The Cult of Lincoln

Monday, June 30, 2008

Is it lame that I screencapped this and saved it? Or does my sheer win negate my sheer lose?

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Priscilla said at 9:29 PM


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Priscilla said at 12:29 AM


Sunday, June 29, 2008

Pilot roundup time! It's leak season online, so on Thursday, I checked out the pilots for J.J. Abrams' Fringe and the TV adaptation of Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse books, True Blood.

Fringe was rather meh. I might tune in for the second episode, to see just how sad an X-Files ripoff it's going to be, but right now I'm on the "leave it" side of the "take it or leave it" conundrum. I really enjoyed the first part of the pilot, but when they started pulling in the big mytharc guns, it just felt silly. It was entertaining, certainly, but... While it's easy to suspend one's disbelief for crazy "fringe" science, it's a lot harder to swallow when the stupid little details closer to reality aren't believable. The whole show loses grounding. A dude's skin is reduced to the consistency of Jell-o, but he still keeps his eyebrows and a perfect head of hair? The devil is in the details, writers. The ending kind of sucked.

Still, there were some aspects of the show that were pretty cool. I liked the way they floated the location cues in the scene. That was just neat! And Denethor was awesome in his role as a brilliant but insane scientist. The astral plane sequence was delightfully trippy, and all the other visual effects were very well done. WOO, ZOIC!

But yeah. While I imagine it'll find an audience somewhere, that somewhere won't be my couch.

True Blood was a bit more difficult to quantify. The pilot is quite faithful to the events of the first half of the first book, so good job TV creative team! Unfortunately, that meant that all the things that bugged me about the book were there in force. Though I'm probably letting my book-irk and utter lack of patience for Bill color my perception of the show, as the show actually did a passable job showing why Sookie was attracted to him. (For the record: Sookie/Sam, woo!)

They did a great job with Sookie's psychic effect, though the vamp effect was utterly laughable. The guy at the convenience store looked like some dweeby vampire rabbit! Also, the sex was way more graphic and obnoxious than it needed to be. Stupid HBO.

I think it definitely shows promise, though. Anna Paquin's Southern accent has improved considerably since the first X-Men. And it'll be nice to have a vampire show on TV that isn't all brooding angst and private detectiving. There's a unique, quirky freshness to the novels that I think will do well on TV. I'm curious to see how it adapts.


Priscilla said at 1:54 PM


Eddie Izzard! WHOO!

He was absolutely freaking hilarious. In his delightfully tangential style, he delivered another spectacular series of ruminations on everything from religion to American politics to Wikipedia to soup. By the end of the show, I felt exhausted from laughing so hard for so long! I'm so thrilled that I had the urge on Friday morning to check if any tickets had been released. It had been sold out for ages! I WIN, UNIVERSE!

Though while I don't want the utterly atrocious experience afterward undermine how fabulous the show was, I really have to vent.

I am not some entitlement snob that insists stars MUST come out afterwards and sign autographs and take pictures with every fan that asks for it. We pay our money to see them perform, nothing more. Anything else is just gravy. However, if a star is not in the mood to greet his fans (which I totally understand--I know how draining tours are), I ask that an official representative come out and tell the fans his decision early on, so they aren't waiting for hours for nothing. It's just common sense. When an official representative comes out after an hour and says he will be coming out through this door, if we're willing to wait a bit longer, that's just freaking unprofessional.

The fact that the heat index was in the eighties and I nearly fainted does not affect my opinions on this matter at all. Hey, I got a cute nickname out of it: Fainting Girl! Thank you, random waiting dude and random waiting woman for giving me your water bottle and cookie. They certainly helped sustain me for the two hours and forty minutes we waited in vain, before we were informed that he had left through the front door twenty minutes ago.

So yeah. Someone somewhere along the food chain of Eddie Izzard's support staff deserves a piece of my mind and a kick in the pants.

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Priscilla said at 10:40 AM


  • 19:20 Oh my god, you guys. Have you been inside Radio City Music Hall? Gorgeous. And I'm seeing EDDIE IZZARD! #
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Priscilla said at 12:22 AM


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Yay, my LoudTwitter drivebys are working! Now all my silly one-sentence musings can be encapsulated in one daily post, so I don't spam people's flists.

So! Last night was kind of hilarious. Boy came over at 9 to cook me a flower pot chicken. I chopped up veggies and raided my leftover stash for rice while he took care of chicken-related duties. We stuck it in the oven, only to find an hour later that the deeper meat was still woefully undercooked. So we stuck it back in for thirty more minutes, to no avail.

At this point, it was 11:30, so we raided my leftover stash once more and had a feast of teriyaki chicken with sauteed onion and rice, thai chicken crepe, and cashew chicken. I'm a big chicken fan, clearly. It was most excellent! And by the time all the rest of the food had been warmed up, the flower pot chicken had been adequately cooked, so I'll have some lovely leftovers from that. We win! I love getting free lunch delivered every day at work.

Check out the trailer for Bolt, Disney's next offering. It looks like crazy fun!


Priscilla said at 1:23 PM


OOH! This just in from Joss:

"Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog" will be streamed, LIVE (that part's not true), FREE (sadly, that part is) right on, in mid-July. Specifically:

ACT ONE (Wheee!) will go up Tuesday July 15th.

ACT TWO (OMG!) will go up Thursday July 17th.

ACT THREE (Denouement!) will go up Saturday July 19th.

All acts will stay up until midnight Sunday July 20th. Then they will vanish into the night, like a phantom (but not THE Phantom -- that's still playing. Like, everywhere.)
JOY OF ALL JOYS! Details here.

...which reminds me of a quote from earlier this week, when my mom sent me my big poster tube from college so Raoul could sign my massive Dresden poster.

Ryan: Is that your new Josh Whedon poster?
Me: Yeah. It's advertising his shows Bunny the Vampire Slayer and Angle.
Alex: ...I want to see that.


Priscilla said at 1:13 PM


  • 09:32 Ugh. Flood at work last night. Computer pandemonium this morning! Blogging from iPhone. #
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Priscilla said at 12:18 AM


Friday, June 27, 2008


Sometimes I hate this millennium. Article here.


Priscilla said at 5:00 PM


HAHA, YES! Managed to snag a ticket to Eddie Izzard at Radio City Music Hall tomorrow night! They've been sold out for ages, but I guess they released a few more. I win at life!

Also, mah Summer Shows are getting cloooooser!

Middleman: Mondays, 10/9c (ABC Family)
Burn Notice: Thursdays, July 10 @ 10/9c (USA)
Project Runway: Wednesdays, July 16 @ 9/8c (Bravo)
Psych: Fridays, July 18 @ 10/9c (USA)

Obligatory linkspam:

In the past couple weeks, I've become a follower of the Big Picture, a blog that describes itself as "News Stories in Photographs." Some are inspiring, some are moving, some are devastating, and all are in breathtaking high-res. Check it out!

Schedule of TV-related Panels at San Diego Comic Con.

I already adored xkcd, but... God bless you for giving me the phrase "Barack Me Obamadeus!" I laughed for like thirty seconds straight.

New trailer for the Repo Man rock opera.

An utterly brilliant entrant in Colbert's "Make McCain Exciting" challenge: Vogue.

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Priscilla said at 9:44 AM


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Got to have dinner with Raoul and a bunch of the Vampire Cowboys (Robert, Paco, Qui, Theresa, and Abby) after the show. They're such a great crowd!

Robert's suggested caption: "A kinder, gentler Kirmani"

Priscilla said at 11:13 PM


Priscilla said at 10:29 AM


How is it possible that these shoes were SO COMFORTABLE last summer, yet this morning I feel like I'm walking on steak knives? Help me, Dr. Scholls!

Priscilla said at 10:16 AM


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I left work at 12:15 last night, but I impulsively stayed up late and watched the pilot of The Middleman, which was ridiculously fun. It has early cancellation written all over it, but I plan to enjoy the heck out of it as long as it lasts! It's a deliciously quirky, self-aware show about an art school graduate who is recruited by a secret agency to fight against evil forces. Her square-jawed employer is best summarized as Captain Carrot working for the Men in Black. In one scene, he beats up a mob boss between taking long drinks of milk.

I'm not quite sure what age group it's intended for, which is one of the reasons I'm so convinced it's doomed to be prematurely canceled. With its light tone and goofy comic book stylings (not to mention its slot on ABC Family), one might think it was intended for young teens, but some of the content surprised me. There are comments about the heroine, Wendy, being a "beard" for her film student boyfriend, a running joke about cursing (which is bleeped out with a little black rectangle over the person's mouth), and pop-culture references I wouldn't expect tweens to get, such as Wendy's cry of "Get your filthy paws off of me you damn dirty ape" when being dragged away as a hostage by a genetically engineered, super intelligent gorilla.

I don't know. Maybe it's intended specifically for me!

So check it out. This show is pure, unadulterated fun! If you don't believe me, check out this glowing review from the New York Times. If you have ABC Family, it's on Mondays at 8/7c. If you don't, it's on BitTorrent iTunes.

In other news: Wave 4 of the Doctor Who action figures includes a 6" Doctor with five Adipose, due to hit stores late July. If the Beeb can't cough up a plushie Adipose, this would make an absolutely delightful addition to my desk diorama!

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Priscilla said at 11:07 AM


Monday, June 23, 2008

Something I neglected to do in the past weeks but have now rectified...

*updates Facebook status to "In A Relationship"*

Priscilla said at 9:39 AM


Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wow. I just had another moment of glorious realization that I don't have to go to work tomorrow.

Man, this past month has screwed me up.


Priscilla said at 11:02 PM


Happy Birthday, Renata and Terry!

This just went by my apartment. There was a steady flow of skateboarders going past for at least twenty minutes! Two thousand would be a conservative estimate. I love New York.

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Priscilla said at 2:01 PM


Just got off the phone with Raoul Bhaneja, who played Kirmani on the Dresden Files TV show. What a great guy--so generous with his time! He talked for over an hour, mostly about his Hamlet (solo) project and the Dresden Files, but also branching out into musings on the sci-fi/fantasy genre and its emergence from the fringe to a centerpiece of pop culture and dramatic storytelling. It was somewhat difficult to get a word in edgewise, but as he was covering all the questions I'd planned for him on his own, it wasn't necessary to steer the interview in any other direction.

I'll have to give some thought to how I'm going to release it. As the longest episodes of the Butcher Block have landed at the 45 minute mark, with most episodes hovering near 30, I'm not sure how the hour-long running time will go over with our listenership. T'will be something to ponder!

In other news... iPhones allow you to program a number of alarms, to repeat on specific days and suchlike. I just had the ecstatic pleasure of turning the "Weekend Work" alarm OFF. OH, RAPTURE! I'm off Sunday and I'm on call Saturday, but hopefully I won't be summoned. Finally, I'll be able to get stuff done! Stuff like sleep. Sleep is good stuff to do. I think I'll do some now.

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Priscilla said at 1:25 AM


Friday, June 20, 2008

Oh my god. I am about to be the most hated person in the Jim Butcher fandom.

Apparently the audio book release people didn't realize that they were releasing the Princeps' Fury audio a week before the hardback, but when I brought it to Jim's editor's attention to verify that the date Amazon listed was correct, they realized their error and pushed back the date a week. I JUST DEPRIVED THE ENTIRE FANDOM OF THE PRINCEPS' FURY AUDIO FOR A WEEK. Now the hardcore fans that were going to buy the audios to experience the book a week early are DENIED.

Um... sorry, guys?

(On the other hand, the back audios for Furies of Calderon, Academ's Fury, and Cursor's Fury were pushed forward three weeks, so yay me, but... yeah, people are going to track me down with pitchforks and torches.)


Priscilla said at 11:25 AM


Tonight, I'm interviewing Raoul Bhaneja for The Butcher Block. Thanks to Jimmy for helping make it happen!

I randomly found out he's doing a one-man version of Hamlet in NYC this week (the 19th, 21st, and 25th--I have ticket for the 25th), and I thought it might be keen to see if I could swing an interview. The director, Robert Ross Parker, is co-founder of the Vampire Cowboys Theatre Company (one of the most entertaining, innovative, unique troupes I've had the fortune to discover), and as Jimmy has strong ties to the company through his podcasting shenanigans, he was able to forward my email to Robert, who contacted Raoul. Jimmy is like a ninja or something. I got an email back from Raoul one hour and two minutes after sending Jimmy my message! Zounds!

From the brief phone conversation Raoul and I had yesterday to set up the interview, it sounds like he's involved in some awesome projects. His schedule is fairly tight, as he's escaping the city on the weekend to shoot scenes for Warehouse 13--something I'm very interested in, as it's co-written by Jane Espenson, one of my favourite TV writers. Amusingly enough, it co-stars Joanne Kelly, who played Bianca on the Dresden TV show. Small world!

Raoul also mentioned that Paul Blackthorne is in town, filming episodes of Lipstick Jungle, and that he expected Paul to come to one of his performances. If so, he said he'd pass my name along. Who knows--maybe I might end up snagging an interview with our Harry! :D

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Priscilla said at 11:02 AM


Wednesday, June 18, 2008

PHEW! If you're like me and you have a ridiculous Firefox tab addiction that must be quelled with Tab Mix Plus, never fear! The dev version is compatible with FF3. This just saved my life, insofar as a convenient internet browsing tool can have any influence on one's vital status.

I'm amused that I've blogged more about Firefox 3 in the past day than I have about my life in the past I don't know how long.

Sooooo... Life is getting saner. I had to stay at work on Sunday until 2:30am, but I got out Monday and Tuesday at the usual 7. Monday, I recorded and edited the podcast (finally!), which will be posted Thursday or Friday, when Fred returns from his trip. Last night, I saw Hulk, which was the exact flavor of mindless entertainment I needed. It was nice to be able to just sit back in a comfortable theater chair and turn off my brain and watch 3D animation I didn't have to make. I went to sleep early and woke up this morning with that weird, simultaneously pleasant and painful feeling you get when your muscles finally relax after being tensed a long time. Good stuff. Hopefully, this momentary sanity is not just a passing phase.


Priscilla said at 12:35 PM


Great googly moogly. Is my internet at home being lightning-fast this morning, or is Firefox 3 just that efficient? I tend to think the latter!

There are a few more hours remaining in Firefox 3 Download Day. Be good to yourself with a faster, more stable internet browser, and help contribute to the breaking of a new world record!

Quoth the folks in charge:
Please download Firefox 3 by 11:16 a.m. PDT (18:16 UTC) on June 18, 2008. That's 11:16 a.m. in Mountain View, 2:16 p.m. in Toronto, 3:16 p.m. in Rio de Janeiro, 8:16 p.m. in Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Rome and Warsaw, 10:16 p.m. in Moscow, and June 19, 2008 at 2:16 a.m. in Beijing and 3:16 a.m. in Tokyo.

Download Day

Priscilla said at 7:50 AM


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I just walked into the kitchen island. Not on purpose. I need a day off. :D

Today is my one-year anniversary of being in New York, woohoo! And Firefox 3 is here!

Priscilla said at 2:32 PM


It's Firefox 3 Download Day! Sooooo.... where's Firefox 3?


Priscilla said at 9:50 AM


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Oh my god. I feel tetchy and aggravated and tired and I swear I'm going to bite the head off the next person that adds another task to my staggering To-Do list. I need to buy groceries and I need to do laundry and I need to freaking SLEEP IN for once. And I need to go back to the frame store and get those stupid two millimeters of foam core chopped off the bottom so I can freaking hang my posters already. And I want to be well-rested enough so that I don't sound like a zombie when I try to record the next episode of the podcast, which is already a week late and getting later every day. And I want to be in a frame of mind in which getting home on a Friday night in time to see the Battlestar Galactica finale at 10 does not feel like a crowning achievement. And I want to have time to go to a MOVIE for once, as I still need to see Prince Caspian and I'm curious about Hulk, and wasn't Lee Pace in some really trippy-looking movie that seemed kind of interesting?

And I want to take a personal day but I can't, because everyone is as crazy and put-upon as I am, and ARGH.



Priscilla said at 11:54 AM


Saturday, June 14, 2008

Last night, I dreamed that Obama had polio, but he still managed to win Dancing With the Stars.

WTF, brain.

Anyway, today continues my Unending Work Week Streak. I've had one day off since Memorial Day, and I'll be working both today and tomorrow and all through next week. Hopefully I'll get next weekend off. Why did my job have to wait until I had a boyfriend to get crazy?

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Priscilla said at 1:51 PM


Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just saw the cover art for the reprint of the first issue of the Dresden Files comic book for the first time.

Oh my god. Harry Dresden is Iron Man.


Priscilla said at 10:23 PM



This message has been brought to you by the fact that I was at work until 3:30am last night, and I've only had one day off since Memorial Day.

I plan to go to sleep at 10 tonight.


Priscilla said at 6:49 PM


Wednesday, June 04, 2008


Oh my good lord. Uncharted--Gilligan's Island meets Lost--is a work of brilliance. Why do I find it so hilarious? When I was a wee little Prislet, Gilligan's Island was the first TV show I became enamored with. Yes, laugh. I set our first programmable VCR to record the reruns when it came on at 4am on weekdays, then watched it when I got home from school. I read the small handful memoirs that had been written about it. I wrote Mary Sue fanfiction before I even knew what Mary Sue fanfiction was. I set a general precedent for how I would treat every single other TV show or book series I would ever love. My poor parents had no idea what they would be in for. :D

Rowling writing short Marauder prequel story. Nice. Of course, ever since Makani drew this picture, I've been unable to picture them as anything else but hopeless nerds.

WHAAAAAAAT. They've cut Trelawney from the HBP movie! Along Bill, Fleur, Percy, the Gaunts, Moaning Myrtle, and apparently EVERY OTHER CHARACTER IN THE BOOK. Isn't it supposed to be two movies? What the heck is left? Besides, y'know, Snape killing Dumbledore.

Gorgeous octopus jewelry. I want one of those rings.

Torchwood season 3 to be a mini-series. A bit "huh?", but maybe this is what it takes for the show to be coherent. :D

Copperbadge blogs about the most important essay you will read this year.

Priscilla said at 2:17 PM



(larger versions here)

From Best Week Ever: "Barack and Michelle Obama last night, celebrating the Democratic presidential nomination he so rightly deserves, and being just about the cutest, coolest couple imaginable while doing so. I'm really glad our next president is the kind of dude who fist-bumps his wife (everyone knows high-fiving is for Republicans)."

And the promised Crazpants Terry McAuliffe clip.

Jon Stewart: "So your philosophy is to act as deranged as possible and hope they just give you the country?"


Priscilla said at 11:02 AM


Tuesday, June 03, 2008

*chortles* Terry McAuliffe is on the Daily Show. This is funnier than any Democratic primary parody I've ever seen. I'll post a link when it goes up on tomorrow. XD

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Priscilla said at 11:08 PM



You have lost. Endorse Obama and concede with dignity. You are a laughingstock.

You are such an amazing person. You have done so much for this country, and you will do so much more! Why are you cheapening yourself with this charade?

Edit: Mmm, there you are, Obama. Soothe my Hillary ire!

He and Michelle just exchanged a fist bump. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH BE MY FIRST FAMILY NOW PLZ.

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Priscilla said at 9:54 PM



P.S. Kathleen Sebelius for VP plz?


Priscilla said at 9:12 PM


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