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Saturday, June 30, 2001
![]() Hélas, je me suis transfigurée les pieds.
Quirrel: Stormtroopers? Here? Neville: That's the biggest cheese statue I've ever seen... Dumbledore: (I have no idea. Decide for yourself) Hermione: What do you mean, you're resigning from S.P.E.W.!?! Priscilla said at 11:04 PM ![]() I really need to develop some film. Bah. I'm too lazy. Why on earth did I take 50 billion rolls of film at Gunstream?
Priscilla said at 6:34 PM ![]() A.I. is the most fabulous movie in the whole wide world. The previews kept my expectations fairly low, even though I knew that it was written and directed by the god Steven Spielburg. I just can't express how much I loved this movie. It was the second time that I'd ever cried in a movie, the first being "Life is Beautiful". During the movie, I was pretty much fine (except for three rogue drips that got past my defenses), but the second the credits started to roll, all barriers went down and I just started bawling.
I really love Haley Joel Osment. That kid has so much talent that it's astonishing. If he doesn't win Best Actor at the Oscars, I will lose what little faith I already have in them. This movie will completely sweep the Academy Awards. It's just fabulous! ::sigh:: I'm so glad that Spielburg decided to do his own thing intead of directing the Harry Potter movie. That would have been severely disappointing. A.I. is sheer brilliance, and you guys all have to see it. Priscilla said at 3:31 PM
Friday, June 29, 2001
![]() Tanja is back!!!! ::throws flower petals all about::
Priscilla said at 3:38 PM
Thursday, June 28, 2001
![]() Bad joke of the day award:
Lost on a rainy night, a nun stumbled across a monastery and requests shelter there. Priscilla said at 11:08 PM ![]() Bah. I can't write my essay. I have Moulin Rouge stuck in my head! All throughout my bath, I pondered what it would be like to do an actual musical production of Moulin Rouge (it would be hell, I tell you). I figured out how to get around a lot of the difficulties, but without the groovy Baz Luhrman filmography, it wouldn't be the same. Oh well. I think I might want to give the screenplay of Terry Pratchett's "Wyrd Sisters" a try when I'm in college. ::sigh:: I'm going to love college. Such performance opportunities!
Priscilla said at 11:04 PM ![]() Yay! Elfwood is coming back! ::does a happy dance::
Priscilla said at 9:49 PM ![]() Why is Blogger refusing to publish?
Priscilla said at 5:34 PM ![]() I'll be so happy to keep his dinner warm
While he goes onward, and upward. Happy to keep his dinner warm Till he comes wearily home from downtown. I'd be there, waiting until his mind is clear While he looks through me; right through me, Waiting to say "Good evening dear, I'm pregnant. What's new with you from downtown?" Oh, to be loved by a man I respect To bask in the glow of his perfectly understandable neglect! Oh, to be there in the corner of his mind. Darling, absent mind. Such heaven! Wearing the wifely uniform while he goes onwards and upwards. Happy to keep his dinner warm till he comes wearily come from downtown. Priscilla said at 4:59 PM ![]() In celebration of a suddenly working scanner, I decided to do a bit of scanography (like Xerography, but with a scanner instead of a Xerox machine). I present these "entertaining" pieces of "art" for your "amusement".
Me with my infamous carton of no-pulp orange juice Me looking very scary. I'm amused by the weird double chin the scanner decided to give me. Priscilla said at 4:49 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 3:35 PM ![]() MY SCANNER HAS BEEN FIXED! HALLELUJAH!
Priscilla said at 3:04 PM ![]() Bah! The ebay auction item I was giggling about last night/this morning/take your pick was a guy's virginity. And the current bidding price was about 1 million dollars. ::snickers:: He was pretty ugly, too.
Priscilla said at 2:36 PM ![]() I've been posting too much recently. Can you guys keep up? Or are you just replete with bloggy goodness?
Priscilla said at 1:08 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:02 AM ![]() I get the wierdest emails... Faltava apenas um dia para o seu aniversario de 18 anos. Branca de Neve estava muito feliz e ansiosa, porque os 7 anões prometeram uma *grande* surpresa. As cinco horas, os anõezinhos voltaram do trabalho. Mas algo nao estava bem... Os sete anõezinhos tinham um estranho brilho no olhar...
I tried translating it into Spanish, but it turns out that it was actually Portugese. This is what it means: It just lacked one day for yours I have a birthday of 18 years. White of Snow it was very happy and anxious, because the 7 dwarfs promised a * big * surprise. The five hours, the anõezinhos came back from the work. But something was not well... The seven anõezinhos had a stranger shine in the glance... I'm *really* amused. Priscilla said at 12:55 AM ![]() Before... and After.
![]() ![]() Would someone mind telling me why Hermione is now a blonde? Worse yet, a blonde with brown eyebrows? Priscilla said at 12:43 AM ![]() Vote in the new poll. I'll love you forever. Or at least until next Tuesday.
Priscilla said at 12:35 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:05 AM
Wednesday, June 27, 2001
![]() At the suggestion of a girl on WOFS.... Jeremy Irons as Sirius Black.
Priscilla said at 11:37 PM ![]() Now, more than ever, successful people turn to KARRASS.
Priscilla said at 3:21 PM ![]() Okay, so I downloaded the trailer. Incredibly groovy! I definitely like what I'm seeing. It's actually what I'm *not* seeing that bothers me. Where the heck is Harry's scar? There's a place where he pulls his fringe out of the way, but the scar is nowhere to be seen. Bah. I suppose I'll nitpick the rest when I see it full-screen with A.I. on Friday. Yippee Skippy!
Priscilla said at 8:44 AM ![]() Christoper Bale... he'll make a good Lupin.
Priscilla said at 8:32 AM
Tuesday, June 26, 2001
![]() I *WILL* restrain myself from looking at any HP trailer screenshots until Friday. I WILL. Gah, it's supposed to be shown with A.I.! Gotta get tickets... People tell me Percy's voice is swoonworthy. ::cackles gleefully::
Priscilla said at 7:01 PM ![]() This just rocks. On my HAM test, I wrote "The Battle of Rolin -- Elvis" down as one of my answers, and Mr. Long didn't count off! HaHA! It was actually The Battle of San Romano, by some artist whose name I've forgotten. ::cackles:: This just makes my day. I even told him about it, and he laughed. He still didn't take off points! Bwahahaha! Gee, you'd think that he'd notice "Elvis"...
Priscilla said at 5:28 PM ![]() Gah. I said earlier today that I've been blogging for nearly a year. Scratch that. I meant "half a year". Bah.
Priscilla said at 3:52 PM ![]() Fie upon blogger taking forever and a half to publish!
Priscilla said at 1:08 PM ![]() I'm seriously disappointed. I talked with Professor Tyler today, the teacher of the Harry Potter class (for middle schoolers. bah. I would have wanted to assistant teach if it wasn't at the same time as my Government class) and she was telling me about the possibilities of getting WIAN published. She said that for a first time author, it would probably take about 2 1/2 to 3 years. Gah! Book 6 would be out by then! And who's to say that I'll still be really interested in HP? I feel strangely depressed. I was hoping to get something published by the end of the year, or possibly next summer. Fie upon Ellie Rosenthal and stas.net! Fie upon the publishing industry! Fie upon how I'm supposed to be in History of Art and Music class right now...
Priscilla said at 1:07 PM ![]() Wow. I've been consistently blogging for nearly a year. I've never had a diary that lasted this long! Most of them only lasted about a week. If they were lucky, two weeks. Groovy. Golf claps for Kell for inspiring me to blog. Golf claps to Kell for getting me to CG. Golf claps for Kell for getting me interested in anime. Golf claps for Kell in general.
Priscilla said at 1:02 PM ![]() Oh, cool... Woo! Kudos to Ann for the link.
Priscilla said at 12:58 PM ![]() NO! Elfwood is dead! ::stands openmouthed in shock:: What about all those fabulous artists that don't know HTML well enough to have their own websites? What about Starling? What about all those styles I long to emmulate, but now won't be able to access. Bloddy hell. Whoever sent those death threats is going down. That's not funny in the slightest.
Priscilla said at 8:08 AM
Monday, June 25, 2001
![]() ff.n deleted all of Cassie's stuff. They claimed plagiarism, even though she made it perfectly clear through disclaimers that she was using quotes from a bunch of different sources. Bah.
Priscilla said at 12:05 AM
Sunday, June 24, 2001
![]() Woo! Yay for Elfwood! They finally added a category for art inspired by JK Rowling.
Priscilla said at 11:59 PM ![]() I feel so proud of myself. Last night, my parents went out of town, and I decided to treat myself to a movie. I printed a map, drove to the theatre, and generally did everything required for going out to the movies. This may sound like a petty, trifling matter, but this was the first time I've ever driven without a parent in the car. Go me! Moulin Rouge, by the way. Now I have "The Show Must Go On" stuck in my head, and it's not on the CD. Bah. I think they should have put that song on the CD instead of Diamond Dogs. They only had about 3 seconds of that song in the actual movie! Ultra Bah. I hope that they come out with a second CD, like they did for Phantom Menace. It could have "The Show Must Go On", "Spectacular Spectacular", "The Sound of Music", and some of the other montages. ::sigh:: I really love that movie.
Anyway, I've been seeing a bunch of movies lately. The day before yesterday, I left the dwindling group of people that hadn't seen Pearl Harbor, and today I saw Atlantis. Before Friday, everyone I talked to either loved or hated Pearl Harbor, and I assumed that there was no middle ground on the matter. Well, I fit smack dab in the centre. I don't know what to think about it. Bah. Predictable as heck, with lovely cinematography at some points, yet obnoxious at some points. Atlantis fell a bit short for me. Like all Disney movies, it was predictable, and I thought that it could have really benefitted if it had been a musical. Milo kept reminding me of Percy for some strange reason, even though he doesn't even look vuagely like my mental image of the guy. Bah again. Priscilla said at 11:42 PM ![]() I've decided that when I grow up, I'm moving to Monkey's Eyebrow, Kentucky.
Priscilla said at 11:02 PM ![]() It's the Smiling, Grinning, Dark Mark of Loooove!
Priscilla said at 12:51 AM ![]() The Starling/Priscilla bookmarks are back! Yo! Cliquez ici
Priscilla said at 12:49 AM
Saturday, June 23, 2001
![]() Give me orange juice or I'll kill you.
Priscilla said at 11:05 PM ![]() Go check out Super Freak Out 3, Kell's latest sketchbook niftyness. 'Tis all groovy and such.
Priscilla said at 7:28 PM ![]() I'm certainly amused...
Me: Does anyone have any ideas for a fanart theme? I get to provide the topic for August. Jeff: Hold a contest to see who can draw the best shirtless/wet shirt 16 years of age or older Draco Malfoy? ::sigh:: I never knew fanart themes were so difficult. I used to not have any ideas, and now I have too many. And sadly, no, wet/shirtless Draco Malfoy is not one of them. Priscilla said at 7:23 PM ![]() According to HP Galleries, Jeff Hordley and Hugh Grant are in talks for the roles of Sirius Black and Gilderoy Lockhart. ::shudders visibly at the idea of Hugh!Lockhart:: Anyway, I couldn't really decide based on the images they provided, so I decided to give them both a bit of digital makeup. Here they are:
![]() Jeff Hordley as Sirius Black (original) ![]() Hugh Grant as Gilderoy Lockhart -- this *really* frightens me (original) Priscilla said at 3:37 PM ![]() Kell made me a half-birthday present! YAY! ::hugs Kell::
Priscilla said at 1:15 PM ![]() ::screams and runs wildly around the room:: I WON HP MONTHLY! And by just 3 votes! ::screams some more:: Big kisses to all those fantastically cool people that voted for me, and big hugs to all those other fantastically talented artists that entered. (Malice -- I'm sorry! Your sub was ultra groovy!)
I'm just surprised that Alicey didn't place. Her sub was one of my favourites! I think that if I hadn't entered, I would have voted for her. She is a master when it comes to coloured pencil! Better luck next month, Alicey! You rock! For those that can't be bothered to look up the results on HP Monthly, I got 36 votes, Malice got 33, and Ri got 26. Congrats to the both of you! ::hugs Malice and Ri and dances happily around the room:: Priscilla said at 12:36 AM
Thursday, June 21, 2001
![]() ::sniffles:: Tanja isn't coming to England! Now I won't get to see her this summer. I'm sad. ::pouts:: We were making bigplans! (yes, it's one word) Sadness. ::kicks random objects:: [MROW!] Ouch.
Priscilla said at 6:33 PM ![]() I feel very cross at the moment. Kell hasn't updated HP Monthly, and I have to leave for summer school soon. It'll be AGES before I can find a nifty computer to check stuff on. I suppose I could use one of the computers at work when the kids are taking a break, but still, that's years and years away! Around 3 PM! Bah. Maybe I can use one of the school computers during the 15 minute break between classes. Of course, that means missing funny Mr. Long stories and surrendering my usual chair to Jessica. Bah!
Priscilla said at 8:06 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 7:33 AM ![]() That was disturbing. I was checking out the answer key thing for the identities of various characters in a Sluggy comic strip, and I see as the last one: Lupin. Naturally, I experience a mild freak out sensation, thinking that Pete has finally included a Harry Potter reference in Sluggy (this doesn't count). Then I see that he was talking about the anime called Lupin. Bah. That was a disappointment.
Priscilla said at 1:05 AM ![]() Summer school should be illegal. I want to work on CGs! I don't want to study for some stupid government test! Bah! ::kicks various objects::
Priscilla said at 12:12 AM
Wednesday, June 20, 2001
![]() I got my Rent OBC tape from Susan today! Yay! ::glomps Susan and gives her a big kiss on the cheek:: Now I have oodles of Rappage and Egoboyness to keep me company all summer and beyond! And corruption fodder for my innocent little friends! Watch out, Chungy! ::cackles::
Priscilla said at 11:47 PM ![]() Do Ann's friend a favor. Fill in this nifty survey. Come on, it won't be too painful.
Priscilla said at 6:59 PM ![]() My alarm clock needs to go away. ::thwap::
Priscilla said at 8:05 AM
Tuesday, June 19, 2001
![]() Go-go-go-fo-tron! I conquer you with Veggie-Might!
Priscilla said at 11:41 PM ![]() Why does Tanja block all comments on her poll? Fie upon you, you evil Swussian Latvian! Come home NOW and get online, you un-hoopy little strag! I miss you. ::pouts::
Priscilla said at 8:37 PM ![]() Top 50 Amusing Search Phrases found in the referrers of various tnm.n pages: (in no particular order)
1. pictures of fruitbats 2. doom song 3. mardigras pics 4. king arthur’s spear 5. albino burmese python 6. bean sprout, lupus 7. Running Weasel 8. Lewis Caroll mimsy 9. veela –linux 10. invader zim fanfics 11. african wedding brooms (personal favourite) 12. Draw Manga Werewolf 13. hippogriff AND medieval 14. fluffy/bits (personal favourite) 15. makeup.jpg 16. plants for hindu goddess 17. chelsea girl haircut 18. goat painting greek picture 19. “monty python” barns 20. witches of wagga wagga 21. invader zim canada 22. ferula picture bone 23. and shall trelawney die? 24. cho chang naked (personal favourite – I’d hate to find out what sites they found!) 25. macaroni and hitler (personal favourite – this would make a great band name) 26. “bud frump” + picture 27. pet resurrection spells 28. greek mythology avenging angels 29. ALL DRAGONBALL X MANGAS 30. “Pringle family” South Africa 31. lymph node swolen children 32. got a date at the yule ball? 33. the boy who turned yellow 34. mob loan sharks 35. INCANTATIONS OF ANIMALS 36. russia prison girl toilet (now I’m really worried…) 37. businessman in bowler hat 38. "hawaiian goodbye" 39. home made sleeping potion 40. austrailan slang 41. www.pinkeye swolen eye.com (personal favourite) 42. malysia guy naked (have I ever actually used the word “Malaysia” in my website?) 43. words to a cornish song called Trelawney 44. names of famous farmhouses 45. european mandrake laws 46. florizel bohemia 47. bank message tube 48. nighe time clothing.com 49. turned into a cow 50. definition absurd mr bean monty Priscilla said at 8:35 PM
Monday, June 18, 2001
![]() VOOOOTE! New polls and such.
Priscilla said at 7:55 PM ![]() My job is evil. I'm working for Mr. Abbo, a fairly groovy teacher, but I found out today that he really likes taking breaks, too. I found myself teaching for roughly two hours, on the topic of software I had never seen before. Of course, it was almost identical to a software I used over 3 years ago, but it's still 3 years. Ye gods. To make matters worse, I'm teaching to a bunch of rowdy kids that keep asking questions that they would have known the answer to had they actually listened. Bah. I thought it might have been a good idea to kill one of them with a mouse cord and hang up the body as an example to the others. I came pretty close. ::collapses into chair::
Priscilla said at 6:25 PM ![]() Has anyone I know submitted to the HP Galleries' book 5 cover contest? I think this is my favourite. XD
Priscilla said at 8:23 AM ![]() ::drools:: I have a new artistic role model. Kelly McLarnon. My goal is to achieve a fraction of her talent and skill. Wow.
Priscilla said at 2:21 AM
Sunday, June 17, 2001
![]() I miss Tanja! ::sniffles::
Priscilla said at 11:32 PM ![]() FULL NAME: Priscilla Nelson Spencer
WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Yes. My great-aunt and my father. Ye-Gods. SCHOOL? Primary: Hockaday Secondary: Hockaday Tertiary: Hockaday... no, probably Vanderbilt. MASCOT? the Killer Daisy. I kid you not. NICKNAMES? Priscellie, Ellie, Pip, Pris. SIBLINGS: One. Older. 18. Melissa. LAST MOVIE YOU SAW: Tomb Raider. But it sucked, so it doesn't count. Instead, I'll say Moulin Rouge. And I want to see it again! Now! FAVORITE SUBJECT: "a study of Harry Potter etymology and an examination of HP fanfiction and fanart, with emphasis on the worship of Priscilla Spencer's art and the encouragement of others to vote for her sub." Too bad it doesn't exist. LEAST FAVORITE SUBJECT: French. Bwahahaha! BOYFRIEND/GIRLFRIEND? Neither. Ann said "if you dislike both genders equally, are you bi?" I tend to agree with her. FAVORITE ACTRESS: myself FAVORITE ACTOR: Johnny Depp FAVORITE MOVIE: The Empire Strikes Back, The Shawshank Redemption, Life is Beautiful, and Moulin Rouge (for the moment) FAVORITE TV SHOW: Invader Zim HOW LONG ARE YOU IN THE SHOWER? the whole time FAVORITE VACATION PLACE: my room FAVORITE SCARY MOVIE: The Olsen Twins Strike Back FAVORITE FOOD: Pizza from Kathleen's Art Cafe with procciuto and kalamata olives and just a bit of goat cheese. Or Popolo's greek salad. FAVORITE COLOR: various shades of blue BEST FEELING IN THE WORLD: people giving me positive feedpack on my art BILL CLINTON: no. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT: no. ABORTION: pro-choice SMOKING: evil. annoying. bah. All smokers should be sent to a little cave under the ocean. DO YOU HAVE A JOB? I will tomorrow BELIEVE IN HEAVEN AND HELL? Nah, there just there to frighten the tourists BELIEVE IN ANGELS? Charlie's Angels, sure. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF? I am God. WANT TO GET MARRIED? Not especially WHAT DO YOU DO THAT PISSES OFF YOUR FRIENDS? I haven't quite figured it out yet. I think it has to do with rambling incessantly on the topic of How To Succeed, though. YOUR FAVORITE RESTAURANT? Kathleen's Art Cafe, Kostas, and Sushi on McKinney YOUR FAVORITE HANGOUT: Home. in my chair. in front of my computer. CGing. PEPSI OR COKE? Water BEVERLY HILLS OR DAWSON'S CREEK? neither one could be the lesser of two evils. Pass. CHOCOLATES OR FLOWERS? neither. Gifts like that make me feel akward. I suppose flowers, because I can squish them under plates of glass and make pretty cyanotypes with them. SILVER OR GOLD? Silver WHAT WAS THE LAST PHONE # YOU CALLED? my answering machine. And I'm not about to give that out. EVER BEEN ON A PLANE? ::blinks:: Yeesss..... EVER BEEN OCEAN SWIMMING? Yup EVER GONE SKINNY DIPPING? ::cringes:: Maybe... EVER LET A FRIEND CRY ON YOUR SHOULDER? I would be an awful friend if I hadn't. READ THE BIBLE? yup GONE TO CHURCH? ::shudders:: Yes. CLIMBED A TREE? Whenever possible. GONE ALL NIGHT WITHOUT SLEEP? Unfortunately BEEN TO CAMP? Yup. Every year since... forever. BEEN TO A PRO BASEBALL GAME? Unfortunately yes. Mind-numbingly dull. KISSED A GUY? no KISSED A GIRL? no EATEN SUSHI? yes. Once. It has never happened again. WANTED TO DIE? When subjected to "Titanic" for the 4th time by my lunatic family. MET A CELEBRITY: Renata. Does she count? Nah. Okay, Lisa Loeb (twice), Luke Wilson, John Glen (we had lunch!), and Steven Hawking. HAD AN ONLINE RELATIONSHIP? Really good friends, yes. Lovey-dovey, no. Priscilla said at 11:26 PM ![]() Hmm... all quiet on the Western front.
Lots and lots of random thoughts at the moment. I can't make a coherent blog entry. I guess it's time for "26 Random Topics". A. I got to see Tomb Raider on an IMAX screen. HUGE screen, really close up, and with a sound system that vibrated the chairs. Woah. Too bad the movie sucked. There are far too many Mary Sues in cinema nowadays. And clichées. The whole movie was a clichée. And it had far too much footage of the counterweights. B. Why the bloody hell is fanfiction down again? I want to read my lovely new chapters! ::scorns Author Alert:: C. I've got to get back on digest for HP4GU. One should not have 219 specimines of intelligent Harry Potter related conversation after being gone for just one night. D. I have fans! My Harry/Ginny Kitsunedream collaboration is one of a lucky, golden few chosen for a nifty fanart gallery. Yes, I realize this happens to everyone. Yes, I realize I'm entitled to my own delusions. E. Josh has a weblog. F. I've been getting a lot more reviews/comments for my Mary Sue litmus test on Writers University. Are fans suddenly getting a lot more vocal, or am I just getting a lot more hits? Curious. G. Drat. Mimi wanted me to CG her Zim fanart. Bah. The drawings are nifty, but I'm not nearly as fond of cell-style. Flattish characters are never fun to CG. H. I should be CGing the Cedric/Cho bookmark, not writing weblog entries. I. I should be studying for my two tests in HAM and Government, not CGing. J. HAM stands for "History of Art and Music". K. Evidently, fellow RMLer Bri was on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". And I missed it! ::kicks the concept of eating dinner with her family:: L. I spent the night at Gunstream, home of our wannabe lakehouse. To call it a lakehouse would be a definite stretch. ::wrinkles nose:: Anyway, we got a new hammock. It's so comfortable! The next time we go, I'm sleeping outside. That is, if we bring lots of mosquito netting. M. I took far too much film at Gunstream. Bah. N. I did lots of astral photography! Yay! In 1 minute, 1.5 minutes, 30 minutes, and 1 hour long exposures! Yay! I hope they worked. Otherwise I shall feel very cross. O. I saw a satellite. It might have been the International Space Station. And you didn't. Nah, nah! P. I want to fill out Ann's survey. Bah. I will later. Q. I've said "bah" a lot recently, haven't I? R. R is a boring letter. It should go away. S. Where in the world is that page that had the lovely t-shirt Tanja made for Tanja-in-Latvia? That rocked. I would have posted a link, but it's kind of hard considering that I don't know where it is. T. I want to see Moulin Rouge again. U. Saturday morning was Nancy's graduation brunch. It was very yayfun. I just wish that Nancy would remember every once in a while that Erin is a vegitarian. V. There was this groovy video at Nancy's brunch that had all these baby photos and pictures of her with her family and her sister and some pictures with her friends from when she was younger and pictures of us. It was happy! The Jets all cheered. W. I told you all the WWWB story, didn't I? Oh well. There's this one line in H2$ where Finch says "Double-U, Double-U, Double-U, B. World Wide Wicket Buildings!". Backstage, we all said "Dubba dubba double-u b!" . . . Well *I* was amused. X. I'm doing a current events project on China. Right now, I'm supposed to have 3 or 4 articles. I have 7. Ye-Gods. Y. Because we like you. Z. M-O-U-S-E. Priscilla said at 11:03 PM ![]() Just as a reminder, there are just three days left in the voting for HP Monthly. I'd love to have your vote, if you like my entry. Schnoogles to all that voted for me!
Priscilla said at 5:50 PM ![]() Monica likes my Wormtail CG! ::squeals:: I'm so happy. I got the sketch for the Cho/Cedric bookmark, and I can't wait to start. In fact, I'm rather confused concerning why the heck I'm writing in my blog when I could be CGing... silly me. ::scampers off to start CGing::
Priscilla said at 5:49 PM
Friday, June 15, 2001
![]() Priscilla said at 4:22 PM ![]() The more I look at that picture of Percy I made for Cairnsy, the more I want to run screaming from the room and curl up into a fetal position under a desk. His chin is that disturbing to me. It somehow manages to throw off the balance of the face; then the eyes go haywire, and it all loses its shapeliness. Kind of like a picture with isometric perspective. Like an Escher drawing. ::blinks, scratches head:: Okay, I think I'll go to sleep now... fwah, bloody perfectionistic instincts manifesting themselves upon the sleep-deprived...
Priscilla said at 1:42 AM ![]() It's so cool. All this evening, it was storming. I love storms. At one point, I looked out my window to see such a violent-looking storm that I was distinctly reminded of "A Perfect Storm". I suppose this entry sounds really stupid, but oh well. It's 12:35 AM, and I'm basically doing anything to delay going to sleep. I think I'll just wear my sheep pajamas to class tomorrow. That would be nice...
Priscilla said at 1:39 AM ![]() Amusing Elfwood Comment of the moment:
(referring to: Ginny bookmark) "ok,i like the pic and all,but i own FF7 and i have no Priscilla said at 1:35 AM
Thursday, June 14, 2001
![]() I'm sad. Tanja has gone off to Latvia and she won't be back until the 29th! ::throws a fit:: And Rebecca is going to be in Utah until the 22nd. ::frowls::
Priscilla said at 6:55 PM ![]() Positively Percy reached 5,000 hits! Go worship Cairnsy. (a gift!)
Priscilla said at 6:52 PM
Wednesday, June 13, 2001
![]() How interesting. I've just been checking the search reports for WIAN, and three different people have searched for "Ellie". They won't find her there, I can tell you that! ::smiles as I hear the sound of Ellie Rosenthal kicking and screaming to get out of my closet::
Cairnsy: a *figurative* closet? ::scowls:: Priscilla said at 11:03 PM
Tuesday, June 12, 2001
![]() Woah! How long has it been June? ::changes month on calendar::
Priscilla said at 8:17 AM
Monday, June 11, 2001
![]() Do you have stairs in your house?
The creator of the "All your base are belong to us" video brings us more amusing insanity. Priscilla said at 10:58 PM ![]() Today's Amusing Anecdotes:
Priscilla said at 9:51 PM ![]() ::screams:: I don't know whether to laugh or cry! Actually, in the bookstore, I did both. At the same time. I got a lot of strange looks. XD In "Internet Resources of Interest" in (NAME DELETED)'s book (I finally found a copy), my website is one of just three that is listed! Unfortunately, it's under "Ellie Rosenthal" and lists the long-since-deleted stas.net address. ::wrinkles nose:: Thankfully, he also mentions "Do you know Mundungus Fletcher", a fellow name etymology site, which has a link to WIAN.
Priscilla said at 9:25 PM ![]() ::snickers:: I never would have guessed that Jacques from Sketch of Love was a Harry Potter fan. ::snorts into her orange juice::
Priscilla said at 5:03 PM ![]() Oh. God.
I just got a frighteningly official sounding email from a woman who has been reading the Amazon.com reviews and noticed a review some random person posted (completely without my knowledge), accusing (NAME REMOVED) of plagiarism. Frankly, I'm terrified. I don't want to make any judgement until I've actually read the book, and all the bookstores in my area haven't gotten it yet, but I can't imagine that a published author with (NAME REMOVED)'s body of work could ever consider stooping to plagiarism. The even scarier thing is that this lady must have done serious research. I've checked Google, and WIAN doesn't come up on search engines until about 5 pages of junk. I have to admit, it's a rather clichéed title. The investigator would have had to sift through mountains of baby-namers and "Romeo and Juliet" websites before she finally came upon WIAN. To make matters worse, my website isn't even the only HP etymology site *titled* What's In a Name! Cairnsy's section of "Positively Percy" dedicated to Percy-etymology is called "What's In a Name". A quick google search for "What's In a Name" "Harry Potter" returned scads of others. How did she know which one was mine? I fear that this is really getting serious. ::whimpers:: Help? I'm going to email the investigator and tell her that the review is entirely false and that it should be removed. I don't want this to get out of hand. Priscilla said at 4:32 PM ![]() Hurrah! After class, my dad took me to Lone Star, the local comic book shop. I got Issue #3 of X/1999, which I absolutely love. CLAMP is definitely my favourite group of artists. Such gorgeousness! I also got a new sketchbook. I haven't decided on a name for it yet, but I'll be sure to post it when I come up with one. Does anyone else name their sketchbooks? ::shrugs:: Yay.
Priscilla said at 3:56 PM ![]() At first I was dreading summer school. Now I'm okay with it. Government is impossibly boring, but fortunately, I got a fairly easy area of the country to the Current Events project: China! Ha! And we have to write a letter to a public figure for another assignment. I'm choosing Dave Barry. Anyway, HAM (History of Art and Music) is a fabulous course! Yay! Mr. Long is the coolest teacher in the history of the world. He intentionally tries to get the class off topic. XD
Priscilla said at 3:49 PM ![]() ::giggles:: I get the weirdest comments in my Elfwood gallery. This one comes from a Miss Brittany N. Ford, of ... erm... I dunno. Somewhere in Canada, I think. Anyway, this really amused me. Comments are for the artwork, not on the subject matter. Rather obviously, this was from my Wormtail CG.
I hate that man. From the top of his head to the tips of his toes. He was their friend. They trusted him. He trusted them, or so he said. A fair bit of emotional baggage to harbor for a fictional character, don't you agree? I tend to be a bit worried about people like that. If you're out there, Brittany, remember that they're just books -- albeit fabulous ones -- and it does no good to be consumed with hatred for a figment of a woman's imagination. ::giggles again:: It sure was funny, though... Priscilla said at 7:43 AM
Sunday, June 10, 2001
![]() Oh, no! What happened to Tyro Tinge? ::panics::
Priscilla said at 11:29 PM ![]() I'm rather fond of how WIAN International is shaping up. I worked on the main page this morning. I've been working on the International Links section this evening. Hopefully I'll make some sort of breakthrough with the French edition sometime soon. XD I wish I could email Ménard. Geez, that guy never ceases to amaze me. That would make my life a heck of a lot simpler!
Priscilla said at 11:21 PM ![]() Ugh. A few hours ago, I returned from spending the night in East Texas, where my dad spent his time maintaining the house and I spent my time taking pictures. Upon return, I found that I had about 80 emails. Now, that's not much for me. I belong to an incredibly high-traffic email list called RML (Renata's Miscellaneous List), and last summer, we had times when we could receive 200 emails per day. Of course, today only 32 of them were from RML. 10 of them were your standard, run-of-the-mill emails. 48 of the bloody things were from HP4GU. Ye gods. I don't think I can read 48 intelligent commentaries on Harry Potter... I'd save them for later, but then they'd just pile up and multiply like rabbits. Ick. Does this qualify as a moral dilemma? Nah, I didn't think so.
Priscilla said at 7:10 PM ![]() I can't stop saying good things about your-site.com. It's just so happy and joyful and wonderful and yay! If you ever need a domain or a hosted domain, they're definitely the service to use. Their prices are incredibly low ($5 per month), their service is fast, their package is complete, and they're just all-around nifty. Hurrah!
Priscilla said at 3:59 PM
Saturday, June 09, 2001
![]() And why is Blogger taking forever to publish?
Priscilla said at 3:09 AM ![]() It's 2AM. Why am I still awake?
Priscilla said at 3:07 AM ![]() There's something about the Moulin Rouge soundrack that strongly reminds me of Aida.
Priscilla said at 2:58 AM ![]() HAHAHA! Gaze upon my hideous, awful sketches! Alas, I cannot draw, and in my sleep-deprived state I find that absolutely hilarious. Percy, I love Photoshop!
To begin: Wormtail sketch, Wormtail CG. It's amazing what you can do to a complete piece of rubbish in Photoshop, isn't it? (have you voted for me yet? If not, what are you waiting for? XD I'll love you forever...) Muse sketch, Muse CG. I seem to have lost my feet somewhere in the process. The real explanation is that I was bored out of my mind and I just wanted to upload the stupid thing and be done with it. Tanja's 17th Birthday card. I'm so ashamed. I wish I could have done something better. ::winkes nose:: A point of interest: what exactly is Lockhart grinning at, anyway? He has a pimpin' hat. And Percy seems awfully mesmerized by all that shiny pink hair... This amuses me far too much. I think this comes from drawing too many Fluffy Boy pictures for Nancy. Fluffy Boy is our pet name for Goku, the Brainless Wonder, on Dragonball Z, because his hair looks like a giant artichoke. Cho Chang. I think she just got a bad stomach cramp. The Incredibly Clichéed Boggart Picture: Sketch, erm... line art for an eventual CG. Neville was so cute in the original. There was something about his that just cried out "Disney!" I've decided that Neville is saying "Golly gee whillickers, uncle Lupin! Mr. Snape makes an awful good drag queen!" Random bird guy sketch, Junk CG. I post too much. I think that hair is going to attack me in my sleep. I did that entire CG in about 20 minutes. Imaginary King-sized candy bars to whomever can tell me why this guy is looking at the bird's feet, because I sure don't know. ::cough::. Lily has huge 80's hair. And Harry looks like a piece of fire wood. His royal Percyness! Sketch. CG. He has evelglasses. My first cell-style CG; my second cell-style CG. Yeah. The first was actually one of Kell's drawings to begin with, but I was at school and I couldn't draw anything in time. That's just my miserable, flimsy excuse. Oh well. Owl post. I lost the original sketch. ::wrinkles nose:: I'm beginning to question whether I got any votes at all. Ah, and my awful image manipulations! This is what happens when I use my lunch break to check the WOFS boards and I get an idea. And naturally, I have to use the awful school computers, without my beloved Wacom tablet. Dollar face, back. Aaaaand... NOR! I forgot what the backstory was for Nor, but whatever it was, it was pretty funny. If you really want to, you can see the evolution of NOR: 1, 2, 3. ::snicker::. I'm far too amused by this than I should be. Okay, come to think of it, maybe I *am* that bony... I'm the one with the scary Marge-Simpson-without-hairspray mask. (not really a manipulation. Yeah.) Ok, I have no idea why I decided to upload all the junk cluttering up my computer ((aww, that's just a fraction of it!)). I feel strangely satisfied, though... ::drifts into a state of contemplative meditation:: To all that actually took the time to fully experience this weblog entry: Get a job, you young hoodlum! Priscilla said at 2:31 AM
Friday, June 08, 2001
![]() I recently joined an online art collaboration group with Ann Larrimer, Tanja, Rebecca, and Sannali (Morwen). We're calling it "Four and a Half Muses", even though there are five of us. Anyway, we decided to draw individual pictures of ourselves in muse-garb. Here is mine.
I'm really not that bony. I couldn't get the skin to look right. Fwah. I love how the underskirt came out, though! The folds on that took me about an hour and a half alone. I must have spent 4 hours on the dress. Yowch. And my eyes really do look like that. They have a dark grey circle around the outside, with a light blue/gray midsection, then a yellow sunburst in the centre. They're the freakiest eyes I've ever seen. And my hair is really that long. Waist-length, baby. I'm holding my Wacom tablet, if you're curious. Anyway, the larger version looks better. ::wrinkles nose:: Go here. And check out Ann's while you're at it. Priscilla said at 4:31 PM ![]() Go check out the lovely sketchbook pictures in Ann's blog. They rock.
Priscilla said at 4:27 PM ![]() Ye-Gods. Haven't these people heard of constructive criticism? I posted my first real colored pencil drawing (the "Chamber of Secrets" one) a few months ago, and I was so proud of it. I'm awful at traditional media, and this was the first I'd ever done that didn't suck. And now I get this comment in my Elfwood gallery: "well i think that harry looks like robin hood, and where the hell did he get those clothes from?! and what happened to rons robes? why? why does fawks look like a featherless chicken with a red smudge around him/her?! but apart from that, it looks prety cool" Bugger off, Becky! I explained at the start that back when I drew this, I imagined the Hogwarts students wearing Medieval garb, and I take great amusement now mocking Harry's lovely tights. YES, I'm aware he looks like Robin Hood. YES, I'm aware that Ginny looks like a contortionist. YES, I'm aware that you can't tell which direction the stones are going in respect to the walls versus the floor. If she really wanted to nitpick, why wouldn't she have mentioned that Fawkes looks like he's dive-bombing Harry or that Gryffindor's sword is severely bent? Git. ::adds Becky to list of annoying people::
Priscilla said at 12:03 PM
Thursday, June 07, 2001
![]() Stolen from Ann's weblog, yet again. Yes, I have no shame.
I see... the inside of my eyelids I need... more sleep I find... that today is Thursday I have... ennui I wish... I could draw I love... Tanja I fear... Parrots and elevator doors I feel... dizzy I hear... lawn mowers I smell... nothing. I have almost no sense of smell I search... for the Holy Grail I wonder... if anyone cares about my quotes archive When was the last time you... Smiled? Last night, talking to my dad Laughed? Last night, reading Small Gods Cried? I got a little misty at Moulin Rouge. Does that count? Bought something? I can't remember Danced? Last night. Were sarcastic? Last night Kissed someone? not in ages Talked to an ex? Never had one Watched your favorite movie? months ago Had a nightmare? dunno. Some time fairly recently, though. A last time for everything... Last book you read: Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett Last movie you saw in the movie theater: Moulin Rouge (with Shrek just a day before) Last song you heard: Nature Boy (the last song on the Moulin Rouge CD) Last thing you had to drink: water Last time you showered: last night Last thing you ate: saltine crackers Did/do you... Smoke? never! Icky nastiness. ::shudders:: Have sex? nope Sleep with stuffed animals? of course! Live in the moment? erm... I suppose Oversleep? often. Have a dream that keeps coming back? Nope Play an instrument? badly Believe there is life on other planets? Of course! Remember your first love? Yup. I was 9, he was 8. He looked almost exactly like Macullay Culkin... Still love him/her? I haven't seen him in 7 years... Read the newspaper? just the comics and the Dave Barry collumn Have any gay or lesbian friends? of course! My heart goes out to 99.9% of the RMLers, Tanja, and anyone else who hasn't stepped out of the closet! Believe in miracles? I passed. That's a miracle. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever? Sure. Consider yourself tolerant of others? no one younger than 12. Consider love a mistake? ::blinks:: Like the taste of alcohol? no. nasty stuff! Have a favorite candy? Airheads, Warheads, and grape Jolly Ranchers. Believe in astrology? sort of Believe in magic? I dislike McDonalds, if that's what you're suggesting. Believe in God? Yes Pray? only at test times Go to church? no, but I go to youth group. Have any secrets? heck, yeah! Have any pets? just a lot of stuffed animals Do well in school? average Go to or plan to go to college? yup. I'm thinking Vanderbilt. Have a major? not yet Talk to strangers who instant message you? no. Wear hats? Frequently Have any piercings? I used to have ears (woah! out of context!) Have any tattoos? No. Hate yourself? no Have an obsession? oodles. Collect anything? rubbish. Have a best friend? yup. Wish on stars? no. Like your handwriting? yup. my mom hates it, which makes me like it even more! Have any bad habits? what, like never cleaning my room? Care about looks? sort of Believe in witches? I know some Believe in Satan? Nope. Just a fairy tale to frighten the kiddies Believe in ghosts? yes. My house is full of them. Believe in Santa? no Believe in the Easter Bunny? no Believe in the Tooth Fairy? no Have a second family? yup! and they're all on the internet! Trust others easily? yeah. Like noise? no Take walks in the rain? it depends on my mood Kiss with your eyes closed? I wouldn't know Sing in the shower? ::blushes deeply:: maybe... Own handcuffs? no Priscilla said at 1:10 PM ![]() Woo! Check out the latest HP teaser poster! We have a nice, happy, big version here, but it has a glare from the camera flash. There's a smaller, more evil version here, sans glare.
Priscilla said at 11:03 AM ![]() I updated the Quotes Archive. Go bask in its glory and tell me how cool I am.
Priscilla said at 2:16 AM
Wednesday, June 06, 2001
![]() Vote in the new poll. Tanja won the last one. Government officials are sweeping down on her where she stands.
Priscilla said at 9:32 PM ![]() Webpage-to-be-Smitten of the Week: this one. It's a huge "gallery" of other people's art, entirely gathered without permission. No credit anywhere. Whatsoever. This is what it says on the front page: "Thanks for everyone who sent me messages - Everyone who wants to take pictures from this site for their sites, take everything you want, you don't have to ask me, er, the internet is a free 'place' isn't it? ... All of the pictures here are copied from other sites! Yes, yes, I have no shame...:-)"
What a jerk! She stole art from countless HP fanartists including Mena, Starling, Dark Cyradis, BJ, Tanja, Lizeth, Kell, Tealin, and Lar de Souza. And those are just the ones whose artistic style I recognize! Ugh, I hate people like that. Priscilla said at 2:02 PM ![]() I hate car alarms.
Priscilla said at 12:11 PM ![]() Okay, so I lied. The quotes archive wasn't updated. My mom nagged me more than I expected. It'll probably be finished today/tomorrow (it's 2:30 and I haven't gone to sleep yet).
Priscilla said at 3:35 AM
Tuesday, June 05, 2001
![]() ::wipes away tears of laughter:: And I thought The Fic That Must Not Be Named was the most hilarious Mary Sue parody fic! I've been proved wrong. Go read The Magical Mystika Tour. Now.
Priscilla said at 11:14 AM ![]() After about 7 months of empty promises, I think I'll finally update the quotes archive tomorrow. Booyeah! I spent the whole day (well, a large portion of the day) formatting huge lists of quotes and such. Yarg.
Priscilla said at 12:48 AM
Monday, June 04, 2001
![]() I changed the archive frequency to "Monthly". Now you won't have to search for minutes to find those oh-so-amusing anecdotes you've grown to love.
Priscilla said at 11:32 PM ![]() I got the Moulin Rouge CD! God, I love the "Roxanne" medley.
Priscilla said at 9:52 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2001
![]() ::gasp:: Kell has new looks for Super Freak Out and Monkeysticks! They're so cool that I feel justified in whacking myself upside the head with the Jealousy Stick.
Priscilla said at 8:19 PM ![]() I stole this from Tanja, who stole it from Ann. That's the democratic way.
1. Who was the last person you yelled at?: my friends in general 2. Who was the last person you kissed?: Erin, as a joke. Just a little air-kiss, though. 3. What was the last memorable book you read?: The Color of Magic by Terry Pratchett 4. When did you last dance?: yesterday 5. What's the last thing you want to hear from your parents?: We're grounding from your computer until you're 30. 6. When did you last go for a walk in the park?: Last winter, in New York 7. When did you last do you ironing?: about 4 years ago 8. When was the last time you smiled all day?: I don't think that's ever happened. I do a lot of nose wrinkling at times. 9. What color of socks do you normally wear?: white 10. Did you ever attend a private school?: Yes. All my life. 11. Do you like stuffed animals?: I love big plushie animals. I don't like stuffed-and-mounted animals. 12. Have you ever smashed pumpkins?: no 13. Do you read labels when shopping for food?: of course! How else do you know what you're buying! That ordinary can could be peas! Or corn! Or diet Pepsi! Who knows until you read the label? 14. Can you quote Shakespeare?: Actually, I was reciting parts of Romeo and Juliet the other day. 15. Do you like playing baseball?: No 16. Are you a neat freak?: No 17. What is the worst injury you have ever given someone?: Mental wounds from my scathing wit 18. Do you ever eat lemons plain?: no 19. Have you ever fired a gun?: yes. at camp. in riflery class. 20. Do you own any knee-high boots?: Yup! And if we had done the Pirate Dance, I would have gotten to wear them in H2$! 21. Are you attached to extreme people?: ::blinks:: I don't quite understand the question. 22. Do you like swimming in lakes?: I hate swimming 23. Have you ever streaked at a football game or any other public event?: At the beach, when I was 4 years old. 24. What is you favorite gemstone?: amethyst 25. Have you gone on many blind dates?: Sort of. Does "parents forcing you to go to Winter Formal with a guy you've never met" count? 26. Has someone done something extra nice for you?: Many a time 27. Did you have a crush on any of your teachers?: No 28. Have you ever been lost in a bad part of a city?: No 29. Would you rather have a mint or fruit flavored gum?: Fruit! Grape or strawberry, to be precise. 30. Do you have road rage?: No. I have road paranoia. 31. Have you ever eaten grass?: Accidentally during a soccer game... 32. Do you ever eat food right out of cans or jars?: Regularly 33. Has your mind ever gone blank?: Blank? 34. Have you ever met anyone interesting at the laundry mat?: No. 35. Do you have recurring dreams?: No. 36. Are you kind?: I'm one of a kind! 37. Would you give a needy person the shirt off your back?: Probably. 38. Do you have any beanie babies?: One. It was a gift. 39. Would you rather be hot or cold?: Cold 40. Is the glass half full, or empty?: Completely full 41. Do you exercise or work regularly?: No. 42. Could you kill if your life was threatened?: Probably not. Well, maybe an animal. but I'd need heavy therapy afterwards. Priscilla said at 3:40 PM ![]() ::squeals:: I know it doesn't seem like anything significant, but I was referred to with a -san suffix this morning for the first time ever! I feel as though that was symbolic of my induction into the anime art community. ::sigh:: Pris-san. Priscilla-san. There's something beautiful in that. "There is wonderful music in the very sound of your name!" Cyradis, you just made my day.
Priscilla said at 12:22 PM
Saturday, June 02, 2001
![]() Heeeey, Kell posted the subs for "The Dark Arts" in HP Monthly. A lot of the submissions are REALLY good! Why, if I wan't already so biased towards my own sub, I'd have a bugger of a time trying to decide what to vote for! Well, if you like my sub, I'd feel incredibly honored if you'd vote for me. I'm about 2/3 of the way down the list. May you choose well!
Priscilla said at 5:19 PM ![]() So exciting! The audience will stop and cheer
So delighting! It will run for fifty years! Priscilla said at 12:10 PM ![]() What shall I do with my free time this summer? Christina has a nice suggestion:
Hey! All the time in the world? Chain yourself to the computer, I want WIAN up and in seventeen languages! This challenge shall be met! By the end of this summer, "What's In a Name" will be available in five language editions. I can take care of the French section (plus, I have the series en francais), and I've gotten volunteers for several other languages. I'd like to take this time to say "Thank god for HP Galleries! They have short lists of the names of characters/etc. in oodles of different languages. If you have a basic understanding of any of these languages, I want your help! Priscilla said at 12:05 PM
Friday, June 01, 2001
![]() RAAAAR! Where be the Napster clones! I want the songs from Moulin Rouge! Now! Curse you, modem!
Priscilla said at 9:51 PM ![]() I just saw the most fabulous movie... I thought it was going to be awful, and for about the first 30 minutes I thought it was awful, but I absolutely loved this movie by the end. Moulin Rouge. God, that movie rocks! There's no explaining it. It's just brilliant. It like... it's like seeing RENT. It's like seeing a new Rent. That movie was just beyond fabulous.
Priscilla said at 9:32 PM ![]() ::laughs:: Ann is my hero. She just gave me the link to Pornolize, which (like the crazy drug talk generator) converts your normal text into pornspeak. Reading my pornolized blog made me laugh so hard I cried. Go check it out for yourself! Sorry, I won't supply any quotes, for the benefit of any young children that happen to read my blog. Yeah...
Priscilla said at 5:18 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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