The Cult of Lincoln

Thursday, April 30, 2009

  • 00:23 @sinspired Nathan isn't storkish enough to fit my mental image, but he would NAIL Harry's blend of smartassitude and depth. #
  • 00:27 @rickosborneorg I'm thinking of a picture of Nathan and Gina in front of Serenity's Mule with the dorkiest expressions, and I say heck yeah. #
  • 00:39 @rickosborneorg @sinspired Found it! Nathan Fillion: Not Always Suave #
  • 01:12 @sinspired Never seen it. My knowledge of anime couldn't fill an egg cup. :D #
  • 01:13 @sinspired Would you accept the unholy hybrid of Nathan Fillion and Vincent Ventresca? #
  • 09:59 @Esperacchius Prove it! :D #
  • 10:11 @epicFlail A normal-person work week of 40 hours or a Launch work week of 50? #
  • 11:48 Raaaar, tubernets are down at work! #
  • 11:51 @beachkid Every time there was a blood drive at school, I had a nasty cold. And now I have an iron deficiency, so not a terribly good idea. #
  • 12:07 @SheckyX Hah. Muahahahaha. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAA--*breathe*--AHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! #
  • 12:19 @SheckyX Nope! I was worknutty last night, but good friends and good @NathanFillion on my TV tamed my savage workbeast. #
  • 12:28 Jim Butcher is currently answering fan questions at -- Stop by today and ask some of your own! #
  • 13:53 RT @travelingheidi One of them says BITE ME. One says DAZZLE. One says I <3 EC. [*weeps for humanity*] #
  • 13:59 @boymonster Jim was quite effusive re: your awesomeness! #
  • 21:13 @fourteenacross I KNOW! Life has become a dream one would have after watching too much West Wing. MY PRESIDENT AGREES WITH ME. #
  • 21:22 RT @mental_floss -- In the early 1940s, Eleanor Abbott invented the game Candy Land as a diversion for children recovering from polio. #
  • 22:14 "President Obama's Hundredth Day is brought to you by Sprint." Um. What? #
  • 22:34 @Uilos MSNBC, yeah. During Rachel Maddow. #
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Priscilla said at 12:15 AM


Wednesday, April 29, 2009

  • 12:04 @xiehicks The nursery is lovely! My bedroom was pink when I was little, and for years, I begged my parents for purple walls. Lucky girl. :D #
  • 15:42 According to Jim, I put the "fang" in "fangirl." Is this more or less complimentary than Brust's "To the petty lady"? :D #
  • 16:09 Matt: "What's the part of the brain that increases happiness?" Shai: "Money?" #
  • 16:27 Online, interactive interview with Jim Butcher tomorrow at! Starts 11am EST. (please RT!) #
  • 20:15 You know what freaking sucks? Finding out at EIGHT FIFTEEN that you have to stay late. COMMUNICATION FAIL RAGE. #
  • 20:42 Is it bad that my music of choice whenever I'm pissed at my coworkers is "Sweeney Todd"? #
  • 20:49 Aww. For every coworker I want to stab, there's another I want to hug. Red haze across my vision dimming to slightly less violent pink. #
  • 23:31 Ah, last night's "Castle," you are like a balm on my soul. Man, you couldn't cut through this UST with a chainsaw! #
  • 00:10 @Uilos UST = Unresolved Sexual Tension. "Castle" revels in it! #
  • 00:12 @rickosborneorg Having Joanne Kelly (Bianca) on "Castle" was particularly entertaining, as Nathan Fillion is my Harry. Very fandomcestuous. #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Reason eleventy-frillion seventy-twelve Jim Butcher is a great guy:

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Priscilla said at 5:26 PM


  • 18:31 Just entered the Apple TV contest. Win by following @WeekinRewind and RETWEET often. He follows back everyone! #
  • 18:33 @JHOCHE Joy! Can't wait. As soon as tickets become available for the Fight Girl remount, let us know! #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Monday, April 27, 2009

  • 08:41 Awful dreams last night. Woke up at 8 and was so anxious I couldn't go back to sleep. Hopefully, some time in Central Park will relax me. #
  • 09:02 Fighting my way through The Black Company, feeling w/ every page I've turned over three at once. Is it supposed to be this incomprehensible? #
  • 09:07 @Phil_Boswell Is there a better place to start from than the beginning, then? #
  • 10:49 @fredhicks There's a leap from no sense to "We got decimated by a wereleopard--let's slaughter a barracks to make ourselves feel better!" #
  • 10:51 @fredhicks Ooh, the Garrett series sounds interesting. I'll have to check it out! #
  • 11:24 @robaiello You're complaining about near-cloudless 81 degree weather? Heathen. #
  • 13:31 Off to Central Park for some sun and relaxation! Avast ye, Vitamin D deficiency! #
  • 16:53 Little girl across from me on bus has kept up a string of "infinity times infinity times..." for a full ten mins. I admire her conviction! #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Sunday, April 26, 2009

  • 15:24 Teaching two new employees the ropes today, plus usual work. I'm generally an awesome multitasker, but my brain is going to explode. #
  • 15:25 @Esperacchius Yuck. Which job was this? #
  • 15:39 @NathanFillion Shouldn't we have dinner first? #
  • 15:40 @Uilos A short, nerdy kid who frequently gets naked in public? #
  • 16:03 @Uilos You said you were like Billy Borden. Do you not feel my description is accurate? :D #
  • 16:48 @Uilos Yuppers! 8:15, yes? Shall we plan on food/shenanigans after? #
  • 23:45 After all the psycho overtime I've been logging, hitting things with cardboard tubes is unbelievably therapeutic! #
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Priscilla said at 12:12 AM


Saturday, April 25, 2009

  • 10:41 Why do I have "Always Look On The Bright Side of Life" stuck in my head? Not that I'm complaining. It could be worse. #
  • 10:50 Coworker solved earworm problem by blasting "Welcome to the Jungle." HugoNom-tastic! #
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Priscilla said at 12:15 AM


Friday, April 24, 2009

  • 10:38 Jurors and I arrived at the courthouse promptly at 10:15, as directed, only to find that there's another case going on in our room. Bzuh? #
  • 10:48 So glad I brought my laptop. Connection not strong enough to catch up on Kings on hulu, but I have pilot of #1 Ladies Detective Agency. #
  • 15:50 We went in at 10:50, and we were out by 3pm! I am free! The defendant, alas, is not. #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Thursday, April 23, 2009

Oh, did I mention...

#1 on the New York Times bestseller list, baby!

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Priscilla said at 9:31 AM


  • 14:15 *criiiiiies* When will my food arrive? I'm so huuuuungry... It's been almost two hours! #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

  • 00:25 I finally got around to posting photos from my trip to the Bronx Zoo! Check 'em out! #
  • 09:49 In the waiting room, rather bored. Entertaining myself by trying to pronounce "Rural Juror" in my head. #
  • 10:00 Oh, lovely. The trial has been delayed an hour, until 10:30. Guess I didn't need to chase the M9 bus two blocks after all. #
  • 10:41 Guy outside the courtroom having angry phone call about how he is being extorted and his life has been threatened over course of case. #
  • 10:41 To think they spent yesterday convincing us jury duty *wasn't* like TV drama. #
  • 10:48 Dude, how do you not show up for your own trial? I know "innocent until proven guilty," but you have to know you're not helping your case. #
  • 11:17 At 11:15, we're finally going in! #
  • 17:18 Mwahahahaha!!! 5pm and I'm gone! And they don't need me at work, so the evening is mine, all mine. Groceries and laundry time! #
  • 20:38 RT @Islandwoo NYC's First Blacklight Glowing LightSaber Battle @ Washington Square Park - - Saturday 4/25 #
  • 21:05 Marsters' Ebenezar reminds me of True Blood's Bill when he says the word "vampire." I'm picturing Eb glowering and saying "Suckeh is mahn." #
  • 21:25 ...some dude on the Rachel Maddow show just used the term "whomper-jawed." I think I'm in love. #
  • 23:03 GG suggested I was not a sneakyhor, and Kat is defending my sneaky honor! I have the best internet friends ever. #
  • 23:51 "I ship Murphy/Chuck Norris and Harry/Your Mom." #
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Priscilla said at 12:17 AM


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I finally posted my photographs from last weekend's trip to the Bronx Zoo!

Check 'em out here!

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Priscilla said at 8:31 AM


  • 00:30 I sleep now, but in the morning, there will be jury duty. Mrgle. #
  • 08:46 In Juror's Lounge, watching video on History of Jury Duty. Opens with Folks On The Street talking about how much it sucks. I am so amused. #
  • 08:49 Now Diane Sawyer is talking about how uncool jury duty is compared with what you see on TV. At least it's educational! #
  • 08:57 Surly looking juror in video looks like Helen Thomas. (Why yes, I am livetwittering this. I wonder how many people will unfollow me today?) #
  • 09:32 Jury Duty is more important than voting! Your opportunity to seize the power! #
  • 09:43 "This area of New York is a discount shopper's Mecca. That's an extra few minutes of your lunch hour you're going to have to allow for." #
  • 09:49 "In New York City, we have about three crimes a year, so we keep you for two days." #
  • 09:56 "Top engineers have worked around the clock to ensure the vindictiveness is taken out of juror selection. *holds up bingo ball hopper*" #
  • 10:13 Man, how wild is it going to be to work a 9-5 day? It'll be just like being a normal person! #
  • 10:41 "Pfft! What's the use of science if it can't make Obama-shaped laser-cut pizzas?" #
  • 11:00 Why is rerouting to a facts page about the NY court system? This isn't happening to anything else. #
  • 11:09 @boymonster That's my guess. Must be some kind of limitation on what one can access on the Court system wireless. #
  • 11:10 First juror call! *crouches down in chair* #
  • 11:16 Spared! Despite @boymonster's fiendish attempts at sabotage. #
  • 11:47 Argh! Last person called for an 80-juror criminal trial. I'm going to be here forever. #
  • 13:29 Lovely. First to the box. I'm going to be here a week. Thank goodness for lunch break! I could feel myself getting dumber in that room. #
  • 13:38 Universe, I forgive you. Compensating for the lameness in my life, Jim just sent me an awesome secret thing, filling my world with squee! #
  • 15:31 I'm done with Court for the day! Oh wait... I'm going back to the office, even though I am not legally required to do so? I am the bes ... #
  • 15:54 Just got slammed with the exhaustion bat. Don't know if I'm going to stay past 7. #
  • 17:12 It's Puppy O'Clock! Time to take a break from work and play with Coworker Erica's toy maltese. Someone's gotta do it! #
  • 19:32 And at 7:30, I am so gone! #
  • 21:16 Roommate is making brussels sprouts. Urgh, that reeks. #
  • 21:26 @Uilos But... isn't she dead? #
  • 23:02 @Uilos Count me in! #
  • 23:14 @KChenoweth Welcome to Twitter, from the girl who gave you the address of the awesome Southern/Creole restaurant at your NY signing! :D #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Monday, April 20, 2009

  • 09:35 Wow! Contrary to Friday's weather report, looks like today is going to be gorgeous as well, albeit not as warm! Too bad I'm at work again. #
  • 10:48 Subject of an actual work email this morning: "Dinosaurs to buy." I wish it were real! #
  • 17:28 Pushing Daisies is coming so sooooooooooooooooooon! T-minus an hour and a half and counting! #
  • 19:04 ABC, stop crashing NOW. Give me my Daisies! #
  • 19:28 @neilhimself Are you using Word? Their "Compare Documents" feature is invaluable in those situations. #
  • 20:57 Oh, Pushing Daisies! Best TV show ever. Why were you canceled? Can't wait for them to air the next as-yet-unaired ep! #
  • 23:36 Hours worked this week: 82. I AM MIGHTY! *poses dramatically* #
  • 23:49 @Jamie1km Yes! I've also been known to walk and chew gum at the same time. #
  • 00:08 Happy Birthday, @Esperacchius! *smooch* #
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Priscilla said at 12:12 AM


Sunday, April 19, 2009

  • 09:42 First sandal-weather day of the year and I'm at work. I love it when we take on more jobs than we can handle! :D #
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Priscilla said at 12:12 AM


Saturday, April 18, 2009

  • 09:33 Dude! Today is Friday! For some reason, I thought it was Thursday. My day is made at 9:32 am. #
  • 15:18 Today on The Big Picture: Cute baby zoo animals. #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Friday, April 17, 2009

  • 12:23 The word of the day is "smorgasbord"! My back room coworkers and I pooled our meal allowance and ordered a banquet of Greek food for lunch! #
  • 12:53 @boymonster YES WE CAM! #
  • 18:56 I just realized the acronym of "Polka Will Never Die" is PWND. All is right with the universe. #
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Priscilla said at 12:15 AM


Thursday, April 16, 2009

  • 00:33 ABC took away Pushing Daisies. Then ABC Family took away Middleman. And now, ABC is taking away Castle. I will cut this entire network. #
  • 10:00 New Yorkers: Kristin Chenoweth book signing at the Lincoln Triangle B&N @7:30! Who's coming with? #
  • 10:40 @featherjean @mkcho73 @MickeydotFinn Castle hasn't actually been cut yet, but it's clear it's going to be. Its ratings are in the toilet. #
  • 10:42 Dear Nielsen Families, Please gravitate towards TV that doesn't suck, so the brilliant shows I love actually stand a chance. Love, Priscilla #
  • 20:26 Kristin Chenoweth is about fifty trillion times cuter in person! So lucky to have gotten a seat. #
  • 22:00 OH HELL YES! "Turn Coat" is #1 on the NYT bestseller list! #
  • 22:27 @billharting @kitoconnell No link yet. Shannon just emailed the betas to share the squee! Breaking news, boys and girls. :D #
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Priscilla said at 12:14 AM


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ooh! Barb re-posted her recipe for Pear and Cream Cheese Pie, one of my all-time favourite things to make. Check it out, and share the deliciousness with your friends and family at your next pie-friendly occasion!

Speaking of pie, Kristin Chenoweth (Olive on Pushing Daisies, as well as the original Galinda in Wicked) did a book signing at the Lincoln Triangle Barnes and Noble last night! You know I was there! Man, that woman is about seventy trillion times cuter in person.

It's amazing, the effect she had on the audience. People love her. People are enraptured by her. I've seen people fanboying and fangirling over actors, but this was something special. After her interview, she took questions from the audience, and every other person opened their question with an ejaculation of "I love you!" She's like a human joy-generator.

Hopefully, I'll be able to give some of that joy back! She mentioned in the interview that she despaired the lack of good Southern cooking in New York, so I gave her the address of Mara's Homemade, a fantastic Southern/Creole restaurant in the East Village. She seemed absolutely delighted! As a thank you, she signed my Pushing Daises DVD case, even though the Barnes and Noble folks wanted to limit signatures to her book only.

I lead a charmed life. :D

My world has been so full of exciting events lately. On Friday, Mike Cho and I saw Vienna Teng perform at Le Poisson Rouge, as part of her international tour. She's such a fantastic performer, and I rejoiced to hear her sing a number of my favourite songs, including as "Blue Caravan," "Antebellum," and "Stray Italian Greyhound."

Before she went on, though, a band called Paper Raincoat and a solo performer, Ben Sollee, played a few numbers. After Paper Raincoat played their first song, I happened to glance to my left and realize I was standing one person away from Vienna herself! Between songs, I said hello and re-introduced myself.

We'd met in February, when she did a gig benefiting the Caffe Vivaldi. We had a mutual friend in Jenn Jackson, Jim Butcher's agent, and the three of us spent quite a while chatting after her show. I gave her lessons in being evil and she gave me a hug. It was an awesome night. I'm amazed I never got around to blogging about it! Bad Cellie!

Anyway, she remembered me, and she greeted me with enthusiasm. We didn't have time to say much then, as the Paper Raincoat's next song started up, and I didn't want to be disrespectful, but we got to chat briefly after the show again, at which time she signed my Book, "Always great to see you! :)" Mike took some great photos here, including two of Vienna and me together.

But the fun doesn't stop there!

Sunday, Craig, Shecky, Sue, Sue's mother, and I went to the Bronx Zoo on Sunday! It was Easter, so we had much of the zoo to ourselves. I took oodles of photographs, though my shutter finger was tempered somewhat by the fact no store in or near the zoo sold film, and I had to be conservative with what I had. It's unbelievable how difficult it is to get film these days! I'm so grateful that my mom is lending/giving me her sexy digital camera, as she hasn't used it in ages. It's something like eight years old, but it was top of the line then, so it's still a fantastic camera by today's standards.

I think I got a handful of decent shots from our explorations, but I felt "off" photographically most of the day. Some recent feedback I received on my photos, raising a skeptical eyebrow at my attachment to my Lensbaby, struck a nerve. In reaction, I tried to take a mix of Lensbaby and traditional photos, but I ended up sabotaging myself, obsessively questioning every move I made instead of letting inspiration strike organically. I need to get over myself. Hopefully, I'll have the few good shots ready for posting in the next couple days!

Anyway, photography aside, it was fabulous to spend time with the crew. Craig is also a big Dresden fan and Shecky is a fellow beta, so we spent part of lunch squeeing over Turn Coat. Afterward, Craig invited me to his family's Easter dinner, a feast of Italian family proportions.

And that's all I have to say about that!

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Priscilla said at 10:16 AM


  • 11:40 @boymonster That's why God invented TiVo and Hulu! #
  • 11:40 @Uilos 'Splainy? #
  • 12:12 My workplace is hilarious in its desperation. Today feels like setup to a particularly wacky sitcom episode. Wonder what moral we'll learn? #
  • 12:13 RT @nprpolitics: Obama Wins First Pirate Battle. More To Come? #
  • 12:16 @Uilos That's where "Soul Samurai" was staged. Great location! #
  • 12:18 @vampirecowboys I don't care if it's "Watch Paint Dry For Fun and Profit." I AM SO THERE. #
  • 13:03 @fredhicks Worlds of lame. #
  • 13:05 RT @neilhimself: Was just sent beautiful GRAVEYARD BOOK inspired grave images at #
  • 18:36 Reason eleventy frillion twelve I love my president: Obama reading "Where The Wild Things Are" to a group of kids. #
  • 19:52 I love those days where you sit around, backing up the library until 4:30, then get handed an emergency job and have to do overtime. #
  • 23:57 @featherjean Yeah, I misread your tweet! I thought I deleted my reaction quickly enough, but clearly you were faster. :D Good call, NASA! #
  • 23:59 @Uilos "Gone With The Wind"? #
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Priscilla said at 12:17 AM


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

  • 08:09 Today's word of the day is "sobriquet." Man, have I been pronouncing it wrong! SOH-brih-kay, not soh-BRY-uh-kette. #
  • 14:02 Lunch: Pita w/ grilled zucchini, peppers, sweet onion, eggplant, mesclun greens, feta, sun dried cranberries, & red pepper vinaigrette. YUM. #
  • 14:04 @MickeydotFinn Let me know if you remember! You know, in an early draft of "Serenity," Joss had a major character named "Dresden"? :D #
  • 15:22 Where gmail go? Gmail go bye-bye? Cellie love the gmail. Cellie want the gmail. Please come back, gmail! Please come back! #
  • 22:05 Nathan Fillion does the most amazing faces! Good grief, I love this show! #
  • 22:53 "Kittens on fire"? That is the WORST NEWS TEASE EVER. *mentally substitutes "Kittens on parade".* #
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Priscilla said at 12:25 AM


Monday, April 13, 2009

*chortles* Oh, man. Apparently I'm in the minority opinion on this, but I enjoyed the heck out of Red Dwarf: Back to Earth. It was like crackfic made canon, and I applaud the sheer balls of it.

I took particular glee in the opening of part 3, in which the crew uses overblown sci-fi lingo to describe the basic operation of a car. Dude, that was my driver's test. My driving instructor, a guy named Ron, was the person who introduced me to Red Dwarf. One day, we jokingly set up my driving session with gratuitous sci-fi terms, announcing stuff like:

"Ignition sequence initiated!"

"Life support systems on."

"Scan for possible collisions," and

"Activate reverse thrusters!", when turning on the car and the A/C and checking for pedestrians and whatnot. The other people in the car just kind of stared.

You were a good person to be, 16-year-old me. Rock on, you magnificent nerd. *exchanges a fist pound with former self*


Priscilla said at 8:29 PM


Saturday, April 11, 2009

  • 09:39 Holy shamoley! The forum is down, and the host felt it appropriate to email us about the outage *2028 TIMES* in 2 1/2 hours. #
  • 10:02 @fredhicks True. Though "forum software" is a lot more characters than "host," and I was already at 140. :D #
  • 10:03 All hail @fredhicks, restorer of forums! #
  • 10:04 @spygrl You weren't in danger of getting spammed, just people linked to the feedback list: Fred, me, Jim, and Shannon. Good morning! #
  • 10:07 @jimmyaquino Sounds good! If you manage to swing anything, count me in on your plans! #
  • 10:14 @Uilos Come on, we're in New York! It's Mecca of everything! The fact that the Harry and Murphy Show is set here is icing on the cake. #
  • 11:41 @spygrl Get reading, girl! There's never been a better time to catch up. #
  • 14:05 RT @AnnLarimer From the author of P&P&Zombies: Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter: #
  • 14:16 "This has got me beflunkered. I have no idea what this is." --@redone17 #
  • 14:57 Man, what's up with me today? I eat, and 2 hours later, I feel starved? I didn't have *that* much blood drawn at my check-up this morning... #
  • 16:32 You know what I need? A milkshake. You know what I just went across the street and got? A milkshake. My world is at peace. #
  • 20:07 Opening band, Paper Raincoat, was awesome--as was my vantage point! I was standing next to @viennateng. :D #
  • 20:22 Ben Sollee is doing beautiful things to that cello. One more cd to buy tonight! #
  • 21:23 @viennateng is playing "Antebellum.". @mkcho73 and I are geeking out! #
  • 22:36 @viennateng's show was fantastic! Love seeing her live. And it was awesome getting to share the experience with @mkcho73. Fabulous night! #
  • 22:38 Gracgh!!! Just realized I left the z-pack I got from the doctor this morning at work. Wonder if anyone's going in tomorrow... #
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Priscilla said at 12:10 AM


Friday, April 10, 2009

  • 00:19 @eddieizzard Great show! Hope you enjoyed the cupcake and death I left you! #
  • 11:12 Just got my ticket to see Vienna Teng tomorrow. Anyone want to come with? @mkcho73? #
  • 12:29 News headline on the TV in the lounge: "FBI Negotiating With Pirates." Yeah, my morning is made! #
  • 20:39 @terioncalling Soon, child! Soon! #
  • 20:54 The Dollhouse situation makes my brain hurt. If it's already paid for, just air the thing! #
  • 20:55 @sinspired Absolutely! Dresden Week >>>>>>> Shark Week. #
  • 21:04 @ironicsegue In Grand Central, I once saw a bunch of guys break dancing to the "Angel" extended opening theme. Nerds are all around us! #
  • 22:56 @epicFlail You just blew my mind. #
  • 23:06 @ABCPieHole Curses! I don't meet their criteria. I wonder what magic combination of age and employment field you have to be? #
  • 23:13 RT @JHOCHE @jimmyaquino hey man Kristin Chenoweth is gonna be at the lincoln center B&N 4/15 at 7:30 FYI [Sweet-tastic, say I!] #
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Priscilla said at 12:10 AM


Thursday, April 09, 2009

  • 15:08 The Za Lord has returned to us! #
  • 15:28 @vampirecowboys Neither can we! I'm so thrilled to get the opportunity to treat new friends to the geektastic spectacle of "Fight Girl!" #
  • 16:24 @MickeydotFinn My boss is the Za Lord. He orders pizza for us like twice a week. He was in Europe the past 2 weeks, but now he has returned! #
  • 16:25 @MickeydotFinn Fortunately, I have learned to resist the pizza's siren call. My box knife reads "Healthy Salad or Death!" #
  • 21:51 At Izzard venue with @uilos and @epicflail, sitting 10 feet from Kevin Spacey. Your envy tastes like a chocolate cupcake. #
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Priscilla said at 12:12 AM


Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Spam of the Day:
Subject: How To Get A Girl To Do AAnything And Everything In Bed - Be Absolutely Mind Blowing

Don't adjourn. I've broken up my business for hermitage.
that hermitage was overgrown with madhuka anger. And with
eyes inflamed and eyebrows bent.
There is a poetry in this.

Priscilla said at 2:35 PM


  • 00:51 @billharting *takes a bow* Just doing my job. #
  • 01:46 RT @spodalicious Sketch Cards for Breast Cancer auctions start wrapping up at noon! #
  • 07:54 *dies laughing* I'M ON BORDERSMEDIA.COM! Or specifically, Ch1 of TC on the Butcher Block, with my end note, is. #
  • 07:57 Tickled they just grabbed it and chopped off my intro, heedless of our "Attribution, No Derivative Works" license. Still, good advertising! #
  • 11:25 @MickeydotFinn You mean there are other places in the US other than NYC and CA? Surely you jest, sir! #
  • 21:20 @fredhicks ...Ye gods. I hope it's recovered! #
  • 21:56 @fredhicks What an extraordinary relief! #
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Priscilla said at 12:11 AM


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

  • 12:27 Just listed myself in the local Twitter directory in ZIP 10009 #
  • 12:59 @Esperacchius Lucky! You already saw the 50 mins at NYCC, right? #
  • 19:53 @mkcho73 I seem to recall a tasty Mexican place a few doors down from the Prospect Park subway exit... #
  • 23:40 The "Turn Coat" release party is starting now in Chicago! Can't wait to see the forum folks' heads explode tomorrow. #
  • 23:42 I wonder if Jim is spilling the beans about the opening of bk 12 tonight. I've been sitting on that agonizing knowledge for a year now... #
  • 23:43 BOOYEAH! Goin' to see Eddie Izzard on Wednesday with @Uilos and @epicFlail! #
  • 23:56 RT @fredhicks - New Butcher Block podcast: #
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Priscilla said at 12:13 AM


Monday, April 06, 2009

  • 14:14 Fantastic day yesterday! Pillow fight + seeing @Uilos perform with the NY Jedi = good times. What to do today? Should involve sun. #
  • 14:17 Anyone want to chill in Central Park? I'm heading over in an hour. DM me if you're game! #
  • 00:04 Check out my artsy-fartsy photos from the NYC Pillow Fight! #
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Priscilla said at 12:09 AM


Sunday, April 05, 2009

My weekend photography streak continues! This time, I offer photos from NYC's Fourth-Annual Pillow Fight Day!

Check them out here!

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Priscilla said at 11:06 PM


  • 11:21 @Uilos That is just... oh, man. I'm tearing up. Jim is a class act. We miss you, Bob. #
  • 11:58 Can someone that watches SCC please explain the "Trousers" thing to me? Because it sounded like an April Fool's joke from the audio dept. #
  • 12:00 *imagines a sad, slow version of Rodney Carrington's "Carlos, Man of Love" or DaVinci's Notebook's "Enormous Penis" over Dollhouse* #
  • 12:19 "Beyond the Pole: Mystery of the Horror-Dirigible" is officially the most awesome title I've ever heard. Viva sci-fi pulp! #
  • 12:21 Is anyone else going to the NYC Pillow Fight in Union Square at 2 this afternoon? I know @Uilos is! #
  • 13:00 Why do I smell tuna? #
  • 13:30 *blinks* Someone named their child Priskilla. Poor, poor girl. #
  • 14:09 I'm in Union Square at 2, yet I see no one with a pillow. Perhaps this is because the event is taking place at Wall Street. Whuh? #
  • 18:41 Any ideas how to remove an inundation of down feathers from a wool coat? Lint roller ineffective. Should I try packing tape next? #
  • 19:34 Wow. There was so much wonderful color at the pillow fight, yet my photo series is looking gorgeous in b&w. Whoda thunk it? #
  • 19:47 Just realized why my photos were weirdly grainy. The woman put a Sharpen on all of them! ARG. I use a Lensbaby! The blur is intentional! #
  • 19:58 And the reason they look better in b&w than color? She clicked "Auto Levels" on all of them. Grr, let me do my own post processing! #
  • 20:01 Yeah, yeah, Priscilla. Want some cheese to go with that whine? Feeling silly about my disgruntlement. One more reason to go digital! #
  • 21:26 @Jamie1km Dude, congratulations! Bravo! #
  • 21:55 @jimmyaquino Attention must be paid! #
  • 22:28 Wow. After nine years of Nikon-loyalty, am I going to switch to Canon because they work better with Lensbabies? #
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Priscilla said at 12:09 AM


Saturday, April 04, 2009

  • 00:14 Tonight, had completely inauthentic yet delicious Irish pub food with @boymonster and @Jamie1km, followed by best appletini and mojito ever. #
  • 00:16 Currently guzzling Niagralike quantities of water, to ensure I don't hate myself in the morning. #
  • 00:27 @boymonster You'll just have to come back to NYC and visit me and St. Christopher again, so you can have an awesome mojito of your own. #
  • 00:28 @boymonster Are Swedish fish particularly effective at absorbing/diluting alcohol? #
  • 11:47 "I got really drunk last night. I was drinking all the time I was bowling. OH S***, I CALLED MY MOM!" --Coworker E #
  • 11:50 @Jamie1km ...How could it not have bite? Aside from the sprinkle of lemon, it was pure alcohol! #
  • 11:52 I love it when people waste hours of my time because they don't know how to communicate. #
  • 11:54 RT @nprnews The Iowa Supreme Court has unanimously struck down the state's ban on same-sex marriage. [Me: YE-HAW!] #
  • 12:37 Oh, good grief! What is in the company's drinking water the past few days? So much miscommunication! #
  • 14:01 @beyondabsurdity How could a Vampire Cowboys show be anything *but* a blend? You are a master at mixing humor and drama! #
  • 16:14 WAH. I've been working up to buying a digital camera (the Nikon D40x), but the internal meter doesn't work with the Lensbaby. #
  • 16:14 Boo! I've been working up to buying a digital camera (the Nikon D40x), but the internal meter doesn't work with the Lensbaby. What a pain. #
  • 21:20 @Uilos Haven't I been saying this for weeks? :D #
  • 21:41 Kitai is sharing the screen with my Harry Dresden! It's a great big Butcherfest on Dollhouse tonight! #
  • 21:51 @Uilos Vincent Ventresca or Nathan Fillion! #
  • 22:07 @Uilos Man. Ever since "Man On the Street," every episode of Dollhouse has been knocked out of the park. So glad I decided to stick with it! #
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Priscilla said at 12:09 AM


Friday, April 03, 2009

I posted a bunch of photos from the Museum of Natural History in my LJ! Check 'em out!

Labels: ,

Priscilla said at 2:30 PM


  • 00:15 @Uilos Booyeah it's nummy! #
  • 00:29 @boymonster Are you going to be in the city at any point? I don't think I'm going to be able to make it to ICON, but I'd like to say hello! #
  • 00:39 @fredhicks Madness! Tell the whole family hello for me. #
  • 01:02 RT @whedonesque - Tim Minear posts a tribute video for Andy Hallett on Facebook. #
  • 01:07 @fredhicks I don't know whether to hound you about them or to run screaming from the room! Enjoy your brainsplosion! #
  • 01:10 @fredhicks btw, I shared our Cowl and Kumori theory with Jim at ConDFW. He joked that he liked it better than what he had planned. :D #
  • 01:11 @gypsyjr On the contrary, Bruce Campbell makes quite the Silver Fox! #
  • 01:22 @fredhicks *weeps obediently* #
  • 01:25 Throat and post-nasal area getting all sore and gross, portending an oncoming cold. I thought I was still trying to kick the last one! #
  • 08:10 Just accidentally choked down a huge mouthful of sour milk. Not having a sense of smell sucks. #
  • 09:28 @hodgman *reassembles a moose on top of your apartment building* #
  • 09:35 @Uilos Perhaps I'm allergic to awesome? Explains why my cold started after the double-whammy of seeing Soul Samurai and Watchmen w/you guys. #
  • 10:48 @MickeydotFinn Welcome to Twitter! Hope you weren't planning to do anything with all those hours you're going to spend here. :D #
  • 10:49 @KevinConn I do! I do! I watched "Puppet Up" on YouTube last night. Crazy fun! #
  • 11:04 Oooh, trailer for the next Doctor Who special, Planet of the Dead: #
  • 12:26 Sweet! The ThinkGeek Tauntaun sleeping bag may become a reality! #
  • 14:14 "It cracks me up how the internet has instantly embraced 'Pride and Prejudice w/ Zombies.' Like the second coming of Snakes on a Plane." #
  • 15:05 @mkcho73 They showed the Christmas one on Christmas. Hence "Christmas episode." #
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Priscilla said at 12:11 AM


Thursday, April 02, 2009

  • 09:30 The Onion: Obama Depressed, Distant Since BSG Series Finale #
  • 09:33 @Esperacchius Glad you made it to the airport okay! Travel safe, and don't get stranded in Dallas/Denver! #
  • 09:46 How wonderful is it to have a president the Onion can make nerdy jokes about, rather than jokes about brainless incompetence? #
  • 09:54 This Tauntaun Sleeping Bag is an April Fool's Day joke, but I'm sure I'm not the only one who wishes it were real. #
  • 12:51 Coworker E: "I think that on April Fool's Day, the Onion should report real news." #
  • 12:54 @Uilos Pretty sure. Everything else in today's Think Geek newsletter was an AFD joke. Funny, though! #
  • 13:53 Can a character look simultaneously like Bruce Campbell on Burn Notice and Anderson Cooper? Because someone apparently thinks one can. #
  • 18:07 Male coworker just burst into "Wishing You Were Somehow Here Again." Feel strangely off balance. #
  • 21:03 Give the Medieval dude puffy sleeves, puffy bloomers, and those little shoes with a curlicue on the toe. Oh, and make him look cool. #
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Priscilla said at 12:09 AM


Wednesday, April 01, 2009

  • 09:26 I have an orange! It is not as delicious as oranges can be, but still hits the spot. #
  • 09:32 We'll miss you, Andy Hallett. #
  • 09:35 @Uilos *cackles* Oh, man. Is the muppet thing sticking? Because that's just hilarious. #
  • 21:59 @hobbitwriter HP plants? Mandrake root or printer assemblies? #
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Priscilla said at 12:10 AM


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