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Tuesday, September 30, 2003
![]() Woe, my Barnes & Noble hasn't gotten their shipment of Monstrous Regiment in yet, so I'm now doing lots of homework in advance so that I can read it guilt-free when in arrives in the next few days. Whee! Of course, they did have the Entertainment Weekly issue featuring His Neilness, which is, as promised by the magazine title, quite entertaining. Yay Neil.
Health Update: I'm now feeling fine, except for the persistent cough. The coughing up of blood was apparently restricted to (and arguably a result of) Math class this morning. So yay. Maybe I'll rewatch the new Lord of the Rings trailer and pretend that footatge of Legolas fighting and flailing and being poncy is actually Orlando Bloom giving me chicken soup. Or better yet, Billy Boyd. Priscilla said at 9:57 PM ![]() ::goggles:: I just ran into my friend Rachel (no, not that Rachel. Or those two. A Rachel I knew from summer camp four years ago), who told me that her best friend is friends with Seth Greene (he used to babysit her), and one day when she was sick, Seth brought her chicken soup and Orlando Bloom. Dude, I wouldn't mind being sick if that was my Get Well package!
Priscilla said at 6:20 PM ![]() I stand corrected. I do not have Rachel's cold. I have Rachel's cold's nasty mafiosa hitman older brother, who has kicked me in the head and left me to die in a gutter.
Am coughing up blood again. Time to kiss singing goodbye for another few weeks. Good thing I didn't make the fall musical. Wah, life hates me. Priscilla said at 10:50 AM ![]() ::squeals:: Monstrous Regiment comes out today! Well, in the US, at least. It's been out a week already in the UK. Of course, I'm not complaining. There's a year between release dates for Jasper Fforde!
Crossdressers and zombies and diplomats, oh my! Priscilla said at 9:24 AM
Monday, September 29, 2003
![]() Ugh. Just failed my calculus midterm, along with the entire rest of the class. I don't think a single person even finished the exam. Gah, I just hope I failed better than the others in the class. Curves, ya know.
Priscilla said at 2:06 PM
Sunday, September 28, 2003
![]() The main downside to loving groups that do song parodies is the propensity towards getting to know the parody better than the original. While sitting in the common area, listening to Shu Kee explaining an obscure calculus concept over pizza, I heard the strains of a familiar song in the background. I walked down the hall to find the source, ready to squeal "Ally McBeal! Who's the Da Vinci's Notebook fan?" I squealed inside when I saw that it was Shu Kee and Dan's room -- was Shu Kee a DVN fan as well? Joy of all joys! We could go to the concert together and all would be merry! Then I heard the lyrics, and I found that no, it wasn't "Ally McBeal." Apparently, that was a parody. So he's not a DVN fan. Alas and woe. Thwarted! I must pay more careful attention in the future.
Priscilla said at 11:01 PM ![]() ::gasp:: Apparently, there's a Ben & Jerry's right down the street from my comics shop. Coincidence? I think not! Fate? Booyeah.
Priscilla said at 6:09 PM ![]() ::dies laughing:: Oh, Neil... I'm so sorry. ::snickers::
Priscilla said at 2:22 PM ![]() Do NOT attempt to eat or drink anything while watching this animation.
Bother, bother, bother, bother... Priscilla said at 2:15 PM ![]() Whee! The first chapter of "Monstrous Regiment" is online! Thank you, New York Times!
Two more days... ::squeals:: Priscilla said at 12:01 PM ![]() I'm catching Rachel's cold. I will BEAT her with a coffee mug.
Priscilla said at 2:17 AM
Saturday, September 27, 2003
![]() Tonight, Carmen, Tricia, Vadim, Jeremy, Jeff, and I went out for Japanese food. We all obsessively traded cell phone numbers, and I introduced them all to green tea ice cream (they loved it). We came to the conclusion that Vadim is unfit to ever talk to another woman, ever, when he pinched Tricia's cheek and said appreciatively "You have pudgy cheeks." Tricia, Carmen, and I proceeded to lecture him about the error of his ways and the intricacies of the female mind, and how his words translate in womanese to "You are fat." Good times. It's always so much fun when girls get the opportunity to gang up on clueless, helpless males! ::cackle::
Priscilla said at 9:41 PM ![]() Elfwood comment of the day: "very good art there Ms.Spencer..I love your drawings:)"
When did I stop being "Priscilla"? Who on earth calls people by their last name in this context? Wow, I'm amused. "Dude! 'Mr. Turtle' is my father." Priscilla said at 9:36 PM
Friday, September 26, 2003
![]() Today flirted with disaster. I printed my math homework out before Java class, and Jing and I checked answers. We found that we had both made some mistakes, so I returned to the lab during lunch to fix the errors and reprint it. Ten minutes before the assignments had to be in, I trudged up the four flights of stairs in the math building and delivered the pages to the TA's box. I then went to the math classroom and worked on pirate!Kurt while waiting for class to start. About a minute before class started, I suddenly got a flash of paranoia. I looked through my bag, and found that my paranoid suspicions were correct. I had turned in the wrong version of my homework. I raced back up the four flights and ran all the way to the TA hall on the other side of the building. I dug through the TA's very full box and found my homework, replacing it just as the other TA moved to lock the door. That would have been more than slightly disasterous. So yay, the gods smile upon me today. Phew.
Priscilla said at 5:34 PM ![]() Ganked from Renata and bamfchickie
1. Name your ten favorite fictional characters of all time and what book, movie, or tv show they came from. (no particular order) The Lone Gumen (yes, they're one entity now), The X-Files Percy Weasley, Harry Potter Kurt Wagner, X-Men Angua, Discworld Jack Skellington, The Nightmare Before Christmas Zaphod Beeblebrox, HHGTG Delirium, Sandman Mark, RENT Iago, Othello Bridget Jones (and as a bonus: Figwit, movieverse!FotR) 2. Name five fictional characters that you would like to have an affair with and/or marry, plus the source. You may disregard any pre-existing attachments for these characters. (in order) Movieverse!Kurt Wagner, X-Men (I love you despite your lack of fuzz!) Movieverse!Pippin, Lord of the Rings (his accent... GAHIWANTHISBABIES) Captain Jack Sparrow, Pirates of the Caribbean Remus Lupin, Harry Potter Sam Vimes, Discworld 3. Name five books/literary works that you would like to live in. Harry Potter the Discworld Series The Eyre Affair (et all) Lord of the Rings The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy 4. What classic/critically acclaimed work(s) of literature do you fully appreciate the artistic merits of but hate nonetheless? The Mill on the Floss. Or rather, everything we read in my "Civility and Propriety" class last year. 5. Name five books that you would recommend I read. Good Omens by Pterry and His Neilness Neverwhere and/or American Gods, by Neil Gaiman The Molesworth books, by Geoffrey Willans (and Ronald Searle) The Discworld series, Terry Pratchett Ender's Game, Orson Scott Card Priscilla said at 10:52 AM ![]() 2:47 AM and Math is DONE. Can I get a woot woot?
If you say the words "Art History Reading" to me, I will laugh at you. Priscilla said at 2:43 AM ![]() ::stares:: I just spent another solid hour on math, only to realize that I was doing the wrong section. Am I going to get ANY sleep tonight?
(to minimize confusion: It was just that one hour that I was doing the wrong problems. The other 5 1/2 hours I've spend on Math this evening were the correct problems. Of course, that does not stop me from wanting to crawl into a hole and die.) Priscilla said at 1:02 AM
Thursday, September 25, 2003
![]() Boys: You can instantly win any girl's heart with the simple gift of orange juice in times of stress. Thank you, Jeremy!
My acid reflux is going to hate me, but for now, I'm a happy girl. That is, until I make myself get back to work on calculus and my art history reading. Then I won't be happy. But I'll still have my orange juice, so it's ok. Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() Just spent FIVE SOLID HOURS on my math homework and I'm only about 2/3 done.
I hate Calculus. (And Ray never called me. She'd better have a good reason.) Priscilla said at 11:05 PM ![]() Hee. Waiting for Ray (Rachel, one of the DMDers) to contact me re: when our calculus study group is meeting, I passed the time working on my pirate!Kurt drawing. While
And just so you know, every time you decide not to comment in someone's journal, it's equivalent to commenting in 36-pt. font "NO LOVE." Woe betide my forsaken and barren comment fields. ::sniff:: Priscilla said at 5:08 PM ![]() Mmmmmmmm, Thursday. On all other days, my classes start at 9 (or 9:30 on Tues), but on Thursday, they start at noon. This morning, my alarm went off as usual at 8:00, so I turned it off and pampered myself with an extra hour of sleep. Ah, luxury.
Priscilla said at 9:03 AM
Wednesday, September 24, 2003
![]() Let it be known that all those who attempt to draw movie!Kurt shirtless and make no attempt at his chest tattoos/scars are TOTAL WUSSES.
Bring it on. Priscilla said at 11:12 PM ![]() It just occurred to me. If I am a Good Boo and only allow myself one story per day, "Endless Nights" will overlap with "Monstrous Regiment," which comes out on the 30th. A new Discworld book and a new Sandman graphic novel read at the same time? The horrors! I don't think the human body was built to withstand such squeeworthyness!
I shall permit myself two per day, and they shall go back-to-back. Priscilla said at 9:03 PM ![]() Whee! Finally, "Endless Nights" is in my posession. I've decided to savor it and only allow myself to read one story per day so that it lasts a week. Yay self control!
Priscilla said at 8:33 PM ![]() Because so many people can't view the "permanentlyetched" link and because it's absolutley not to be missed by anyone who has ever heard of Harry Potter, I've copied and pasted the entry. No toe-stepping intended; property of the lovely Dee Dee.
Okay, soHee. Priscilla said at 12:06 AM
Tuesday, September 23, 2003
![]() Heeeeeeeey! With my excitement over pirate!Kurt on Sept. 19th, I completely forgot about my original pirate AU horrors! Dredged from the Sketch Archives of Doom, Pirate!Morpheus, Death, and Matthew. I really ought to do the rest of the Endless someday... Maybe I'll get inspired when I pick "Endless Nights" up at Barnes and Noble -- their shipment arrives tomorrow (squee!).
Right now I'm weeding through the "Sketch/Junk" category on the tnm.n art page. A lot of it I'm scared to look at, so it's going away. But a lot of it I really like, and it gives me confidence that I don't stink. So yay, that stays. Priscilla said at 11:55 PM ![]() Jack Sparrow is too sexy for this movie. Muchas gracias to hermione_like for pointing it out! *snickets madly*
Priscilla said at 9:08 AM
Monday, September 22, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 8:29 PM ![]() YIIOOOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!! Finished Mom's Friend's Website! Who da man? I da man! Yay, no more guilt! ::squeals with joy::
Priscilla said at 7:28 PM ![]() Whoever said flattery will get you nowhere was stupid and wrong. Less-than-threes to all my friends out there! Click!
Priscilla said at 12:14 PM ![]() I really love using the phrase "In accordance with the nature of causality." It makes me happy.
Yes, I really have nothing more interesting to say right now. XD Priscilla said at 12:07 PM
Sunday, September 21, 2003
![]() Rrrrrrr. It's always so frustrating when people try to do you a favor and be nice, but end up inadvertently making things more difficult. Early last week, when my dad saw my blog entry complaining about how the closest comics store didn't have "Endless Nights" yet, he ordered a copy for me off Amazon. Now that is sweet and thoughtful and cute and loffy. Last week, I had plenty of opportunities to go to the other comics store, and I was a bit annoyed that I was going to have to wait, but I thought of my dad's sweet gesture and I didn't let it bother me. This afternoon, when I called my mom to wish her a happy birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MOM!), I asked my dad about the status of the book, as I was surprised it hadn't arrived yet. Dad called back later and told me the website said it wasn't going to ship until October 8th, so he went out and got a copy at Borders, and he's going to ship it to me tomorrow morning.
Now if that isn't selfless generosity and sweetness, I don't know what is. I just wish that he had remembered that shipping takes several days, plus the amount of time it takes for a package to go through the Penn mail system. And shipping of hardbacks is expensive. And I have a Barnes & Noble TWO BLOCKS FROM MY DORM. Arrrrgh. Now it'll be over another week before I get to read it, and I will have wasted my dad's time, and I will have wasted however much it costs to ship the hardback to Philly. ARG. And I feel so horrible that I'm so annoyed about it, because he's making such a thoughful gesture. And I hate to be such a comment ho, but I was slightly disappointed that none of my closest friends commented on pirate Kurt. I don't ask for much -- I rarely ever post art. Gah. I'm experiencing that "feeling unloved, yet knowing that I obviously am loved and that if those unwittingly not giving me love realized how I felt, they would give me much love and all would be okay, but I don't want to say anything because it would seem wrong." So I'm saying it anyway so I don't start brooding. I guess it stems from my realization that Shu Kee might not reciprocate my budding interest in him. When I met him, I thought he liked me, because he seemed so interested in me and my art and the DMD program and my extracurricular pursuits, but today, I noticed something. He behaves this way with everyone. He reminds me of how Angua describes Carrot in Jingo. "Have you ever really watched him? I bet he'd found out everything about Jabbar by the time he'd talked to him for ten minutes. I bet he knows the name of every camel. And he'll remember it all. People don't take that much interest in other people, usually. So he makes you feel important. (...) I expect Lord Vetinari remembers facts about people-- (...) --but Carrot takes an interest. He doesn't even think about it. He makes space in his head for people. He takes an interest, and so people think they're interesting. They feel... better when he's around.He's such a sweet guy, and he's funny, and he's thoughtful, and he likes StrongBad Email, and he's kinda cute, and gah. I am officially a teenage girl. How will I know if he thinks I'm special when he obviously puts so much of himself in so many others? Arg. Priscilla said at 11:13 PM
Saturday, September 20, 2003
![]() Whee! Marcelina and I managed to find Allison, and all was merry. I had dinner with a bunch of her friends, who look like a great crowd. Less-than-threes all around!
Highlight: Allison: So who do you want for your birthday? Marcelina: Did you just say "who"? Allison: Yep! I gave one of my friends Johnny Depp in honor of "Talk Like a Pirate Day," and last night I gave my friend Sam Sandra Bullock for his birthday. [she goes on a bit] Me: [sudden facepalm and laughter] Allison: What's so funny? Me: My mental thought processes just went "Hey, I have a friend named Sam who likes Sandra Bullock! And it's his birthday, too!" ::has no brain:: So yayfun. Allison met Holly, who she says looks like a really great girl, so I'm hoping to get to meet her, too, the next time I come up to Bryn Mawr. Hurrah! Priscilla said at 8:09 PM ![]() Yay! Am at Bryn Mawr, enjoying the presence of mein Schlienen and typing upon her computer. Allison -- call me on my cell phone at [insert cell phone number here] if you see this. I tried to arrive in time for your rugby game, but the trains were running late, and I arrived at 3:15 instead of 2. Wah. Marcelina and I are off to try to find you, now. Hope to see you soon!
Priscilla said at 3:56 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 3:26 AM
Friday, September 19, 2003
![]() The frat house next door is having a massive 80's party tonight. From the open window of my dorm room come the strains of an entire party of people singing along with "Bohemian Rhapsody." I love this college.
Priscilla said at 8:33 PM ![]() Ahoy, me hearties! Batten down the hatches and hoist the mainsail! The anchor's a-trip and the helm's a-lee! Off we sail to plunder and pillage to our hearts' content, and mayhap catch a young cabin boy's eye. The sea is ours and the wind blows in our favor! (Ten gold dubloons to the wench who spots the Mikado reference!)
Blimey, who I be kiddin'? Me skills in pirate speak are black-spotted as Billy Bones. "Talk Like a Pirate Day" be turnin' into a right disaster when I've no time to look up phrases in ordinary conversation. Arrr! Now, off to SIGGARRRAPH. Priscilla said at 2:54 PM ![]() R.
Priscilla said at 12:08 AM
Thursday, September 18, 2003
![]() Whee! Currently searching through my wardrobe, looking for appropriate attire for Talk Like A Pirate Day. Yarr! And if anyone else decides to dress up, I DEMAND PICTURES!
Priscilla said at 11:01 PM ![]() Upenn? Meet Isabel. Isabel, meet Upenn. Pleased to meetcha. *umbrella turns inside out*
Priscilla said at 4:09 PM ![]() For the first time in my life, I'm torn between voting for Lieberman or Rumsfeld.
So which political figure do you think looks the most like Skeletor? Priscilla said at 11:16 AM ![]() ...and from the squad that brought you the Bush/Blair love duet: Even more insanity!
Priscilla said at 10:32 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 8:35 AM ![]() T-BARR REMAINS FOREVER MY HTML SAVIOR.
I spend five consecutive hours trying to figure out a glitch in the code, redoing images and setups left and right, then he comes online and finds and fixes the problem in ten minutes. Zounds. *hero worships* Priscilla said at 12:13 AM
Wednesday, September 17, 2003
![]() Hate tables. Hate web design. Hate internet. Now packing baggage to run away and become Amish and/or Luddite. *looks for a loom to smash*
Priscilla said at 10:40 PM ![]() Public service announcement: Dear gravy, VSP2 is going to blow VSP1 out of the water. The line art Mon has shown me is absolutely STUNNING. I can't wait to start CGing! *is giddy*
I mean... wow, these blueprints for the second 50-foot-tall LeatherPants!Draco statue are looking fine and dandy! I can't wait to start stealing the copper wiring out of houses and melting down the lead! Priscilla said at 7:07 PM ![]() Dude! Just saw the long-lost older brother of Carrot Ironfoundersson in the Hill dining hall. He had to have been something like 7 1/2 feet. I'm 5'9", and when I walked by him to get a judgement on proportion, the top of my head didn't even reach his armpit. Good gravy. I should have asked him for his name, then tracked him down in three years when I stage "Men at Arms." Zounds.
Priscilla said at 6:34 PM ![]() *GLEE*
VIMES IS IN "MONSTROUS REGIMENT"!!!!! AND IT COMES OUT IN THE US ON SEPT. 30TH!!!! I thought it was going to be November! *Glee, glee, glee* Vimes and William de Worde and vampires and Igors and werewolves, oh my! *explodes in a tiny ball of happy* Priscilla said at 2:50 PM ![]() Wah. Convenient Local Comic Book Store is incompetent and has not yet ordered "Sandman: Endless Nights." But I shall be Patient and Loyal and wait until they receive their shipment, rather than skipping off to the Other, Less Convenient, Yet Well-Stocked Comic Book Store That Requires Use of Public Transit.
I suppose this is a downside of growing up in Dallas -- you get so used to having a car. Priscilla said at 2:04 PM ![]() ::cackles:: Campus legend has it that any Freshman that walks over the compass on Locust Walk (the main campus artery) will fail his or her first midterm, unless he or she sleeps with someone under The Button (a massive Claes Oldenburg sculpture in front of Van Pelt Library). Like a good boo, I have studiously avoided any contact with said compass. However, my friend Jing had walked over the compass several times before she heard the legend, so she figured she was doomed anyway and now takes no heed of the ominous forbodings of upperclassmen. While walking to lunch together after Java, we walked through the compass square -- I ritually skirting its perimeter and Jing carelessly walking over its edge. I chided Jing for her lack of respect for campus legend and warned her not to toy with the anger of the Vengeful Undead Spirit of Benjamin Franklin. She laughed. However, I fear that this may come back to haunt her. She managed to get through the line faster than I (I got a smoothie in addition to my Chick-Fil-A), and held a table for us. And while she sat waiting, someone accidentally stepped on a ketchup packet and spattered one of Jing's pantlegs with tomatoey doom -- the pantleg of the foot that stepped on the compass. She never saw who did it. When she told me what had happened, I instantly knew that the Vengeful Undead Spirit of Benjamin Franklin was behind it. I warned her: next time, it will be blood!
The moral: Don't mess with campus legend. It's not worth the risk. Priscilla said at 12:54 PM ![]() EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Priscilla said at 10:17 AM ![]() W00t! "Sandman: Endless Nights" goes on sale today! I must contact my New Local Comics Shop and see if they've gotten it in yet. Hurrah!
Priscilla said at 8:28 AM
Tuesday, September 16, 2003
![]() I can't think of a better way to celebrate "Talk Like A Pirate Day" than by watching a pirated copy of "Pirates of the Caribbean."
September 19th. Don't forget! Priscilla said at 11:19 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 11:10 PM ![]() Whee! Tonight, we had the first storyboard meeting for "Dusty," our computer animated short film for SIGGRAPH. I was pleased to see that the members were a whopping 1/4 female, and even more pleased to be again in the presence of kindred spirits. When I walked in the door, the first thing I heard was a group of guys quoting the "Dangeresque" short from Strong Bad Email, and throughout the meeting, we kept making references to Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and X-Men, among other nerdly delights. At one point, when I compared a shot to Gandalf's battle with the Baelrog, one of the guys jokingly suggested "And then we just stop animating and cut to Lord of the Rings." I was also delighted by the amount of contribution I was able to make. I found that I'm good at synthesizing ideas and paring down to the essentials -- a skill I probably picked up while massacring the plot of "Men at Arms."
So yay, this was definitely the high-point of the day. The SIGGRAPH crowd is crazy fun. I'm now overjoyed that I didn't make Penn Singers and the Counterparts, because it means I can fully immerse myself in the storyboarding process, then animation and music and such. Whee! Other anecdotes of note: Drawing class. We spent two hours doing a bunch of drawings of vegetables that had been strewn about on a table, and after an hour and a half, I was going nuts. I amused myself by coming up with bad puns to describe these feelings. I confided to Jing: "If I have to draw any more Legume of Doom, I'm going to commit vegicide." See? This is what happens when I'm away from my pun-crazed dad and uncle. I have to overcompensate for the lack of pun-age. Priscilla said at 10:22 PM ![]() Wow! More American WWII propoganda than even Tanja would know what to do with!
(And some of the stuff in the other folders is hilarious.) Priscilla said at 12:07 AM ![]() There are no words.
And if you think you can find some words, you are wrong. If you see one geriatric Elvis impersonator vs. ancient cursed Egyptian mummy film this year... Priscilla said at 12:01 AM
Monday, September 15, 2003
![]() ::codes away on Evil Website of Doom for Mum's Friend::
Wah, tables hate me. Priscilla said at 8:27 PM ![]() Which Of The Greek Gods Are You?
![]() ::snorks madly:: Wah, ever since seeing Mask and Wig's (an all-male comedy troupe) "The Gaytrix," I will never be able to hear the name Morpheus without laughing out loud. I'd provide quotes, but it might not be approprate for my readership (i.e., my mom). Priscilla said at 2:46 PM ![]() On my way to math class...
Backpack: Yay! Am intact! Go me! Mysterious Force of Evil: Diffindo! Backpack: Woe, I am undone! Me: Wah. I managed to tie some random straps together and return it to a state of intact-ness, but I think I'm going to be in the market for a new bag in the next few days. Bah. It was so pretty, too. Priscilla said at 2:38 PM ![]() Huzzah! Three different friends have complimented my Nightcrawler pants in just over an hour. Am attractive and stylish, go me!
Sooo good or nooo good? Soooooooooo good! Priscilla said at 12:21 PM ![]() Woot! Have achieved both literacy and hygiene in one easy trip! ::flourishes coursepack and replenishments of deoderant, shampoo, and toothpaste, which were running low:: Also, I have discovered a comic book store on 40th street, a little over half a mile away from my dorm. Yayfun! The comic book store just opened this summer, so everything is still getting settled, but I talked to the manager, and he's ordering a copy of Sandman: Endless Nights for me. Hurrah! It was so amusing. When he saw me, for a split second, he had one of those "Wow! A girl in a comics shop!" looks that amuse me so, but then all was nifty and he didn't look unsettled or wary like the employees of Lone Star Comics back in Dallas. Yay!
Now, class. Cave, Molesworth! Cave! Priscilla said at 11:03 AM ![]() Some were curious about said artbunnies. Clues within.
Pris: Wah, Kurt looks like Bat Boy. Pris: Wah, Kurt looks like a combination of Bat Boy and Frank N Furter. Renata: oops, sorry.. stepped out for juice and forgot to put up an away message Pris: no worries Renata: 1. i have a feeling he doesn't look anywhere near as bad as you think! and 2. that sounds really cute ^_^ Pris: it's scary, that's what it is. Renata: meh Pris: *is pleased, because her Cyclops is looking delightfully like Evo!Scott* Renata: yay! Pris: *unfortunately, this is only in the costume sketch idea page, and will not appear in the final. wah.* Renata: *sulk* Pris: *flips back to BatBoy/Frank!Kurt, screams, and turns back to Scott* Pris: *goes to the keen nifty POTC screencap website to find costume inspiration refs* Renata: i feel that kurt should have a puffy shirt Renata: which rhymes. Pris: which makes the puffy shirt all the more necessary Renata: yup. Pris: because puffy shirt = hold me back Pris: of course, it's also quite fun to translate the silly Marvel costumes into piratey garb, which is why I liked the red vest Mad gave Kurt. It was remniscent of the red triangle thing on Kurt's uniform. *wonders if Mad was aware of this* Renata: teehee Pris: kinda like what I think 1602 should have done. Pris: that would have kicked major heiney Pris: have you gotten the 2nd issue yet? Renata: no. *frowl* Pris: I think there's something you'll really, really, really be pleased about Renata: eexcellent. Pris: hmm... how to play with Logan's absolutely hideous and hilarious uniform... Pris: I mean... who the hell expects to be taken seriously as a prod-buttock fighter while wearing YELLOW? Pris: "Because I like the smell of daisies, BUB" Renata: you have to be supertough to pull it off. Renata: and he does. kinda. Pris: I bet he gets in half of his fights because of people making fun of him Renata: i read this article about costuming for the movies Renata: and originally they were going to try to stick with comic costumes Pris: hee Pris: *imagines Hugh Jackman in yellow spandex and dies laughing* Renata: but one of the big problems was logan- i believe the designer said something like 'we couldn't figure out a way to not make him look like a tropical fish" Pris: *snorks* Pris: I can imagine Logan trying to come up with a name for himself. "Hmm... Kickbutt Sunflower? Badass Tropical Fish? Irate Teletubby? Oh, I know! Wolverine!" Pris: *is glad they came up with new costumes for the movie* Renata: *vastly amused* Pris: I think that UPenn's mascot should be changed from the "Fighting Quakers" to the "Ugly Fish". Because the dolphin (the fish, not the mammal) is on our crest, and it's really ugly. So we could strike fear into the hearts of the enemy with our Ugly Fish! Renata: our crest is leaves Pris: What's your mascot? Renata: it's weird. i think it's supposed to be corn Renata: the pioneers Pris: *dies* Pris: For a second, I thought you were saying your mascot was corn. And that would just be sad. Renata: but we don't really.. like.. our teams aren't really called the pioneers Renata: hey, you were the daisies Pris: Yeah, but.... corn! Renata: daisies! Pris: Yeah, but daisies are so pathetic and girly that it works. Corn is just... corn. Renata: we here in the heartlands take corn very seriously, priscilla! Pris: I'm sorry, I apologize. I didn't mean to offend. *bows meekly* Renata: that's better. *stops pouring ethanol around your dorm; hides matches* Pris: Of course, corn is another yellow thing. Maybe Logan really likes corn, and so he eats it a lot, really messily, and he kept getting corn all over his clothes. So he gave himself a yellow uniform so that people couldn't tell he spilled corn all over it. Renata: teehee Pris: And, you know, if he ever felt like wearing a crown of daisies in his hair, he would color-coordinate. Renata: it's true Renata: or sunflowers Pris: yeah. but sunflowers are big. they make shoddy decor. Renata: not the mini ones Pris: true I shall say nothing more. But I shall further observe that nothing brightens a dreary day faster than Nightcrawler pants. *dances about* Priscilla said at 8:59 AM
Saturday, September 13, 2003
![]() ::is mauled by artbunnies::
Oh dear. Priscilla said at 5:36 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 4:49 PM ![]() *shakes head* Wow. Sometimes my ridiculousness amazes even myself. I decided not to subscribe to 1602 because of shipping costs and the annoyance of getting it a few days late. I neglected to factor in that getting it myself requires blocking out the 45 minutes necessary to make the trip to the nearest, most convenient comics store, $4 for public transportation (there and back), the necessity to know when the issue is coming out, and the risk of the store being sold out. I am T00b to the max.
Priscilla said at 4:20 PM
Friday, September 12, 2003
![]() Currently drowning my sorrows in Cooler Ranch Doritos and a bunch of downloaded episodes of "X-Men Evolution." Am very, very amused. Why does Kurt sound Jamacian?
Priscilla said at 11:33 PM ![]() Didn't make the Penn Singers. Bugger. Oh well, more time for SIGGRAPH.
Priscilla said at 10:48 PM ![]() What?! The second issue of 1602 is out? Why wasn't I informed of this? You all officially fail as friends.
Priscilla said at 9:38 PM ![]() Wah, could 10:30 to 11:30 come any slower? I want to know if I made the Penn Singers! Rrrrr.
Priscilla said at 9:17 PM ![]() Hurrah, just enjoyed a rousing game of Ping Pong with Carmen and Tricia. I observed that Carmen's name is easy to remember because she is well-travelled and wears a lot of red. We're not sure if she's joking or not, but she clams to be the equivalent of nobility in her tribe (in Nigeria). Because of this, we occasionally jokingly call her "Princess." I like to greet her in the morning with "Buonjiorno, Principesa!"
Me [Grand Moff Tarkin voice]: Well played, Princess, but even a divine mandate will not save you if you lose the ball. When Tricia joined in, we spent quite a bit of time chasing the ball. We ruminated over a hybrid sport between ping pong and soccer. I suggested "Sing Song." Never mind. See? This is why I should use LiveJournal. I wouldn't post pointless stuff like this, because it would spam others' Friends pages. XD Priscilla said at 7:50 PM ![]() And now, another riveting episode of The Madcap Adventures of Priscilla Spencer. This week's installment: Das Boot(leg)
I finally caved on my anti-KaZaA morals in the name of scholarship and Mathematics -- Maple is $150, and all older and wiser students say it's not worth buying. However, while online, I decided to see if I could also find a bootleg of X2. Here is what I ended up downloading, all of which labeled variants of "X-Men 2 Movie Marvel Bryan Singer etc etc etc": 1. Porn 2. Spider-Man 3. X2, but only the second half 4. The movie trailer, dubbed in French 5. Spider-Man again 6. The first Harry Potter movie ::sighs and waits for the next attempts to finish downloading:: Life is so hard. But esoteric, bilingual puns make it worth living. Edit: W00t! Got the first half! The sound is a bit echoey and it has Chinese subtitles, but hey, it's all good. I wonder if an Engrish version exists... Further Edit: *melts into a puddle of drool* November 25th? I certainly know what I want for my birthday... Priscilla said at 6:28 PM
Thursday, September 11, 2003
![]() From the Ancient Files of Priscilla N. Spencer: Alternative "Dido and Aeneas" Translations!
Purcell: Ah! Ah! Ah! Belinda, I am prest with torment. English: I’m feeling depressed. Teenager: God, I need coffee. Pirate: Arr, me wench. I’ve a scurvy pain in me pegleg. PseudoGerman: Ach, Belinden. I’men tormentenpressen. Valleygirl: Ooh! Like, Belinda! Like, I am, like, seriously needing some, like, Tylenol or something. Nadsat: Belinda, my droogie, I’ve a horrorshow pain in me gulliver. *snickets* Why didn't I continue this? Priscilla said at 8:27 PM ![]() I find out about the results of the Penn Singers auditions tomorrow night. I did the best I could ("Til There Was You" from The Music Man -- I think I did commendably), and one of the auditioners knows and likes me, but again, lots of girls and not a lot of spots. In the meantime, *crosses fingers*
Oh, and this makes me happy: ♥ Priscilla said at 7:42 PM ![]() ::snorks madly:: and I thought Gay Bar was funny!
Priscilla said at 6:50 PM ![]() I think I would train to become an enlightened Tibetan monk just to gain the ability to give people mental wedgies.
Priscilla said at 12:18 AM
Wednesday, September 10, 2003
![]() Through my analysis of urbanism, in which the production of space and visuality become part of the ardent power discourse of Florentine public life, I am ultimately led to conclusions about the spatiovisual politics of the piazza to which, as I am keenly aware, some readers might apply the term "radical."This man actually takes himself seriously. I am so insanely amused. Dominion of the Eye: Urbanism, Art, and Power in Early Modern Florence is now officially the funniest book I've ever read. I'm laughing out loud reading this more than I do reading Discworld books. I'm so sorry that readers find your conclusions about the piazza's spatiovisual politics so radical, Mr. Trachtenberg. We're here to support you! Wow, I can't believe I have to read 90 pages of this stuff. I love how I really don't care about this subject at all. XD Priscilla said at 8:22 PM ![]() Eep! Apparently there are some who know not of SIGGRAPH's splendor. Because I find the niftiness of SIGGRAPH impossible to put into words, I resorted to Googlism to find the words I wanted to say.
SIGGRAPH is a (or rather, the) special interest group for computer graphics. It's an international organisation dedicated to the generation and dissemination of information on computer graphics and interactive techniques. It's the largest conference in the world for computer graphics and the quality is regarded as exceptionally high. Reps from ILM, Pixar, WETA, and more all flock to the annual conference, and the attendees revel in the coolness like a kid in a candy store. Does that give a fair idea? Priscilla said at 2:29 PM ![]() Just got an email saying that I didn't make Counterparts, and I found that I really wasn't disappointed at all. In fact, I was almost relieved. It reminds me of Junior year, when I tried out for The Pajama Game and didn't make callbacks. Because of all the crazy stuff I was involved with at the time, I was overjoyed. (Of course, it turned out that Mr. Blaydes just accidentally left me off the list because I auditioned at a weird time because of "Ten Little Indians" and I ended up getting a principal role, but the comparison is still sound.)
What can you expect when they're only taking five-some students out of over a hundred? Plus, I just got back from lunch with Jing and Max, two DMDers, and we spent the entire time gushing about SIGGRAPH. It's rather refreshing to know that I'm not going to have seven thousand conflicting interests! And speaking of conflicting interests... Moni, how are you coming with that TVSP line art? *grins* Priscilla said at 12:51 PM ![]() We had our first SIGGRAPH meeting last night. Squee, so many opportunities for crazy fun! And you're only as involved as you want to be, so if I end up with a massive extracurricular schedule, I'll still be able to participate somewhat. This weekend, they're giving Maya lessons, and a RenderMan tutorial is soon to come. They're training up a bunch of animators to work on a short film, which will be submitted to the big kahuna SIGGRAPH conference this summer.
Wow. Though I'd love to do a capella or theatre, if I don't get in, I won't be disappointed. Gravy, I love this place. It's so wonderful to finally* be surrounded in real life by people that share my great and t00by love for computer graphics. * Why do split infinitives always sound so much better than the properly-structured alternatives? Bah. Priscilla said at 10:51 AM
Monday, September 08, 2003
![]() This has to be one of the best Strongbads ever. I cannot breathe, I'm laughing so hard. Muchas gracias to Renata for bringing it to my attention. *hearts*
Priscilla said at 11:06 PM ![]() Gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!! The audition went super-well! I really felt that they liked me -- they found my audition sheet really amusing, and I didn't even say anything that funny. :) I sang scales, then a verse and chorus of "Hey Jupiter" for them, then they asked me to sing a bit of "Killing Me Softly," as if sizing me up for an empty spot in their group. I only knew a few words, but the few words were good, and they understood completely that I just didn't know the song. "I'll learn it for you, though!" I gushed. So yayfun! The girls who went before me were all fabulous, though, so I won't be incredibly disappointed if I don't get in. There's always next year, and I still have the Penn Singers (light opera) and the Dining Philosophers (computer science) to think about. And maybe SIGGRAPH. Whatever I have time for.
Crazy fun! Yay! Priscilla said at 6:05 PM ![]() W00t! I am pumped for a capella auditions! (Theatre auditions are Thurs & Fri). "Hey Jupiter" sounds lovely, and "Cabaret" is very strong, except on the two notes where I risk cracking. Cross thy fingers for me, my lovelies.
Priscilla said at 2:25 PM ![]() Talked to mum, and now feeling a lot better. She really put my priorities in order. :D
"Try out for both, and if it gets to be too much for you, drop the Art History course." I *heart* you, mum. Priscilla said at 10:53 AM ![]() The more I think about it, the more I worry about trying out for an a capella group. It's something I've always wanted to do, and I know I'd have so much fun, but because it's such a huge time commitment (especially if the homework load is anything like what it's been this week), I think that this year I'd be better off only trying out for one extracurricular, and between theatre and a capella, there's no comparison.
Or is there? I doubt if I'm going to get a large role in "The Most Happy Fella" as I am a lowly Freshman, whereas I'm on equal footing for a capella. And to be honest, a lot of the time in theatre, those with more prominent roles have more fun. I realize that I sound like a complete Prima Donna here, but it's really worth thinking about. Gah, I'm having a great time in college, but sometimes I feel I'd do anything to be a big fish in a small pond again. When I think about how I'm probably never going to have another Aldonza-caliber role, it makes me want to cry. Okay, I'm talented, but there are dozens if not hundreds if not thousands of girls at this school more talented and more qualified than I. But you don't even need that many, really. There area already some twenty or thirty people in the Penn Singers (the theatre group), and that's all you need to kick me out of the chorus line. But then should I just give up on theatre and audition for what I know in my heart I'd think of as second-best? Part of me says "Are you nuts? No way! I need theatre like I need oxygen!", but the more cynical and unfortunately more down-to-earth voice tells me I'd have a better chance for success with a capella, seeing as how there are around a dozen groups to try out for, and there's only two or three theatre groups that take women. I'm trying to think about the audtions for How to Succeed, where I didn't even want to try out because Taylor Cornell had informed me of how many girls were auditioning. I thought I didn't stand a chance, but I ended up with quite a juicy role and had one of the best theatrical experiences of my life. It was during that show that I realized how much I needed theatre in my life. I was miserable my Freshman and Sophomore years because I had no theatre. My life felt stagnant and uninspiring. But then Mrs. Felice and Jesuit theatre entered my world and turned my life around. And what now? A girl cannot live on fandoms alone. Mrs. Felice and my Jesuit theatre friends tell me that they miss me, but they have no idea how much I miss them. I don't want to be a Freshman again. I don't want to be one of a thousand identical, voiceless, faceless blobs. I don't want to go to my stupid History of Art class now, I want my life back. God, I want to go home. Priscilla said at 8:37 AM
Sunday, September 07, 2003
![]() I *heart* Photoshop's "batch processing" feature. I want to batch process its babies.
Priscilla said at 5:10 PM ![]() Tomorrow is a capella auditions. Wibble?
Leaning towards Tori's "Hey Jupiter," as it's mostly traditional-style singing you'd expect in an a capella song, but also has bits where I can show off my head voice. Hurrah. Priscilla said at 11:00 AM
Saturday, September 06, 2003
![]() Dude! Little Show of Horrors is back on Broadway! Huzzah and w00t!
Priscilla said at 11:40 PM ![]() ::squeals ear-piercingly::
I just won 4th place in a category of the Texas State Fair Photography Competition! Gleeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! Priscilla said at 10:12 PM ![]() Went on a day trip with my hallmates to the Farmer's Market, the King of Prussia (a huge mall with occasional outlets), and a bowling alley. I was tempted by the extended edition FotR DVD, but like Aragorn I rose above its siren call and resisted the urge to aquire the precious for myself. However, I did find (and purchase) PERFECT Nightcrawler pants! Go me! The colors are slightly different, but they're close enough, and the pants look fabulous on me. W00t! And they were less than $15, so yay. I also found a "Nightmare Before Christmas" shirt at a random store! My geekchic rating has skyrocketed.
Also, I remain 1337 bowling champion of the world. In the second game, I was 50 points ahead of the girl in 2nd place, and almost double the scores of the other two. Beware the groove! Priscilla said at 8:22 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 1:22 AM ![]() inkblotproductions: I think all desire for a dog of my own has been at least temporarily burned out of my brain.
spockmonkey4: they're so cute, but so time consuming. Like a fandom. inkblotproductions: DAMN, I missed half of Whose Line XP inkblotproductions: (and I almost typed that "Whose Loin" O_o) spockmonkey4: That would be REALLY interesting inkblotproductions: And quite probably unairable. Priscilla said at 12:25 AM
Friday, September 05, 2003
![]() Spent nearly an hour singing in the Music Practice Room today. Conclusion: Can't sing "Cabaret" worth a tinker's darn. Ohdear.
Priscilla said at 5:57 PM
Thursday, September 04, 2003
![]() The new LJ layout fills me with intense, soul-wrenching fear. I think I'll go hide in a corner now, clinging to the Dystopia layout like a child's teddy bear. That annoying sidebar was like an old friend...
Priscilla said at 11:36 PM ![]() ![]() Dude! Someone overheard my giggled conversation in a Philadelphia restaurant and ran off to make a button out of it. Man, Sirius the Many-Colored was mine! *is amused* Priscilla said at 11:28 PM ![]() What I want to know is how the heck you're supposed to write anything less than a page. I'm now single-spaced with a tiny font and I haven't even scratched the iceberg.
Edit: And I just realized that this paper is due Wednesday. Huzzah! Off to go be festive and eat bonbons. Priscilla said at 11:06 PM ![]() I talk seriously about Jasper Fforde books in my Songwriting paper. Man, I'm going to love this class.
Priscilla said at 10:50 PM ![]() I've come to an interesting revelation. French is a tremendous amount of fun when you're not forced to do it. I'm helping Rachel with her memorization and homework and such and I'm generally having a blast. Yayfrench! And yay that I'm not having to memorize the gargantuan vocab list she's memorizing!
Priscilla said at 8:50 PM ![]() Hmm. Now leaning back towards "The Most Happy Fella." Bah, this is going to be another of those "Twelfth Night vs. The Little Prince" things, where I eventually decide by picking a random track on my CD player and going to a certain audition based on whether it's odd or even, isn't it?
Edit: Read a plot summary of "The Most Happy Fella," and my mind has done a 180. Definitely sticking with this. It's much more interesting and fun than I thought it was originally. And the music is by the guy that did "How to Succeed" and "Guys and Dolls," what's not to like? And it's more operatic and suited to my voice, rather than "Zombie Prom"'s high belt. Of course, there's not a lot of likelihood that I'll get the role I want (Cleo), but I just have to keep reminding myself "big fish, small pond, little fish, big pond" and I'll be okay. The Penn Singers know I'm really excited about trying out for their troupe, so that's a nod in my favor, and even if I don't get a role, at least they'll know I'm committed and still consider me for "The Gondoliers" in the Spring. So yay! Priscilla said at 8:10 PM ![]() I'm sorry, but I just really really really was amused by that picture a few entries down. Let's see that again. "I have to read what by when??!?"
Priscilla said at 5:12 PM ![]() I am having WAY too much fun with my scan/copy/printer. I *heaaaaaart* it. Because I've grown less fond of carrying around a 9x12" sketchbook in favor of my 4x6" Book, I asked my Drawing teacher if I could use the smaller book instead. She said it was fine, and that the main reason she advocated the 9x12 was so we could keep track of handouts. So I'm using the copier to shrink the handouts down to 4x6 and putting them in the Book, and all is fab. Glee! Of course, whenever I'm going out to sketch, I'll have my 9x12, as you can't put much in a 4x6 page when you're doing serious sketching. It's just the ideal size to have around at all occasions. So huzzah for the Book!
Priscilla said at 5:10 PM ![]() Who just finished reading her Art History book? Priscilla just finished reading her Art History book! Booyeah! ::grooves about the room::
Priscilla said at 4:31 PM ![]() ::laughs:: Another theatre group, the Penn Players, are putting on "Zombie Prom" this fall, which looks like it's halfway between "Grease" and "Bat Boy." It's either that or the Penn Singer's production of "The Most Happy Fella." You can imagine which show I'd choose. :D And as an added bonus, my dad will be in Philly on performance night! My birthday! Keen!
Priscilla said at 11:18 AM ![]() Construction crews directly outside my window will be there until mid-to-late October. Reversing backhoes make a noise absolutely identical in tone and loudness to my alarm clock. Noise begins at 7AM, yet Penn had a deal with the company that all loud noise was not to begin until 9. And did I mention that on Thursdays, my first class is at noon? Rachel and I are ready to commit violent mass homicide. DEATHMAIMBITESTABKILL.
In other news, I'm half-finished with my Art History reading. Go me! Zzzzzzzzzzzzz. Priscilla said at 8:58 AM
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
Apparently I have to read this entire 183-page Art History text by FRIDAY. As in less than a day and a half from now. And the "optional supplementary reading" is a further 52 pages in the Massive Text of Doom. I officially take back everything nice I said about my Art History teacher, as he is clearly ABSOLUTELY BLOODY INSANE and WILL KILL US ALL IN OUR SLEEP. It's midnight, ladies and gentlemen. Do you know where your sanity is? (And mind you, I also have a paper to write for Songwriting and a fair share of Java. Wah. If you ever get the urge to apply to Penn, don't.) Priscilla said at 11:58 PM ![]() My Ozy and Millie title is:
Prime Imaginary Toothpick Hyper-Collander Octopoid Gewgaw Priscilla Spencer (the Thirteenth) To get your Ozy and Millie title, enter your name here: Priscilla said at 9:03 PM ![]() Aww, baby's first day of college classes! Everything went absolutely swimmingly, I must say. My art history teacher would make a smashing Percy Weasley if only his hair was red, I got to know some of my fellow DMD students (met my fifth Sam), I saw a girl reading "Good Omens" in my Freshman Seminar, and my Songwriting class has me surrounded by fellow composers. W00t! Now if only I could climb out from under the towering pile of homework that has been assigned I'll be smooth sailing. Hurrah!
Quote of the Day: "Computers are like really boring friends." --my computer science teacher Priscilla said at 8:53 PM ![]() Wah. People with 800x600 resolution (and smaller) are evil and should be punished severely for their crimes. Especially when my web designs have to work on their computers and I design at 1400x1050. Raaaaaaaar! *hiss*
Priscilla said at 7:49 PM ![]() Wow. I have almost 3 days of music on my computer.
Bring it on. Priscilla said at 7:46 PM ![]() I know I'm guilty of using the phrase, too, but I'm intrigued and amused by the notion of electing someone God.
Huzzah. Priscilla said at 7:22 PM ![]() The most fearsome, dreaded force known to humankind pledges its unconditional support for one man.
LIEK, OMG!!!!!!!!!!1 ![]() ![]() Priscilla said at 6:02 PM ![]() Okay, I need help, suggestions, and/or advice. I've been putting so much effort into polishing a showtune audition piece for a theatre production that I didn't even think about a capella. Any suggestions for non-showtune songs (preferably only a couple minutes long -- stay on the short side)? A bit of experimentation last night revealed that Tori Amos sounds good on my voice, and the Penny Loafers and Off the Beat have done a bit of Tori in the past. Indigo Girls are good... wah. Why didn't I think to prepare for this more in advance? I have four days! *panics*
And wow, I've just come to realize how little work I've done for Men at Arms in the past year. I tried out for Dark of the Moon, the Jesuit fall play, with "Whatever Happened to Honor," as it was the only piece I'd finished and what I had of "Another City" absolutely sucked, and I'm still practically at this exact point a year later. Although "Another City" admittedly sucks a great deal less than it did at the beginning of my senior year, it's still rubbish, and although I've written quite a fair share of "It's Going to be You" and "I've Given You My Heart," they've still got a ways to go. Okay, but I've done quite a bit of orchestration for "Another City" and the reprise, and "Fair Warning" is entirely new and I've got a couple verses for it, I've got a potential reprise for "Whatever Happened to Honor" pretty much done, and I don't think "Angua" existed this time last year. And I'm fairly sure I've actually accomplished a bit on the ever-evolving "My Kind of Town." "Powers of Two" hasn't changed since summer a year ago, nor has "Too Much to Lose" (though the reprise has changed a bit in my head). Okay, so I have accomplished more than I initially thought, but hey, it's been a year. Someday I'm going to set a deadline for when I'm going to record one or two songs on my computer (for myself and you guys, if you want to hear it). It might not be the final version, but it'll force me to accomplish stuff -- lyrics in particular. It'll be the musical equivalent of NaNoWriMo, except not insane. Priscilla said at 8:39 AM
Tuesday, September 02, 2003
![]() Because my previous pictures somehow gave the impression that our room is large, I felt compelled to post this. Our room is not large. Our room is tiny.
To answer questions posed in comment fields: Matt: The toga party was a school-sponsored event and part of Orientation. It was held in a museum! There was no consumption of alcohol and no fraternities or sororities involved. Britt: No, sadly you cannot move in. There's barely room for two beds in here. Allison: Good point. From now on, all Allisons, Rebeccas, and Britts must identify which one they are. Renata: No comic book store? *points and makes Nelson ha-ha laugh* And today I found a magazine store that carries a couple comics just around the corner! I'm going to see if I can special order 1602. :D Priscilla said at 4:31 PM ![]() Things one does not do every day:
Running through pouring rain in slippery platform shoes that are with every stride rubbing skin from your instep, wearing only a sheet. Okay, so I had a bra and shorts on underneath, of course, and it was all secured with safety pins. Gotta love toga parties. I'm just glad I left when it was raining lightly and the heavy rain only started up about two blocks from the dorm. And the guy I walked back with to the dorm was a gentleman and took off his toga (he was fully clothed underneath, pervs) and let me use the sheet to keep my head dry. Of course, both it and I were soaking by the time we got to the dorm, but still, it was a very nice gesture, especially from someone I'd never met before. Yay college. Priscilla said at 12:09 AM
Monday, September 01, 2003
![]() Priscilla said at 8:40 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 6:10 PM ![]() Alicey wanted pics of my dorm, and I was all too happy to oblige. Here we go:
My Desk: see Jimmy, my lovely artbooks and schoolbooks and WIAN references and such, my beloved fan, my Moulin Rouge poster I haven't put up with (covering my beloved scan/copy/printer), my vintage Penn penant, my chair, my LOTR poster, etc. My Bed: My "Discworld Family Values" poster (AWESOME, I *heart* it), then posters for H2$, Ten Little Indians, DotM, and MoLM. I still need to put up all the pictures I brought from home of my friends and art I've gotten from you guys. Rachel, mah roomie! The weird "Effects of G-Forces" poster could not be further from the kind of image I would expect on her wall. Rachel's Desk, also featuring the fridge and stereo. Priscilla said at 1:13 PM ![]() TVSP Part II has launched! Sail on, fair project! *plots evilly with Alicey, Mon, and Mags*
Priscilla said at 12:51 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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