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Thursday, March 31, 2005
![]() Random Fannishness:
Lost. Wow. Great gravy, Locke is awesome. And clean-shaven wee!Locke has a lovely smile. And good LORD Sayid's cameo was sexy. Everything that man does is sexy. And though the lack of C/C-age was mildly disappointing, they're clearly making up for it next week. That promo, GUH. George. Stop it. Right now. In case you hadn't noticed, Spaceballs: The Flame Thrower was intended to be utterly ridiculous and nonsensical. Star Wars: the Lawn Sprinkler is just sad. On the other hand, this opportunity to help Amazon tell Universal that we support Serenity is happy happy! Blurbs for upcoming Discworld goodness! Oh, and Happy Belated Birthday to Juliet Landau! 40 yesterday! And not fannish, but still dorky and/or entertaining: A new format for music! Priscilla said at 9:56 AM
Wednesday, March 30, 2005
![]() New Lost tonight! And Lady in the Dark opens tomorrow! Tra-la!
Priscilla said at 2:50 PM ![]() Today's Links (all together in one entry, because Blogger hates me and I'm posting en masse from Ko's computer):
The Fannish: GoF Pictures! With high-res version of the first image here. Oh, the emo angst! Rupert, dahling, please get a haircut! You look ridiculous. But Rita is perfect. Though I imagined her a bit younger-looking. Probably because I always use my mom as a guage for how women of certain age look, and she looks ten years younger than what her birth certificate says. Ko, here's the icon I mentioned the other day. One of my all-time favourites. News on the US release date for Angel: Live Fast Die Never. Hurrah, no Amazon UK shipping charges or ridiculous pound/dollar conversion rates! TLC offers Spoiler-Free for HBP feed. The Funny: Why Evolution Should Not Be Taught in Public Schools -- appears to be quite fake, but highly amusing nonetheless. The Appalling: Michigan Preparing To Let Doctors Refuse To Treat Gays I'm not going to write much, as sleep calls out with its siren song, but suffice it to say, life is looking up. Director was nicer, rehearsal went well, etc. So yay. Plus, there are always bunny monkeys to make the world fabulous. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 2:31 AM
Tuesday, March 29, 2005
![]() The "Infuriating Person of the Day" Award goes to my drama director, who shall remain nameless should he ever attempt to google himself and find this blog! I honestly don't know what to do other that sigh in resignation and just get over myself, because he's absolutely convinced that his ideas are the only valid solution and my helpful, well thought out suggestions are worthless and not worth his time to listen to:
Me: But if I wore this costume in this scene, there would be more elements of the costume for the other actors to put on me, and I'd have the accessories to make another actor's lines make sense, as opposed to wearing that black dress for the FOURTH TIME in the first act, which you can only fiddle with for a few seconds before it looks fake and ridiculous. And otherwise, I wouldn't get to wear this costume, which looks great and is perfect for the period.And that's only the beginning. He told me today that he didn't like the way I was playing Barbara, one of the two roles I play in Liza's Childhood Dream. My lines themselves and the way other characters talk about Barbara seem to indicate that Barbara should be rather airheaded and bratty. Now he wants "mature and confident". What the HELL? After futilely trying to convince him to change his mind, I spent at least 15 minutes in the bathrooms, running my lines over and over, trying to figure out how on earth they could be read in a manner to suit his new concept of the character. Oh, and we open on THURSDAY. Also, a significant part of the story surrounds Liza's indecision regarding which magazine cover to go with for the next issue: a circus-themed cover or the more traditional Easter-themed cover. I volunteered my Photoshop savviness weeks ago, and the director told me he'd get back to me. Saturday, our Stage Manager presented his designs for the covers, which were nothing more than Microsoft Word Clip Art. They look like rubbish, and the entire cast agrees. I approached the director on Sunday, asking if that was indeed the final artwork and if he would let me make up some new designs that looked more professional. I suggested for the circus cover an image our dramaturg put on the wall of a model posing with two elephants. The director immediately dismissed me, saying that the image was a famous photograph from the early 50s and therefore was anachronistic for a musical taking place in the early 40s. WELL YOU KNOW WHAT? SO IS MICROSOFT WORD CLIP ART. ARRRRGH. I might also mention that I spent 12 hours in rehearsal Saturday and 10 hours on Sunday. Gahkg. Oh, but wait. This day was so long and emotionally rollercoaster-like that I forgot that the stuff that happened this morning happened this morning. The "Runner Up To The Infuriating Person of the Day" is my Animation professor! I don't know if I'm just not communicating my ideas effectively through my animatic or if he just isn't getting my concept, but his suggestions are completely undermining my entire concept. "But that's the joke!" I argue. He seems to be under the impression that an animation with a text-based punchline is inferior to an action-based punchline. And to that, I saw "teh quoi?" In the end, we agreed to disagree, and he told me that he rarely stayed 100% faithful to his original animatic, so I should just keep working and wait to decide on anything, in a tone of voice that said "Keep working under the delusion that your idea will work. You'll see I'm right eventually." Rrrgh, so irritating. Also frustrating today was my doctor's refusal to refill a perscription until I'd had my blood pressure measured, which meant I had to go all the way to the CVS at 43rd street in the rain (I didn't bring an umbrella, because it was barely even hinting at drizzling when I left), and I was in a major time crunch, as I had to pick up the perscription before class at 4:30, because I wouldn't have time to walk back to the CVS on 39th after Virtual World Design class, because I would need to have dinner, then go to the theatre at 6:30 to meet with my director to talk about the things I detailled earlier in this post. Not enough time. And this is a daily perscription that I was completely out of that seriously messes up my body chemistry when I don't take it. I missed a day once, and spent the next THREE WEEKS in my period. (Oh yeah, those three weeks ended yesterday. That explains some of my recent angst!) Meanwhile, the Awesome Person of the Day award goes to Warren and my Virtual World Design professors! They paired me with Ari for my final project, who is an excellent coder and a close friend. And the third person in our group is apparently quite good with Physics engines, so huzzah! I've got the art, Ari's got the code, and David's got the physics! *mamboes* And they're both utter geeks, which will make this project so much more fun. We're considering doing something inspired by HomestarRunner.com, most likely featuring Trogdor (with cameos from the Teen Girl Squad). And co-winner of Awesome Person of the Day goes to Ko, who cheered me up in my fit of depression this morning with merriment and her Easter Monkey. The Easter Monkey makes everything better. Even more effective that brownies with ice cream, because Easter Monkeys don't make you fat! *roommate loff* Afterwards, she volundeered to ninja attack either of these professors with our broken toaster, which I agreed sounded delightful. Yay for toaster attacks! And that's all I have to say about that. Priscilla said at 12:58 PM
Sunday, March 27, 2005
![]() Renata or someone equally awesome (not that anyone could be as awesome as Renata): Could someone send me mp3s of the last three tracks on the first CD of the Rent OBCR (LVB-A, I Should Tell You, LVB-B) and all the songs on the first "From Venus and Back" CD? Apparently my Rent CD is slightly scratched, so Jimmy flips out when he tries to get the last three tracks, and he refuses to acknowledge the presence of FVAB when I tried to rip them this morning. Feh.
Of course, I won't be online tonight until at least 8 due to the second day of tech, but gmail is always good (priscellie), if one would be so kind. Priscilla said at 10:11 AM
Saturday, March 26, 2005
![]() Comparing himself to Season 4 Riley when he's acting more like Season 5 Spike. Advice to the amorous: DON'T STALK MY ROOMMATE. It's creepy.
I come back from a gruelling 12 hours of rehearsal, dreading returning to work on my gargantuan modeling project (for Monday), and now I find out about this. This so calls for brownies and ice cream. Priscilla said at 10:48 PM
Friday, March 25, 2005
![]() Keith: Of course I know how exciting it is to get mail! Especially mail with fannish goodness! And I read the first few pages of the book I got signed for you, and it's awesome. Tra-la!
Will: Giles' song is "Standing", but the "Standing"/"I'm Under Your Spell" reprise duet with Tara is entitled "Wish I Could Stay". Or at least, that's what the filename says. *checks Amazon* Oh. Nevermind. It's just called "I'm Under Your Spell/Standing (reprise)". Yeah, I lose. Hmm, I really need to make an honest woman of my iPod with respect to that album... Tanja: I believe Undone27 on LJ linked me to the "I Hate Being in Love With Elijah Wood" song. The lyrics are mostly unintelligible, but those I can understand are funny. Becky: What email address should I send it to? And the amusing news link of the day: British Prankster Smuggles Art Into Top NY Museums Cross-Fandomish Link of the Day: Emma Caulfield (Anya) to appear on Lost? Haha, more fodder for if anyone wants to try their hand at the hilarious JJ&J Challenge. Priscilla said at 1:44 PM ![]() Oh, and Keith -- Sent the package your way yesterday afternoon! It should arrive in the next few days.
Priscilla said at 12:08 PM ![]() Finally saw the new Episode III trailer. GUH. Maybe this one won't suck as badly as the first two.
Oh, and we have a date for Thud!: October 1st! Priscilla said at 11:31 AM ![]() Meme from Nicki: Take the first 20 songs that come up on your playlist on random and add "in my pants" to the end. (As you can see, I got really carried away.)
Oh, and now that I have iTunes, I can do the iTunes meme! How many songs in total? 1471 (I'm running low on disk space) Sort by Song Title - first and last? ...To Save the World -- Core 13 Ziggy Stardust -- David Bowie Sort by Artist - first and last? Men of Station -- 13+God Pearls -- (something using Japanese characters) Sort by Time - first and last? Bonus Track -- DaVinci's Notebook (from Brontosaurus) Wizard People, Dear Reader (part 2) Sort by Album - first and last? (ignoring everything with no album listed) Passion -- 1 Giant Leap Yellow Submarine in Pepperland -- The Beatles/Yellow Submarine Top Ten Played Songs: Looking over the top 10, I see that I haven't been using iTunes long enough for it to really cast any insight, but the top songs included chunks of "Abbey Road", "Once More, With Feeling", "Angel: Live Fast Die Never", Dragostea din Tei, and Rasputin. Find "sex" - how many songs show up? 2: Middlesex Times -- Donnie Darko soundtrack Sexy Sadie -- The Beatles Find "death" - how many songs show up? 2: Death! -- Danny Elfman, Edward Scissorhands Even in Death -- Evanescence Find "love" - how many songs show up? I'm not typing 32 song titles. Wow, and think of how many dozens more I'd have if I had all my early Beatles music on iTunes... But hah, the first one on "Shuffle" was "My Baby's In Love with Eddie Vedder" (Weird Al), so I'm entertained. (And the second: "I Hate Being in Love With Elijah Wood" *snort*) Priscilla said at 12:10 AM
Thursday, March 24, 2005
![]() I got nearly 12 hours of sleep last night. Mmm. Next stage in The Gauntlet: Finish modeling all characters, props, set objects, etc. for 3D Animation final project. Due Monday. Oh, and Saturday and Sunday are out, because they are Load In and Tech for Lady in the Dark, so I'll be at the theatre all day, beginning at something like 10 in the morning. So I have a couple hours today, then all tomorrow to model two hero characters (old ladies with walkers), their various props, and their Nursing Home environment. And I'm about a third of the way done with the first lady. Hah, that's funny.
Priscilla said at 2:47 PM
Wednesday, March 23, 2005
![]() Whee! One more tight squeeze overcome in the Gauntlet of Academic and Extracurricular Doom that is my life right now. The Virtual World Design game really came together. It's slow-loading at the beginning, but it works perfectly. And my models and graphics are pretty, and the 28-second intro animation I put together in the last 24 hours went off without a hitch! Well, actually, there were a lot of hitches, but it worked in the end. Even though AfterEffects can't compress Quicktime files to save its life, and the 28-second animation at Medium/High quality at 640x480 was nearly 500 megabytes. Yeah, that was fun to transfer from the animation lab. Thank gravy for the grand abundance of webspace in tnm.n's new plan at Dreamhost!
I'm heading for bed now, as I pulled an all-nighter to finish the project, but before it disappears under a huge mental stack of other things to write about, yes, I did get to see Terry Jones today, and because I had to go to rehearsal before he finished his lecture and therefore missed the booksigning, Will graciously agreed to get my books signed for me. I haven't talked with Will since then to verify that he indeed was able to, but Keith: I'm pretty sure you can expect something shiny and political in your mailbox soon. I don't have your address on file, so let me know where to send it at priscellie at gmail. And now: blissful unconsciousness. Good night, everybody! Priscilla said at 11:03 PM
Tuesday, March 22, 2005
![]() Posting this link here so that after I finish my project, I can find it again in order to watch it! Joss (and several BDHs) at the Wizard World Serenity panel.
Priscilla said at 10:26 AM
Monday, March 21, 2005
![]() Meme, ganked from Tanja and others:
01: Take a screencap of your desktop. 02: Upload the screen cap to your image server. 03: Reply to this entry with A LINK TO your screencap. Along with any explanations you feel are necessary. 04: Post your cap in YOUR LJ along with these instructions. DAS LINK. Priscilla said at 4:20 PM ![]() Bwaha! I love it when schoolwork coincides with fandom. I keep up with several Copyright blogs for class, and today, one of them posted about the hilarious thorn in the WB's side, Wizard People, Dear Reader, an "alternative sound track" for Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone.
Meanwhile, I realized today in Animation class that if I ever were to start vidding (which I never will, as I have far too many time-consuming hobbies as is, and my computer would choke and die), my first project would be to set Buffy season 4 interactions between Spike and the Scoobies to Avenue Q's "The More You Ruv Someone (The More You Want to Kill Them)." [Edit: Though come to think of it, it would be even funnier and more fitting for Spike/Angel. *cackles*] I love how all the dorky vid ideas I've had are all for songs from musicals... I'd love to see the Hobbits with Leprosy singing "Oh Fabulous One" (Lady in the Dark) to Glory, or a delightfully OOC Spike singing "Let Me Walk Among You", from Bat Boy. Or a Bangel "Inside Your Heart" for the "Blood of a Slayer" scene in Graduation Day part 1. Clearly, ship loyalties mean nothing in the quest for a good laugh. XD After all, I helped facilitate Cyth's Simon/Inara vid because her idea was hilarious. (You ever going to post it, Cyth? Or do you still need the boot of "Shindig"?) In short, if you ever see me walking to or from class, listening to my iPod, snickering to myself with an impossibly wide grin, now you know what I'm thinking about. Priscilla said at 12:32 PM
Sunday, March 20, 2005
![]() A few fannish things:
Oooh. Mirrormask soundtrack, coming September 20th (on Amazon)! Haha, ABC offers a Lost refresher course! Also Desperate Housewives, *snerk*. Dom nominated for a PRISM Award, honoring "outstanding efforts in the accurate depiction of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and addiction in film, television, interactive, comic books, music, and video entertainment." And Dad -- 42 is the Ultimate Answer to Life, The Universe, and Everything. Don't you recall your literature? Priscilla said at 10:10 AM
Saturday, March 19, 2005
![]() I love it when I see a new movie with an actor I already know and love and I don't automatically see them as their previous roles. I was delighted when I didn't constantly see Merry in Charlie or Magneto in Gandalf or... I dunno, Qui-Gon in Valjean. And now, major props to James Marsters for joining the Few, the Proud, the Able to Act in a Versatile Enough Manner That I Can Actually Concentrate on Your New Character Without Uncontrollably Associating it With A Preexisting Fandom!
Yes, I acknowledge that his changed appearance was a major contributing factor. It's why I couldn't see Naveen Andrews in Bride and Prejudice without thinking "OMGSAYID" or Nathan Fillion on Buffy without thinking "WAH why is Mal evil?". Will mocked me the other day for my blog entry on "Chance", saying "It's because of people like you that well-known actors can't get jobs!" Hee, yeah, that's true. Though it's not just change of appearance: I saw Gollum in every frame of Andy Serkis' performance in 13 Going on 30. And there was this moment on James' appearance on The Mountain (why oh why did I endure that agony when I knew the James bits would be up on Buffy.nu in a matter of days?), where he let out this sad sort of chuckle, which conjured memories of that same chuckle in "Lessons," after Buffy asks CrazyintheBasement!Spike if he's real. Okay, so appearance and voice. Memorable mannerisms. I should just stop talking, yes? This post really isn't going anywhere, and I sound like even more of a deranged fangirl than usual. Not that there's anything wrong with being a deranged fangirl. La la la. Suffice it to say, I enjoyed Cool Money. James was great, and the reliance on human ingenuity rather than just a bunch of high-tech devices was refreshing. Though I admit, I started with slightly low expectations for the quality of the overall movie, based on the credits that were a blatant ripoff of "Catch Me if You Can." In sum, good movie. I'll get back to work now. Priscilla said at 11:12 PM
Friday, March 18, 2005
![]() 42 DAYS until The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy arrives in theatres!
Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() Yay for a delightful evening! I just met with Chris, my Virtual World Design partner, and it looks like he's a lot further along with the coding than I had thought. Also, modeling is going very well! I really think we're going to get this done by Wednesday without losing too much sleep. *knocks on lovely mahogany shader used in the dining room environment*
Now I'm taking a quick break to make cookies for Matt (it's his birfday! He is TEH SCORE!), blasting Abbey Road on my delicious iPod speakers. They're so tiny, but they can produce so much noise! And of such high quality! Mmm, speakerlove. I can breathe again! Momentarily, at least! Priscilla said at 9:34 PM ![]() You know that computer science midterm I took right before spring break, the day after my first day back in classes after being bedridden for two days due to Ebola or Plague? When I spent all time not in class or rehearsal asleep, and all time in class in a brain fog? Somehow I managed to do even worse than I thought I had.
What the heck am I doing in a Computer Science major? Rehearsal is now pushing past four hours a night. I'm seriously considering not doing a production in the fall. The QSA chair keeps coming up with inane tasks that he insists must be completed immediately (stuff he could easily do himself; he has the coding savviness to do it) and finds idiotic, nitpicky faults with my LAYOUTS, which take ages to change and re-implement. He doesn't seem to understand when I tell him that I need EVERY WAKING MOMENT to work on models for my Virtual World Design project, due Wednesday. I want to scream. And every day that goes by diminishes me in the eyes of my 3D Animation professor, whom I asked for an extension when I was unable to get my rat walk cycle to a stage I could be proud of in time for the due date Wednesday. How on earth could Spring Break have already come and gone? Priscilla said at 4:32 PM ![]() I'm laughing so hard I'm in tears. I really, really love the posters at the IMDB forums. This particular post begins with "I think that Brad Pitt should play Aslan. It gets better from there. Link ganked from Makani.
And for Moni, as well as anyone else interested in seeing Chance: go to this thread. There are a bunch of folks eager to distribute copies, were one to ask nicely. Priscilla said at 12:50 AM
Thursday, March 17, 2005
![]() Bwaha! That was the most fun I've had in rehearsal in ages.
Priscilla said at 11:33 PM ![]() Joss Whedon to Write and Direct Wonder Woman. Woohoo! I'd be hard-pressed to come up with a director I'd rather have in charge of a movie about a comic book superheroine. Though I admit, in Priscilla's Perfect Happy World of Goodness and Light and Severe Hotties, I would have preferred he end up with X3, as he's proven he can handle an ensemble cast. Though I might have hurt myself squeeing over the possibility of a movie that was the product of Joss Whedon, Sir Ian, and Alan Cumming (okay, Hugh Jackman too. :D), so it's probably for the best. La la la.
Oh! And even better news! That huge Virtual World Design project that was due Monday that's worth like a third of my grade? The teachers took pity on the class and changed the due date to Wednesday. Life is so beautiful right now. Priscilla said at 5:40 PM ![]() From DVD Answers.com:
Buena Vista has just released some early artwork for the first season of the J.J Abrams show Lost which stars Naveen Andrews, Emilie de Ravin and Matthew Fox. The set will be available to own from the 6th September this year, and should retail at around $59.99. Each of the episodes will be presented in 1.78:1 anamorphic widescreen along with English Dolby Digital 5.1 tracks. Extras will include the never-before-seen, extended uncut version of the original pilot, exclusive, in-depth behind-the-scenes looks at the making of the show, backstage with Drive Shaft all-access pass behind the music, the art of Matthew Fox featurette; "Before They Were Lost" original casting tapes, a blooper reel, rare deleted scenes and multiple filmmaker audio commentaries.EEE! Every feature they list just make it more and more squeeworthy. I've been hoping they'd do some sort of "Behind the Music" parody with Driveshaft! *snorks* And casting tapes! And a blooper reel! And deleted scenes! And extended footage! And commentary! SQUEEEEEEE! And yeah, I know they list Naveen, Emilie, and Matthew Fox as the stars because they're the first alphabetically, but it still makes me smile. Mmm, Naveen Andrews. *happy sigh* So much awesomeness on that show. Not sure what they mean by "The Art of Matthew Fox," though. Curious. Oh, and Keith! Rumor has it that most of the 90-minute Lost finale WILL be virtually commercial-free! No idea why they would do that, as it seems like prime airtime real estate for advertisers, but hey, I'm not complaining! And unrelated to Lost, Saturday is the premiere of the USA TV movie "Cool Money," starring James Marsters. Huzzah! I should probably mention that I've been writing blog entries in Notepad the last couple days, as Blogger is on crack. And tnm.n appears to be on crack as well. *jabs it with a stick* Oh, the angst. Priscilla said at 2:27 PM ![]() Happy St Patrick's Day! Kiss me, I might possibly have some infintismally small sliver of Irish blood is my genetic makeup!
*pinches all of you not wearing green, including a roommate who just stepped out of the shower in a non-green towel* Priscilla said at 11:24 AM
Wednesday, March 16, 2005
![]() Priscilla said at 3:34 PM ![]() The Lord of the Rings' Coming to Stage: A much-anticipated musical based on "The Lord of the Rings" will have its world premiere in Toronto next year, the show's producers announced Tuesday.
*chortles and hums "9-Fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom"* Priscilla said at 8:22 AM
Tuesday, March 15, 2005
![]() Oooh, Video of the WonderCon panel with Joss, Adam, Summer, and Nathan on the Browncoat website! Check it out: High-Res WMV, High-Res mov, Low-Res WMV, or Low-Res mov. And here's another nifty Serenity article. Nothing we haven't heard before, but it's nice that it's keeping a media presence. (And they list Zoe's last name as Warren. Feh. I still prefer it to "Washburn.")
Also, Joss won't be directing X3 (the job will go to Matthew Vaughn, director of LAYER CAKE), but in two days (at least, according to AICN), we'll have a decision re: Wonder Woman! Priscilla said at 10:24 PM ![]() GLEE! Lost season finale news! From Lost Media (via LJ comm charlie_claire):
lostrocker writes "LOST writer Javier Grillo Marxuach said at The Fuselage that the season finale will be a 2-part piece. Episode 23 being part 1, a regular 1 hour episode. Episode 24, part 2, will be 90 minutes long."Be still my beating heart! Priscilla said at 11:42 AM
Monday, March 14, 2005
![]() Oooh, thanks to Cyth for reminding me!
HAPPY 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375 105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148 086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128481117450284 102701938521105559644622948954930381964428810975665933446 128475648233786783165271201909145648566923460348610454326 648213393607260249141273724587006606315588174881520920962 829254091715364367892590360011330530548820466521384146951 941511609433057270365759591953092186117381932611793105118 548074462379962749567351885752724891227938183011949129833 673362440656643086021394946395224737190702179860943702770 539217176293176752384674818467669405132000568127145263560 827785771342757789609173637178721468440901224953430146549 585371050792279689258923542019956112129021960864034418159 813629774771309960518707211349999998372978049951059731732 816096318595024459455346908302642522308253344685035261931 188171010003137838752886587533208381420617177669147303598 253490428755468731159562863882353787593751957781857780532 17122680661300192787661119590921642019 . . . DAY! Also, it is now exactly 200 days until Serenity. On one hand, ooh! On the other hand, *sob*. Priscilla said at 11:38 PM ![]() The QSA folks needed the QSA and QPenn websites up by this afternoon. I knew they needed to be early this week, but they let me know about this deadline late last night. I spent last night working on my storyboards for Animation class.
They sent me the content this morning, after I spent all break asking them for it. They sent my the FTP passwords at 3:30 this afternoon. I had class from 9-12. FINISHED BEFORE GOING TO CLASS AT 4:30. Yeah, I'm awesome. Priscilla said at 6:28 PM
Friday, March 11, 2005
![]() *snorts into orange juice* 'Lost' numbers come up losers: TV show fans buck 'curse' for shot at millions.
Priscilla said at 12:07 PM ![]() WHEEEEEE!! From Lost-TV.com:
LOST Hiatus Cut Short? It appears that instead of new episodes starting to air after 5 weeks of reruns on April 13, new episodes will air on March 30 and April 6. So instead of having four more weeks of reruns followed by the last new episodes of the first season, we'll (probably) have two more weeks of reruns followed by two weeks of new episodes, then two weeks of reruns again, and finally the last four episodes of Season One.*does a merry dance of joy* Of course, this is also exceptionally annoying, because there were going to be no Lost episodes until Lady in the Dark was over, which would have been nice and non-distracting, and now Lost is returning the night before we open, but oh well. I'm certainly not complaining! Also, check out the DVD box art. Snazzy. Oh! Did I mention that I saw Bride and Prejudice with Chungy the other night? I had seen bits of it at school on a dorm movie night (before it came out -- gotta love the New Jersey Indian piracy industry, apparently). Anyway, I hadn't realized that due to my lateness that night, I had missed more than half of it (I came in at the start of the "No Life Without Wife" song, for those that have seen the movie), and most notably, I had missed all the great Naveen Andrews moments. Mmmmm, Naveen Andrews. My enjoyment of the movie increased several hundred fold. Afterward, Chungy and I watched all the Lost episodes she hadn't seen: "House of the Rising Sun" and the four episodes that aired since Christmas break. So much love. Hurrah! Comments answered, because I am lame and can't stick to a schedule: Keith: I'll have to leave the Terry Jones thing in time for rehearsal at 7, but I'll do my best to get a friend or roommate to sign something for you. Burkhead: Bite me. I don't like Macs, but that doesn't mean I have resentment for all Apple products. Mon: Are you still agent_starling_1999? I'll email you the address of the girl that hooked me up with the Chance DVD. Because everyone should witness the "Whaaa?" that is Spike/Tara. Priscilla said at 11:38 AM ![]() Alright, who's the goofball that told me Dave McKean's last name was pronounced as three syllables (McKEE-an vs McKEEN)? Dork, I've been pronouncing it wrong for the last several months because of you! I was right the first time! *fishslaps shadowy, anonymous figure*
Meanwhile, I cannot WAIT until Anansi Boys comes out! The portions that Neil read at this appearance were utterly hilarious. Danke to Beth for the link! Priscilla said at 12:17 AM
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Dear English majors and minors and Austinians, Priscilla said at 11:46 PM ![]() Transferring tnm.n to its new server at dreamhost.com! If it goes down briefly, know that it is probably through no fault of either host, but most likely do to my own incompetence. Hurrah!
Priscilla said at 6:02 PM ![]() Neil gives us a Mirrormask update:
The current news is -- good news, MirrorMask will be getting a wider release than was originally envisioned; bad news, it's now going to be getting to the cinemas later in 2005 than was originally planned. I think it'll be released in early autumn. More news as I get it.Alas, so long to wait! Oh well. At least the book is still coming out May 3rd. Priscilla said at 12:15 PM
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
![]() US and UK covers released for HP6! If the kids' UK cover is any indication, it looks like Harry and Dumbledore are going to be prodding buttock and taking names. Or maybe they will be burned at the stake for witchcraft and Book 7 will be called Hermione Granger and the Useless Pile of Ashes that Until Recently Were Humanity's Only Hope for Defeating the Ultimate Evil; Thanks A Lot, You Bigoted Fundamentalist Puritan Jerks. Actually, I would really like to see that happen. Anyway, if the US edition is any indication, we definitely haven't seen the last of the pensieve.
I don't know how I feel about the new US cover. I miss the cover style of the first four books that were absolutely riddled with clues as to what we could expect in the book. I remember when the cover art for GoF came out. The fandom went nuts for months, arguing over the identities of those three people on the cover with Harry. And that was just the tip of the iceberg. The covers for OotP and HBP are pretty, but devoid of all the "Haha, I've seen the plot outline and generally know what's going to happen and YOU HAVEN'T, so I'll leave all these clues to torment you!" charm of MGP's earlier covers. Sigh. Priscilla said at 7:16 PM ![]() TODAY DEFINES FABULOUS.
I investigated prices from various online retailers and concluded that it would be cheapest to buy the iPod from the Apple Store nearby, so Mom and I stopped by early this afternoon and made life just that much more beautiful. I have an iPod! I shall call it "Squishy", and it shall be mine, and it shall be my squishy. No, actually, I'm still deciding on a name. I think it defititely needs an "I" name, like Ivan or Ira or Isis or Isengard or whatever. And I have the sneaking suspicion that it's female, unlike all my previous prized electronic posessions. It's so preeeeeeeeeety! I might make some pun off "Isopod", which is the scientific name for the insect commonly known as the "doodlebug" or "roly-poly". Anyway, she's a 30 gig iPod Photo. She has a color screen and over 3/4 as much memory as my entire laptop, yet smaller than a deck of cards. She has a white belly and a shiny silver back. *blinks* My god. iPods are this generation's Pet Rocks. Okay, anyway, next I called Dell tech support in hopes of finally getting my CD player issues resolved to I could actually rip my CDs to download my music to my iPod. Two hours later and Jimmy was running like new. Better than new, in fact, as I'm not sure my CD player ever really worked properly. Mmm, gotta love the mad rush to fix all technical problems before one's warranty expires! One month left. :D Life is brilliant and fabulous and yay for shiny new toys! Any suggestions for what to name her? They need not necessarily be i-names. Any thoughts on the matter are welcome. I HAVE AN IPOD!!!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Priscilla said at 6:55 PM ![]() Bad evening. Then I watched Amber Benson's "Chance" (now that I have access to a DVD player, other than the stubborn one on my laptop), and things are looking up. I am so incredibly entertained. I'm sure I wouldn't have found it half as amusing if I had not seen Buffy, as much of my amusement came in the form of "Oh my good gravy, that's the guy who plays Lorne! And he's hitting on James Marsters' character! *snorks madly*" etc, but the movie was still very cute. And this marks the first time I was not weirded out by James' real accent! Yay me!
I was also quite amused at how in Chance and Simon's post-coital scene, the shots are hilariously similar to those of one of the scenes in "Intervention" with Spike and the Buffybot. I wonder if I can find screencaps... ah, here! Compare: Chance vs. Intervention. The similarity is funnier when seen in video form, but yeah, you get the picture. I laughed. Loudly. So yes. A splendid time was had by all. All meaning "me". I need something chocolate. Priscilla said at 1:19 AM
Sunday, March 06, 2005
![]() I LOVE MY FAMILY. Just conversing over dinner, nothing out of the ordinary. Good lord, I love my family so much. I just had to say something.
Priscilla said at 10:03 PM ![]() Renata, what all did you need to do to transfer frowl.org from y-s to dreamhost? In what order does everything need to be done?
Priscilla said at 7:56 PM ![]() Lost ships:
Marcelina: I don't get the whole thing with Sayid and whatsername [note: Shannon]. Where did that come from? Me: I don't get it either. It's because he's a hottie and she's the only other lead female on the island. Cyth: Well, now Sun is free... Me: Yeah, but that would be like a Token Minority ship. Tacky. Marcelina: Well, she already has something of a relationship with Michael... Me: True. Okay, then a Korean and an Iraqi. It'd be like the Axis of Evil ship. (Though Jin and Sun are from South Korea, right? Oh well. I'm still entertained.) SIX WEEKS. OH, THE PAIN. HOW WILL WE SURVIVE? *watches the Sawyer song again* Priscilla said at 4:22 PM ![]() *goggles* I think I'm getting an iPod. Apparently, this brings the total number of people in the universe that do not have iPods down to 5. I'm reminded of a comic strip that ran in 1977 when "A New Hope" came out, where there are these two old ladies talking, and one of them says "We must be the only two people in the world who haven't seen Star Wars." Then the other woman whips out a pistol, shoots the first woman, and gleefully mugs to the audience, "Now I'm the only one!" Now I won't have to be shot to win someone else the honor of being the only person on the planet without an iPod! It's like life insurance, but with a more streamlined design and choice of six attractive colors!
Priscilla said at 4:05 PM ![]() *goggles* In the Harry Potter books, use of the Cruciatus Curse is worth a life-sentence in Azkaban. Explain to me how this is okay.
I don't know what other word I can use to describe this, other than "evil." Priscilla said at 1:56 PM ![]() Oh. My. God.
A rehashing of the infamous llama song, but with Sawyer from Lost. The most brilliant thing I've seen in days, and that's not just because it's 3AM. I'm sure it would be just as brilliant were it not 4AM Philly time and had I not just gotten out of a midnight screening of a Kubrick movie. My brain hurts. It hurts so good. (link ganked from Becky. Because pretty much every link worth visiting is ganked from Becky. She's just that awesome. I think I'm going to sleep now.) Priscilla said at 4:16 AM
Saturday, March 05, 2005
![]() I'm hooooooooooooooome! *kisses the ground*
I apparently have incurred over my lifetim time some grand Karmic stupidity debt, and over the last week, the Buddha has called in my tab. I keep wanting to scream "I am not this dumb! What is wrong with my brain?" I blame alien abduction. (Because hey, how else do you explain TTT!Faramir?) The most notable recent instance occured yesterday. I had pulled up my e-ticket the previous night and had seen that my flight was at 3:56PM. So that morning, I did my laundry and cleaned my room and packed and just generally did all that needed to be done. When I got to the airport at 2:30, however, the baggage handler at the curb couldn't find my name in the computer. I looked at my ticket again, doublechecked the flight time, and urged the handler to keep trying. He told me to talk to one of the employees inside. While in line, I looked again at my ticket and noticed the date: the 7th. The 7th? But it's supposed to be for the 4th! And Saturday... but the 7th isn't a Saturday! Then I noticed the month: May. I called Dad and asked him what time my flight was, as I had printed out THE WRONG E-TICKET. He told me I must have missed my flight, because I was scheduled to get in to Dallas around 4. Guh. I asked a random attendant if I was in the right line to try to get on a standby flight, and she said yes, so after waiting in an hour line (there was only one woman behind the counter for a heck of a lot of people -- it was 3:30 by the time I got to the front), I found that there was a flight at 4 and a later one at 6. As the 4:00 flight was booked solid, they put me on standby for the 6:00, which was very full as well, and I headed to the gate with crossed fingers. Long story short (as I abandoned this entry to do more productive things, and now it is 3AM), I managed to get on the 6:00 flight. I'm not sure how many standby passengers got on, but I'm under the impression that there was only one woman let on after me, so yay my luck! The story of my actual flight I will share probably tomorrow. I don't imagine many are still reading this entry (I wouldn't), and it's pretty funny, so it's best put into a different post. Hawhaw. In other news, what the heck is frienditto and why is my entire flist suddenly drinking of the crazy juice? Priscilla said at 3:58 PM
Thursday, March 03, 2005
Hopefully, the fandom will rise to meet the challenge and we'll have some really nifty, whacked-out theories bustling about in time for the next new canon. Last night in rehearsal, I was giggling to myself about the prospect of "What if they're not in purgatory, a psychic coma, a Truman show-like government-run synthetic island, a Wolfram and Hart holding dimension, etc etc etc and in reality just the survivors of a plane crash? Nah, no way. Too outlandish!" Sometimes I think I love fandom more than the source material itself. Priscilla said at 11:47 PM ![]() Heresy! Last week in rehearsal, during one of the breaks, Aaron and I randomly started singing Jekyll and Hyde's "Dangerous Game." Of course, as I learned all the lyrics from the studio album, we got to a point where neither of us knew what on earth the other was singing, because the lyrics for the OBCR are so different. I asked him if he would mind sending me a few of the tracks so that I could learn the "real" lyrics along with the studio version I so adore. Anyway, he went ahead and burned the entire CD for me and gave it to me last night as a "get well soon" token, and I'm just now listening to it.
My question is: What was the creative team ON? I know the studio recording is far too long to be feasibly staged, but why did they have to cut some of the most awesome stuff? I know "Bring On the Men" has nothing to do with your precious theme of good vs. evil, but its replacement, "Good'n'Evil," is downright obnoxious. And "Bring On the Men" is so much fun to sing! The audience needs a bit of a break from the incessant pounding into their heads of a ridiculously oversimplified theme. Also, do they have to reprise "Facade" four times? And I never saw the show staged, but it seems like the "Board of Governors" sequence accomplished all the necessary exposition succinctly and dramatically enough. I don't want to know what they put in its place. Also, the overall acting is so much better in the studio version. In fact, the only change I actually like is the new voice for Lisa/Emma. It seems more age-appropriate than the studio cast version. I could whine more, but I'll give it more of a chance of grow on me. Then, once I've given it a fair shot, I'll decide how much more complaining I can get away with before someone slaps me in the face with a haddock. Priscilla said at 5:12 PM ![]() Limited coherence to begin with + material I had not begun to study + review session with a friend who'd held his own review session the previous day = wow, that was embarassing. Not to mention:
+ him coming over to my dorm with no warning, giving me no time to tidy room, particularly as I had spent all time not in class or rehearsal today in napland, and therefore room = site of earthquake, tornado, and rain of locusts. + EVERYBODY HITTING ON ME, CANNOT COPE. OFF TO MORDOR. + Exhaustion from 3 1/2 hour rehearsal. + Roommates playing highly distracting and hilarious music really, really loudly. When I was so spacey I started giggling over otherise unfunny typos. Bleh. Shall review more in the morning, as not to embarass self further. Now: sleep. And after the midterm: Lost. There had better be some major Charlie/Claire cuteness to compensate for my angst of the past few days. Priscilla said at 12:55 AM
Wednesday, March 02, 2005
![]() Does anyone happen to know a magical, mystical, benevolent, beautiful, blue fairy that could make the next two days of my life not suck?
Tomorrow: CSE midterm. Have I even cracked the books to start studying? No. When will studying begin? After rehearsal ends at 11, because I took a nap for the three hours between classes today. I want to go to sleep for a year. Friday: Design docs for our next Virtual World design game. Not very difficult, but time consuming. Friday: Unrendered rat walk cycle. Even if I had nothing else due, I would still be dead in this regard. In modeling the rat, I realized that aspects of my skeleton were completely wrong, so I basically have to redo the entire walk cycle. Special Happy Fun Bonus: Because two rehearsals have been cancelled due to snow, we're having to scramble to make up for lost time. Rehearsal will most certainly extend from 7 to 11 each night. I doubt I'll be able to miss any more this week, as I missed one due to illness and the other due to academics. Because I'm young, I'm hungry, and a Cedar Waxwing! Priscilla said at 4:49 PM ![]() Woo! I pick up the phone to call Your-Site.com to chew them out about tnm.n's downtime, and then boom, it's back! Huzzah!
I am switching hosts like nobody's business. Most likely to Dreamhost, as Renata and many others have suggested. Before I switch, anyone else have any hosts to rec? Preferably around the $6/month range? Priscilla said at 1:27 PM ![]() Marta lays out her ground rules for a Spoiler-Free HBP. Seconded here! I very much like being surprised.
Priscilla said at 2:12 AM ![]() Wow! It's New Pilot Week for the Firefly crew!
Gina Torres is a soccer mom. Ooookay. Alan Tudyk is a Philadelphia singleton. Whatever you say. Sean Maher is a chief resident at a hospital. *stares* *writes and deletes at least eight variants of scathing remarks along the lines of how IT WORKED THE FIRST TIME and resigns self to taking deep, cleansing breaths and just waiting for Serenity like a good fangirl. Priscilla said at 1:41 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:21 AM
Tuesday, March 01, 2005
![]() Alex presents us with a rather hilarious bit of evidence for the Knight 2 King theory.
Priscilla said at 1:55 PM ![]() *chokes* David must know that he just made every fangirl's day. And the inevitable followup!
This comes at a nice time, considering my disappointment at my computer for refusing to recognize the burned DVD of "Chance" that arrived in the mail yesterday. And the movie apparently features James-in-a-dress? I am so entertained. Anyway, I'll have to see if it works on one of the newer computers at home... Jimmy is getting up there in the years, so frankly I'm not surprised that he acts weirdly around burned DVDs. Priscilla said at 1:44 PM ![]() Well, the answer to the last question was "no," but at least now, I can hold down foods (I could eat soup! Go me!) and walk around the dorm and stay awake for hours at a time! Yeah, it's amazing what something like 27 hours of sleep will do for a person. And I've got myself a cozy little setup: relaxing in bed, propped up against a three-corner pillow, covered in blankets, typing away on my laptop. Life is good.
Priscilla said at 1:19 PM ![]() Mmmm. Feeling much better. Now I have an hour to determine if "much better" translates to "well enough to go to class."
Priscilla said at 11:01 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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