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Sunday, February 29, 2004
![]() ![]() If we don't win Best Picture, I'll break the Academy's legs. Priscilla said at 7:34 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 7:26 PM ![]() Holy cow! Yesterday it was 51, and today it's 62! A sign of the apocalypse? You bet your booty.
Ah, well. We can enjoy the next few days before the world ends without the necessity of hats and gloves and three layers of clothing. Priscilla said at 2:17 PM ![]() Tori is awesome! She made caps of the first half of her Filipino-captioned boot of RotK. I converted them to .jpg and posted them here. Enjoy textual proof of exactly what Merry and Pippin were smoking, Gandalf with an insufferably huge ego, Gollum channelling my mom, Pippin waxing Catholic, creepy and unwanted Denethor/Pippin evilness, character death, evil trees, and hints at Legolas' marshmellow kink.
I pity the poor translator (already with a clearly limited grasp of English) attempting to translate Billy's accent. :D Priscilla said at 12:03 PM ![]() ::snorks:: This is even better than people suggesting Dobby looks like Vladmir Putin.
Meanwhile, it just occurred to me that "Kilt!Billy" could be construed as a pun on "Kill Bill." To make this post not worthless: Daniel of the Endless, from Sandman. Photomanip. Playing around with styles for consideration for a class project. Mmm, boredom. Happy Leap Day, kids! Priscilla said at 1:59 AM
Saturday, February 28, 2004
![]() Dude! The temperature broke 50! Woo-hoo, tank top time! XD
Priscilla said at 8:15 PM ![]() Hah! I found this earlier last week, and I was going to post it yesterday, but I forgot.
Happy Froday! (is it bad that Frodo really doesn't look that bad in a dress?) So who else is completely psyched up for tomorrow? :D Priscilla said at 3:25 PM ![]() There's an LJ meme going around where people are linking to entries they made exactly one year ago. Because I so rarely update my LJ, here's a link to the equivalent in my blog. No entries for Feb 28th, 2002, but there's a couple for Feb 27th, and here's Feb 28th, 2001.
::points and laughs at my 3-years-ago self:: Priscilla said at 3:04 PM ![]() *cackles* My friend Tori has a Filipino boot of Return of the King, complete with fabulously Engrish subtitles. She capped this for me because she is such a fabulously cool person. Thank you, Tori! *schnoogles*
Any chance of more in the future? *puppy dog eyes* Priscilla said at 1:21 PM
Friday, February 27, 2004
![]() Shame on you, Kerry. Just when I was getting to the point where I felt I could stomach supporting you, there's this.
CIVIL UNIONS = "SEPARATE BUT EQUAL" NOT GOOD ENOUGH, SENATOR. Priscilla said at 11:02 PM ![]() Oh, goody. My roommate probably has mono.
Priscilla said at 7:13 PM ![]() As the first comment says, Amen to that.
Priscilla said at 12:17 AM ![]() Whee! 6 solid hours of Java homework! I'm feelin' good!
And that kid in my Film Noir class never dropped off the DVD by my room, so I don't have to worry about watching a 1.5-hour movie and writing a review on it before going to sleep! I have an excuse! *grooves* Meanwhile, Vote for Magsby! Priscilla said at 12:09 AM
Thursday, February 26, 2004
![]() Priscilla said at 2:13 PM ![]() GUH. Cannot... break... eye-contact...
(And Alli is adoreable. They are so cute together!) And I assume all Billeh fans have seen these pictures. There are no words. None at all. Not one. Because it's all said in the expression on John Noble's face. Very curious what Liv was looking for. I mean, Billy has his fellowship tattoo on his ankle! Elijah is the one with his tattoo on his hip! Priscilla said at 12:59 PM ![]() How appropriate!
![]() ~Thalia~ Your muse is Thalia, the Flourishing. She is the muse of comedy, and her symbol is the comic mask. You love comedy, whether it be Monty Python, Mel Brooks, Terry Pratchett, or Jim Carey. I have no doubt I'll see you on Comedy Central sometime soon... Which of the Nine Muses is your muse? brought to you by Quizilla Hmm... I wonder if I should scrap my current in-progress layout and bite the bullet and just do a layout inspired by the Nine Muses. I am such a wuss. :D Priscilla said at 12:36 PM
Wednesday, February 25, 2004
![]() Out of curiosity, I ran a UPenn directory search. Apparently there are four Priscillas in the entire university. Well, three students and one "directory guest", whatever that is.
I am a unique and beautiful snowflake. Meanwhile, we're finally getting into Photoshop in my Digital Design Foundations class, and I'm going to be doing some portrait photography for our first project. I just dug out Otto, my beloved Nikon N-80, from underneath its pile of clothes and shoes in my closet, looked through the eyepiece, and fell in love with photography all over again. How could I have strayed so long from Mark and Otto? I love my little Melvin, but his 1.8" LDC screen just can't compare with the sensation of looking through a viewfinder. And no playing with lenses and filters for Melvin, alas. I think that when I redo my "Who's Who" listing, I'm going to include my cameras. Otherwise, people might get scared. I mean... wait. Wow, I'm between a rock and a hard place here. Thought to ponder: Have I ever named any of my beloved technological devices after females? I can't think of a single one. Priscilla said at 11:42 PM ![]() Ugh. First I find out that John Rhys-Davies, who seemed so educated and eloquent in the TTT:EE commentary, is a racist bigot, and now it's Orson Scott Card's, author of one of my favourite books, turn to lose my respect.
Dylan has already voiced perfectly my reaction to this statement, so I'll point you to her response. Absolutely unbelieveable. Priscilla said at 3:49 PM ![]() Not cool.
After reviewing the incidents of the first two days of assassins, it has been decided that assassins will be suspended indefinitely. I apologize on behalf of those who took it too far to the point that it was no longer a game, but offensive behavior of that nature can not be allowed to continue. The entire game will be made void and no points will be awarded. Should assassins be attempted again later in the semester, it will be a fresh start and the participation and kills from the past few days will have no bearing on who may or may not participate. If you have any questions let me know and I will do my best to answer them. Thank you for your patience, and again I am sorry that it had to come to this. -Jonathan Korman And Ajes: Are you Ajes Blue, who wrote those fabulous Percyfics? Can I have your babies? Priscilla said at 12:00 PM ![]() Happy 33rd to Sean Astin and Happy 18th to James and Oliver Phelps!
Priscilla said at 10:37 AM ![]() A fun thing to do: While waiting the last few minutes for laundry to finish drying, sing in the delightfully echoey stairwells. It's past 1AM, no one is on the stairs to hear me. "Steward of Gondor" goes over particularly well.
And for new Lincolnite Ajes' sake, I shall recount the story of my first kill. His name was Julian Diaz, and he was not in the facebook, the cheapskate. Fortunately, Giselle and Chris, who work in the Comissary (the mini-store for snacks and basic necessities), recognized his name and knew that he worked in the Comissary as well! So Giselle looked up his work schedule, and lo and behold, he was working that evening! What luck! So later that night, I trooped down with Giselle, Tricia, and Carmen and waited for the shift change, which should have already taken place, but Julian was late. I let him settle in a bit, then waited for him to get busy attending to a customer, then pegged him with a sock when no one was looking. And my first target was justly executed! Go me! And now, a bit of light reading for Communications, and sleep! Priscilla said at 1:29 AM
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
![]() And this is what happens when I don't keep up with the papers.
Let's hope he stays away from West Philly. Heck, let's hope he's caught. I'm definitely going to bring a friend with me if I ever have to walk around after dark. Priscilla said at 11:55 PM ![]() Rachel is great, because she gives me peanut butter and chocolate with a thin candy shell. Mmmm, tasty.
Priscilla said at 11:15 PM ![]() queekie99: hmm
queekie99: what would you say to Johnny Depp in a note? queekie99: in a RATIONAL note agent_starling_1999: MARRY ME NOW queekie99: am giving advice to girl who's friend is going to give a picture to johnny depp for her spockmonkey4: You mean one that didn't read like "OMGHAVEMYBABIES"? queekie99: Rational, Moni. Rational. queekie99: something like "thanks for giving the world the opportunity to see your talent" or whatever spockmonkey4: Just write--I mean tell her to write--that you're--I mean she is a huge fan of Johnny's movies and he has an enormous talent etc. spockmonkey4: :D queekie99: *CHOKES* queekie99: Enormous talent agent_starling_1999: underline enormous spockmonkey4: :D agent_starling_1999: and also add that you?d love to see more of his uh... talent in the near future spockmonkey4: of course In other news: Question: What's yellow and dangerous? Answer: Shark-infested custard. Meanwhile, Assassins has been suspended until the Powers that Be sort stuff out, because apparently some people were being a little too exciteable about the game. Not sure of the details. But it's nice to be able to walk around normally without carrying socks and jumping around corners in case of ambush. Oh! And I'm now feeling better about the Evil Java Midterm of Doom. Apparently, not a single person got an A, and this is a class with some pretty hardcore geeks. And of course, the professor refuses our pleas to consider curving the grades. Niiiiiice. Priscilla said at 9:22 PM ![]() All Hail Elijah, King of Dorks!
All Hail Dom, Wearer of What Looks Like Gryffindor Quidditch Drag! Happy Mardi Gras, boys and girls. (For those out of the loop, Dom and Elijah were kings of the Orpheus and Bacchus crewes in Sunday's parades. So delightfully dorky. They should win prizes.) Priscilla said at 1:44 PM ![]() I couldn't resist. Too brilliant to pass up.
Ah, the colorbar meme. It just never gets old. Priscilla said at 1:15 PM ![]() Vote for Alicey because we <33333333 her. Vote early, vote often!
Priscilla said at 12:34 AM ![]() DUDE! BEST KILL EVER! Eight of us were planning on swarming the 2nd floor and getting Chris' target, carrying blankets to keep Chris from view and for making moveable barricades. Then lo and behold, a bunch of 2nd floor kids came down to our suite, including Chris' target, so a bunch of us grabbed the blankets and ran around to block off both sides of the suite. We surrounded Chris' target, then covered Chris with blankets so that no one could see him. Then Chris hit her with the sock. PERFECT KILL!!! A brilliant team strategy; props to Chris.
Our Suite: SO MUCH COOL! Other Suites: Can't touch this! We are unchallenged! None of our suite has been killed! I think our total is 11 kills for 10 participants, so huzzah for us. Can I get a w00t w00t? For those curious, here are the basic rules: Overview: The goal is to stay alive as long as possible. You stay alive by avoiding other assassins, making sure you're always with somebody from the dorm, and killing your assignment in a timely manner (by using a ball of socks). The winner is the last one standing. Killing your assignment: Once you get your first assignment, you will have approximately 36 hours (until Monday night at 11:59 pm) to make a kill before being terminated. You must continue to kill at least one target every day to remain in the game (see the section on being terminated below for more details). A kill is NOT VALID if... 1. Anyone who lives in Hill sees you ACTUALLY throw the socks. If they see you a moment before, or a moment after, but don't see you the moment you throw the socks, it counts. If they see your target die but don't see you throw the socks, it counts. (etc) EDIT: WHOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I just knocked off Kill #2! But in the process, Chris bit the dust. So we are no longer unchallenged, but we still rock. 2nd EDIT: Even better! Chris' death might not count, because he wasn't killed properly. He was just tapped with the sock, rather than having it thrown at him. It never left the assassin's hand. So wheeeee. And Chris knows my target, so he's going to be a ridiculously easy kill. Yay for murder! And Shu Kee's brother: Be proud of your older sibling! He's gotten two kills already, as well! Priscilla said at 12:14 AM
Monday, February 23, 2004
![]() Curses! My subtle and cunning plan was thwarted! For shame, I dishonor my nonexistent yet noble lineage of ninja ancestors. I knew I should have used a Penn Finance or something envelope rather than the only one I could find at the moment, from Dean For America. No Georgian would fall for that! Back to the drawing board. I have until tomorrow night to kill her, as I dispatched my target last night.
Of course, I'm still alive and kicking, regardless of the fact that I seem to have THREE assassins after me. A girl, an Indian guy, and another random kid. What's up with that? Probably because I am just so sleek and agile, nigh uncatchable. Priscilla: 1 Loser-faced Wusses: 0 Priscilla said at 7:48 PM ![]() Ugh. So that explains why my Java exam grade was so low. I was not aware that my professor defined "rigor" as "stating the blindingly obvious." I looked at a fellow student's test, in which he got full credit on a question where I got only 5/20, and I feel like my IQ just dropped 50 points. It's insulting to the reader's intelligence. Mine explains just as well as his, and mine doesn't make you stupid. This class is so obnoxious. Next time, please word the question as "Suppose [bleh] and [bleh], prove [bleh] and assume I am 5 years old."
Priscilla said at 12:32 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2004
![]() Whee, Assassins! I love this game! We're only one day into it and I'm already having a blast. And it goes the entire week! I have already dispatched one of my targets and I'm hot on the heels of the next. Go me! Unfortunately, I'm not going to provide too many details about it, in case my assassin Googles me (I'm the first Priscilla Spencer that comes up), but hopefully, by the end of the week (or whenever I'm killed, if it's before that), I'll have a nice, long entry about the zany hijinks involved. Whee!
Meanwhile, speaking of murder, I am kilt. Guh, that boy is beyond cuteness! And his girlfriend is adoreable, even though we all know who would look better in her place. *bats eyes* (ooh, more!) And they won Best Ensemble Cast at the SAG awards, so w00t. And Johnny Depp won Best Actor! Priscilla said at 11:40 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:59 PM ![]() Nader, you moron. For the love of gravy, don't make this any harder than it already is.
Priscilla said at 12:02 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2004
![]() Curious Things about the RotK movie: (spoilers, obviously. But if you haven't seen the movie yet, you do not deserve to live, much less deserve to be shielded from spoilers)
Priscilla said at 6:14 PM
Friday, February 20, 2004
![]() Frodo does his little turn on the catwalk.
Priscilla said at 6:58 PM ![]() Okay, I just talked with Jeff and Ray, the other two CSEers on my hall, and they both also got surprisingly low scores, one just below and one slightly above my score. So I'm feeling better, but still in shock. Sam's GTA LJ has improved my room considerably, but still, bleh.
Priscilla said at 6:34 PM ![]() Java Graders: Are you sure you're not looking at that score upside down? I left the testing room expecting a near-perfect score. Don't you mean I got a 91, not 61? Honestly, I can't think of any place I could have lost points! Why do I have to wait until Monday to learn what I missed? RRRRRRRGH, my day is ruined. And it was going so well! And gah, compounded by another relapse of Dean Depression! Even Nutella has no effect.
Priscilla said at 6:11 PM ![]() The day just keeps getting better! On my way back from Film Noir, I stopped by the Fine Arts Library to tell my sob story to the librarians. They were super-nice about it, then suggested I check in the stacks to see if it had been returned, but not checked back in. Lo and behold, it had been! It was there in the library, safe and sound, the entire time! So I got $100 refunded on the spot, which felt great, and they told me to come back on Monday to talk with a guy named Ken about refunding the $40 in overdue and referral charges, as technically it was never overdue in the first place. LIFE IS GREAT and I just got two letters from Renata which reminds me that I am scum and have not sent her her Christmas present yet but LIFE IS STILL GOOD and I have Snapple.
Priscilla said at 3:32 PM ![]() I just took the easiest computer science midterm is history. Life is so good.
Priscilla said at 12:01 PM ![]() It's rather interesting. In Communications, we learned about the Kuleshov Effect, in which the onscreen appearance and conveyed emotion of an actor can be manipulated by context.
Then this was posted on Lotrboys_daily. Dude, what are silly captions if not the ultimate proof of the Kuleshov effect? We know that the actors are obviously expressing sentiments very different from the suggested dialogue in the caption, but in most cases, especially with really funny captions, it really looks as though the actors could be saying the captioned words. In class, a bunch of the students were still skeptical about the effectiveness of Kuleshov (myself included), but now I'm convinced. I'm so going to mention this to Professor Messaris on Tuesday. Ah, Visual Communications. It has changed the way I see the world. Or at least movies. </dork> Priscilla said at 12:59 AM
Thursday, February 19, 2004
![]() *snickets*
*snorks* *chortles* *full-blown, uncontrollable gigglefit* There are no words for this picture. Priscilla said at 11:46 PM ![]() Random Music Meme!
Step 1: Open your MP3 player. Step 2: Put all of your music on random. Step 3: Write down the first 15 songs it plays, no matter how embarrassing. 1. "How Do You Solve A Problem Like Korea", The Capitol Steps 2. "Suppertime", Little Shop of Horrors NBCR 3. "Another Girl's Paradise", Tori Amos, Scarlet's Walk 4. "Universe Communion", Stuart Davis, Self Untitled 5. A random, long ago discarded bit from a MAA song. How did that get in here? 6. "Straw Hat and Old Dirty Hank", Barenaked Ladies, Born on a Pirate Ship 7. "Girl", Tori Amos, Little Earthquakes 8. "Man of La Mancha (I, Don Quixote)", Man of La Mancha (Placido Domingo version) 9. "Look Down", Les Miserables (Original London Cast) 10. Guards! Guards! Track 12 (muchas gracias to "Bucked Up") 11. "Humor of the Situation", Barenaked Ladies, Maroon 12. "Pilar (Things Here Are Different)", Jill Sobule, I Never Learned to Swim 13. "Bad", Little Shop of Horrors NBCR (Demo version, an early version of "Mean Green Mother From Outerspace") 14. "A New Life", Jekyll and Hyde (1994 Concept cast recording) 15. "See Emily Play", Pink Floyd, Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd I'm rather shocked to see no Beatles representation. I have 8 of their albums on my computer... Ah well. Random is as random does! Priscilla said at 4:55 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 2:21 PM ![]() The Japanese are wonderful. Please, let this be the action to get the ball rolling!
Priscilla said at 1:30 PM ![]() Over Math last night, Tricia and I discussed the advantages of being hobbit women.
Priscilla said at 12:54 PM ![]() Gah! Just got another "Notice of Fine or Fee" email from the library, and they've charged me another random $25. I now owe $140. And Joan hasn't found the book yet, and I'm beginning to doubt we will. Should I just go ahead and pay it so I won't be charged any extra? Urggh, stupid library.
And stupid person on the 2nd floor making eggs at 6AM that burned and made smoke and set off the fire alarm and we all had to troop outside in the cold and I wasn't awake enough as I left the room so I wasn't wearing warm enough clothes and we were out there for 20 minutes and bleh. Priscilla said at 10:05 AM
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
![]() "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American people." - Theodore Roosevelt
Anyone but Bush in '04. I'm going to need a three-plus hour long shower with a steel-wool loofah afterwards, but come November I will vote for the nominee. In the meantime, I'll see that those 4,000+ signatures I helped gather don't go to waste and vote for Dean in the Pennsylvania primary this April. Dean's policies still need representation in the party platform. I've added a strip of duct-tape to my button that says "Still supporting" Dean for America. In the meantime, I'm still deciding on whether Kerry or Edwards deserves my favor. Bah to the both of them, they just can't compare. On the lighter side, "Howard Dean supporters will be thrilled to find out that the former frontrunner has finally won something!" Presidental Candidate Hot or Not Ratings. *cackles* Priscilla said at 8:24 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 3:52 PM ![]() *heavy sigh*
And then there were four. Gotta just keep reminding myself: my primary platform is "Anyone But Bush." Preferences within the Democratic candidates should be second. History will not forget you. In a way, you've already won. You gave backbone to the Democratic party. You shaped this election. You stood up when no one else would. A large percentage of the Democratic platform started with you. Your mission was to change America, and you have. It's not that Howard Dean wasn't ready for America. America wasn't ready for Howard Dean. The fight is not over. As for me, I guess I'd better give Kerry and Edwards another chance. Meanwhile, I'll still be wearing my button. Howard Dean for America, not just in '04. Priscilla said at 10:30 AM ![]() I dreamed that I woke up one morning and my hair was fluffy and gorgeous and thick and went down to my knees. My first act was to make Princess Leia buns. Hmm, I must have done something right. I've noticed that in my dreams, hair symbolizes status and general good karma. *ponders*
In other news, this makes my morning. Zombie! Kicked puppy! Evil chipmunk ninja mastermind! Priscilla said at 10:03 AM ![]() Whee! And at 3AM, my Java homework is more or less done! Now, off to work a bit more on my Design stuff. Yaaaaaay, college. Props to Alexi and Tanner for keeping me awake. Apologies to Tanner for giving him a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup as motivation, as he's probably suffering post-sugar rush withdrawal now.
Highlights: I named one of my arrays "IHateJava" and tested the majority of my methods with an object named "figwit". Because everything is funny at 3 in the morning. Priscilla said at 3:04 AM
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
![]() I skipped Math today to work some more on my Communications paper, which prods bootay. After all, Stovall essentially teaches right out of the book, so missing the Math lecture once a blue moon isn't too bad. The only really negative thing is the missed opportunity to add to my "tool" count, comparable to the "um" count from my British History class a few years ago.
Bwaha, I get to overuse the word "torrid!" Thank you, Dove Chocolates, for highlighting such an excellent word in your ad! Torrid, torrid, torrid. I've used it 6 times so far in 3 pages. Muahahaha! Also: licentious, lustful, endorphins, naked, strewn. Good words. But not moue, alas. In other news, does anyone know where one can find a clip of Andy's "Gollum does Grease" bit from Conan? Priscilla said at 12:43 PM
Monday, February 16, 2004
![]() Oh! Aren't you proud of me? I lasted through the entire Valentine's Day Weekend without making a single "my precious" joke! I *so* deserve Nutella for this.
Mmm, Nutella. Priscilla said at 9:51 PM ![]() Wow! It's probably going to end up taking me less time to write my Communications paper than it did to find my ads in the first place! This thing writes itself!
Priscilla said at 9:39 PM ![]() Quote of the Day, discovered while looking back through my communication notes:
"Monkeys are dumb. I had a very unpleasant 3 hours with a monkey once." --Prof Messaris Priscilla said at 9:01 PM ![]() Okay, I can tolerate our new Lupin. I might even go so far as to say that I'm pleased. But until you shave that moustache, I will still say that you remind me of the Duke from Moulin Rouge.
(And who is afraid of Jack in the Boxes? Can we make fun of them?) Priscilla said at 1:35 PM ![]() This week just keeps getting better and better. I was able to attend the other math recitation, no problem, but things just went downhill from there.
Due Wednesday: Due Thursday: Thursday Night: Due Friday: Edit: Not to mention, scheduled perfectly to coincide with the WORST PERIOD EVER, REALLY BAD CRAMPS EVERY DAY THAT DO NOT RESPOND TO ALEVE, ONLY CHOCOLATE. I WILL BE FAT, FAT, FAT AND UGLY OUCH OUCH OUCH PAIN STAB hobble hobble *fallover* Priscilla said at 1:30 PM ![]() Happy Birthday, Moni! *tosses confetti*
Meanwhile, the day is already shaping up to be not very fun. I forgot to turn my alarm on last night, and I forgot to reset the time on my backup, so I ended up sleeping through my math recitation, which I really needed to go to, as Shimon most likely went through all the answers for last week's exam, and I missed the recitation quiz. You know what? I think I'll just run out the door and go to the 10AM recitation and hope they let me. I'm off! Priscilla said at 9:58 AM ![]() Sodaspew warning: Top 12 Reasons Why Gay People Should Not Be Allowed to Get Married
Priscilla said at 1:38 AM
Sunday, February 15, 2004
![]() I can't believe I'm getting excited about a film version of Merchant of Venice. But you know why? Mackenzie Crook* as Launcelot Gobbo and Andy Serkis as Tubal. EEE! Well, either Andy Serkis or Allan Corduner, whoever that is. Come on, IMDB, get your act together! I want to know if I need to start squealing or not!
*Mackenzie Crook: "Ragetti" in PotC, the one with the glass eye. ♥!!! Priscilla said at 9:56 PM ![]() W00t! Ran into schoolchum Erin Finley at dinner and managed to convert her to Deanism. I'm definitely going to start wearing my button on my lapel rather than sticking it on my purse as I have in the past.
In that same vein, "Hiya" asked in the comments about Dean's intentions after Wisconsin. Roy Neil (Dean's campaign manager) answers right here. Rumors of his demise are greatly exaggerated. Priscilla said at 9:18 PM ![]() Whee! Lots of signatures, and lots of ammunition gained to counteract negative slurs! And far less political apathy! And we may or may not have a few seconds of exposure on Channel 6 News! WOO-HOO! Feelin' good!
Priscilla said at 3:31 PM ![]() Dear gravy, I am such a loser. I just realized that I was picking out clothes for the day based on how well they matched my "Dean for America" button.
Off to Rittenhouse Square to gather more signatures! Priscilla said at 1:43 PM ![]() So who else is going?
And Kerry, just because you're upset the pot has called the kettle black and call the pot on his ridiculous allegation, it doesn't stop the kettle from being black in the first place. Priscilla said at 11:50 AM
Saturday, February 14, 2004
![]() Happy V-Day from Calvin and Hobbes! Plus V-Day smoochies from Billeh:
![]() If anyone remembers who made that icon, tell me. I can't remember who I stole it from! Priscilla said at 5:24 PM ![]() Apparently, people have been missing links, as I just have them a slightly different color and bolded, so I'm adding underlines. Let's see if this works.
Edit: Okay, I lightened the link text. Is that better? Underlining is oogleh. Priscilla said at 5:01 PM ![]() Presenting: Where Priscilla Was Between the Hours of 3 and 4:30 This Afternoon
What have you done for Democracy today? Meanwhile, I'm disgusted at the levels of political apathy in today's society. Only about 1/5 of the people we met were registered to vote (and only about 1/5 of them were registered to vote in Philadelphia county). And even if they were registered Democrats in Philadelphia county, some of them wouldn't even spare the two seconds it took to sign the petition to get Dean on the ballot. Grr. Priscilla said at 4:57 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 2:59 PM ![]() *is again reduced to laughing so hard she cannot breathe*
I never noticed that those LotR valentines had multiple pages for each movie! Oh, my sides... Priscilla said at 2:30 PM
Friday, February 13, 2004
![]() Priscilla said at 10:03 PM ![]() Whee! The HPVP cards are up! Go squee over their cuteness and general w00tery. I'm a bit disappointed to see such a small turnout ("So few! So few have come!"), but the cards submitted rock, so no worries.
Shout-outs to (among those that read my blog): Jia, I'll try to have it finished tonight. Looks very likely! So yay. Priscilla said at 7:38 PM ![]() *snerks*
I love this. It's the ultimate pot-calling-the-kettle-black. Bush accusing Kerry of taking special interest money? Oh, my sides. Anyway, I feel so industrious! I just cleaned my entire room, did my laundry, and I replaced the burned-out light above Rachel's closet THAT HASN'T WORKED THIS ENTIRE YEAR. Seriously. It blew the first time I turned on the light the first time I entered the room. And when I saw how much brighter her keen flourescent bulb was than mine, I replaced my own. So now my room is both clean AND shiny! And I have a massive pink heart-shaped cookie for my troubles! Weren't Friday the 13ths supposed to be negative? Priscilla said at 7:11 PM ![]() I just cleaned up my desk and put all my rarely used stuff in the bottom drawer of my file cabinent and sorted stuff into piles and threw lots of stuff away, and I feel so ordered and clean! Yay, prettiness!
Also, I just got an email back from the Penn Glee Club, and they informed me that my secret admirer is none other than DADDY. *hearts* Daddy is wonderful and thoughtful and the cutest person ever! Thank you! Priscilla said at 5:53 PM ![]() I feel ill.
Priscilla said at 5:45 PM ![]() *sings* I've got a secret admirer!
Today in Film Noir class, the choir of five singing Valentine deliverers came for me. I laughed, thinking Rachel had sent them. However, before they even got to sing five words, Chris loudly and emphatically kicked them out for disrupting class. Rather disappointing, as they never got to sing their song, and I never got the card saying who it was from, but I was sure it was Rachel, so I could thank her for having the cleverness to figure out my schedule and to convince the Glee Club to add one more Valentine to their roster after they'd said they weren't taking any more orders. I explained to the class about my prank yesterday and all were amused. But I just got back to my room and thanked Rachel, but she had no idea what I was talking about. So someone sent me a singing valentine and I have no idea who they are! As I was probably intended to know, I'll just email the Glee Club and ask them to tell me what was on the card, or at least who sent it. Now I'm really curious. Priscilla said at 3:52 PM ![]() Happy Friday the 13th! *breaks a ladder, walks under a mirror, allows a crack to cross her path, and steps on a black cat*
Priscilla said at 12:35 PM ![]() Question: What programs do you guys use for making screencaps? All my media players don't allow it, except for the one that came with Kazaa. Any recommendations? (preferably free, of course)
(and while on the topic of media players, everyone go see Rhysenn's V-Day RotK song video. So much love!) Priscilla said at 12:32 PM ![]() Oh! I forgot! A shout-out to the coolness of Hockaday's "History of Art and Music" class and my AP art class last year for making me Cultured and Intelligent.
Today, in Visual Communications, we were talking about ads that tapped into a desire for social status, so a large part of the discussion was the use of famous (and occasionally esoteric) works of art. A few kids and I were naming all of them, geekily rattling off icons like "Botticelli's 'Birth of Venus'!" and "Claes Oldenberg!" and "Botticelli's 'Allegory of Spring'!" and "Pointilism!". And because of Mrs. McCullough, I will forever pronounce "pointilism" the French way, like "pwaahn-til-ism", and sound like even more of a dork. At the end of class, Rob (who was sitting in front of me) asked me "How do you know all this stuff?" and I kinda shrugged. THANK YOU, HAM! Gravy, I love this class. It always makes me feel so intelligent! Especially today when Professor Messaris called one of my comments "very insightful" and got all glowy and impressed. Life is good. Life is very good. P.S. I love how it's become universally accepted that the huge, ugly, abstract red sculpture in the middle of the campus is called "Dueling Tampons." Does anyone actually know its real name? I heard somewhere that it was supposed to be a representation of the sacrifice of Isaac by Abraham. Go figure. Priscilla said at 1:14 AM ![]() GAH! I fail!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ABRAHAM LINCOLN! 195 YESTERDAY! ![]() Thanks to that Wilson-loving heretic Rebecca G. for reminding me. C'mon, Rebecca, Lincoln is so much cooler than Wilson. It's obvious! In addition to the unequivocal proof voiced by Neil Gaiman ("You want me to say 'Lincoln is better than Wilson'? ... Okay, I just said it."), he also STARRED IN X2. And his fabulous principles were a running joke in the play I just saw tonight. Give up, Grabman. Priscilla said at 12:37 AM
Thursday, February 12, 2004
![]() *cackles* Oh, the evil! After Ari's show (which was hilarious and awesome), I stopped by Fresh Grocer, as it's just a block out of my way coming back from the Hillel building. Ah, the indulgence!
I got: Chocolate soymilk, pineapple juice, dried apricots, sprouted wheat cinnamon raisin bread, and Nutella. Worth twice the sinful pleasure because they're actually healthy! (Nutella is healthy. Shut up.) All in all, a great way to end the day. Priscilla said at 11:21 PM ![]() Not happy just discriminating against gays, Bush now wants a piece of the deaf.
In other news, Barbie dumps Ken. So I finally tracked down Joan, and as it turns out, she hasn't been getting my emails, as I sent them to the address in the school directory, which she never checks, rather than the one she gave us the first day of class. (mmm, commas.) Oops. Anyway, when we didn't find it in her office, she said she'd look for it. I guess all I can do now is wait. *sigh* But now I'm off to Ari's show at the Hillel. T'will be crazy fun, he assures me. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 7:35 PM ![]() *cackles* Rachel received her singing valentine in math class today! She shares the class with Vadim and Carmen, so plenty of embarassment all around. She thought it was hilarious, and has since sworn revenge. I can't wait to see what she comes up with. XD
Priscilla said at 5:05 PM ![]() Chris: I wonder what percentage of people only celebrate Valentines' Day because everyone else does.
Rachel: I bet it's more than 50%. Chris: It's ridiculous! They're only celebrating it cause they think they're supposed to! Me: Kinda like voting for John Kerry. Chris: ::laughs:: Too true. Priscilla said at 2:16 PM ![]() Eep! Today is the deadline for HPVP! Dur, let's hope I can find time to finish my collab with Jia. Grrrrrr.
Priscilla said at 12:05 PM ![]() Holy Expletive.
Last semester, for my drawing class, we had to each check out a book on figure drawing and share the images with the class. We were asked to lend them to Joan, the teacher, for the evening so she could look through them. I have no idea when the rest of the students got theirs back, because I never did. When I didn't get mine back, I assumed that Joan and our TA had returned the books for us. How thoughtful! I forgot about it entirely until the day AFTER I got home for winter break, when I got a strongly-worded overdue notice. I emailed the teacher, but never got a response. Since then, I've emailed her three more times, been by her office at least 10 times, and went by (and searched) our former classroom at least 5. Today, I got my 7th overdue notice, notifying me that I had racked up $115 in overdue/replacement charges. %^&%*^!!!! (Well $15 in overdue charges, $100 for replacement, so it won't be that horrible if I can get the book back, but still. GAH!) WHY WON'T YOU EMAIL ME BACK, JOAN!?!?!!! WHERE ARE YOU? I KNOW YOU'RE STILL TEACHING HERE! Edit: Okay. I've managed to figure out her course schedule, and she teaches painting this afternoon. There are only three or so painting studios, so I can probably find her. Urgh, this is so frustrating. Priscilla said at 9:57 AM
Wednesday, February 11, 2004
![]() RML is back and reincarnated as RMLJ! LiveJournallers, the fun returns at http://www.livejournal.com/community/rml_of_doom/.
Spread the word to the old listies. The geekery lives on. Priscilla said at 10:19 PM ![]() W00t! First math midterm, over and done with! Why they insist on scheduling it from 7:30 to 9:30 on a day when I've already had 6 hours of class (immediately after a 3 hour block, nonetheless) I'll never know.
It's over! We did it! *belly checks Wolfman and Clown With the Tear-Away Face* Priscilla said at 9:22 PM ![]() Question: Does anyone know what happens to the delegates of candidates that drop out of the race? *pokes Clark's delegates*
Meanwhile, more reasons to love the Penn Glee Club! They're offering Singing Valentines. XD As I have no boyfriend, I got one for my roommate, to be delivered in her 100+ person Math lecture. *cackles evilly* I wish I'd also gotten one for myself, while the guys were there selling them. I could have signed it "Brett Bretterson." If only I'd had more than $7 in my wallet! *shakes fist at my own laziness* Yeah, we're cool. Priscilla said at 3:28 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:54 AM
Tuesday, February 10, 2004
![]() Eeeee! Joy! When was our Comm paper due date changed to the 19th? I had it written down in my calendar as this Friday! Oooh, life just got so much better.
Priscilla said at 5:44 PM ![]() Things that are good:
1. Getting 10 hours of sleep on a school night. 2. Wearing candycane-striped Grinch socks in February. 3. Looking through an unintentionally hilarious magazine in search of ads for my paper for Visual Communications. Priscilla said at 2:16 PM
Monday, February 09, 2004
![]() Bragging Point of the Day: The woman who made the "Buddy Jesus" statue for Dogma is now an MFA student at Penn.
Ah, the things you learn by listening in on others' conversations... Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() *blinks*
I dreamed that I was caucusing for Dean with the characters from "Firefly". And I kept hearing David Bowie's "Ziggy Stardust." Wow, barely even Monday and I'm already ready for this week to be over. Priscilla said at 10:07 AM ![]() ::blasts "Half-Fling" to stay coherent::
Stupid Film Noir paper. Just one more page... Priscilla said at 1:00 AM
Sunday, February 08, 2004
![]() Priscilla said at 2:02 PM ![]() Answering Comments:
Tanja: XD! Okay, I won't. *is amused* It would have been more trouble that it was worth, anyway. Chungy: Sixth. Shutup. It will increase my understanding of digital effects and visual communication and editing. I'm a DMDer and I'm taking two film classes at once. Every movie I see now is like seeing it for the first time. Hi: Aww, poor you! I'd say "poor boo" or "poor dear" or "poor ikkle [insert demeaning yet endearing nickname here]", but I feel weird about saying that to someone I don't know. Who are you? Please, commenters, sign your name with something I understand! And introduce yourself if I don't know you! Come on, I don't bite. Mimi: Yes, Mimi. Frodo is on fire. Mom: Because you don't have a livejournal username, you have to click on "anonymous" posting. Just type what you want to type in the comment field and sign your name so I know it's you. Rebecca: And if you thought the pairing for my collab with Mon was evil, wait until you see my collab with Jia! *cackles, then has to drink a lot of water to soothe her poor sore throat* RMLers: Well, we could doublepost entries and such and be dorky and such. And write filks about our coolness! Dude, I'll set up one tomorrow! Priscilla said at 12:00 PM
Saturday, February 07, 2004
![]() *snickets* Cinefex reports that in the upcoming (2005) HHGttG movie, "Tricia McMillan will play hard-nosed space babe Trillian."
Someone hasn't done their research. XD Priscilla said at 7:00 PM ![]() Yay, internet's back!
Anyway, before I get back to my paper, let me just say how cool it is to watch great movies like LotR while taking two different classes on film. I keep wanting to squeak "YES! That's an example of suchandsuch! How potent is its effect on the scene!" Is it wrong that I'm considering doing a web layout for tnm.n inspired by "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"? Meanwhile, LJ testimonials indicate that Dean is doing rather well in the Washington caucuses! I can't wait to see the final tallies. Priscilla said at 4:50 PM ![]() ::has a lightswitch rave:: The system... is down!
And by system, I mean internet. Wah, no web for Priscilla today unless I go to the computer lab (where I am now), which is the only area connected today. Teh woe. Ah well, at least I won't be distracted when I'm writing my paper for Film Noir. Meanwhile, the first day of the Priscilla and Tricia Lord of the Rings Fest went swimmingly! I proved my status as Unquestioned Goddess of A/V Equipment and justified myself in my geekhood. Of course, it took me 30 minutes of agonized "WHY ISN'T IT WORKING!?!??" before I realized "Hey... maybe the sound just isn't working because there's not supposed to be sound here!" Stupid Howard Shore with his "Oh, let's put music all over the DVD menus for TTT but not on FotR just to confuse Priscilla!" Grr. Ah well, I got it working, and I finally got to see FotR:EE on a decently large sized screen (about 10 feet), and it was all lovely. Though it was quite clear the Vadim was bored out of his mind. Poor boy. Don't worry, Vadim! It gets more exciting! I probably should have skipped through the "concerning hobbits" bit. But it all evens out, because Tricia has joined me in my head-over-heels love for Pippin and his accent. XD Tonight, we watch The Two Towers, and tomorrow, off to the theatres for Return of the King! Jolly good! Priscilla said at 12:59 PM
Friday, February 06, 2004
![]() I love the world. See why. (Link ganked from Rebecca M. *hearts*)
Priscilla said at 12:24 PM
Thursday, February 05, 2004
![]() Here, have some Film Noir class quotes!
M: He has a very pretentious writing style. Chris (the professor): He's an academic writer. M: Yeah, but- Chris: That's all I'm going to say. Once you've seen Bad Boys II, there's not much left. --Chris Nosferatu! Doesn't that name sound like the very midnight call of death? Speak it not aloud, or its life's pictures will turn to pale shadows and nightmares will rise up to feed on your blood. --Opening titles for "Nosferatu", now printed out and put on my door. Actually, cats are sometimes used as a symbol indicating a woman that doesn't get a lot of sex. --Chris, regarding "Nosferatu" It's always fun to brighten your afternoon with Nazi propoganda. --Chris, regarding "Triumph of the Will" The TV is very Pro-Israel. It's refusing to air your propoganda on principle. --Me ...and if it doesn't work, then we can talk about machines and how they've destroyed our lives. --Chris Argen: He [Hitler] salutes like a pansy man. Chris: When you have an army that huge backing you up, you can salute however you want. [Nazis salute] Me: You must be THIS TALL to enter the ride! [Hitler salutes back] Me: Somebody's FABULOUS! I'm lost at the plot of The Cosby Show, which is a very sad commentary as to my intellect. --Chris But, I mean... all our male leads have been morons, right? --Chris At the time, it was the most expensive non-Michael Jackson video. Back then, he was spending all his money on videos and not legal funds. --Chris, regarding a Madonna video inspired by "Metropolis" Argen: At the time, I was going to make a comparison with Austin Powers' fembots, but... Chris: I'd prefer if you didn't. Chris: Does anyone else have anything they want to contribute? Me: Well, we could compare the flooding of the city to the destruction of Isengard-- Chris: NO. Your papers can have any topic, just as long as I don't get 16 papers on Tim Burton. --Chris Just shovel on the hubris! --M, regarding "Metropolis" It's one of those things where when you see it, you just don't want to be human. --Chris, regarding the "Wing Bowl", in which a 90-pound Asian girl won the Philadelphia buffalo wing eating contest AUUUUGH! Gratuitous crotch shot! --Me, during M And it seems to be the fate of this class... I'm going to end with a comparison to Lord of the Rings. --Argen's partner, whose name I don't know, regarding M. (He compared Peter Lorre's performance at the end to Gollum, which is actually true. Chris tells us that Andy and the Gollum animators were actually partially inspired by the movie and based some of the characterization on M's murderer. And now you know!) Someone: Thanks for raising the bar, Argen! Chris: Yes. From now on, from everyone I want slide presentations and music and Madonna videos. You all have to find a Madonna video inspired by your film. In other news, this amuses me. Priscilla said at 11:22 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 7:46 PM ![]() *flails* Why does everyone automatically think Fleur is Legolas? I mean, sure, she does vuagely remind me of Theban Band's LotR art, but she doesn't look anything like Orlando! *flails*
Life is so hard. Fortunately, it's also hilarious. Priscilla said at 7:34 PM ![]() Mon and I finished our HPVP collab! Go see!
Priscilla said at 6:28 PM ![]() I have officially decided that Indistinct Backlight With Ethereal Glow is God's Chosen CG Light Source. First StainedGlass!Hermione, then Shrieking Shack!Lupin, and now my collab with Moni for the HP Valentine's Day Project (which you all will see soon!). Gravy, I love this lighting style. Sho pretty... and it doesn't hurt that I'm dealing with absolutely incredible line art! Even though you haven't seen it, go praise Moni for being a goddess.
Moni, get online ASAP. I have cookies that I can't wait to share! Priscilla said at 12:35 AM
Wednesday, February 04, 2004
![]() Renata just posted this link in her journal. Ah, memories! And DUDE, it's true! After RML's founding, there was a noted decrease in the National Debt, yet when it died off, the National Debt exploded! So if RML started up again, would Bush be doomed? *ponders setting up an RML LJ-community*
Priscilla said at 9:41 PM ![]() Hee! Today's Word of the Day is "pulchritude". Ah, memories. When I was little, whenever we played the Name Game, I was always Pulchritudinous Priscilla, because there are no other good adjectives that start with P. And because when you're eight, people look at you in a different light when you can say "pulchritudinous."
Priscilla said at 8:22 PM ![]() Oh! During my computer science class today, we got to visit a bunch of the cool CSE faculty in their native environments. I met CJ Taylor, who does a lot of awesome stuff with robotics. I could blather on about all the cool projects he has going on, but then some people would probably stop reading before they get to the important bit. His assistant? Anthony Cowley. Just one letter away... Suffice it to say, M and I discussed Good Omens over lunch. There was much mourning over Johnny Depp and gnashing of teeth over the HHGTG movie. Disney: Let's not and say we did? Give your budget to Terry Gilliam and let's make a movie that won't be a travesty. It's not too late!
Priscilla said at 8:06 PM ![]() Whee, Empire Awards Results!
Scene of the year: "Ride of the Rohirrim" Best British Actor: Andy Serkis (FINALLY!) Best Film: Return of the King others: Best Newcomer - Martine McCutcheon (Mackenzie Crook was robbed! XD) Best British Actress - Emma Thompson Best British Film - Love Actually Independent Spirit - Roger Corman Best Actress - Uma Thurman Best Actor - Johnny Depp Inspiration - Ray Harryhausen Best Director - Quentin Tarantino Lifetime Achievement - Sigourney Weaver So yay Andy! *raises the roof* Priscilla said at 7:47 PM ![]() Yay, my Design teacher is so cool. I explained my plight, and although we weren't able to get back all the work I did, he gave the entire class an extension to Monday, so I'll have plenty of time to catch up. So *hearts* for Mr. Coviello! Huzzah!
Priscilla said at 7:30 PM ![]() W00t! Massachusetts, I totally forgive you for landsliding John Kerry. So what do you have to say about that, Bush? Are we now going to have TWO weeks in the year dedicated to the sanctity of marriage?
Priscilla said at 12:00 PM ![]() ::stares::
I've spent 8 hours last night and tonight (not to mention an uncountable number over the weekend) on an intricate Islamic-inspired design pattern for my Fundamentals of Digital Design class, and now I'm getting a message that simply says "Cannot save illustration." This is not happening. Edit: AND I'm coughing up a lung AND my ungrateful wretch of a printer is being streaky so when I try to print out the illustration to prove I did it, it looks wretched. SO NOT IMPRESSED, GODS OF THWARTING ORDINARY DECENT PEOPLE. Have I suddenly become Job without anyone telling me? NOT COOL. Priscilla said at 2:29 AM
Tuesday, February 03, 2004
![]() Happy 02/03/04! Schnoogles to Daddy for pointing it out. :D
Priscilla said at 5:33 PM ![]() "How do you pick up the threads of an old life? How do you go on, when in your heart you begin to understand there is no going back? There are some things time cannot mend."
For everything else, there's MasterCard. Ah, another day, another primary. I don't imagine Dean will do too well in any of today's states, as he's conserving his resources for MI and WA, but I guess it'll be nice to get that over with. *sigh* Meanwhile, I made an icon! Mmm, pirates. Who wants it? :D Priscilla said at 2:52 PM
Monday, February 02, 2004
![]() *happy, happy sigh* Gravy, I love FTPing to the UPenn Fine Arts server. It transfers 10Mbps. So much love.
Priscilla said at 9:35 PM ![]() Wow. I've been in Philadelphia too long. I looked at the weather forecast and thought "Woah! 34oF? It's warming up!"
Priscilla said at 1:13 PM ![]() Happy Year of the Monkey! *snerk*
Oh, and I stand corrected. Dean does not write his own speeches. That would be a 26-year-old playwright named Joe Drymala. And now you know! Priscilla said at 1:53 AM
Sunday, February 01, 2004
![]() (This is way too much fun. *cackles*)
Good gravy! Item #14 for my list of comparisons between Dean and Aragorn: ![]() Left: Aragorn at the Black Gate, Right: College-age Dean in his football uniform And dude, he was a HOTTIE (click!). Them's good genes! ALSO: Dean was 30 when he met Judy Steinberg. 30 years passed between Aragorn and Arwen's first and second meetings. *resigns to permanent loserhood* And he writes his own speeches, Tanja! :D Priscilla said at 10:24 PM ![]() We like
This has got to be the most disturbing and scary ad campaign I've ever heard of. I mean, they do realize that most people haven't heard the original...? Priscilla said at 3:46 PM ![]() Oh. My. Gravy.
That scene that Jackson places at the beginning of RotK, yet Tolkien puts not even halfway into TTT? With Merry and Pippin in Isengard? I didn't think it was possible for hobbits to get any more adorable. The movie version = *swoon,* but the book version? GUH. Pardon me while I explode into ten thousand tiny pieces of hobbit-induced joy. So much gleeful MerryandPippin-age that was left out of the movies. The woe! Of course, plenty more was added in, so it more or less balances, but dude. And I would wear a "John Kerry: The Real Deal" pin for a month to see Gollum!Pippin. Of course, I'm still holding out for any explanation for how a hobbit could be mistaken for an orc. Meanwhile, my throat is still wailing its siren indication that I Will Have A Cold Tomorrow, but for now, I'm enjoying what voice I have left. In this weird state, I always feel that it makes my voice sound a little like Linda Eder. *munches Vitamin C drops like candy* Priscilla said at 1:30 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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