was trying to write that the depiction of Mary Magdalene in one of the scenes was more-or-less Biblically accurate. What I typed was "this scene was relatively true to canon."
Fandom has eaten my brain. Priscilla said at 7:22 PM ![]() Renata asks "What kind of fruit are you?"
I say that I am a pineapple, because I am "rare, costly, and luxuuuuurious." I have an unusual shape, and I can be dangerous if not well-prepared. What kind of fruit are you? And now, back to my paper! *swooshes* Priscilla said at 7:16 PM ![]() Great. Just great. My raw score was 37 on my Math midterm. The class average was 46. Looks like we totally kicked the heiney of last year's class, where the average was 43.
I really need to talk to Amy about the possibility of switching classes. In my copious free time, of course. Priscilla said at 11:40 AM ![]() Halfway done with my paper! And plenty more to write! Woo-hoo! God smiles upon me this day.
Priscilla said at 9:22 AM
Monday, October 06, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 11:36 PM ![]() ::stands up, raises both arms over head, flexes, and assumes a Russian accent::
I AM INVINCIBLE! ::is killed by liquid nitrogen:: Go me! Finished my drawing! I only spent 5 hours on it as opposed to 6, but what my art teacher doesn't know can't hurt her. Now, back to art history! Priscilla said at 11:06 PM ![]() Have written one page, and I'm still in the introduction. Go me! Now if I can figure out a way to write one page for each panel (HA!), I'm home free.
::happy sigh:: I'm so glad I went to Hockaday. If I didn't, I wouldn't have a chance on this paper. If there's one thing I learned at that school, it's how to BS. I pity tha foo without proper BSing skills. Priscilla said at 2:52 PM ![]() Dead, dead, dead, cont'd:
Due Tomorrow: 6-hour negative space drawing Due Wednesday: 5-page Art History paper on a really obscure aspect of an obscure painting, which will be incredibly difficult to BS into 5 pages. I could write what I want to write in one sentence. Due Friday: Next Wednesay: Art History midterm, which is absolutely huge and intimidating. I have to be able to identify names, artists, dates, relevant details, and socioeconomic/political connections to the comissioner for just under 100 works of art. Girls, I hope you'll forgive me for not working on the VSP next week. Priscilla said at 12:32 PM ![]() Erk. My alarm clock didn't go off this morning, and it is now halfway though my art history class. I am dead, dead, dead.
Priscilla said at 9:28 AM
Sunday, October 05, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 8:28 PM ![]() Ha! Have blown a raspberry in the faces of the Public Transportation and Time Management Demons and managed to get to the Philadelphia Museum of Art for my evil Art History paper of Doom. I have no idea what I would have done without Melvin (my digital camera), as the details will be difficult to remember, and I won't be able to get back to the museum before the paper is due, thanks to wonky museum hours and an inconvenient class schedule. But now I shall conquer with my mighty Priscellian might!
Priscilla said at 4:50 PM ![]() Matt has been cast as Brad in the Rocky Horror Picture Show. The mind rebells.
I hope you enjoy fishnets, Matt. Priscilla said at 1:05 AM
Saturday, October 04, 2003
![]() Oooh! Goldmine! I completely forgot that I haven't done any WIAN work on "Quidditch Through the Ages." Well, I mean I haven't posted any. Rachel and I have been exchanging weird French phrases on our note board, and tonight, I gave her "Helas, je me suis transfiguree les pieds," and when she asked about it, I told her I got it from "Quidditch Through the Ages." I flipped through the book to find the reference, with mounting glee as I saw the amount of WIAN work I'd already done, yet had forgotten about. After my Art History paper and midterm are behind me, I'll have to get back to work!
Priscilla said at 8:34 PM ![]() Wow. That's rather surreal. I just realized that I have never collaborated with Maggie before. TVSP2 will be my first time. (We shall take the world by storm! Huzzah!) And how many times have I every collaborated with Alicey? It's got to be in the single digits. Zounds.
Priscilla said at 8:25 PM ![]() Ugh. There I was, typing a post about the annoyances of CGing at super-high resolutions for the calendar, when Giselle came into my room, in tears over the recent events in Israel. She kept wailing "Why do they keep killing people?"
What do you say to something like that? How do you comfort someone who lives in fear of something happening to her family, who can't even go to a restaurant without fear of terrorist activity? Why are people so full of hatred? Priscilla said at 5:09 PM ![]() Renata = ♥
Priscilla said at 3:18 PM ![]() Grk.
My Solution to Preventing the Reelection of George W. Bush: Voters must correctly answer a series of current-events questions before being allowed to cast their ballot. If they believe we indeed found any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, their vote does not count. Simple as that. The last thing that man needs is a mandate from the people who don't know any better. Priscilla said at 3:16 PM ![]() Apparently, the name for this year's JETS robot is "Panacea."
It sounds like "Pancreas." Someone seriously needs to keep an eye on those girls back home. Priscilla said at 1:00 AM ![]() Wah. Am cold, tired, and people are denying me hot chocolate. Had a splendid evening at the Christine Lavin concert until the train home was 20 minutes late and I had to sit out in the cold for an hour and it was dark and scary and I was alone and there was nowhere I could go and I had no gloves and only thin socks and my hands and feet are still numb and I am still sick and sniffly and had few kleenex and did I mention there's NO HOT CHOCOLATE? Savages! How do you run out of hot chocolate when you know there are cold, PMSing women that ask for nothing more than a bit of chocolatey deliciousness to warm them up a treat and CARMEN HAS HOT CHOCOLATE SHE IS MY SAVIOR and a goddesslike beacon of glory and good things and I LOVE CARMEN and now my hot chocolate has cooled off to the point of drinkability so I can enjoy it's life-giving radiance and warmth.
Happy now. Priscilla said at 12:40 AM
Friday, October 03, 2003
![]() Woe.
No Philadelphia, no Dallas. King of Prussia is listed, but there's no way I'm hanging out there at 3 AM. God's way of saying "Erm... didn't you have EXAMS?" Bad timing, Mr. Jackson. Bad timing. Priscilla said at 8:42 AM
Thursday, October 02, 2003
![]() Mmmmm. Ben & Jerry's "Half Baked" -- a mixture of Chocolate Fudge Brownie and Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough. Proof that God exists and She loves us.
Priscilla said at 7:51 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 5:18 PM
Wednesday, October 01, 2003
![]() Now there's an idea... And here's another one. Hee, this too.
Ah, the things I miss by neglecting to read Dave Barry's blog daily. Question: Would this fulfill Penn's language requirement? Priscilla said at 10:24 PM ![]() In one hand, I have Terry Pratchett's Monstrous Regiment. In the other, I have my calculus textbook.
Life is so hard. Priscilla said at 7:03 PM ![]() *goggles* Wow. I totally didn't notice that was a pun. A feeble pun, but a pun nevertheless. "There you are, my leibling, your favourite!" (from "If You Could See Her", Cabaret). Doesn't leibling literally translate to "favourite"? Gah, this is what I get for my practice of "Everything I need to know about German I learned from Alan Cumming."
This is almost as weird as suddenly realizing the awful = offal pun in Save Ferris' "Spam" on the way to Nimbus. My brain is wired funny. Or maybe I've gone too long without the presence of Dad and Uncle Lew. Priscilla said at 5:36 PM ![]() Hmm. It seems today is World Vegetarian Day. Maybe I should have joined my hallmates in their "Vegetarian for a Week" experiment. I was going to try just for the novelty (thought I know I could never give up meat, even if influenced by massive amounts of cash and/or mind control), but decided against it due to midterms and poorly timed crimson tide. I told Jeremy (our resident vegetarian) that I'd do it a different week.
Until then, my motto remains "If we're not supposed to eat them, then why are they made of meat?" Priscilla said at 5:02 PM ![]() Am starting Shu Kee on Good Omens.
::cackles:: Priscilla said at 4:50 PM ![]() High on my list of Really Great Words is "otorhinolaryngology."
Yeah. Great word. *nods* Edit: I devote an entire post to a word and spell it wrong. I am the weakest link. Priscilla said at 2:32 PM ![]() ::laughs uproariously:: I love the LJ-Insanity Meme. It's so disturbingly true!
From The Musical as Nightcrawler makes us Happy. Color added digitally; I'll post everything Keep in my AP Art Portfolio of all the most beautiful ship of faces: more pinhole image to Cassandra Claire! Philadelphia is so in my fandom. Bleh: mock! VSP launches! So what are you waiting for? Send Cassie those pinholes! Do your part for the beautiful ship of faces! I think I'm going to make a t-shirt that says "Philadelphia is SO in my fandom." After I make a shirt that says "I might just do a Weasley." Naughty, naughty, JKR. And in the words of LJ-Insanity!Me: Comment, please (for more of Lincoln Ignore anything you Loff)! Priscilla said at 2:21 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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