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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
![]() Whee! Life is one big hurrah! The past few days have been spent doing nothing but drawing, eating, and sleeping. W00t to the 00t. Yesterday, we got to hang out with Allie (sundancekid on LJ) for a couple hours, which was crazy fun. Today, we went shopping briefly, then rented "Edward Scissorhands" and the first 2 volumes of the Firefly DVD set (of 4). We squealed about Johnny and the groovy music of Danny Elfman and decreed that the actress who plays Joyce, the freaky sexually depraved housewife, would make a fabulous Rita Skeeter. And so now, I'm going to introduce Magsby, The Goddess of Semi-Nakedness, and Alicey, the most prolific artist EVER, to one Dr. Simon Tam. Mrowr! *pokes Mags and Alicey encouragingly*
So yay! Priscilla said at 2:01 AM ![]() Art Post #2, featuring lovely new art from me and Mags. Hobbits! Tractors/Bulldozers! Giant dinosaurs! Mutants! Huzzah!
(And Art Post #1.5 is here) Priscilla said at 1:49 AM
Monday, December 29, 2003
![]() Art Post #1! Go see!
Priscilla said at 6:43 PM ![]() Priscilla kicked me in my sleep and I hate her forever since that woke me up from a fascinating dream in which I had turned into a chimney-dwelling ferret in order to escape evil authorities.
-Alicey of the Ferrets Priscilla said at 12:38 PM ![]() Woe! My computer at home is dead, dead, dead. And it's the only one connected to a scanner here! Hopefully, the girls and I will be able to use the one at my dad's office for maybe 10 minutes to show you guys all our crazy artness! (Alicey and Mags are brilliant geniuses and I pale in comparison to their majestic glory)
Priscilla said at 12:34 PM
Sunday, December 28, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 2:59 PM ![]() Muahahaha. I, Priscellie, am the most talented of the most talented folks evarrrrr. Bow before me and pay me homage, or I shall smite thee with my mighty chocolate-filled croissant of doom. Give me comments and send fanmail! Mua ha ha ha ha.
this most certainly is not Alicey hacking this blog and getting revenge on Priscilla for this post. Priscilla said at 2:17 PM
Saturday, December 27, 2003
![]() Oh, yeah!
MAGS IS HERE!!!!!! And now we're off to the airport for Alicey! Priscilla said at 8:53 PM ![]() ::snorks:: Yay, RotK spoiler-free Tolkien humor!
FotR Engrish captions (TTT captions are here) Frodoshop Priscilla said at 8:52 PM ![]() Mmmm, lots of juicy, high-res publicity stills from RotK! Perfect for desktops!
Now it's just a matter of choosing which one... (Oh, and SIX HOURS UNTIL I SEE MAGS AND 9 HOURS UNTIL I SEE ALICEY!!!!!!!11) Priscilla said at 12:06 PM
Friday, December 26, 2003
![]() Magsby prods so much heiney there are no words. Go check out the new FA cover art!
Priscilla said at 11:23 AM
Thursday, December 25, 2003
![]() Tha L00t:
PotC DVD John Lennon DVD (20 music videos, bio, etc) A personally autographed book of Keith Carter photographs (EEEEEEEEEE <333333!!!11!) Long-Sleeved Shirts (2 from thinkgeek.com, very proud of my dad), and a matching sweater/scarf/hat. The new Monty Python Autobiography Assorted knicknacks All in all, I'm VERY pleased with The Haul, but I'm definitely wishing I'd been less subtle when dropping those hints regarding the FotR/TTT:EE or Firefly DVDs. Ah, well. After Christmas lunch, my Uncle Lew and I persuaded the family to see RotK instead of Big Fish, as Lord of the Rings at Christmas has become a tri-annual Spencer Family Tradition. Mayhap we shall see Big Fish when Alicey and Maggie arrive, as Ewan McGregor + Tim Burton = most likely a fabulous movie. I only mentioned it in passing, but this year, because my mom's cousin recently died (I never knew him), my maternal grandparents stayed with us for Christmas. I knew my grandmother had Alzheimers, but because I haven't seen her in years, I had no idea how bad it was. She's still sprightly and alert and acts perfectly normal, but then she'll ask you the same question four times and make the same comment about her lunch seven times. I counted. I spent most of the day with her yesterday. We caught up on how everything was going, which was nice, but a little sad, as she just couldn't remember things that had just been told to her. But then this morning, she remarked for the fifth time how tall I was, then asked "Now did I see you yesterday?" She didn't remember a thing. At Christmas lunch, I sat as far away from her at the table as I could. I was very subtle about it. I doubt anyone in my family picked up on it, which will surely make it quite a surprise when they read about it here. But I couldn't help it. Every time I thought about it, I wanted to be sick. Later, I realized that the weird feeling of magnified emotions and my slightly twitchy demeanor was a result of the car alarm fiasco last night. I'm still feeling slightly on edge. But the idea that I could spend a day with her and her not remember is rather disturbing. I'll just have to get used to it. At least she recognizes me. This post ends here, I guess. They're back home now. The drive back to Abilene is about the same length of time as seeing "Return of the King," so they probably got home a couple hours ago. And in two days, Alicey and Maggie will take their place in the guest house. And that's that. Priscilla said at 10:21 PM ![]() *squeals in incoherent glee*
Lovely, precious, high-res screencaps from my very favourite Pippin bit in TTT:EE! *dies* Cliquez-ici! Gah, he is so unbelieveably adoreable in that scene there are no words. And a very Priscilla said at 4:25 PM ![]() T'was the night before Christmas,
And All Through the House, Not a creature was stirring Except me, my mom, and my dad, Trying to figure out the source of that impossibly loud, continuous car-horn noise that had been going off for an hour already. I hate my life and want to die. It turned out to be my grandfather's car alarm. We managed to turn it off five minutes ago, but I'm still shivering and twitching and I can still hear the "ghost" car alarm noise. Merry Christmas, Priscilla. Priscilla said at 5:23 AM ![]()
--Neil Gaiman MERRY CHRISTMAS! Priscilla said at 12:01 AM
Wednesday, December 24, 2003
![]() All HP fans, read this right now.
Priscilla said at 1:22 AM ![]() Dear Santa,
I've been extra-good this year! For Christmas I would like: A Pair of All-Singing, All-Dancing, Hobbits of A Pretty Doctor in a Vest A Pretty Hobbit in a Scarf A Blue Boy in a Sparkly Jacket A Scotsman in a Kilt (Alan, Billeh, or Ewan, I'm not picky) A Redhead with Bedhead Someone Who Will Follow Me to the Ends of the Earth and Back A Pirate (or another pirate, you know which one) And an Evil Nerd of my very own. I promise to love them and walk them and feed them and care for them forever and ever! So if I could please find the aforementioned in my bed on Christmas morning, I would be forever grateful! Love, Priscilla Priscilla said at 1:21 AM
Monday, December 22, 2003
![]() Why oh why did I not heed Undone's advice? Why did I listen to "Into the West" while driving? *sobs*
This movie has killed me dead. I can't even think about it without sniffling. Priscilla said at 4:03 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 3:57 PM ![]() Hurrah! While shopping for family and friends, I decided to pick up the RotK soundtrack, as they didn't have it at the UPenn bookstore. As always, they had different covers to choose from, and it appeared that my choice was going to be between Denethor and Sam'n'Frodo, which wasn't much of a choice at all, even though I chose the Sam'n'Frodo cover for TTT. I sighed, wished that they would put out a cover with Pippin'n'Merry, and paid. But lo and behold! When I got to my car and ripped off the packaging, I saw that it was indeed Pippin'n'Merry! The price tags and such had obscured their faces, so I had made the mental connection Hobbit Belly = Sam, when if I had actually paid any attention to coloration of said belly, it was obviously Merry! So I have Pippin and Merry on my CD cover and you don't! Neener neener neener! Unless, of course, like, you do.
(Pippinscarfsquee!) Advice to Guys: Scarves increase your natural cuteness quotient 4000%. Wear them more often. So yay. Fabulous, gorgeous music, and gleeful surprises to boot! Priscilla said at 1:53 AM
Sunday, December 21, 2003
![]() (If you think this is spoilery, you are a total wuss and unfit to read my journal)
Merreh&Pippin + DaVinci's Notebook = mwaha! WAY too big to be used as an LJ icon (drat!), but highly entertaining nonetheless. Lyrics are from DVN's "Another Irish Drinking Song." Heck, it's so large, I might as well do an icon with the entire chorus. It continues: "We'll dance and sing and fight until the early morning light then we'll throw up, pass out, wake up, and then go drinking once again!" Infinite love to Enora for the screencaps! I needent say that Here Be Priscilla said at 11:57 PM
Saturday, December 20, 2003
![]() RotK question. Blacked out for the spoiler-paranoid. Highlight to read.
Mkay. When Sam is fighting his way into the enemy stronghold to save Frodo, he dispatches the orcs with "This is for Frodo! This is for the Shire!" and one other statement. One of my friends suggests "This is for my old Gaffer!", which makes a lot of sense, but am I the only one that still hears "And this is for my own comfort!" Edit: My friend Rachel agrees with me! What do the captionists know, anyway? Priscilla said at 11:45 PM ![]() Saw RotK again with Chungy! Yay, someone to hold hands with and squeal madly and make silly jokes with! And to marvel at the perfection of Billeh's upper lip. GUH. (And GUH again! The eyes! *melt*)
Answering Comments: Brenna: Yes. Knowing the history of "Sosumi" in indicative of complete nerddom. Which is why I think it constantly. Priscilla said at 10:55 PM ![]() Tolkien-y Humor Goodness: RotK, in summary and Once More, With Hobbits!
Edit: Spoiler Warning, for t00bs like Allison L who don't realize something titled "RotK in Summary" could reveal events of said movie. *hearts Allison* Priscilla said at 1:01 AM ![]() Oh! Yeah! Gleanable from the fact that I'm posting this message, I am home, safe and sound. I sat next to Marcelina on the plane, because our travel schedules are just that cool, and we watched the first half of TTT:EE, then just the Pippin scenes of the second half. We are so predictable and lame. I love it. :D And I love watching movies with Marcelina! She's the only one I know IRL that has the same taste in men. You should have seen us at X2 and Master and Commander. Those around us probably tired quickly of hearing us quietly squeal BILLEH! and ALANCUMMING!
We decided that Cute Scottish Boys Smiling could be used as a weapon. Alan, Billeh, and Ewan McGregor. The world was not built to withstand that kind of adoreableness. And we decided that humanity can stop manufacturing noses and mouths, because there's no way anyone could ever match Billy's. His nose is so perfect! *loves* And, like, you know, his accent. *pines* Meanwhile: The World's Most Fabulous Unintentional Pun: Marcelina: Wouldn't that be cool if you found out that you were actually one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse? Me: That would make quite an interesting revelation. (bah-dum ching!) Mkay, back to my LJ friends list. Priscilla said at 12:23 AM ![]() Hey! And I didn't even cheat!
One of the funniest quizzes out there: Which Lord of the Rings character and personality problem are you? Congratulations! You're Pippin! ![]() Priscilla said at 12:06 AM
Friday, December 19, 2003
![]() Bwaha! Part 4 or 5 or something of I <3 Foxtrot. (Begins here, then 2, 3, 4, 5. Okay, so today was #6. Sosumi.)
Priscilla said at 11:55 AM ![]() Okay, TTT:EE question. Why is there an empty bottle of Sprite floating in Saruman's pantry? I'd screencap, but Windows Media Player is evil. See for yourself if you don't believe me. 1:40:19. (Edit: Okay, so it's probably a green glass bottle. But it has no business floating. Of course, neither does that turkey, so I still say I'm right. Harrumph.)
Priscilla said at 1:09 AM ![]() A thought just occurred to me. You know how in TTT, during Helm's Deep, when Legolas rides the shield down the steps, firing arrows, and it looks like he's surfing? At that moment, the music sounds oddly remniscent of the theme to "Back to the Future," and conjures memories of Marty McFly prevailing over antagonists on a skateboard. Now the image of 80s!MichaelJFox!Legolas will forever be burned into my cerebellum. Curse you, Howard Shore.
Priscilla said at 12:37 AM
Thursday, December 18, 2003
![]() Finished my math exam! Wow, that went reasonably well. But it could have been a lot more traumatic if it had really wanted to.
The exam started at 1:30. At 1:15, I left the dorm with all the rest of my suite math study group. Of course, I then realized that they all had their exams in a different location, as they're in the 002 section and I'm in 004. So I took out my map and tried to find my way to the Nursing Education Building. That area is a total maze, I can tell you. I ended up walking around the entire hospital complex. Gah. At 1:29, I was panicing. Winded from running, I power-walked around the building, looking for a way in. I finally found one at 1:31, only to find that I didn't have the proper credentials for that entrance. It wouldn't accept my PennCard because I'm not in the Nursing school. A sign on the door instructed my kind to use one of two other entrances, neither of which I had any idea where they were. Panic went into major overdrive. I was a sniffling, teary mess by the time I found an entrance I could actually use. I asked the receptionist if she knew where the Math 104 exam was, and she didn't know. I started tearing through my Math notebook, looking for the page where I had written all the information about the exam. Even after looking through twice, I couldn't find it. Panic, panic, panic. Right when I was ready to resign myself to running around the halls of the building in search of my exam, a horde of students and TAs pushed by, led by Mr. Crotty, my teacher. I grabbed all my stuff, wiped away any stray tears, and joined their pack, like a scraggly rodent drawn to a mathematical Pied Piper. So everything was okay, I arrived before the test started, and I found a seat reasonably close to the front. I think I actually did rather well on the test, even though over an hour had gone by before I stopped shaking. So today's lesson is that if you've never been to the location where your exam is to be, set out at least 30 minutes early, instead of 15. Because knowing is half the battle. And now, I'm going to watch more of the TTT:EE, because I can. Mwahaha. Priscilla said at 4:11 PM ![]() Stupid, stinking, fat math exam! We hates them!
But I don't have to cram all the stuff for Moment on my sheet, so Me: Is Moment going to be on the exam? Dan: No, it's not. Priya: Is center of mass on the exam? Dan: No, it's from the same chapter. And I spent 2 hours learning it, gah. Me: Well, now you know, and this knowledge will enrich your life. Dan: Yeah, sure. Me: What if you're walking down the block one day and someone runs up to you and says "I NEED TO FIND THE MOMENT ABOUT THE X AND Y AXES FOR THIS DISCRETE LAMINA OF CONTINUOUS MASS!" Dan: I would say "I don't know. I have it on my Cheat Sheet." Me: But what if you had your Cheat Sheet with you? You could save a life! Dan: I should shoot myself for being that uncool. Priscilla said at 12:58 AM
Wednesday, December 17, 2003
![]() As Blogger has no convenient equivalent to LJ-cut, my review of RotK shall be a bit different! I definitely don't want to spoil it for those who haven't seen it, which I imagine is the majority of my readership at this point, I shall omit all names and particularly revealing nouns and verbs, much in the style of military censorship. That way, those who have seen the movie will probably know what I'm talking about, but those who haven't seen it can easily skip the block of text without their eyes accidentally catching a spoilery word! Or, they could read the review and use the blank spaces like Mad Libs. Crazy fun for the whole family!
<review> Originally I was a tad disappointed that no one had dressed up. Last year, the high point of Waiting In Line was the guy dressed as Merry, flanked by two dwarves, carring a banner that said "Saruman is Gay." (nice try, boys. wrong actor! It's Gandalf!) But Philly is a big city with lots of theatres, and The Bridge mainly caters to students, and with exam week, no one had any time to get costumes together, I'd imagine. I got quite a few compliments on my "Still the Prettiest" shirt and even gave a fellow geek a disk with "The Very Secret Diaries" on it. I was one of three people to bring a laptop with which to watch TTT:EE in line. Gah, over break, I must see this movie again! When I actually can hear it and I don't have to rely on subtitles! (Man, the subtitles are WORTHLESS. I mean, when you have captioned movies, aren't you supposed to include SOUNDS, as well? Like "hoofbeats" and "speaking in Elvish" such? Ah well.) Still, so much wonderful that wonderful doesn't even begin to cover it. Then the movie started! I have been officially reduced to a puddle of emotional goo. This movie had me (and the entire audience) laughing out loud, then cheering, then bawling in my seat, and all probably within a span of ten minutes. I don't even want to think about how much tissue I went through in that movie. I think the first thing I do when I finish my math exam is to purchase the RotK soundtrack. _____'s voice? GUH. I'm so glad I didn't get the soundtrack beforehand and resisted the temptation to listen when all the fangirls on the _____ LJ community were squealing about it. My beautiful baby ______ singing about ________ while ________ sends all his men to their ______. (And DUDE, apparently he COMPOSED the song! Wow, what can't he do?) And that other time, when he and _____ are singing and dancing on the table? Man nothing like auxiliary backup _______ for cheering up a crowd. I LOVE ALL FOUR OF MY _______ SO MUCH THERE ARE NO WORDS. Well, actually, there are two words: Longbottom leaf. THANK YOU, PETER JACKSON. Mkay. Frodo and Sam and Gollum climbing the ______ to ______'s ____? Order: Gollum, Frodo, Sam. Good grief, Frodo has suffered enough. He does NOT need that kind of view. I LOVE SAM AND I LOVE FRODO AND I LOVE PIPPIN AND I LOVE MERRY AND I LOVE EOWYN AND I LOVE GIMLI AND I LOVE LEGOLAS AND I LOVE PIPPIN AGAIN AND I LOVE GANDALF AND I LOVE FARAMIR AND I LOVE ARAGORN AND DID I MISS ANYONE? I LOVE THEM TOO. Mkay, who read Sam's lips in that last scene? *raises hand* SO CUTE. Even if you hadn't read the books, you totally know his first ___'s name is _____. Ship-Wise, _______ and _______ are so in love it's not even funny. Near the end, after _______ is _______ by Gandalf and meeting everyone in the crowd and they share that manly shoulder-hug thing and it lasts way too long to be platonic and they just GAZE at each other? D00d! Meanwhile, him and _____? Yawnage. Gandalf telling Pippin what _____ would be like? Me = SOBBING MESS. Smeagol. WOAH. Gollum. WOAH. Sam. WOAH. The entire movie. WOAH. So who's seeing it again with me when I get home? </review> Priscilla said at 3:19 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
![]() ::laughs:: It's so funny, because it's so true! This totally happened to me on my birthday with X2. Down to the detail about the aunt and uncle and the impossibility to buy for! But I used cunning wiles to avoid unwrapping the plastic, then privately approached my uncle and asked him if he would be offended if I switched it for the widescreen, so all was hunky-dory.
And now I'm off to LotR! Two and a half hours early, but I checked out the TTT:EE for the night to keep us company. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 9:27 PM ![]() #1 Item on things that are NOT COOL: Finding out your math exam in on Thursday, when the little course schedule thingy at the beginning of the year said it was going to be Friday. Man, I would have studied harder TODAY! Wow, someone isn't leaving her room tomorrow...
Priscilla said at 8:35 PM ![]() Reinvestigating the scary Christian site now that I know it's a joke. The best part of the entire website: right here. Click. Right now. Third from the top. Danny, age 10. Go.
Though the abstinence shorts and "Will You Be My Husband?" thong tie for 2nd. And if I drank coffee, this would totally be my mug. Priscilla said at 5:40 PM ![]() *dies laughing* Rachel used Tricia and Carmen as models for her latest photography project, and after she turned everything in, the three of them did this on Carmen's door with one of the extra prints. I love these girls.
Priscilla said at 5:22 PM ![]()
Priscilla said at 5:11 PM ![]() <3 Ali Wildgoose! Phantom Of the Opera: punk version
And dude. After I finish "Men at Arms," I think "Ninjas: The Musical" is totally my next priority. Priscilla said at 5:11 PM ![]() Gah. Today has been one stupid mistake after another. XP
First, I got my portfolio all lovely and organized for my critique at 11:30. At 11:15, I headed over to the art building to get everything set up. Then I realized I had forgotten my thumbtacks to hang my work! So I ran back to my dorm. Along the way, I thought "hey! I should print out my pirate CG to show her how I'm applying what I learned in this class! So I printed it. Then I ran back, arriving at 11:31. My teacher was critiquing another student, so I sat down to wait for them to finish. At 11:50, I started to get confused. Why were they going so far into my time? Were they already that off schedule so early in the morning? So I found the signup sheet on the wall and saw that I had signed up for 1:30. *facepalm* Glad it wasn't the other way around. So with an hour and a half to burn, I decided to go catch a taxi to Pierre's, the costume shop, to get another pair of elf ears for tonight. The ones I wore for my Nightcrawler costume are permanently blue, so unless I wanted to be an elf with gangrene, I needed another pair. I leafed through the back of my Book, where I keep addresses, and I couldn't find a listing for Pierre's. "3rd and Arch" I told the cabdriver, relying on memory. But when we finally got there, the store was nowhere to be seen. I looked through my Book again, and there it was, on the inside cover, the other place I keep addresses. Hah. So we went to the real address and found Pierre's. Yay. I asked the cab driver to wait outside for me, as it would only be the briefest of moments, and it's in a part of town where there are never any taxis, so I would have to walk quite a ways to find one (learned from experience last time!). So I went to the display, only to see that there were no ears. I asked a store attendant, who told me that the shipment hadn't gotten in yet. Just great. I went back to the cab, acting as though my mission had been successful, but highly disappointed inside. As we rounded the block (crazy one-way streets), a sudden thought struck me. Hey! The store has flesh-colored liquid latex! I could just paint over my Kurt ears! But because of my previous mistake, I decided that he would think I was a moron if I asked him to turn around and take me back. Five minutes I agonized. Should I? Shouldn't I? Finally, I snapped, and asked him to take me back. He sighed loudly, clearly feeling very put-upon. So I got the liquid latex, no fuss, paid the now rather fat cab bill, and went back to my dorm. I dug out all my makeup stuff and the old ears and started painting. But at the third layer, I realized it wasn't going to cut it. The blue was incredibly stubborn and kept showing through. And the multiple layers of latex were building up in weird ways, getting a bit bumpy and nasty. Wearing them, I would look more like an orc. Finally, at 1:10, I gave up and went off to my critique. So now, not only will I have no ears to wear tonight, but I also destroyed my Kurt ears. Ah, well. Such is life. Thankfully, Karma caught back up with me in time for my critique, so it went fabulously. But still, wah. ::sigh:: EDIT: And now yet ANOTHER person has emailed me to cancel on the movie tonight. Three people in the last three days. Glad I still have Rachel and Carmen. *shakes fist at the Jing, Abe, and Sam.* Hey, Allison! Do you have tickets yet? Priscilla said at 3:38 PM ![]() Alicey and I just spent the last while goggling over the scaryness that is this link. I am so glad that I didn't grow up in a family with those kind of beliefs. Holy cow.
EDIT: It is a parody! Gah, okay, feeling better now. I kept thinking that it had to be one, but gah. Priscilla said at 12:31 AM
Monday, December 15, 2003
![]() 24 hours until I head over to the theatre! Or should I leave more than two hours in advance. There are at least 4 screenings, and it's on a college campus during exam week. How nuts do you think it's going to be?
Hmm. Will wear elf ears and "Still the Prettiest" t-shirt. Perhaps will carry "Pervy Hobbit Fancier" placard (Pervy Hobbit Fanciers for Dean? Nah). Priscilla said at 10:21 PM ![]() ::chokes on pork fried rice::
Hobbits for Dean, anyone? It's strange. Most people do political parody image manipulation to mock or insult something. We must be one of the first to use parody photo manipulation to support a candidate, rather than to deride. Go us. Priscilla said at 8:51 PM ![]() When I grow up, I want to be just like this guy. He must have fun in traffic.
Priscilla said at 8:22 PM ![]() Alas! A cornucopia of love!
(from the genius that brought us "Bothering Snape") EDIT: Renata, it should be fixed! Priscilla said at 6:30 PM ![]() Feeling powerless and depressed?
Priscilla said at 6:03 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 8:42 AM ![]() Eep! Why is Alan Cumming no longer cast in 2004's "Phantom of the Opera"? Come on, Joel Schumacher, can't you at least give me some motivation to see this movie? Unimpressed, random casting director. Unimpressed.
And Alan? I love you, you're wonderful, and you will always have my undying affection, but could you please pick some movies to be in that I won't have to force myself with clenched teeth to go to? Garfield? The Mask II? Please. For your fans. </bitter> Priscilla said at 1:30 AM
Sunday, December 14, 2003
![]() ::laughs:: I'm famous! I'm the one hunched up under the red umbrella. XD (I imagine better photos will soon be up at Drive for Democracy, hee.)
Neither rain nor snow nor Priscilla said at 11:59 PM ![]() Oh dear. I've reached that joyous point in the paper-writing process when I decide I couldn't care less and start putting stuff in for the sole purpose of keeping myself entertained. But at least I've refined this practice, so that I can make it work with the rest of the paper and make it seem like it belongs. Jolly good.
Priscilla said at 8:58 PM ![]() Yay! Just under an hour before the Dean Drive For Democracy comes to a close on the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum! Who feels confident enough about her paper to be there? Booyeah.
In the absence of any Dean gear in my closet, I think I shall wear my "Republicans for Voldemort" shirt. Muaha. Priscilla said at 2:11 PM ![]() ♥ Bill Amend. Two more days!
Priscilla said at 12:55 PM ![]() Whoo!!! Saddam has been caught! Let's just hope it's really him and not another of his body doubles. :D
I never liked the idea of the Iraq War (Osama? What? Oh, look! Something shiny!), but now that the damage has been done, at least now it'll be a little easier to start sweeping up the pieces. So Bush, get off your high horse and let's get the UN and some other countries in on the reconstruction efforts, especially now that we've seen what a bunch of crooks Halliburton is made of, overcharging the US $65 million. And because honestly, has the US ever succeeded in rebuilding a country alone? Priscilla said at 12:32 PM ![]() Hey, look! Snow! Hey, look! Unfinished songwriting paper!
I feel like a crotchety old man. "It was the youth that was responsible! All those pesky teenagers with their 'Rock and Roll' music taking over the radio... Crazy hippies! Why, in my day, we respected our elders, and we got quality shows like 'West Side Story' and 'Man of La Mancha'! Today, you get 'Seussical'! Young hoodlums!" ::hobbles off with a cane:: So yes, I am blaming the downfall of musical theatre on the emergence of youth culture. (But Harold Prince agrees with me, so there!) My classmates are going to love this. I think I shall call it "Dubarry was a Lady, Angel was a Drag Queen: The Evolution of the Schism between Pop Music and Musical Theatre, From Cole Porter to Jonathan Larson". I shall call it squishy, at it will be my squishy. Priscilla said at 11:33 AM ![]() I think that in many, many, many years, on the sad, sad day when Johnny Depp dies, the mean amount of acting talent in the world will go down at least 30%.
Priscilla said at 2:22 AM
Saturday, December 13, 2003
![]() Gollum Rap, filched from Ashley.
Priscilla said at 9:33 PM ![]() Mmmmm, my hands smell like garlic. I just helped Tricia and Carmen make pasta and breadsticks, and I'm in tastebud heaven. It's so refreshing to see garlic used for good and not evil. We decided that we were going to all get together and make dinner once a week, most likely on Sunday. *happy sigh* I love cooking.
Priscilla said at 9:29 PM ![]() Forget Gary Oldman.
![]() Neil Gaiman is Sirius Black. Priscilla said at 9:27 PM ![]() Hee, today's strip in the Calvin & Hobbes LJ community has special historic significance for me! It's where I got the phrase muchas smoochies! Muaha, best phrase ever.
Priscilla said at 7:19 PM ![]() Okay, forget the glitterpaint menorahs. I hereby nominate myself for the "Too Bloody Crafty By Half" award, based on my performance this evening. Apparently, we're exchanging our Secret Santa gifts today, so I feel very relieved that I went shopping for Kim yesterday. But to my dismay, I hadn't thought about wrapping paper. Being a traditionalist in these matters, I refused to give her the book alone or in a plastic shopping bag, and even though I barely know her, I wasn't about to give her a book wrapped exquisitely in paper towels.
But the Sisterhood of the Too Bloody Crafty are never at a loss for what to do! Why not give it to her in the plastic shopping bag it came in? But with a crazy twist? I cut off the handles and the pleated corners of the bag, turning it into a flat sheet. Then I used it like wrapping paper, wrapping it as I would a box, in (a slight variant of) the perfect, lovely method my mom taught me when I was wee. Then I joined the ends of the handles and made a bow. I'm very pleased with the result. :D (Edit: and so was Kim!) Front, Back, Side. Priscilla said at 6:24 PM ![]() I know myself so well. This morningI was having difficulty forcing myself to write my Songwriting paper (The Evolution of the Rift Between Pop Music and Musical Theatre. Why do I do these things to myself?), so I finally cracked and kidnapped Carmen and went out to lunch. She asked to go to the DVD rental next door, so I tagged along. I knew I wasn't going to rent anything (because of said paper), but I browsed anyway. Fortunately for my sense of self-control, every movie I saw that looked like something I'd like to watch had been checked out already. But when Carmen showed me her selections, they looked fun, and I told her that if I was far enough on my paper later this evening, I'd join her in a studybreak and watch one. Then, as she was checking out, another girl came in and returned a copy of Edward Scissorhands. An omen! I promised myself that I wouldn't watch it until I'd written 5 pages (the minimum), at least. So now I have motivation! Johnny calls to me! And once I have written at least 5 pages, I will answer!
Mmm, Johnny. *goes back to work* Priscilla said at 5:06 PM ![]() Hobbits and elves and wizards and warriors locked in a merciless battle for Middle Earth. Why don’t they just hang a sign on the clubhouse door that says "No GiRls allowed?"Maybe because said hobbits and elves and wizards and warriors are HOT? Next up on Captain Obvious, Wow, LotR has female fans, too! Priscilla said at 12:29 PM ![]() I just calculated my final grade for my CSE class, and I AM POINT ONE-NINE-NINE POINTS OVER THE MEAN FINAL GRADE.
I AM ABOVE-AVERAGE AT AN IVY LEAGUE INSTITUTION. I ROCK SO MUCH. I am now walking down the halls of my dorm, fists raised in triumph. W00t to the 00t. And now that it's 1AM, it's CHUNGY'S BIRTHDAY. Give her BIRTHDAY WISHES, because she is JUST THAT COOL. Priscilla said at 12:59 AM
Friday, December 12, 2003
![]() Hee. I was just thinking, trying to compile a list of great Christmas movies. Is it bad that the first two I thought of were "The Nightmare Before Christmas" and "Edward Scissorhands"?
In the spirit of the impending holidays, why not start a mini-meme? Comment with your favourite Christmas/Hanukkah/Winter Soltice/Kwanzaa/Atheist-Children-Get-Presents Day/Festivus/Agnostica movies, and we shall compile a list! How merry! To begin: 1. The Nightmare Before Christmas -- Is it true that Henry Selick is directing Coraline? Can I get a w00t w00t? 2. Edward Scissorhands -- Tim Burton AND Johnny Depp. Doesn't get any better! 3. The Star Wars Christmas Special -- well, the script I read was laughable 4. It's a Wonderful Life (Jume) 5. Muppet Christmas Carol (Renata) 6. The Grinch (Renata) -- the old cartoon one, no Jim Carrey for us, thankyouverymuch 7. John Denver and the Muppets: A Christmas Together (Allison D) 8. Emmit Otter's Jugband Christmas (Allison D) 9. A Muppet Family Christmas (Allison D) 10. A Charlie Brown Christmas (Kait) 11. A Christmas Story (Rebecca) 12. White Christmas (Jo) -- with Bing Crosby and Danny Kaye! Hurrah! 13. Die Hard (Megaloo) -- well, it *does* take place on Christmas. And hey, Alan Rickman's in it-- why not? ... Priscilla said at 3:35 PM ![]() EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! Alicey and my dragon collab is going to be printed in Movie Madness Magazine!!!! (Probably!!!)
Priscilla said at 1:28 PM ![]() Philadelphia es muy freaky, man! Yesterday night, everything was still covered in snow. And this morning, it's all gone. What happened to the evil, annoying slushy melting period? Dude, this city rocks.
Priscilla said at 12:01 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:05 AM ![]() WOO-HOO!!! I have BURNINATED my CSE final! And I owe it all to my decision to wear my Trogdor shirt today. Burninating the methods! Burninating the classes! Burninating the peasants who dare challenge me! Burninating the countryside!
Priscilla was an artist! Or maybe she was an artist/computer science major! Or maybe she was just a DMDer! But she was still Priscilla! Priscillaaaaaa! I totally need a theme song. (For those totally lost, click here. Shame on you for not doing so earlier!) Priscilla said at 10:55 AM
Thursday, December 11, 2003
![]() ...
You know, sometimes I wonder if Chris realizes how unbelievealby tone-deaf he is. The one person on our hall that loudly sings along to his music... And whistles along to symphonic music. His approach to hitting the intended notes is like a drunkard playing "pin the tail on the donkey." XD We ♥ Chris. Priscilla said at 2:51 PM ![]() Animorphs, X2, Kill Bill, and Gilligan's Island. I have the weirdest dreams.
Here, entertain yourselves with: Lord of the Rings advent calendar Gay Boyfriend This Page from my friend Bluefooted's comic (if you want to read the whole thing so far, it starts at comic1.jpg) And it turns out that it was actually Giselle and Carmen behind the makeshift menorahs. Sorry, guys. You just can't compete with female ingenuity! Priscilla said at 2:20 PM
Wednesday, December 10, 2003
![]() Hee! One of the guys on my hall made a makeshift menorah out of a ruler, blue glitterpaint, and some steel nuts, sized to hold birthday candles. Crafty, boys. Very crafty.
Wow, I'm suddenly in the mood for latkes and applesauce. Priscilla said at 1:40 PM ![]() Renata -- the "Mona Lisa Smile" soundtrack, which features two songs by Tori Amos, also includes a song called "Beseme Mucho." Just thought you'd be amused. :D
Priscilla said at 11:46 AM ![]() Okay. Sixties, Seventies, Eighties, Nineties. What do you call the decade we're living in now? The Aughts? The Noughts? (The Naughties?) The 2ks? The Ohs? The zips? That Decade Between 2000 and 2009?
I'm calling them the Aughts until society decides otherwise. *tweaks Songwritng paper accordingly* Priscilla said at 11:15 AM ![]() Wah. NyQuil Cough, you are worthless compared to your Cold and Cough brother. Dishonor upon your entire family!
Priscilla said at 1:18 AM
Tuesday, December 09, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 7:36 PM ![]() AliceyQuoteLove:
(response to Alicey's journal entry) PriscillaofDoom: Next time this happens, just pretend it's Alan Rickman climbing all over you and licking your neck. Aliceypoo: *laughs* Aliceypoo: Alan Rickman with a sandpaper tongue? Aliceypoo: Kinky :P PriscillaofDoom: *shrugs* You never know. PriscillaofDoom: well, if you're capable of imagining a 4 oz kitten into the weight of a full grown man, I'm sure you'd be able to imagine away the sandpaper texture as well. Aliceypoo: indeed Aliceypoo: OH! Aliceypoo: I GOT AN EVIL LUNCH TODAY PriscillaofDoom: HOW WAS IT EVIL? Aliceypoo: It cost $6.66 PriscillaofDoom: EVIL! Aliceypoo: I pointed this out to the cashier Aliceypoo: she went "Ooooo" and was like, "Wow" Aliceypoo: I swear PriscillaofDoom: freaky PriscillaofDoom: the devil is in your meatloaf Aliceypoo: in my french fries, rather. Aliceypoo: perhaps i should spit like they do in "My fat greek wedding" PriscillaofDoom: who is the celeb/fictional character of your choice these days? Aliceypoo: hmm Aliceypoo: Depp, I hate to say PriscillaofDoom: bah, he is teh sexxor. don't feel bad about liking Johnny. :D Aliceypoo: Alan Rickman is brilliant and utterly talented Aliceypoo: but let's face it Aliceypoo: he's old enough to be my grandpa Aliceypoo: Johnny Depp is merely old enough to be my father Priscilla said at 3:40 PM ![]() Yay! tnm.n is back! *rejoices*
Priscilla said at 2:36 PM ![]() Auxiliary Backup Hobbit Fans rejoice! The Wonder of Merry. *dies of love for her Billeh and Dom*
Priscilla said at 2:19 PM ![]() ::laughs:: When I saw this video, I had to make sure that I wasn't accidentally surfing some joke website. "Don't question authority! Vote Bush!"
Don't you love it when the official websites themselves are funnier than the parodies? Priscilla said at 2:11 PM ![]() Ugh. Great morning. I wake up to see that tnm.n is down (in fact, the entirety of your-site.com is down! *seethes*) and I'm coughing up blood again. It's always been in really tiny amounts, but this morning, it's twice as much as usual. I'm trying to arrange for a doctor's appointment as I type. So yeah. It's blogspot for me today.
Priscilla said at 12:15 PM ![]() I started this in what, late September? I have the attention span of a gnat and the self-motivation of a dish of skim milk*. But it's finally done!** Now comment or walk the plank, yarrr!
Pirates! * Best. Phrase. Ever. Thank you, Renata! *hearts* ** Well, the VSP did get in the way... And, you know, academics. (I really am studying for my exams! I promise!) Priscilla said at 1:30 AM
Monday, December 08, 2003
![]() I am *so* entertained. Are teenagers' attention spans really that short? RockTheVote.com: Endorse MY Campaign! Blinking lights!
Priscilla said at 7:34 PM ![]() Yay! Java homework finished in a record 4 1/2 hours! Go me!
But now, the moral dilemma rears its ugly head. Should I try out for One Acts, or wait until January to try out for the Penn Singers? Pros: One Acts ("The Philadelphia" by David Ives, "The Santaland Diaries" by David Sedaris, and "For Whom the Southern Belle Tolls" by Christopher Durang) Cons: One Acts vs Pros: Penn Singers ("The Gondoliers" by Gilbert and Sullivan) Okay, no question. I'm trying out for the Penn Singers again. But I wonder... the Penn Singers Business Manager is directing one of the one acts. Would it be possible to do both? No, I wouldn't want to do two shows at once. Stop trying to make excuses to try out for the one acts and just sit tight until January. Priscilla said at 7:04 PM ![]() Random Question: Does anyone know how to pronounce "Kucinich"? Poor angry little gnome. *patpat* If only we lived in some magical fairy land where you were electable. ::waves Fangirls for Dean poster::
Responding to Commentage: Brenna: Eeee! Alan's "Open 24 hours" shirt! *hearts* Gah, Alan and Ewan. 2 of my 3 favourite Scots! I need to see "Emma" again: Alan and Ewan in period costume, both looking like complete dweebs! *dies of love* Alicey: Wouldn't we all? :D Anonymous: Ha! Priscilla said at 1:02 PM ![]() Click here. Campbell's soup will donate a can of soup to the needy for every vote. Even if you don't have a favorite team, just pick someone.
Also, for any students on a meal plan: A lot of meal plans are broken up into semesters, and if your plan is anything like mine, you probably have quite a few meals left over. Penn's plan has an "Express" option, in which you're given To Go a sandwich, a choice of sides, a drink, and a dessert. If your school has anything similar, consider using your excess meals for good, donating these Express meals to a homeless shelter or similar. Why waste a meal you've already paid for? Priscilla said at 12:29 AM
Sunday, December 07, 2003
![]() Sorry for the sudden spam. Blogger was down earlier today, so I had to save my old entries to post later.
![]() You need a piggy-back ride! Now that sounds like a load of good clean fun ;) Just saddle up and ride'em cow boy/girl! yee-haw! What Kind of LOTR Lovin' Do YOU Need? Priscilla said at 8:35 PM ![]() Oklahoma, OK!
Because if there's one mental image I desperately needed, it's Wolverine singing "Little Surrey With the Fringe on Top." Curse you, oh overactive imagination! Priscilla said at 8:33 PM ![]() Mmmmm, nap.
Priscilla said at 8:26 PM
Saturday, December 06, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 8:20 PM ![]() Anyone who thinks that no Democratic has distinguished (him/her)self enough to merit a second glance is wrong.
Three cheers for the Cult of Dean! Priscilla said at 2:30 PM
Friday, December 05, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 11:58 PM ![]() 256 Mb memory card full = time to come back inside, Priscilla.
(of course, 99 of the 151 images were old, but my fingers were too numb to operate the delete button, so I took it as a sign regardless) Priscilla said at 5:19 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 4:11 PM ![]() Well, it's over, and that's something. The test was a whole lot easier than past midterms, but I neglected to put two critical equations on my study sheet, so I know the curve is going to kill me dead. (Maybe I would have remembered if ANY of our review questions had been on the material. *hisses*)
Anyway, I'm pleased to see that the current weather isn't as irritating to my throat as yesterday. Minimal croaking. :D And to improve my mood even more, LotR boys! (yes, everyone and their dog has linked to this page, but I don't care.) Gah, I will be so sad when RotK is over, because the media will stop bombarding us with stuff like this. BoyHugging. Adoreableness. Ian's chainmail tie. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 And schnoogles for Tanja for being so right. Priscilla said at 2:38 PM ![]() I'm dreaming of a white math test...
Just like the ones I've never known... 1 1/2 to 2 inches so far, we estimate. Enough to cancel school in Dallas for a week. And actual snow, too! Not the nasty, icy, useless "wintry mix" back home. After the exam is over, I'm going to definitely have to do some photography, if I can stand being out in the cold that long. I guess my first priority is getting over my cold, but hey, Baby's First Real Snowfall in Philly! Mkay, back to studying. I am SO not nearly as prepared as I would have wanted to be. I hopped the Z train at 11 last night, setting my alarm for 8. My body responded "AS IF!" and I woke up at 10:15. Currently debating over whether I should skip the last Java lecture to study. I guess it depends on how much I get accomplished in the thirty minutes before Java starts. Hmm... survey says "no" (and wow, I just accidentally typed "survey says 'sno'." So what's dominating my subconscious today, Jung?). Missing the last class before a midterm is never a good idea. Bah. Priscilla said at 10:23 AM
Thursday, December 04, 2003
![]() Wah. I have a math midterm tomorrow, but I just want to curl up in my bed and go to sleep. Inhalation of charcoal dust killed my throat in my Drawing class -- by the end of the third hour, I could barely even croak. Lovely warm beverages rendered me capable of speech again, but I still feel lousy. Bah.
::goes off to cram so that I can go to sleep early:: EDIT: AAARG! I thought the "coughing up blood" thing was over! Here we go again... Gah, where is Ewan when I need him? Priscilla said at 4:37 PM
Wednesday, December 03, 2003
![]() Yay! Tastebuds slowly returning! I can now taste:
1. Peach ice cream 2. Garlic (The latter being a problem. I chose to eat in the dining hall tonight because "Hey! If I have no sense of taste, the excessive garlic won't be a problem, will it?" Oh, how my plot is foiled.) Priscilla said at 7:42 PM ![]() I LOVE YOU, HOWARD DEAN.
Priscilla said at 6:43 PM ![]() PhotoWednesday! Veni, Vini, Vocavi! (I came, I saw, I commented, hint hint)
Edit: Thanks to Allison L for the proper Latin translation. Ooh, I was so close! Priscilla said at 6:32 PM ![]() Something interesting: Google "miserable failure."
Funnier than FF.N being first on the list searching for "pit of voles"! (Ah! And it's all thanks to this guy! Hilarity.) Priscilla said at 2:20 PM ![]() WAH! I HAVE LOST MY SENSE OF TASTE! And I just remembered that because I have rhinitis, I'm not allowed to sing for a WEEK. Okay, Renata. You need to take over the world so that I can have Ewan, Billeh, and Alan nurse me back to health. I reiterate: Sick = NO FUN.
Priscilla said at 12:56 PM ![]() ARRRRRRRRGH!!!!! NOT FUN AT ALL. Why is it that every time I get "sick" it's rhinitis? Coughing up blood is NO FUN. *goes back to annoying regime of medicines perscribed the last time this happened*
As Rebecca M once said, if I have to be coughing up blood, I should at least be entitled to cuddle Ewan McGregor. Life is so hard. Priscilla said at 10:15 AM ![]() Dissatisfied with your current church? Become a neo-muggletonian!
(come on, all the cool kids are doing it!) Priscilla said at 9:50 AM
Tuesday, December 02, 2003
![]() In celebration of my Diligence and Hard Work, after an intense bout of studying for Math I decided to let myself relax with some crazy fun. For my amusement, I watched clips of X2, dubbed in French. Good gravy, the voices are HILARIOUS AND SO WRONG. Kurt has this Darth Vader-quality low voice. And hearing the name "Wolverine" and "Logan" pronounced in a French accent is too funny by half. "Vite Loh-GANNE!" So is Kurt's "Gehen sie raus!" bit, as German in a French accent (coupled with NO VOICE ACTING ABILITY AT ALL) is highly entertaining. Especially because they kept a few snatches of Alan's voice -- screaming as he falls out of the rafters, then panting heavily after being caught by Jean. Then it suddenly flips into the French Darth Vader voice again when he starts to speak, and we are amused. And "mutant" sounds too much like "moutton" (sheep) to not earn a snicker each time it's said.
Upon further reflection: Make that a French Darth Vader with emphysema. At "Wagner... Kurt Wagner" I thought he was going to hack up a lung. I have seen this movie way too many times. And I'm not about to stop any time soon. :D But it's all good, because I realize just how much of my French I retained, so go me. And go Renata, who was on CNN and C-SPAN today because she is super-cool! *waves Pirates for Dean flag* EDIT: I'm glad I speak English. It occurs to me that there are only TWO VOICES is the entire French-speaking population. Everyone sounds EXACTLY ALIKE and this is VERY HUMOROUS. 2nd EDIT: "Kurt Wagner! Mais a Munich, dans la cirque, je t'ai (?) "Le Diable Incroyable!" (*dies*) Priscilla said at 11:31 PM ![]() Cosi mint hot chocolate will cure cancer and AIDS, end world hunger, lead to world peace, put Howard Dean in the White House, and rid the world of Mary Sues. It's that good. *will order a larger size next time*
Priscilla said at 9:34 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 8:16 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:56 PM ![]() IT'S SNOWING!!!!!
Man, I love the North. If this were Dallas, students would be clammoring to get out of class to play in the near-nonexistent flurries. It's so strange to see no one making a big deal about it. Yay, snow, snow, snow! EDIT: It only snowed for about 5 minutes, and it didn't even come close to sticking, but it's the principle of the thing. :D Priscilla said at 12:41 PM ![]() My roommate and her quasi-boyfriend are snuggled up together on her bed, reading 1984. This strikes me as highly amusing.
Priscilla said at 1:19 AM ![]() What's the proper word for post-mortem twitches? That's going to bother me all day.
Priscilla said at 1:06 AM
Monday, December 01, 2003
![]() Mr. Crotty is my FAVOURITEST TEACHER IN THE WHOLE WORLD! He merrily neglects to point out that our homework, usually a 4-5 hour endeavor, is due TOMORROW, as opposed to on Friday! Isn't he the coolest? Don't you wish he was YOUR teacher? I want nothing more than to take only Crotty's classes until I painfully die!
</bitter> Priscilla said at 5:11 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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