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Friday, December 31, 2004
![]() *snerks* dubyamovie.com
Priscilla said at 6:18 PM ![]() That was pleasantly unexpected! Check out BlogPulse.com's Top Amazon Products Cited in 2004.
Priscilla said at 6:09 PM ![]() Finally! I spent the day working on the revamp of the tnm.n photographic gallery, and I just now finished! Well, I'm going to go back and add comments to some images and individual galleries, but it's more or less done. So yay!
Check it out -- the vast majority the 2004 images are new to the web! If possible, post any comments in the equivalent Livejournal entry so they're not deleted in 7 days. :D Priscilla said at 2:00 AM
Thursday, December 30, 2004
![]() *stares*
From Ann Coulter's website: To The People Of Islam: Priscilla said at 1:57 AM
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
![]() WOOHOO!!! Whedonesque: 'Serenity' trailer in cinemas May 6th. According to a poster at fireflyfans.net, the trailer will be attached to 'Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy'. Yayfun! Now I don't have to buy a ticket to "Electra" to see the trailer on the big screen!
Priscilla said at 2:11 PM ![]() This evening, Alicey and I watched these videos of the tsunami together. They speak for themselves. Seeing all those people on the shore in the Patong Beach video, and the man trapped on an outcropping near the end of the same video, helpless as he watched the water rush by him and the water levels rising... Nightmare after nightmare come true. CNN reports over 56,000 dead, and that's only the tip of the iceberg, with the inevitable threat of disease. There are no words.
Priscilla said at 1:22 AM
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
![]() I say "Heck yeah!" My theatre lighting professor hasn't posted my grade yet, but I'm delighted beyond reason over my other classes.
My 3D modeling class? A. And talking to Jing, it appears almost everyone else in the class got an A-. Why the special treatment for me? Not the foggiest clue. My Film History class? B+. If I recall correctly, got a B on the first paper and a B+ on the exam, so that means I must have gotten at least a B+ on my final paper! Hotness! The Computer Science class of doom, in which my final grade was .12 above an uncurved F? Curved to a C. C, baby! I am so good! The Math class of horrors, which I considered dropping after doing miserably on the first exam. A MINUS. HOLY COW. I haven't gotten an A in Math in YEARS. Oh, the groove is BACK! I found my negatives from the Clan Tynkers shoot (where I made the images that I use in the current tnm.n layout), and I'm now scanning a bunch of negatives that I never got to print before. So many awesome images, so little time. Did I ever post any of the other images from the shoot? I think I posted a couple on DeviantArt, but never in my LJ. Ah well, pretty soon, I'll finish the new layout for my photographic gallery, so you'll be able to see everything (including the images I'm scanning now) there. Priscilla said at 8:48 PM ![]() I never know what to do in the wake of tragedy. An event that made such a profound impact on so many people in another part of the world should have a profound impact on me as well, shouldn't it? CNN reported that the earthquake's power was equivalent to that produced by the detonation of a million atomic bombs. Other scientists said it probably jolted the planet's rotation. How can anything we do on a day-to-day basis even begin to compare? How can I follow up an entry, composed while speechless with horror, with some trifling anecdote or silly remark about fandom?
I want to say that life goes on and that we should continue to go along with our daily lives and that's good, right? The afternoon of September 11th, after school let out, Chungy and I continued with the plans we had made the day before and took pictures of ourselves dressed as crazy old women for our joint blog, The Spinster Diaries. The weblog fell through, but the next year, she gave me a poster-style wall calendar with one of those photos. Though 2003 is long gone, I still have it hanging on my wall. And every time I look at it, I can't help staring at the tiny orange datestamp in the corner, unassuming neon digits that read "9 11'01", and I feel horrified. Sure, stuff like this takes a while to sink in, but looking back on my blog entries for September 11th, I give the impression that I was more personally affected by the contents of my website being accidentally deleted than by any terrorist activity. Looking back, I'm appalled at the lack of sensitivity. So what do you do? How long to you wait until you can start thinking selfishly again, posting about how suprised and proud you are of your grades this semester, or linking to the latest fandom-related exploit, or griping about the price differences between Amazon and Barnes and Noble when you're trying to support one over the other? Why doesn't Miss Manners have anything to say on the subject? Priscilla said at 6:02 PM ![]() Oh. My. God.
How am I just finding out about this now? Priscilla said at 1:34 AM
Monday, December 27, 2004
![]() Wheeeeeee, I got to spend the day with Chungy, and life is wonderful! We watched the easter eggs on all the RotK, ate lunch at the Dream Cafe, then saw "A Series of Unfortunate Events," which was fabulous. I really need to read some of those books! Perhaps I'll see if they have them at one of my libraries near my dorm. I particularly loved the costume and set design, and I'm very pleased with Jim Carrey's performance. Afterwards, we watched "Napoleon Dynamite," which I had missed in the theatres. Too funny!
Over lunch, I explained to her some of the main plot points of Buffy, and then at the theatre, we discussed our Lost theories. Of course, as I explained several of my ideas, I started getting the impression that she had seen a lot less of the show than she was letting on, so at a certain point I refused to say any more and instead gave her the CDs I burned with the first seven episodes. Hurrah! We also exchanged our gifts. Good lord, Chungy knows me far too well! She got me the DVD of Hero, which I was planning to get for myself with the Christmas money I got from my aunt. And we're getting together again on Wednesday! Hurrah! Priscilla said at 9:29 PM ![]() Saw Phantom of the Opera with mum, which was quite good. The visuals were so magnificently opulent that it would take a dozen repeat viewings to fully appreciate them, and the voices were much better than I expected them to be. However, I didn't enjoy it as much as other movie musicals I've seen, mainly because it didn't really offer anything beyond what the stage musical presented. Usually, movie musicals are either totally new (like NMBC) or offer a radically new spin or interpretation on pre-existing material (like Chicago or Moulin Rouge). Meanwhile, Phantom had fabulous visuals, but the script was essentially the libretto of the musical. I guess that should please the purists, and I suppose that was probably the intention, but I went in to the theatre wanting to experience something new and different.
I wanted a new spin. I wanted to not want to hit Christine in the face with a large fish. I wanted to be able to find it in my heart to ship Christine/Raoul for once, but nope, even on the silver screen, Christine/Raoul is duller than Buffy/Angel (oh, and that scene on the roof [All I Ask of You], where Christine and Raoul obliviously kiss, and then it pans over to the Phantom, seething behind the horse statue? Three guesses where my mind went, and the first two that aren't "the last scene of 'End of Days' [BtvS 7x21]" don't count. I wanted TheFirst!Christine to appear by the Phantom's side and make some snide comment.) And now I've gone off on a major tangent about an aspect I didn't like, and I haven't said anything about why I did like it. One of my favourite bits came in the form of Minnie Driver as Carlotta. Oh my good gravy, she was fabulous! Her mannerisms were comic gold, and her costumes were fantastic. Listening to the CD, "Prima Donna" is one of my favourite bits from the show, though it seemed a bit flat in the movie version, despite the frantic busyness and energy of the visuals. It really didn't bother me that it wasn't her singing. Was it just me, or did the dancers in black in the background of "The Point of No Return" conjure major "Roxanne" flashbacks? Why is it that I can't spell "conjure" properly on the first try ever since playing Conjur Woman in Dark of the Moon? Uh... Meg/Phantom OTP? I'm going to go ahead and post this, as I am finishing this entry at 8:33PM, when it was dated 1:01AM, which is just silly. Priscilla said at 1:01 AM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
![]() And so this is Christmas! Man, I cleaned up! More cute tops and sweaters than you can shake a stick at (including an Avenue Q shirt), Paul Kidby's new Art of Discworld, James Fee's Peleliu Project (a book I've been yearning for since senior year), a couple books on Broadway, the PBS Broadway special on DVD, a book of Edmund Teske photographs (which I lusted after with my mom in NY--she must have returned to the store without me and picked up a copy!), and to top it all, the Lord of the Rings Extended Edition trilogy.
Second to the LotR merriment, my other favourite gift was the one that was the most unexpected. When I got home from Philadelphia, we sent my sweaters and coat to the cleaners, with the knowledge that I could use some other coat lying around the house in place of my normal coat while I was in Dallas. My mom looked through the closets and found a coat she had bought last year, but which she never really wore, because she found it got to be a bit too small. However, on me, it fit perfectly, and is fabulously flattering. She said I could have it! It's like my normal coat, but ankle-length and with two columns of buttons instead of one. I luuuuuuuuuuuurve it! And now it is mine, mwahahaha! Also, for the first time, we opened the portfolio case Keith Carter sent us and basked in the glory of the "Spotted Apple" print we bought last summer in Santa Fe. Not sure where we're going to put it in the house yet, but I can't wait to see it framed! *drools* Priscilla said at 3:28 PM ![]() Auxiliary Backup Hobbit Christmukkahwanzafestivagnosti-- *takes deep breath* --saturnalieid-ul-fitratheist-kids-get-presents-day! My holiday card is going to have to wait a few days, because apparently even at 2AM, there are no Christmas miracles where Maya is concerned. *thwaps software*
Priscilla said at 10:43 AM
Friday, December 24, 2004
![]() From Rebecca G: How to Be Emo
Times Online: "Once More With Feeling" rates #7 on list of Top 50 Feelgood Films. Funny, somehow I never really thought of it as a feelgood show. Particularly seeing as how it beat "Singing in the Rain" and "The Sound of Music". To each his own, I guess. Whedonesque: Not one but two Angel writers working on an upcoming Lost episode Stolen from Beth: Ding Fries Are Done Priscilla said at 5:22 PM ![]() YESSS!!!! There are more that share my
::cough:: Ahem. Priscilla said at 4:53 PM ![]() *dies* Linked from Meghan: Pulp X-Mas
Priscilla said at 4:40 PM ![]() Does anyone know if there were new episodes of either Lost or Smallville last night? Judging from the absence of commentary on my flist, I assume the negative, but I don't want to miss out on the off chance that I'm mistaken.
Priscilla said at 1:08 AM
Thursday, December 23, 2004
![]() Oh! I should probably mention that I'm home now! I got in just before midnight last night. Yay, winter break! *does a little dance*
Priscilla said at 8:08 PM
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
![]() WOOHOO!!!! And we have heat again! *does a brief dance, then immediately returns to typing frantically on last-minute work on final theatre lighting project*
Priscilla said at 2:38 PM
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
![]() Ugh. I just took a 5-minute freshly-baked chocolate chip cookie break (thank you, Nikki and Lisa!) from the evil theatre lighting thing. Nikki and Lisa were watching "The Real Gilligan's Island," so as I ate my cookie and drank my chocolate soymilk, I watched a couple minutes.
WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO MY FIRST FANDOM? Good grief, this is what they cancelled shows like Firefly and Angel for? What on earth is the appeal of reality TV, I want to know? Priscilla said at 9:36 PM ![]() I love how attempts at censorship always seem to backfire so spectacularly.
Priscilla said at 9:29 PM ![]() A day later: Still no heat, but at least there haven't been any more power outages! *knocks on wood*
Priscilla said at 7:59 PM ![]() *giggles madly*
Fewer than 12 hours since the release date of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, with publication more than 200 days away, the book is already the #1 Bestseller at Amazon.com and BarnesandNoble.com. Good lord I love this fandom. Of course, I'm planning on getting my copy at the inevitable midnight release party, so all is well. For those of you preordering, Buy Blue with Barnes and Noble.com or help support FictionAlley.org by ordering through the link to Amazon on their site. Priscilla said at 7:14 PM ![]() *squeaks* I was talking with mum and dad last night, and they said that they're predicting SNOW in DALLAS Wednesday and Friday nights! Heralding my return and adding a touch of white to Christmas eve! Yaaaaay, Mother Nature, I so forgive you.
Priscilla said at 10:27 AM ![]() July 16, 2005.
Quite a ways to wait, but hey, it's not as long as the wait for Serenity! Priscilla said at 10:12 AM
Monday, December 20, 2004
![]() Just got an email from Tab.
FOR THOSE LIVING IN ROOMS ENDING IN '08 AND '09And the funny thing is, all my friends that live in Hamilton live in 408, with me in 1508, and 2308. Anyway, life is good, because I have a space heater and an electric blanket. ...AND THE FRICKING POWER JUST WENT OUT AGAIN. And a minute later it's back, but still. Grr. Anyway, the rest of the sentence was to read "and I just got nearly all of my Christmas shopping done on Barnes and Noble.com, as today is the last day of free shipping to arrive before Christmas, and as a plus, I just benefitted the Democratic party!" And now, back to work on the stupid theatre lighting thing. Priscilla said at 11:36 PM ![]() If you're as big a dork as I am, you will probably want to sign up for Leaky's e-mail and text message notification systems, which will let you know the publication date of HP6 the second it's announced.
And it turns out that picture of Ron and Harry in Yule Ball regalia wasn't leaked at all! It was released from the WB! To see it and the other image (Harry and Hermione before the first task), go here. Sometimes I think I'm too fannishly obsessive to function. But then I get distracted by shirtless pictures of Simon or Spike or find some new clip of Billy singing or come upon some really impressive fanart or fanfiction for one of my favourite ships or some new theory on HP or Lost and-- wait, what was I talking about? Priscilla said at 9:45 PM ![]() The power just went out in my room (and Deep's! But Nikki's and the common room are fine!) for the third time in under an hour. Apparently there were issues with pipes freezing or something, and that's why we've been having problems with the power, heating, and water temperature. Stupid weather. Maintenance is currently dealing with the problem.
Oh, and Jume -- I'm still in Philadelphia. As far as I know, we've had no snow in Dallas. Speaking of, I love how I haven't gotten a chance to go Christmas shopping AT ALL yet. And I am so frantic over my theatre lighting project that I won't be able to go shopping until after I turn it in on Wednesday, which will probably translate into after I get home, due to the necessity of PACKING. Thursday and Friday will be a madhouse. My friends in Philadelphia will be getting "Christmas in January" gifts. I will cope with my stress by laughing at this leaked still from "Goblet of Fire". OMG, Ron! So not canon, but so fabulous! Yeah, I think Molly's passive-agressive treatment of Ron just stopped being passive. Priscilla said at 8:43 PM ![]() Arrrgh, why is our stupid heater blowing only cold air? I have it cranked up to 80! Hmmm, do I still have that space heater in the closet?... Score, I do! *aims it at my feet*
Priscilla said at 6:38 PM ![]() AICN: Whedon Wonder Woman a Weality?
Various Liberal Communities: Pretzel Bomb 2005 British Medical Journal: A Precious Case From Middle Earth Jim Gilliam.com: Krugman vs. O'Reilly Priscilla said at 6:06 PM ![]() *snorts salad* I really shouldn't eat or drink when reading articles on politics. Group Says Russia Now at 'Not Free' Status.
Priscilla said at 5:49 PM ![]() EEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! A very Merry Christmas update on JKRowling.com!
![]() Click the thumbnail to read JKR's message, or go to her website and see it for yourself! Instructions here, courtesy of Leaky. Priscilla said at 5:42 PM ![]() Did I mention it snowed this evening? Sure, I was cooped up, madly working on final touchups on my images and didn't get to enjoy it, but still. Snow! And sure, it was just a few pathetic flurries that dusted the cars and the grass, but on Dallas standards, it would be a blizzard.
*hums "White Christmas" and goes to sleep* Priscilla said at 2:46 AM ![]() Note to self: When walking 6 blocks in 17 degree weather with what according to the Weather Channel is a windchill of zero, but as you're walking through a wind tunnel that makes it difficult to even move forward, it's probably much colder than that, it's prudent to wear the hat that actually covers your ears, as opposed to just the first hat you grab when you're rushing out of the room.
And I started my period again this morning, ruining my favourite pair of underwear. Mother Nature sucks. But my pictures are still pretty. Priscilla said at 2:23 AM ![]() OOOOOOHHHH! I had printed my final images on the standard matte paper and was quite cross, as everything was horiffically tinted green. Then I looked over at my friend Sam's printouts, done on glossy, which were gorgeous, and decided "what the hell" and reprinted them. I'm so glad I did! They're so preeeeeeety! I also printed a copy of "Dream", as one of my classmates in the Santa Fe workshop last year asked to buy a print, but unfortunately it turned out far too pink and looks chalky and hideous. Grrrr. *is cross* Stupid unpredictable printers.
But my stuff for tomorrow is lovely, and that's all I care about at 2AM. Priscilla said at 1:58 AM ![]() I posted my 3d modeling final project final renders in my LJ. Woohoo! One more project for one more class, and I'm home free! I will be insane the next two days, but oh well. Tonight, I dance!
Priscilla said at 1:50 AM
Sunday, December 19, 2004
![]() Suprnova.org, along with at least a half dozen other torrent download sites, is no more. Rage! Now how am I going to be able to watch both Smallville and Lost when they come on at the same time? *grouses*
Priscilla said at 3:45 PM ![]() *vomits*
"Reframing reality to match his design"? Isn't that just a fancy way of saying "lying" and "ignoring reality"? And since when is "gambling his fortunes — and ours — on his faith in the power of leadership" a good thing? Priscilla said at 1:30 PM ![]() This is intriguing. Myths over Miami. (from lisew)
Priscilla said at 1:14 PM
Saturday, December 18, 2004
![]() THEY SLASH THEMSELVES. What a treat I'll have Christmas morning! I just got to watch the extended edition with Ari and his gang (yay, I made a friend! Josh! I showed him my Imperial walker model, and he proposed marriage), and I can't wait to watch it with cast commentary, plus all the extras and features and stuff. And the easter egg with Elijah and Dom! *does a merry dance, no pun intended*
Ganked from Maybethemoon, is that really Peter Jackson? As I commented in her journal, clearly, weight watchers works wonders. I just hope he lost all that weight in a healthy manner! It's quite a bit to lose in such a short time. He looks fabulous, but I'll miss our favourite real-life hobbit. Switching fandoms, here's a bit of "As You Were"-related humor, from the writer of the earlier discussion. Funny! Priscilla said at 11:25 PM ![]() This is quite possibly the funniest fake political figure journal I've ever read. Check it out, it's hilarious!
Also, more progress on my Imperial walker! Priscilla said at 3:40 PM ![]() Wow! Suddenly "As You Were" actually makes sense! The episode I thought was quite possibly the worst in the series due to its utter incoherence, nonsensical characterization, and complete lack of followup, is suddenly perfectly clear. Read theohara's Captain Cardboard, or How I Learned To Stop Seething And Love "As You Were".
Priscilla said at 10:14 AM ![]() Who did I steal this link from? Oh well. Io Saturnalia!
Priscilla said at 1:06 AM
Friday, December 17, 2004
![]() Wow. Just got my final grade from my CSE 240 class. No word on if there will be a curve and if so, what it will be, but my numerical score was 60.12%. From my calculations, the class average is about 80.
I'm actually kind of impressed. I mean, think of all the circumstances that came together to bring me .12 points over an uncurved F. If I had forgotten one daily quiz, it would have meant a 59.94, as they're each worth .18% of the final grade. The extra points I got today from my meeting with one of the professors (in which I expressed the belief that I should have gotten more points for a certain assignment than the graders gave me) worked out to be worth 2.775 points towards my final grade. That's kind of hot. Ko and I decided that we needed to dance, so we immediately began a search for a "I failed (or rather, came very close to failing), but that's okay, we're still cool" type song, and decided on "Dancing Through Life" from Wicked, due to its assertion that "life is painless when you're brainless," which we found quite fitting. Ko refers to this as the Bush administration song, but we ignored that just this once. I'm definitely looking forward to getting my CSE 260 exam grade back. And my film history essay. It'll be nice to be reminded that I can do something besides making things pretty. Priscilla said at 11:38 PM ![]() Passed on from Rebecca M's journal, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy behind-the-scenes photos. Um, yay, but... Zaphod? Please tell me he's getting a second head and a third arm?
Also, a couple behind the scenes shots from Serenity. EDIT: I apologize to those on the RSS feed for the doublepost! I had to fix an HTML error. Priscilla said at 10:24 PM ![]() OH I AM SO GOOD!!! My 260 exam has been thoroughly, completely, and entirely PWNZED. I don't think I've felt this good about an exam in my LIFE.
Man. World? Feel free to prostate yourself before me and kiss my sandalled feet. I should be fawned over like the leprous hobbits catering to Glory's every whim. Except not leprous. Instead, they will be the non-leprous hobbits on Ari's copy of the RotK:EE that we're watching tomorrow. Oh, life is so good! ![]() Priscilla said at 11:04 AM ![]() Dear Zell Miller,
If you feel you must continue being a total asshat, please just admit you're not a Democrat and stop being a poser. You're just making yourself look stupid. Irritatedly, Priscilla Priscilla said at 7:45 AM
Thursday, December 16, 2004
![]() Whee, A Series of Unfortunate Events opens tomorrow!
Priscilla said at 1:47 PM ![]() I got a Christmas card from DeeDee! *dances merrily*
Some links: From Glock: Dorkstorm--The Annihilation *goggles* How was I entirely unaware of the blistering controversy surrounding Speedy Gonzalez? Would it be un-PC to laugh really, really, really hard at this article? (from Renata) A writer for the San Francisco Bay Guardian misses Joss Whedon. Good grief! They're selling Spike's "effulgent" poem on eBay, and it's currently at almost $400! Gravy. The fans love their boy. DeviantArt's response to the NYC subway photography ban (and subsequent challenge). Chow Yun Fat to be in PotC sequels? Lemony Snicket via Leaky: Harry Potter a "nice young fictional man." Priscilla said at 11:01 AM
Wednesday, December 15, 2004
![]() Drive-by cookie-ing! I just posted some in-progress shots of my Imperial walker and the Jabberwock in my LiveJournal. Clicksee!
Priscilla said at 8:59 PM ![]() News from AWN! Chungy was mentioned an upcoming movie from Aardman (the gang that did "Wallace and Grommit" and "Chicken Run" and such), so I was curious.
Kate Winslet has joined the voice cast of Aardman Animations’ FLUSHED AWAY. Winslet will be Rita, the female sewer rat who helps pampered rat Roddy (Hugh Jackson) survive in Ratropolis after he is accidentally flush down the toilet. The cast also includes Sir Ian McKellen, Bill Nighy and Andy Serkis.Also, Aardman's Wallace & Gromit: Tale of the Were Rabbit is slated for Oct. 7, 2005. And because what would a CG-rich movie be without a clone coming out at almost the same time, Pixar, is currently in pre-production on Ratatouille, its first solo effort, about a rat that inhabits an upscale Parisian restaurant, directed by Jan Pinkava (Geri's Game). Brian Cox will provide the voice of Aslan in The Chronicles of Narnia. Fox has comissioned a script for a possible Magneto X-Men spinoff. Phobos Ent. has obtained media rights to Ursula K. Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness. Disney is planning on remaking Swiss Family Robinson and adding Jungle Cruise to their list of "movies inspired by theme park rides", even after saying there wouldn't be any more after the PotC sequels. The description is pure gold: As for CRUISE, Hoberman described the movie as "an adventure film with comedic elements, but its core is almost a family version of Joseph Conrad's HEART OF DARKNESS, about a group that travels upriver, in search of a significant cure.” Josh Goldstein and John Norville (TIN CUP) have been hired to write the screenplay."A family version of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness"? Yeah, that's going to be a success! *snorks* Subscribe to the AWN free newsletter here. Priscilla said at 2:49 PM ![]() Link ganked from Cyth: For anyone who has ever wondered what the writers of Smallville are on...
Priscilla said at 2:08 PM ![]() What a joke! Retiring US Senator Zell Miller joining Fox News.
Politics is so much funnier than fiction. Priscilla said at 1:36 PM ![]() EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAY! I just read the equivalent non-spoiler thread at Whedonesque, and the reviews for Serenity are overwhelmingly positive. GLEEE!!! Wah, why does September have to be so far away?
Priscilla said at 10:28 AM ![]() My Message to Any Firefly Fans Reading This Journal:
Soon, some lucky Firefly fans (flans?) are going to be coming back from tonight's test screening of Serenity, and they'll certainly have a lot to say about the movie's plot, character development, storytelling devices, etc. In fact, Whedonesque set up this thread specifically for said spoilers. Let me announce here and now that I want nothing of it. I don't want to know any details about the movie in advance, so if you choose to indulge, please don't share your theories or opinions or whatever with me, and if you talk about it in your LJs or blogs, please be respectful and use a cut tag or change the text color to match the background or whatever. Good? Good. *steps off soapbox* Shiny. Priscilla said at 1:45 AM
Tuesday, December 14, 2004
![]() A few random links:
What is happening in this picture? Doesn't Bush know what happened to the last guy? What the... the box set of Invader Zim is 90 bucks on Amazon? It's 1 1/4 seasons! Great gravy. Good think I have all the aired episodes burned on CD. Thank you, Luke! Funny, with great animation: "Everyone Has Had More Sex Than Me" (ganked from lisew) More anthropomorphic bunnies: "It's a Wonderful Life" in 30 seconds (ganked from Heidi) Dude, just when I think Google can't get any cooler, they come out with this. Not to be missed: Glockgal's favourite fanartists on LJ! It would take a hundred fen a hundred years and a hundred megs of hard drive space to fully apprecate all these artists! She says of me: "TheNineMuses.net. Is all about the light, gentle charm of illustration, and the deep, intense voluptuousness of computer coloring. Her drawing style is pleasant and easily accessible and her coloring is eager and rich. Some people just have all the multi-talent." *beams* Priscilla said at 11:06 PM ![]() While watching snippets of "Return of the Jedi" to better understand the AT-ST walk cycle (which I love so much and want so badly to animate, but I know I won't have time to so do for the critique on Monday), I was struck again by just how awesome Firefly is. It always bothered me when we studied World War II in history class that we were called the Allies and our enemy was referred to as the Axis Powers. I wondered if the word "axis" gained its negative connotations from World War II or if it came before. I wondered what the Axis Powers called us, and what they called themselves. I'm sure they thought of themselves as allies! It's a classic example of history being written by the victors. Then in Star Wars, we have the Rebel Alliance. Good for them. I love how in Firefly, the "Alliance" is the name of the side Mal and Zoe fought against; the side that won.
Joss is so awesome. Oh, and the foot of my scout walker? Beyond hotness. *continues work on gun mounts* Priscilla said at 10:28 PM ![]() Stolen from pauraque and malograntum: This past Saturday was Kerry's birthday. In his honor, here's this picture of a young John Kerry, shirtless and holding a puppy.
Let's take this time to also admire this young and shirtless Howard Dean, carring lots of heavy firewood or something. Carry that firewood, Dean! Man, with hotties like these on our team, how on earth could we lose? To a cheerleader, at that? (The rest of pauraque's entry has some great links, as well, so check it out!) Priscilla said at 8:12 PM ![]() HP6 on the way? Leaky thinks so! Oh, I hope this wasn't just a silly mistake!
Also, Serenity test screenings start tonight in LA, so we'll get some fan input on how it rates. Huzzah! Priscilla said at 4:48 PM ![]() *laughs* Oh, Jason. I know exactly how you feel!
Priscilla said at 2:41 PM ![]() Here are the answers to the playlist meme:
Priscilla said at 10:24 AM ![]() Neil Cicierega of Potter Puppet Pals wishes his little sister a Merry Christmas. Hijinks ensue. Utterly brilliant!
Priscilla said at 1:04 AM
Monday, December 13, 2004
![]() Nikki posted a particularly scrumptious picture of Matthew McConaughey to our Wall of Sex, so I decided to represent my tastes by posting the screencap of shirtless Simon from "Objects in Space." Ko and I spent a few minutes appreciating the image, then I resigned to the fact that I would not be able to concentrate on my Jabberwock model until I rewatched the shirtless scene. I invited Ko to join me. There was much lusting and general droolage.
Me: So are you still a Mal fan? Ko: Mal who? Life is so good. Shirtless Simon is even better. And now I can return to my modeling projects with the renewed energy! Huzzah! It compensates nicely for my disappointment this evening over "Lady in the Dark" auditions. I think my monologue and scene went very well, but the singing portion? I was nowhere near my best. I wasn't actively bad, but I don't think I'll be impressing anyone. I just chose the wrong song for my voice that day, and I wasn't really warmed up, and the acoustics of the room were pretty awful, and all those other excuses. Oh well, here's hoping I'll get the chance to redeem myself. The director said he still hadn't decided if he would hold callbacks, so I guess I'll wait and see. In other news, last night I saw Aaron's Shakespeare Cafe, and he was utterly fabulous. Usually I'm not as fond of watching Shakespeare being performed, preferring to read it directly, but I take exception for the Underground Shakespeare Company. They are utterly awesome and quite hilarious. And afterwards, I returned to the room in time to get in on Ko's culinary action -- she made enchiladas for the suite, the boys, and a couple friends, and I was afraid that the shenanigans would be over by the time I returned. Mmmmmm, my belly is still singing in gastronomic delight. Priscilla said at 11:36 PM ![]() Let's have a Blue Christmas!
Priscilla said at 10:11 AM ![]() Revenge of the Playlist Meme! As I can't edit posts after a certain period of time without them doubleposting on abeybaby, I just decided to doublepost for everyone!
Switching out the correctly answered lyrics:
I'll post the full answers tomorrow morning. In the meantime, keep guessing! Priscilla said at 9:42 AM ![]() Chungy is a DORK and UNCOOL and UNWORTHY OF MY AFFECTIONS.
Dude, when it's your 20th birthday, BE NEAR A PHONE SO I CAN CALL YOU. I have been trying to reach you for 2 1/2 hours! NO LOVE. *scoffs and returns to work on AT-ST walker model* Priscilla said at 1:46 AM
Sunday, December 12, 2004
![]() Priscilla said at 4:07 PM ![]() I really, really love Get Fuzzy. Ah, comics. It's so nice to have the left wing dominating some aspect of the media!
Priscilla said at 2:58 PM ![]() Update on the Rent movie script. Looks like things are going decently well, though I'm quite upset about the prospect of cutting "Christmas Bells", which is my favourite Rent song. Sadness.
Priscilla said at 2:55 PM ![]() Meme! Ganked from Kell.
Step 1: Get your playlist together, put it on random, and play! Step 2: Pick your favorite lines from the first 25 songs that play! Step 3: Post and let everyone you know guess what song the lines come from! Step 4: Cross out the songs when someone guesses correctly! P.S: no cheating and pasting the lyrics into a search engine I've got some slightly obscure stuff in here, but I think we'll be able to account for nearly everything. Lyrics marked with an asterisk (*) are more unusual.
Priscilla said at 10:07 AM
Saturday, December 11, 2004
![]() Oh. My. God. Watch this, right now. Ann Coulter and Tucker Carlson discuss relations with Canada. This is the funniest thing I've seen in weeks, and the knowledge that these two actually believe what they're saying just boggles the mind. Good gravy on a stick, there are no words.
Priscilla said at 6:15 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004
![]() I just updated the illustration gallery of theninemuses.net with links to the actual images. My next step will be to add the individual pages for each image (artist's notes and all that), but in my list of priorities, that will come after I update my photographic gallery. Hurrah, soon I will no longer be ashamed of my website and willing to actually give the link out to people!
Comments should be posted in my livejournal so that I can keep them and love them and name them George. Stupid transitoryness of Blogback comments... Priscilla said at 7:14 PM ![]() JKR updated her site today! Woohoo!
She squashed rumors of Luna and Neville hooking up in HBP, which advances my campaign for Harry/Luna, tra-la! (Condolences to the L/N shippers!) Also, she added lots of nifty info on Wands, which makes my little WIAN enthusiast heart sing. And Glock posted this bit on Celtic tree astrology (xylology?), and apparently I am ASH. Ash Tree (Ambition) -- extremely attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be very egotistic, reliable, restless lover, sometimes money rules over the heart, demands attention, needs love and much emotional support. *cackles* Priscilla said at 5:09 PM ![]() Yet more Firefly-related curiosities (see? this is what happens when I neglect a fandom for a few weeks): Does this mean Serenity is no longer the 10th character? Rumblings here, most notably verifying that the picture isn't a forgery, but the solitication cover. Der. I wonder how Adam managed to grow 3 inches between the two photos.
Priscilla said at 1:33 PM ![]() Ah. I misheard what Alan said. It's been confirmed on fff.n that his name is "Hoban Washburn" *snerks*. And Keith R.A. DeCandido, who wrote the Serenity novelization, confimed that the full names of Wash, Book, and Zoe (her maiden name) will be mentioned in Serenity. Snazzy.
Priscilla said at 1:10 PM ![]() The trailer for Tim Burton's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory is here!
I really need to reread the book... and for contrast, watch the Gene Wilder movie again. It's been years since I've done either. Priscilla said at 1:00 PM ![]() Interesting. Gina Torres's newly-updated website says Zoe and Wash' surname is Warren, as well. And it refers to Wash as "Jerry Lee Warren", whereas in the interview with Alan Tudyk the other day he said something like "Holden Washburn."
Can we get Joss to clarify this? It seems Nathan has said that Joss said it was Washburn, and on the FFF.n boards it says the "Jerry Lee" came from a mistake in a transcript of "Our Mrs. Reynolds", but it would be nice to hear firsthand. And to know what Alan actually said Wash's first name was, because the lousy sound quality made it difficult to understand. Hee, I love how fandom loves to make a huge deal out of things that in the grand scheme of things do not matter at all. *coughBlaise'sgendercough* Priscilla said at 10:44 AM
Thursday, December 09, 2004
![]() Wow. Modeling machines in Maya is so much less fun than modeling creatures.
Priscilla said at 8:11 PM ![]() There's a meme going around LJ, in which you take one of your icons and badly edit a Santa hat on whoever is featured. I am too easily amused.
![]() Jayne, Binky, and Boo. Life is good. Priscilla said at 4:47 PM ![]() *sulks* Here I was, thinking that it was too good to be true. The THARTS Spring show was going to be Lady in the Dark, which is excellent. They were offering the project as a class, meaning that I could count it towards my theatre minor. It was going to meet 3 hours a night, 4 days a week, compared to 4 hours a night, 5 days a week for "Annie Get Your Gun", meaning that I would spend less time in rehearsal each week and have one fewer class outside of theatre to worry about. The lead role was intriguing and perfect for my vocal range. I even nudged Aaron into considering the position of Assistant Music Director for the show.
And today I find out that they've already cast nearly the entire production before even holding open auditions, and the two female roles the email I received referred to were not Liza and Sutton but two other random characters. I'm well aware that I have a prima donna-like desire for recognition, though of course it's natural to want to be in the spotlight and not be another faceless chorus member. I've been spoiled rotten by the juicy roles I've had in high school and at Penn so far, and I'm less fond of the idea of trying out for a show that has already had the lead roles cast. And now I'm looking at the Penn Performing Arts Website, and most of the groups haven't even posted what their spring shows are going to be. And those that have posted really don't sound that interesting. *sigh* Auditions for One Acts are today and tomorrow, but I don't know anything about the shows, and I'd much rather do a musical. ... And I just got an email back from the director, and he said that no, only the two lead roles, Liza and Dr. Brooks, have been cast, and everything else is open. The reason they said there were only two roles left to be filled is because there are; for the show, they've reduced a 20-person cast to an ensemble of 8. 2 women, plus Liza, and 4 guys, plus Dr. Brooks. So that sounds rather awesome, actually. And the roles of Liza and Dr. Brooks are thesis roles for two acting majors, which explains why they've already been cast. So yeah, I'm still trying out for Lady in the Dark. I hope I stand a chance with only two girls being taken, but if not, I'll just have to wait until the other groups announce their Spring shows, and decide from there. And if I don't do a show, then I'll just have that time for academics and perhaps get back to CGing and such. Priscilla said at 3:31 PM ![]() Just watched last night's episode of Lost.
Dear Mark Abrams, YOU SUCK YOU SUCK YOU SUCK. Love, Priscilla Priscilla said at 9:48 AM ![]() Ooh, video interviews with our BDHers from the premiere the other night!
Washburne? Where did I get the impression that Wash' last name was Warren? (Unrelated, does it bother anyone that Zoe is wearing her necklace when she first meets Wash in "Out of Gas," when according to the commentary the necklace is supposed to symbolize her marriage bond with Wash?) Hee, Nathan. Flans are the new cilantro! Priscilla said at 1:04 AM
Wednesday, December 08, 2004
![]() Man, I am so good! Finished my CSE homework with 5 minutes left to submit it before midnight! I AM HOTNESS INCARNATE! I'd say this merits a "Booyeah!" or two. No, not just two. A 50-member choir of Booyeahs, complete with harmony and dinky choir-style choreography. And midgets.
Priscilla said at 11:56 PM
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
![]() Yahoo!News: Diggs, Menzel Targeted With Racist Threats
Rebecca M put it best. What century are we living in? Fortunately, Lord of the Rings.net has a featurette on Pippin's song to placate me after seeing the previous link. Mmmm, Billeh. And also this snippet from the audio commentary of RotK. OMG. Dom is such a TEASE. (And it's his birthday tomorrow! Happy birthday, Dom!) Priscilla said at 9:20 PM ![]() Odd. When I republished in order to get my entries back, it deleted my last post. To summarize, I linked to OneManStarWars.com (not to be missed!) and expressed a desire to see The Empire Strikes Back again. Perhaps over break, I decided.
And that's all I have to say about that. Priscilla said at 9:08 PM ![]() Gak! My last entry did something weird to my blog and my entries disappeared. Let's see if this fixes it...
Priscilla said at 8:21 PM ![]() It looks like Percy is going to win the Dread Balloon Experiment! Woohoo!
Also, Jewel Staite blogs about her impressions on seeing the Firefly movie, and Summer Glau talks about the film in an interview. Sounds like we've got a winner! And apparently I was mentioned in "Breaking News" in the Hockaday Upper School Notices thing. Nifty. In other news, Why have you forsaken the baby Jesus? Link ganked from Renata. Everyone MUST see this, NOW. Priscilla said at 3:32 PM ![]() Four of our Big Damn Heroes were seen at the premiere of "In Good Company" last night, including Adam Baldwin, Summer Glau, Morena Baccarin, and Nathan Fillion.
Dear Nathan, No. Love, Priscilla P.S. The moustache must go as well. Also, in this shot from "The Pierre Heist", it appears James Marsters has allowed his hair to grow out a millimeter or two since "The Mountain", which is at least a step in the right direction. *heavy sigh* How can such pretty men be so clueless? Priscilla said at 3:08 PM ![]() Life is so good! Turned in my paper, and got a B on the final exam I thought I'd done poorly on. I'd say this merits a w00t w00t, wouldn't you?
Priscilla said at 11:34 AM ![]() As of this timestamp, my paper is HOTNESS. Woohoo, bedtime!
Priscilla said at 3:41 AM
Monday, December 06, 2004
![]() Woot! FTP is back, and it's zooming like a mad thing! *grooves*
Priscilla said at 5:37 PM ![]() Stupid Your-Site.com temporarily disabling FTP access. Let's see if this posts... For some reason, I've been able to FTP from the animation lab, but not from my room. Weirdness. So let's see if I can publish my blog, gah.
In other news, it's so satisfying when you set out to write a paper longer than you've ever done before and you find yourself decreasing font size. :D Priscilla said at 11:47 AM
Sunday, December 05, 2004
![]() Poll: If I named my essay "The Force of New Technology: How the Star Wars Saga Transformed the Special Effects Industry" would you want to punch me in the face?
I would. Priscilla said at 6:25 PM
Saturday, December 04, 2004
![]() *is cross* Why do only half of the articles that show up on the RSS feed of Whedonesque actually exist? I click on a link and find that oh, there's no entry associated with it. And I go to the main index and it's not there, either. Oh, my life is filled with angst!
And now: Cinefex and Industrial Light and Magic: The Art of Special Effects say the AT-ST walkers of Return of the Jedi were animated with go-motion animation. The Stop-Motion Filmography claims stop-motion. Life is so hard. Priscilla said at 9:55 AM
Friday, December 03, 2004
![]() That would be so funny if this were true. I'm shocked that there's no indication that the article is satire.
Priscilla said at 6:00 PM ![]() Firefly-related goodness!
Note from Adam Baldwin (Jayne) on the rough cut of Serenity Op Ed/News: Whedonverse -- K.W. Taylor's take on how the delay could be a good thing Also, Joss confirms that this is indeed artwork for the film and not fan-created. Purdyful. Priscilla said at 3:47 PM ![]() Huh. Does anyone know the proper MLA bibliographic formatting for citing a "talking heads"-style DVD featurette?
Priscilla said at 11:49 AM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
![]() Great googly moogly! For my film history class, I'm writing a 14 page essay on how the Star Wars saga impacted the special effects industry. Due this coming Tuesday. Worried about not having a big enough topic, in my proposal I also suggested I might also write about the original trilogy's part in the rise of the blockbuster. But at the rate I'm going (I've done parts of ANH and touched on Empire), it looks like there's not going to be a problem in the slightest. In fact, it's probably going to be a challenge to keep it under 14 pages! Oh, I am feeling so good right now.
This message has been brought to you by the Coalition to Reassure Priscilla's Parents That She Is Indeed Working Diligently On Her Essay and Not Slacking Off Or Anything. P.S.: Remind me to post some of the funnier lines from Thomas Smith's ILM book. It has excellent, detailed information about the specifics of ILM's new technological developments I haven't been able to find anywhere else, but the employee spotlight snippets read like personal ads. Ko laughed. Priscilla said at 9:54 PM ![]() Mmm, definitely liking the upswing in comments now that I switched to BlogBack. If only people were so eager to comment on my Colorado photopost in my LJ! *is not subtle at all* :D
Priscilla said at 6:36 PM ![]() Ganked from a bunch of people:
If there is at least one person in your life who you consider a close friend, and who you would not have met without being part of an online fandom, post this sentence in your journal. "At least one"? Hee. :D Tangentially related: HP Fandom Birthdays! Priscilla said at 6:16 PM ![]() *rage* This is infuriating. I don't even know where to start, I'm so offended. Apparently tolerance has become "too controversial" for public TV.
Also appalling: Fox is auctioning off the bathrobe Buffy wore in the attempted rape scene in "Seeing Red". That's just... ugh, I feel ill even thinking about it. Umm... this Foxtrot comic is funny. *still fuming* Priscilla said at 5:48 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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