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Wednesday, March 31, 2004
![]() All hail President Gaiman!
Priscilla said at 3:32 PM ![]() *laughs* Happy April Fools Day to New Zealand! And to all countries as the Time Zones click into place! Unfortunately, that huge "Mwahahaha!" thing I promised totally slipped through the cracks when Mon got her new job (still, congrats^100000!), and I didn't have enough time to draw anything myself. So you can share in the gigglefest, here's what we had planned:
Potter of the Caribbean Harry: Will Ron: Norrington Hermione: Elizabeth Fanon!Draco: Captain Jack Sparrow (blonde, hahahaha!) Hedwig: Jack the Monkey (or maybe Mr. Cotton's parrot) Luna: Anamaria Dean: Barbossa Zacharias: Ragetti (the pirate with the wooden eye) So check out Fiction Alley and enjoy everyone else's submissions! All images from past years are there if you reload enough times, so you can still get some Moni/Pris dorkery with our Chicago parody from last year and LotR from the year before! (Good lord, we've improved! *points and laughs at old images*) EDIT: And aauuugh! They also have the old FA covers Mags, Mon, and I did! Bwaha, SemiClassic!Starling! *mocks Ginny's hair* Priscilla said at 10:36 AM
Tuesday, March 30, 2004
![]() And the last two, WAY too rushed: Destiny and Delirium.
I just got back from printing the big poster of doom, which is a much bigger scale than I imagined. It's huuuuuuuge! Wah! Oh well, it's tres luvverly, so it's all good. And I spent enough getting this printed, so I'm not about to reprint it. And look at how ahead of the deadline I am! Will I be in the lab at 2AM finalizing and printing and panicking because we've run out of ink/paper/caffiene? No! At 6:40 PM, I am a new woman! Priscilla said at 6:42 PM
Monday, March 29, 2004
![]() So the rumored title for Star Wars Episode Three is "The Creeping Fear." Not "The Rise of the Empire" or something even remotely approaching the realm of quasi-coolness. Gah, you'd think I'd be used to the sheer painful badness of the prequel trilogy by now. Or you'd think Lucas would have gotten a clue.
Priscilla said at 11:30 PM ![]() Math exam in 30 minutes.
It may be that we go to our doom. The last march of the Priscilla said at 7:00 PM
Sunday, March 28, 2004
Priscilla said at 10:18 PM ![]() And the next two in the Sandman-inspired project thing! Death and Desire.
Priscilla said at 9:19 PM ![]() MAA question: Do you think the average theatregoer knows what an APB is? Or at least, in context of the phrase "put out an APB"?
Priscilla said at 1:34 AM
Saturday, March 27, 2004
![]() Whee! Purse! I probably should have considered the difficulties of painting details on corderoy beforehand, but I'm quite pleased with the result, so I'm glad I went ahead with it! Before and After!
I want to do an emblem of Rohan on the other side in brass... that would rock. Currently looking through my LotR art books for something fitting. In the meantime, I'm going to spend a few days with just the Gondorian white tree to see if adding anything else would be too much. Though it would be quite cool! Instead of deciding each morning to show the world my huge Penn button or my "snarky and political" button side, I could pick between the men of the North or the South. XD Also, I'm probably going to have to take off the sequins and just paint in the stars, because they definitely look like they're going to fall off. They're too small to form a decend bond with the grain of the corderoy. Priscilla said at 11:12 PM ![]() Whee, shopping! I went to South Street, a big artsy area with lots of crazy fun thrift shops and such, and I got the fabric paint and sequins for my Gondor shirt. And my purse is going to be so cool there are no words. And I mailed Renata and Rebecca's packages! Expect them in 3-5 days, my darlings. Whee, off to work! <crafty>...
Priscilla said at 4:27 PM ![]() I have no idea who subscribed me to the AWN Animation Flash newsletter, but whoever did, thank you. Quite awesome! (Well, this week's isn't particularly awesome, but past weeks have been.) An excellent way to stay on top of what's going on in the animation industry! *reads on* </plug>
Priscilla said at 12:04 PM ![]() I dreamed that Heidi spontaneously decided one day to hold a second Nimbus that day three hours from my house. I talked to Alicey online, and she said she couldn't go because she had homework, so I got in the car with my parents and drove for about 30 minutes before I realized I'd forgotten my sketchbook and my clothes. I phoned Heidi, who had already arrived and was setting up things with Simon and Flourish. In a rather telling blast of subconscious insecurities, I asked her if it was even worth the time for me to go to the convention, as I wouldn't be bringing Alicey and Maggie with me, the people everyone actually wanted to meet. She said that I was being silly and that they wanted to see what I had so far for my FA April Fools pic, which I have close to nothing on so far, as Moni had to cancel on me due to getting her new job (W00t!!!) and I haven't had any time over the past week to draw anything on my own. I drew a bit over dinner last night, but I don't think I'll be able to finish anything in time for the deadline tomorrow. Oh well.
To my surprise, my mom actually drove back so that I could collect everything. As I got home, suddenly music filled my head, a fully-formed new song for Men at Arms that was actually a word-for-word chunk of text from Good Omens. As I packed my bag, I threw in my tape recorder so that I would remember it. I then started on my clothes. My mom encouraged me to bring clothes that made me look good, while I for some reason wanted to disguise myself as a boy. My dad found my pair of jeans with a hole in the knee (that I use for painting and stuff) and chided me for being sloppy and not telling them that I needed new jeans (which I don't). And then I woke up. Priscilla said at 12:02 PM ![]() PIPPIN WEARS A FEZ! LIKE PERCY AND QUDIAR'S WEIRD LEMUR THING, KYTE! IT IS A SIGN!
And I am so vastly entertained how both movie versions feature Eowyn and Faramir smiling at each other with no indication whatsoever of any relationship for Those Who Haven't Read The Book (Or Don't Have A Bunch Of Crazed Faramir/Eowyn Shippers For Friends). Especially because, um, Faramir isn't in the movie. Anyway, the way-too-amusing minstrel guy got me thinking about the whole "Nine Fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom" ballad thing. How uncool is that? How much would it suck to be immortalized in story and song at the most base, shameful moment in one's life? You might as well name it "Frodo Who Caved At The Last Minute And Had To Have His Finger Gnawed Off To Stop Him Destroying Middle Earth, The Wuss." It's like calling someone Bobby Who Accidentally Wet His Pants One Day In Kindergarten for their whole life. No wonder Frodo was so eager to ship out to Valinor. At least maybe the elves might have a modicum of tact. Oh, and SQUEE!!! ... and then I just realized that I will be home by that point. Wah. But my friend Jing is totally awesome, so it's all good. Priscilla said at 3:21 AM
Friday, March 26, 2004
![]() Woo! Fabulous day! The temperature is in the 70's, the sun is shining, I probably did awesome on my Java exam, I just found the perfect shirt for a Gondorian standard (I think I'm also going to paint a white tree on my purse. That would rock.), this season's Cinefex came in the mail today, and my package from Amazon arrived! Wicked, Avenue Q, and the dorky 1980's Return of the King! *cackles with glee* Oh, life is so good. Totally makes up for my horrifically evil and stressful week.
*watches the first five minutes* OH. MY. GRAVY. *snorks madly* This is so wonderful I could die. I am SO AFRAID of EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER IN THIS MOVIE. And FRODO'S EYES ARE THE SIZE OF DINNER PLATES. And ELROND IS A GOBLIN. And FRODO AND SAM ARE AN OLD MARRIED COUPLE. And LOOK AT THE SIZE OF PIPPIN'S FILTRUM! Priscilla said at 4:08 PM ![]() YEEE-HAW! Who just kicked ten kinds of booty on her computer science exam? Oh yeah, that would be me. *does a little dance* Booyeah, I feel good. Next up: Math!
Priscilla said at 12:02 PM
Thursday, March 25, 2004
![]() The next two Quasi-Sandman-inspired images for my Digital Design Foundations class: Destruction and Despair.
Priscilla said at 9:48 PM ![]() How is it possible that Chinese food tastes ten times better when eaten with chopsticks? Man, this stuff is super-delicious this evening! Good mood, despite impending doom-like Java midterm!
Priscilla said at 6:36 PM ![]() HAPPY BIRTHDAY, TANJA! You are teh 0rl33t!
Priscilla said at 3:12 PM
Wednesday, March 24, 2004
![]() TRAILER. *inaudible squeak*
FIVE POINTS for a Dementor's kiss that looks amusingly reminiscent the effect from "Hocus Pocus." TEN POINTS for hilarious H/R-age. TWENTY POINTS for Hermione not knowing how to punch properly. (A slap is much more Hermione-ish, but come on, we all want her to punch him!) FIFTY POINTS for Trelawney! The atmosphere in the classroom is all wrong, but Emma Thompson is spot-on. TWENTY POINTS for coming up with a design for the Dementors that doesn't look exactly like the Nazgul! MINUS FIFTEEN POINTS for... was that Lupin's voice? Say it aint so, Lord! Say it aint so! TWO HUNDRED POINTS for the random newspaper-y background skin for the video that has "MOONEY, PADFOOT... are proud" and what is clearly Kaylee's umbrella from Firefly. MINUS FIFTY POINTS for spelling it "Mooney." Tom Riddell, anyone? And at the end of trailer: 240 points! Everybody wins! Oh, and Prof Coviello switched our Digital Design Foundations assignment due date to Wednesday, rather than Monday. WOO-HOO! I'll have time to study for my math exam! And no rehearsal tomorrow, so I'll be able to study for my computer science exam! In the meantime, someone please stop me. Our next paper for Visual Communications is to visually (and stylistically) compare two scenes from different movies as similar as possible in terms of content. Professor Messaris suggests remakes. I have a terrible, terrible urge to find the 1980 animated version of "Return of the King" (as the 1978 Bakshi version of the first half of LotR is reportedly godawful) and do a stylistic comparison to Peter Jackson's. Hmm, starting at $9.25 on Amazon... Please, someone disapprove or something! So wrong, yet so right. Priscilla said at 11:27 PM
Tuesday, March 23, 2004
![]() Wah. I spent 20 minutes this afternoon surfing Torrid and squealing over the nifty shirts offered. Then realized that everything was geared to a different body type. Is there any other online retailer of even a fraction of Torrid's geekchicness that caters to the full spectrum of body types? Or better yet, Tanja, any chance of Swussian Capitalist opening again?
Hey, while I'm at it, Shu Kee, meet Tanja. Tanja, meet Shu Kee. *waves to you both* Shu Kee is considering opening a mini-store to market his sister's artwork and designs and stuff. I told him I would put you two in contact so you could give him a few pointers. Would you mind? And now, off to my Film Noir screening! This week: Sesevenen! Because "Se7en" would never be pronounced "Seven" even by the most generous stretch of the imagination. Priscilla said at 8:15 PM ![]() Rebecca? Look at Dom's shirt. I win!
(And at her quasi-request of sorts, Rebecca M shall henceforth be called Becky, leaving Rebecca G the sole Rebecca. Hopefully, this should eliminate some measure of confusion!) Priscilla said at 8:03 PM ![]() Woohoo! Just passed 1,000 pageviews on DevArt! Sure that number is trifling compared to pretty much everyone else's, but it's not too shabby for someone who never posts. :D
Priscilla said at 1:25 AM ![]() W00t! Sannali tells us that Something Rotten, the next Thursday Next, will be published simultaneously in the US and the UK on 1 August 2004. Whee!
And of course, August 1st is a Sunday. Don't these publishers have ANY awareness of the sheer numbers of easily amused people in the universe? Throw us a bone here! Give in to the punny goodness! The last book came out on a Tuesday. A Tuesday. I hear Terry Pratchett's Thief of Time release corresponded with Spring Daylight Savings' Time, where we all lose an hour. Harhar, ten points to Pterry's publisher! We're still waiting on you, oh Publishers of Nextian Goodness, to give us the weak pun we long for. [Edited for clarity] Priscilla said at 1:10 AM
Monday, March 22, 2004
![]() Mmm. Feels so good to have my Noir paper turned in. I adore every word of it, save maybe the concluding paragraph, but it's good enough. In true Dom and Billeh fashion, I told Chris that reading the paper would be like being given a big box of candy. This was joked over pretty much all class period, along with
Anyway, we spent the class reading intro paragraphs and nitpicking them, and naturally he chose mine first in order to discover with the class whether or not it was truly like receiving a box of candy. Arjun proclaimed that it was like eating a bag of gummy worms, and there was much rejoicing. Meanwhile, I just opened another fortune cookie (I always have to order 4 extra, to provide the 40 cents to put me over the minimum delivery charge), and it said "You will inherit some money or a small piece of land." "We shall call it 'This Land'!" "I think we should call it Your Grave!" "Oh, curse your sudden yet inevitable betrayal!" I *heart* Firefly. Meanwhile, I just got The Silmarillion! That word is so much fun to say. Silmarillion, Silmarillion, Silmarillion! If I lived in Middle Earth, I think I would make random excuses just to say that word. That and "Nine Fingered Frodo and the Ring of Doom," a phrase I first discovered used in a hilariously bad rap song before actually reading about Sam's freaky morbid wishes in RotK. Hah! So yes. Java. Priscilla said at 11:32 PM ![]() Tonight, I ordered in Chinese, as is my wont when working on papers. My fortune cookie? "You just had a pleasant and fulfilling dinner today or in the near future." Finding this hilarious, I opened another cookie, which read "Your children adore you." Fortune cookies are great!
Priscilla said at 1:34 AM
Sunday, March 21, 2004
![]() *facepalms repeatedly, but in a good way*
Wow. I spent all of last week thinking that our math exam was tomorrow, whereas it's a week from tomorrow. I'm so glad I've been spending all my time on my Film Noir paper and not studying Math. I am a really, really happy person right now. Meanwhile, I had a really weird dream, as all my dreams tend to be. My mom was repainting our living room, adding subtle and decorative tribal religious motifs and such. At the moment, she was adding Kokopelli to the main wall. Then, my dad asked me to meet with these two little girls that were the daughters of one of his potential business partners, and he wanted me to take them out to photograph ghosts. I told my dad before the girls arrived that I didn't have much time to spare, as I was working on my Noir paper, plus lots of other stuff, but he said to meet with them anyway. Only one girl was present, and we talked for a while, and she was really cute, even though I now realize that her appearance was taken from a non-creepified Diane Arbus photograph of twin girls. After talking about an hour, I started getting antsy, as I needed to get back to work. But she was excited as ever, and I didn't want to disappoint her. Then, my mom pulled me away, as she wanted to rehearse a three-person piano piece she had planned for herself, me, and my sister for some big event. We three sat down to play, and then I realized that I didn't know how to play the piano anymore. I kept looking at the keys, expecting them to somehow indicate which note went next. I felt horrible, then felt even worse as I saw my mom and sister's extreme disappointment in me. Tearing up a bit, I returned to the little girl and told her that we were going to have to reschedule our ghost hunting trip, and she said of course, it's alright with her, and that I didn't need to cry about it. I denied that I had been crying, saying that my eyes were just watering. Then, we suddenly plunged back in time to the 18th century, where my family and (randomly) my friend Julia Tucker-Huth's family gathered around the piano, where we were holding a friendly voice competition to see who would sing certain songs at a combination party/rebel uprising (I just read the Scouring of the Shire last night, so I guess that's where that came from). However, I didn't know the tune of one of the songs they were auditioning me for, so I tried to sightread as well as I could, eventually turning the tune into "Cabaret". Even though I was totally off tune, my voice sounded great, and all were impressed, so there was much applause. Overjoyed, I ran to my favourite sibling, my older brother, Simon, who looked like Stephen from "Master and Commander" (easy enough, Stephen and Firefly's Simon Tam are the two doctors I squee over, and I refer to both interchangably with Marcelina as "doctah!"), who was sitting on the couch. He had lost his right hand at the wrist (Master and Commander again, or maybe The Silmarillion), but had since become an excellent blacksmith and swordsman. We hugged tightly, and all was great. Mum talks about synchronicities and how people in the same dream groups sometimes have the same dreams. I challenge anyone to ever have the same dream as me. :D Priscilla said at 12:42 PM
Saturday, March 20, 2004
![]() Reasons why my probable Spring schedule is cooler than yours:
1. 3D Modeling 2. Intro to Computer Architecture 3. Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 4. Film History 5. Theatre Arts: Concepts of Lighting and Set Design Priscilla said at 10:49 PM ![]() ::incoherent squeaks:: This is going to be so awesome...
Priscilla said at 12:02 PM ![]() And Mon reveals the reason why she is super super awesome! Squeeeeeee, YAY!
Priscilla said at 11:31 AM
Friday, March 19, 2004
![]() Oh, the woe. Hallmate James has cut his hair. It's now two millimeters from baldness. It's cute now, but until today he had great Magsby!Remus hair, and I would use him as an unwitting reference whenever I needed a visual for hair like that. We will miss you, hair. Come back soon! Grow little follicles, grow!
Priscilla said at 11:20 PM ![]() Wow. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind was fabulous. Go see it or I'll poke you all with a big stick. In addition to the awesome visuals, I was also quite pleased with Jim Carrey's acting, which was top form. In fact, the only character I was conscious about being an actor was Kirsten Dunst. Well, and when Elijah Wood said something about hating Mary I laughed, but that's it. Very cool movie.
So yes. Film Noir paper. *gets back to work* Priscilla said at 9:39 PM ![]() I met with Amy, my advisor, today! Ah, I love Amy. She makes everything so wonderful! *prances around in fields of daisies* My schedule for next semester is all worked out PERFECTLY, and she recommended some awesome places for potential summer jobs, and she told me how to essentially attend the SIGGRAPH convention for free! Oh, life is so good.
Priscilla said at 5:10 PM ![]() MONI IS GREAT
And she will let you know why in due time. :D :D :D!!!! EEEEEEEYAYMONI!!!!! Priscilla said at 1:46 PM ![]() *snorks* So this makes 3 out of 4 hobbits that have witnessed the horror and hilarity of the Theban Band. Those poor, poor boys. XD
Also, Legolas and Gimli were to ride again together in the company of Aragorn and Gandalf, who went in the van with the Dunedain and the sons of Elrond. --Return of the King, "The Black Gate Opens" Did I miss something? Suddenly, the blooper in FotR where a car is visible in the background in the Shire now seems less erroneous. (Yes, so "van" can mean "vanguard" or "forefront." It just made me pause.) Roadie!Aragorn is just too amusing a mental image to pass up. He could name the van Winnebrego! (Ouch, ouch, ouch, I'm so sorry.) *gets back to reading* Priscilla said at 1:48 AM
Thursday, March 18, 2004
![]() Billeh. Rocking out on an acoustic guitar. Making really amusing faces. Wearing green for St. Patrick's Day. As if I needed any more reasons to loff him! (And bonus Dom in the audience! *gasp* And Sala!)
Mmm, yay. And woah, I just got back from Les Mis, which rocked. Our seats were absolutely wretched: we were about three storied above the stage, to the extreme Stage Right, and we could only see by leaning over a particularly precarious balcony. But the show was awesome (Valjean was utterly amazing), so it's all good. And the sets gave me ideas for MAA, so that's always fun. I really should get back to working on that, shouldn't I? Priscilla said at 11:51 PM ![]() Wow. Trippy.
Who's seeing that movie tomorrow? I am! And who has Les Mis tickets for tonight? I do! And who is going to have to work her tail off this weekend for everything due Monday? That would be me! Priscilla said at 1:23 PM ![]() Why is it that in the movie version of LotR Aragorn is the only ruler that isn't worthless, psychotic, or posessed by aliens? Did Denethor kill Peter Jackson's dog or something? ::reads on::
In other news, at the TORn Oscar Party, Phillipa revealed that during the scriptwriting process, she kept writing Aragorn's shirt off, and Peter kept writing it back on. I am so entertained. Priscilla said at 12:26 AM
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
![]() Heh.
Hahaha. Muahaha! Muahahahaha!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!! You'll find out April 1st. Priscilla said at 10:52 PM ![]() ::laughs and laughs:: Sign me up!
Priscilla said at 1:17 PM ![]() Happy real St. Patrick's Day! Accept no substitutions!
Priscilla said at 1:42 AM
Tuesday, March 16, 2004
![]() Magsby vs. Seviet!
Go with the grace of God. Vote, younglings, vote for Magsby! For those of you like my parents that are not LJ-savy: Click "Post a new Comment", click "Anonymous", write in the comment field that you're voting for Mags, and click "Post Comment." Priscilla said at 5:05 PM ![]() *laughs* Hurrah! A movie starring Orlando Bloom where he's as cute and happy and dorky as he is in real life!
(Should I make a "Lord of the 'Ring'" pun here? Because that's just too easy.) Priscilla said at 12:59 PM ![]() Yesterday: Glorious weather, mid-fifties.
Today: Light sleet to wintry mix. About two inches so far. I never thought I'd say this, but GO AWAY, SNOW! *searches closet for long underwear* Oh, and clarification on statement below: I don't think they're actually doing anything! Nooo. Pristine and pure and innocent I said! Wah! Just pure and innocent great unspoken t00by love! Priscilla said at 12:44 PM ![]() "Pippin's heart sank. He did not relish the idea of singing any song of the Shire to the Lord of Minas Tirith, certainly not the comic onces that he knew best; they were too, well, rustic for such an occasion. He was however spared the ordeal for the present. He was not commanded to sing."
I love you, Peter Jackson. Oh, and Chungy -- the next time to try to argue that Frodo and Sam are not in great and t00by love, I am going to laugh and ignore you. Just because something is pure and innocent and pristine and beautiful doesn't mean it's not also slashtastic. XD (And P.S.: Tom Bombadil is still a total perv.) Priscilla said at 1:37 AM
Monday, March 15, 2004
![]() *gasp*
Scroll down to the bottom. MY STATE. He's coming to MY STATE and I HAVE FORSAKEN HIM. Oh cruel, cruel fate. Priscilla said at 2:05 AM ![]() W00t! Have more-or-less fixed the computer problem! I rock! *is typing on her own machine, huzzah* I knew you couldn't desert me for long, Jimmy!
Priscilla said at 12:55 AM
Sunday, March 14, 2004
![]() Okay, so St. Patrick's Day is the 17th. I knew that. I was only testing you.
But if today isn't St. Patrick's Day, then why were the newspapers acting like it was? That's just not cool. Anyway, flight attendants are evil, and I'm totally blaming them for my computer completely wigging out. I'm currently typing in the dorm's computer lab, as mine refuses to even start up, claiming that some modular drive isn't inserted properly or summat. I must have played with it for twenty minutes, and I'm still exactly where I was when I started off. I just typed a big rant about the evil flight attendants of American Airlines, but I deleted it because no one likes being subjected to embittered ranting, so I'll just leave this post be and get back to fretting over my computer. I sent a help request to the ITAs, but they always take like a week to get back to us, and with my Film Noir paper coming up and my Sandman-inspired project majorly needing work, the idea of not having my computer in working order is just something that I refuse to consider. Priscilla said at 11:22 PM ![]() Happy St. Patrick's and Happy Pi Day! Get a slice of apple pie at Bennigan's to celebrate! Or order a potato pizza!
Priscilla said at 2:26 PM ![]() I just remembered a conversation: Talking with Chungy at the midnight showing of FotR. Laugh at my then-ignorance!
Chungy: [getting handed a flyer from a cosplayer] Hey! TORN is having a premiere party! Me: What's TORN? Chungy: It's this huge Lord of the Rings website. Me: What does "TORN" stand for? Chungy: I don't know... Me: How about "Tolkien-Obsessed Rejects and Nerds"? Meanwhile, does anyone happen to have an mp3 (or other kind of audio file) of either of the Merry and Pippin drinking songs? Or at least a version of "Ho ho ho! To the bottle I go!" that doesn't have one of the cast members singing really really painfully off key? Priscilla said at 12:53 AM
Friday, March 12, 2004
![]() Art Post! First of seven in my vuaguely Sandman-inspired Digital Design Foundations project thing. Yeah. Go comment!
Priscilla said at 9:56 PM ![]() Augh! Someone on boyd_daily found the "Sexy Hobbits For All!" picture Megs made for me a few years ago. The world has shrunk to the size of a pea. I am so amused!
Priscilla said at 1:48 PM ![]() Only the TTT one is up so far, but ah, memories! These are just brilliant. Molly J Ringwraith's "Lord of the Rings in 10 Minutes" in captioned-screencap comic form!
And I'd watch it! Das Meme: If you call me Priscilla, you are the vast majority of planet Earth. If you call me Priscellie, you are the vast majority of the Internet. If you call me Ellie, you knew me on the internet but haven't heard from me in four years. If you call me Ellimist15, what rock have you been living under? If you call me Teena or Sylvia, I'm sorry, I have to kill you to destroy the evidence. If you call me Priscilla Presley, you are one of those girls at my old camp. You thought you were so clever, didn't you? If you call me That Girl That Carried The Other Girl In The Play, learn my name. If you call me Pip or Pip Squeak, you are my sister. If you call me Scillia, you are Marcelina, and ONLY Marcelina. If you call me Spencer, you are Burkhead. If you call me muse, you are probably a spam bot trying to sell me viagra. If you call me Silly, you are one of my new roommates, driven mad by their quest to find a decent nickname for me. If you call me PriNi or Prune, you are Valentina Collins and we are back in 6th grade. If you call me Prisboo, you are Alicey or Maggie. If you call me Juan, you are Chungy. If you call me Brisillia (or variants thereof), you are that weird employee at this burger place I frequent that probably needs hearing aids. Priscilla said at 12:33 PM ![]() Wah! Why didn't anyone hit me with a stick and tell me Alicey and Mags were up again on hpbnfdm_lives? Mags won her round, but Alicey, alas, fell to the overbearing Weasley love of seviet. Well, at least now Alicey and Mags don't have to battle each other... Wah. *kicks stuff*
Priscilla said at 12:56 AM ![]() SQUEEE! Who just got accepted into one of the advanced Santa Fe Photographic Workshops, taught by personal photographic god Keith Carter, after being 5th on the waiting list? Apparently the first five's portfolios were rejected. Who was the recipient of glowing praise from the portfolio comittee? Booyeah.
See the portfolio I submitted here. Priscilla said at 12:28 AM
Thursday, March 11, 2004
![]() I certainly hope your proud of yourselves, conservatives.
On a less infuriating political note, the author of Ozy and Millie is clearly a man after my own heart. I guess we'll make that Reason #1 Why John Kerry is Not Vile. (Sorry for the doublepost, syndicatees. Had to edit.) Priscilla said at 8:12 PM ![]() Sodaspew warning. A flash animation to end all flash animations: Billy Boyd Likes Guys.
(PS. We love you Billeh and we love your girlfriend. LA!) Priscilla said at 1:30 AM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:12 AM
Wednesday, March 10, 2004
![]() Woohoo! We had a computer guy in today, and our computers are now running gloriously. My CD burner works again, huzzah! And we squelched adware I had no idea was running. And I freed up NEARLY 10 GIGS (on a 40 gig hard drive) by getting rid of temp files and such. Gravy!
So I'm in a good mood. Teh w00t, most certainly. Priscilla said at 6:48 PM ![]() Wah. The new issue of "Movie Magic Magazine," which was potentially going to include some of my and Alicey and Maggie's HP fanart, decided to just go with the bit on fanfiction and used "silly" captioned movie still pics instead of fanart. But Heidi "[has] encouraged them get a story on fanart for the GoF issue in 18 months or so", so it's not a total loss. And by that time, I'll actually have some decent HP fanart to choose from, rather than just the Alicey dragon collab!
Priscilla said at 2:04 PM ![]() Apologies for the lack of entries this week!
Anyway, last night I saw "Hidalgo" with mum. It was quite entertaining, as mum kept pronouncing it with an overblown Spanish accent, so it sounded like "ee-dahl-gko" and I had to laugh at her. The movie was much better than critics have been saying it is, and totally worth seeing. (But what is it about Viggo that makes him so prone to receiving necklaces from people who don't speak English?) The day before, I saw "The Girl with the Pearl Earring", also with mum, as she's been poking me about seeing it for what seems like months. I was a bit disappointed by it, as mum had been going on about it being "liek teh best movie EVAAAAR!!!11one!," and I just thought it was merely great. My Visual Communications course has clearly eaten my brain, as I was on occasion more engrossed in the editing than I was with the actual film. Mom was thinking "Wow, how beautiful" and I was thinking "You call that a shock cut?!?" Alas, the woe. We also watched the "Freaky Friday" remake, which was crazy fun. BTW, does anyone have (or know where to find) a clip of Billeh singing "Oh, Jean" at the TORn party that doesn't have the last second cut off? And does anyone know if an mp3 of the Gollum "The Towers are the Players" rap exists? Priscilla said at 11:27 AM ![]() Woo hoo! This German website offers a sneak peek into what's coming this November in the RotK Extended Edition! Spoilers, obviously, but nothing really plotwise that those who have read the book don't already know. And plus, it's all in German, so it's easy to ignore the most likely spoiler-rich text and just look at the pretty pictures. (Personally, I got as far as "die zwei hobbits von Gollum (something) werden" and gave up attempting to translate. And I'm too lazy for Babelfish. :D)
Merry is great! Saruman is evil! Legolas is on his way to being drunk! Aragorn is Howard Dean! Arwen changes costumes a lot! Pippin is too cute for words! Gandalf lays the smackdown! And a most righteous et cetera! There's video, too, but I'm not quite that desperate. I can wait until November! Um... yeah. *looks at calendar and cries* Priscilla said at 10:59 AM
Monday, March 08, 2004
![]() The Sam and Gollum Rap has inspired me. I think I'm going to burn a CD of dorky LotRboy-related music while I still have access to a working CD burner. To include Billeh's "Hit Me Baby", Half-Fling, Leonard Nimoy's Ballad of Bilbo Baggins... maybe some of the "Once More, With Hobbits" stuff if the new mp3s are any good. (Later: HEE! And they are!)
The dorkier the better! Any suggestions? Priscilla said at 2:15 AM
Sunday, March 07, 2004
![]() And life is good again! In a flash of "OH!!!" I figured out why my stupid Java program of doom was throwing stupid exceptions and generally being obnoxious, so now I can go on and figure out why it's not recording statistics! Yay! And I hooked my laptop up to the internet in a very Han Solo "THIS one goes here, THAT one goes there!" moment, so I got to listen to the Sam and Gollum tater rap, which just made life ten times more fabulous. So yay, off to debug some more!
Priscilla said at 7:47 PM ![]() Today's addition to the "Priscilla Finally Reads Lord of the Rings. It's about time" Diary: OMG FARAMIR <333333333 PETER JACKSON HOW COULD YOU???.
*bows* Thank you. (Wow, what an original observation!) Priscilla said at 5:05 PM ![]() Yay! TLC has a new layout! It's not painfully hideous anymore!
I think I need an icon that says "Bitter? Moi?" Priscilla said at 3:07 PM ![]() Java needs to die in an exceptionally painful manner, preferably involving pitchforks.
This made me feel slightly better. And I am told that this is quite hilarious, but the computer I'm on now has speaker issues, and it's the only computer in the house with working internet at the moment. Hopefully, both problems will be resolved Wednesday. Priscilla said at 2:21 AM
Saturday, March 06, 2004
![]() Well, I'm home, despite the weather's best attempts to destroy our plane in a divine wrath-like display of lightning and turbulence. The plot was thwarted by our plucky young pilot, who made several Star Wars jokes in his opening schpiel, and deftly managed to keep our plane from falling from the sky like a giant aluminum brick and crashing into the wastelands of Kentucky. Thank you, dear pilot!
Meanwhile, my mom repainted my room while I was gone. It doesn't really match anything, but it's a lovely color, and I'm sure I'll like it more once I've gotten used to it. In the week that I have at home before returning to Philadelphia. Yes. Maybe if it eats all its veggies and studies hard in school it can grow up to match my bedspread. Priscilla said at 12:59 AM
Friday, March 05, 2004
![]() Useless Caucus: The Presidential Deathmatch 2004 is entering Phase IV of the competition. Now is as good a time as ever to get in on the amusement!
Priscilla said at 3:27 PM ![]() Good night, everybody. Going for the late deadline on Monday. No improvement since 1, and my focus is slipping. Sugar and David Bowie music only go so far.
Priscilla said at 2:53 AM ![]() Woo-hoo! At 12:45 AM, my program works on both simple test cases! Of course, it spasms and dies on the regular and detailed test cases, but at least it's a morale booster.
Priscilla said at 12:49 AM
Thursday, March 04, 2004
![]() Thank you, Billy, for giving me the motivation to go forth and do my Java! *gurgles*
He is so wonderful. So much better than Britney Spears. Priscilla said at 9:40 PM ![]() Hmm. I've been in the lab since before noon, with a brief hour-and-a-half break to go to class, and at current rates of progress, I don't see sleep anywhere on the horizon.
I wonder what time I'm going to pack. I really hope my e-ticket wasn't deleted the other day. Priscilla said at 8:35 PM ![]() WOO-HOO!!! I'm getting statistics! They're all zero, but at least I'm not getting NullPointerExceptions any more. I will ownz j00, Gas Station Problem From Hell!
Priscilla said at 12:37 PM ![]() W00t! WIAN is getting updated! That is, of course, after I finish my Gargantuan Java Homework of Hellfire-Like Doom.
But.... Echo: Was Percy acting entirely of his own accord in Order of the Phoenix? JK Rowling: I'm afraid so. *lower lip trembles* WHAT?!?!!!? First Bush tries to cut down all the sequoias, and now JKR wants to cut down all the PINE theorists. I mean, it's one thing to reply affirmatively, which would just squash the Imperius rumors, but it's a whole 'nother thing entirely to be "afraid so." Okay, so he was acting of his own will, and from the negativity of her statement, it seems very unlikely that Percy could be cunningly fooling them all and going the way of the Secret Agent Demon Hunter theory. So we're back to the "Percy was just pushed too far and is going through misplaced belated teenage rebellion because his dad is unbelieveably cruel etc." But everything just seems so OOC for Percy, then... Percy girls, the Rationalization Wagon has been launched. (Would it be wrong to call those of us that still believe in his goodness "the PINE nuts"?) *reads more* MY THEORIES!!! MY BEAUTIFUL THEORIES! *breaks down and dies of the woe* (P.S. There is no way Charlie is only two years older than Percy. This would violate canon at least five times over.) *reads more* NOT IMPRESSED with these new name revelations, Ms. Rowling. Not impressed at all. Oh well. Better than nothing. Priscilla said at 11:18 AM ![]() *gapes*
All the messages from both my theninemuses.net email accounts were somehow deleted today. Frowlers, any idea if I can restore them somehow? I mean, I appreciate the Durdenesque "release from material possessions," but I had over 200 emails in there that I was saving for some reason or another. Ugh. Priscilla said at 2:22 AM ![]() Last night I dreamed that I was raising a litter of beagles and baby velociraptors. I was raising the raptors with love, hoping that they wouldn't be as vicious when they grew up. One of the raptors had killed one of the puppies and he and his siblings were feeding on it, but surprisingly, I wasn't horrified. It was just part of the cycle of nature. Later, I was carrying one of the raptors around the house with me when I randomly ran into Peter Jackson and the hobbit actors, fresh from the Oscars. They were in the hallway linking the foyer with the den, setting up props and such because they needed to reshoot part of the Shelob's cave scene.
I was surprisingly calm, obviously excited to be meeting them but not falling unconscious or fangirling too blatantly. I joked with Elijah about a recent magazine cover that had him with Liv Tyler, with Lij at least half a head taller than Liv. I asked him if Orlando had gotten him a box to stand on. He laughed, and all was merry. Then I talked to Peter, who told me how dangerous it was to breed velociraptors, but just then, the raptor began licking my cheek. It had a scratchy tongue, exactly like a kitten. Peter smiled, but said that sooner or later it would start turning viscious, and that I shouldn't expect it to be sweet when it grew up, and he didn't want me to be disappointed. Strange. Priscilla said at 1:09 AM
Wednesday, March 03, 2004
![]() Okay, kids. Poll! What stories/myths/etc do you think of when you think of the notion of Destiny? For example, I thought of the "sword in the stone" King Arthur story, while my friend Michelle thought of Oedipus. What about you? Any and all (no matter how ridiculous) contributions will make my life a lot easier in the near future.
Priscilla said at 3:43 PM ![]() Tra la la!!!! Universal greenlights "Serenity"! *frolicks about in glee*
"... and will be about two passengers aboard the ship who continually attract trouble."? Dude, doesn't that describe pretty much the entire cast? Oh well. Here's hoping it's Simon and River! Well, Inara, Kaylee, and Book don't really make trouble. And Wash, too. And Zoe just kind of absorbs whatever trouble Mal attracts. And Jayne doesn't attract trouble so much as make trouble... Looks like it's Simon and River after all! W00t! *gives Simon madschnoogles* Cross your fingers for shirtlessness! Normally I like my men clothed, but Simon is my exception. Because dude, after "Objects in Space," that boy is SO never allowed to wear a shirt again. Priscilla said at 1:46 PM ![]() We wants it. We has a perfect place on our wall for it. My precious...
Priscilla said at 1:31 PM ![]() Yay! I finally got the copy of the LSU Reveille Alicey sent to me nearly two weeks ago! The silly Service Center forgot to log it. Anyway, let the record show that Alicey is so cool there are no words to describe her coolness, and the paper should thank her on bended knee for all the awesomeness she contributes. She should get a raise, royal treatment, and a lawn chair, wind machine, sunlamp, lemonade, and a harem of well-built, Johnny Depp-resembling, oiled men to massage and/or fan her for when she's sitting in the newspaper room, trying to think up her next comic. All hail Alicey! *kowtows*
Priscilla said at 1:26 PM ![]() So. Edwards is dropping out tomorrow.
At least I don't have to worry about favoring him or Kerry. Priscilla said at 1:43 AM ![]() Dean wins Vermont! 58% of the vote! Can I get a w00t w00t?
Priscilla said at 1:30 AM ![]() Vote for Alicey and Maggie! Unfortunately, anonymous votes are disallowed this round, so alas, no spam.
And because I know you'll all do the right thing and vote vote vote, here's a present: Finally, a clip of Billy's song with decent quality! We can actually hear his accent! And with video, oh lovely video! Oodles of Billy clips! Priscilla said at 1:12 AM
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
![]() This clip is worth watching even for the two seconds with Andy at the beginning. And for Sala lifing Billy off the ground and combination bear hug/dancing. Just cuteness all around! (wait... that's not Sala. Or is he? Who is that?)
*idly ponders if Roy Tolkien is grandson of Priscilla Tolkien or one of JRR's other kids* Hee, I love seeing my name in places. Saturday night, I saw Bubba Ho-Tep with Tricia, and I kept grinning whenever Elvis mentioned his wife. I love having an uncommon name! And to avoid post spam, out of consideration for my syndicated readers, here's a line-by-line dissection of OSC's recent column. Take THAT! *goes back to homework* Priscilla said at 1:04 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 12:10 PM
Monday, March 01, 2004
![]() *snorks* Glancing over the Tengwar page again, it occurs to me that eleven would be written in the decimal method as "mine mine." I'm totally having a Finding Nemo moment.
Not sure if I want to use the "mine mine" method, the 11th letter, or "minque." I'll decide in the morning, when my brain isn't still jazzed out from rehearsal. :D Priscilla said at 10:07 PM ![]() Happy Birthday to our two favourite kings, Viggo Mortensen and Ron Weasley!
Priscilla said at 3:39 PM ![]() And the clips are beginning to surface! Painfully bad quality, but here's Billeh singing at the TORN party! And as always, if anyone has a better-quality file, be lovely and share!
In other news, today I take a leaf out of Dom's tree and celebrate in my own subtle way (as far as indulging in a squealfest with Ari at the beginning of Java can be called subtle. The entire class was one fangirling (or in Ari's case, fanboying) after another!). Tomorrow I'm writing it in Tengwar. Priscilla said at 3:35 PM ![]() ::sputters:: No way! RRRRRRRGH. IF CAROL MOSELEY-BRAUN IS GOING TO BE SPEAKING ON CAMPUS IT WOULD BE PRUDENT TO ADVERTISE BEFOREHAND RATHER THAN JUST WRITING A LOVELY COLUMN ABOUT IT AFTER THE FACT. Dude, Saturday! I so could have gone! ::is incredibly cross::
Priscilla said at 1:48 PM ![]() W00t! A new Teen Girl Squad! With special guest of special interest to Renata and Rebecca. :D
Priscilla said at 1:33 PM ![]() *gaaaaaaasp*
Apparently Billy sang at the TORN party last night. If anyone knows where this clip might be downloaded, please inform me immediately. Priscilla said at 8:39 AM ![]() OMG DOM.
During the awards show, originally I was quite cross at the lack of camera time Billy was getting compared to the other three hobbits (he was always just baaaarely out of the frame!), but then I relaxed and took the time to appreciate the gorgeousness of Dom, whom I too often overlook when he shares the frame with my beloved Scot. GUH. Dom is wonderful! So shout outs to Dom and Dom's fabulous purple tie. We salute you! (lots more red carpet caps here) Edit: This night of incoherency is brought to you by the letters G, U, and H. ![]() Priscilla said at 1:24 AM ![]() ELEVEN!!!!! *glass-shattering squeal*
There are no words. Edit: Wow, I'm still shaking. I cannot form a coherent thought. SO MUCH LOVE. Priscilla said at 12:15 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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