Monday, January 31, 2005
It's that time again! Priscilla answers questions from the Comments, as she is lazy and does not expect her friends to read through them to see if I responded. Original post time and date provided for your reference. Whatever. :D
1/29, 7:32p -- Renata: what name do YOU go by?? I go by "Cellie," as they insisted I needed a nickname. Terra is Ko, Deepshikha is Deep, and Nicole is Nikki. 1/29, 5:45p -- Various After much deliberation with Ko and Aaron, I'm leaning towards the possum. Or maybe a wombat or duck-billed platypus. I also like the idea of the alpaca, but the fur would be a nightmare to render, I imagine. I'm going to stop by the veterinary library and see what kinds of reference images I can rummage up, then decide from there. I might have to do a more conventional animal. Oh well. 1/26, 11:21p -- Sannali: Can one come "full circle" in an arc? Yes, I think one can. An arc is defined by how many degrees it encompasses—a circle is an arc which encompasses 360 degrees. Your math-fu is the best. 1/26, 2:04p -- Various I didn't recognize the Sunny quote because I haven't yet read the books. *pokes library with a stick* I really need to get a library card at the Philadelphia Free Library branch location that is actually on my block. I am so lazy I defy description. 1/25, 1:56a -- Ashley: Ahh, SA's GBS… please tell me youre not a goon. It would scare me greatly if you were. I do think i must have missed that thread in my choughing enduced state. No, I am not a SA forum goon. The link was pointed out to me in a Calvin and Hobbes LJ community. Hmm. As comments are only around for the week their entries exist on the front page, I should probably do this weekly. Let's say Monday is "Priscilla Answers Comments" day? Wow, I just hit a new low in metablogging. I can feel the apathy from here. :D Priscilla said at 11:45 PM Aaron and I broke up tonight, and frankly it was a relief. I enjoy being around him, but things were just getting awkward between us, and we agreed that things would be better for both of us if we went back to being friends. After rehearsal, we went to my room for hot chocolate with peppermint, and we had probably the most rewarding, natural conversation that we've had in weeks. All of the weirdness was gone, and we could just be ourselves again. It's like I've regained a friend! So we're both happy, and all is good.
Unrelated, but to any Hockaday girls: What does Mr. Dumaine's rock say? I can't believe I've forgotten, but I was struggling to remember this evening. Priscilla said at 10:04 PM Hee! This is adorable! From the set of PotC: Jack and Jack.
Priscilla said at 6:22 PM
Sunday, January 30, 2005
*dies* AICN reviewers attended a test screening of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. And apparently, "the movie starts with a musical number recounting the dolphins' escape from the planet Earth."
I think I just died and went to a happy place. And the fact that they used the "Journey of the Sorcerer" theme just makes it doubly fabulous. Oh the geekitude! The second reviewer is much less effusive, but oh well. No matter what, it's got to be better than the BBC version. Priscilla said at 1:33 AM
Saturday, January 29, 2005
"Our room is so weird. None of us go by our real names, our motto is to make boys cry, and if we had an anthem, it would be 'The Alpacalypse'." --Ko
Priscilla said at 7:32 PM Priscilla said at 6:07 PM For my animation class, I'm going to be modeling and animating a 4-legged mammal. Any suggestions?
Priscilla said at 5:45 PM Ooh, the Mirrormask Trailer is out! The trailer itself isn't particularly well done, in my opinion, but the actual movie footage looks unbelievably gorgeous. Guh, I can't wait until it comes out!
*glances over the site* Hey! Robert Llewellyn! He played Kryten on "Red Dwarf"! Snazzified. Other Mirrormask related articles and ramblings here in Neil's blog. Unrelated, but here's a bit more casting info on the PotC sequel. Priscilla said at 5:07 PM Happy Belated Birthday to ALAN CUMMING! 40 years old on Thursday. Welcome to my Society of Men Over 40 That Are Still Quite Attractive, Usually Because of Their Lovely Accents! Also, Elijah Wood's birthday was Friday? I'm shocked that I didn't see more of a fan reaction on lotrboys_daily.
Priscilla said at 1:38 PM From CHUD, a preview of the HHGTG action figures, plushies, etc: VOGONS! GUNS! AND A ONE-HEADED ZAPHOD?
Really not liking the concept they described for Zaphod's other head (I'm reminded of the Mayor of Halloweentown), but I'll say nothing until I see it in action. I'm too determined to love this movie. Ganked from Becky, like most of my HHGTG news. :D Priscilla said at 1:27 AM
Friday, January 28, 2005
OMG SAYID!!!!!!! I just watched "Bride and Prejudice," my dorm's Penn PM Event, which was highly entertaining. Throughout the whole movie, I kept peering at the actor playing Bingley and trying to decide "Is that Naveen Andrews?" I actually came to the conclusion that alas, it probably wasn't, despite looking so much like him (the sound and picture quality were horrible), but then when I returned to the room and Ko and Deep googlesearched for pictures of Martin Henderson (Darcy), they pulled up the official site, and lo and beyond, in the Cast List, there was his name!
Now I have to show Deep, Lisa, and Ko clips from Lost and assert Sayid's awesomeness, as he was made deliberately less hot, as not to distract from Darcy. I will show them how attractive he can be when utterly brilliant with electronics, in a tank top, with an Iraqi accent. Yeah, Sayid. *happysigh* Priscilla said at 9:40 PM *squeaks* Asteroid named in Douglas Adams' honor.
Priscilla said at 2:31 PM *dies laughing* I wish I'd found out about Down the Rabbit Hole early enough to participate! This is absolutely hilarious.
Also, though not created for Rabbit Hole Day, I was just linked again to a website with a surprising number of my favourite humorous Bush videos. Gay Bar, the utterly brilliant Bush/Blair Love Duet, and more. Bwaha! Priscilla said at 1:11 PM
Thursday, January 27, 2005
A kid in my copyright class today asked the professor what a blog was. In the privacy of my own head, I laughed in an exceptionally loud and shrill manner. It's for moments like these that I practice a poker face.
In other news, an Oklahoma senator hopes to revive cockfighting in the state by putting tiny boxing gloves on the roosters instead of razors. Priscilla said at 11:34 PM Two days ago, there were only 100 Days left until The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy comes to screen! 98 today. Huzzah!
Priscilla said at 2:09 PM
Wednesday, January 26, 2005
My god, I have become what I mocked! Junior year, when we read "The Crucible," the Buffy enthusiasts in the class made it clear the first day of discussion that Giles Corey's name would be pronounced in the same manner as their favourite Watcher. I silently snickered at them from my seat. "What geeks!" I thought, without a trace of irony. And then yesterday, when we covered the Burrow-Giles Lithographic Co v. Sarony case, when one guy pronounced the name like "guiles," I found myself almost biting my tongue to stop myself from automatically responding with my chosen pronunciation. I have come full circle in the arc of mockery.
But then, now that I think about it, I was guilty of "insistence upon fandom pronunciation in class" long before junior year. In 8th grade, when we read "My Antonia", the X-Phile in me (dear gravy, I haven't written the term "X-Phile" in years) requested to the teacher (also a fan) that Peter Krajiek's name be pronounced like "Krycek," which she agreed to. Clearly, fandom ate my brain years ago and I therefore cannot be held responsible for any of my actions, unconscionably geeky as they may be. And now, back to homework! P.S. Can one come "full circle" in an arc? I'm not taking Math this semester, and therefore am furthermore exempt from thinking about geometry. Tra-la! Priscilla said at 11:21 PM Storyboards for the opening scene of the upcoming Beowulf and Grendel. Not the Neil version, the other.
So many Beowulfs (Beowulves?), so little time. Or something. Priscilla said at 2:32 PM *dies laughing* The copyright world kills me dead. (2, 3)
Also, anyone with an interest in legal issues surrounding file sharing should be aware of the MGM v. Grokster case. Consider friending These three blogs' RSS feeds. They're well worth reading, for anyone interested in creativity, posession, and technology. Priscilla said at 2:14 PM *snorks* I just had this pointed out to me.
From "A Series of Unfortunate Events" book 10, The Slippery Slope: "Busheney," Sunny said, which meant something along the lines of, "You're an evil man with no concern whatsoever for other people."Mmm, poisoning the minds of our children against the Administration one popular book series at at time... Priscilla said at 2:04 PM Oscar Nominations! I quite approve, and I am quite amused that I've only seen one of the 5 films nominated for Best Picture, and none of those nominated for "Best Director". I'm absolutely delighted (and not at all surprised) that "Ryan" was nominated for "Best Animated Short." I saw it at Siggraph, and it's amazing.
Tangentially related, here's a nifty article from the March 2005 "Total Film" (not a clue why a March issue would be out now, but who am I to question?) on the fabulousness of Serenity and the lameness of recent Sci-Fi. Also, wasn't Bootstrap Bill supposed to be Orli's spitting image? (Though the fact we have a Bootstrap Bill -- unless we're talking flashbacks -- proves I was SO RIGHT and that BOOTSTRAP BILL LIVES! Because dude, he was left for dead after the curse was enacted. He couldn't die!) Okay, I'm done. Priscilla said at 1:25 AM
Tuesday, January 25, 2005
Mackenzie Jean Rowling Murray. Cuteness! And HP&HBP is 672 pages.
Also, major updation for the Mirrormask website! Preeeeeety. And here's a snazzy review. Now when is this movie going into general release? In other news, A Snowy Tribute to Calvin and Hobbes. Sheer evil genius! Priscilla said at 1:56 AM
Monday, January 24, 2005
Oh. I probably should have mentioned that Jonathan Sanger was our guest lecturer in Thursday's Copyright class. So very awesome. He talked mostly about issues surrounding The Elephant Man, Vanilla Sky, and the upcoming movie of The Producers. Producing The Producers! How quaint. XD
Priscilla said at 11:45 PM It's a girl! Congrats to JK Rowling and her husband, Neil Murray!
And heeey, the "Dean for America" layout isn't broken with Mozilla! Priscilla said at 11:44 PM Dear Dad,
The next time you get the urge to tempt fate and make some joke about "It may be 20 degrees below freezing in Philadelphia with a windchill well below zero, but at least you have power and heating and a connection to the internet and working elevators that ensure you don't have to climb 17 flights of stairs!", don't. Love, Priscilla (blogging from the engineering building) Not sure if it's back now, as I've been in class the last hour and a half, but from around 2:15 to the time I left for class (around 4:20), we had nothing. And my laundry had 10 minutes to go when the power went out, so some of my clothes were still slightly damp. RRRGH, the world seeks to spite me at every turn. Priscilla said at 5:56 PM Priscilla said at 1:46 PM Eee! According to Planet Magrathea, the Hitchhiker's Guide trailer is coming out in February! *dances a merry dance*
Priscilla said at 1:32 PM
Sunday, January 23, 2005
Last night was one of the most fun I've had at Penn. It snowed all day, from before I woke up to well into the evening, and Deep and I decided to start the day off after breakfast with an early afternoon romp. As Ko chose not to join us, our first course of action was to write "KO SUX" in giant, 10-foot-tall letters (yes, we are 13-year-old AOLers) on the field viewable from the Common Room window. Of course, once we got back upstairs, we saw that the U and X were obscured by a tree, so it looked like "KOS". Perhaps we subconsciously wanted to advertise the Daily Kos weblog!
Hee, I love how the snow turns us all into 6-year-olds. I remember in my first snowfall, I went out with Michelle, our nanny, and we wrote my name in big letters on the soccer field of a nearby elementary school. My mom has a picture of me from that time on her bedside table -- I'm in a pastel yellow snowsuit, with long strings of pink plastic beads around my neck and a bright magenta skirt over my snow pants. I was very feminine as a child, before I declared at age 10 that "I will never be a girl again." I am so entertained by ikkle!me. Anyway, later in the evening, once Deep and I had recovered from the cold long enough to venture outside again, Ko and a bunch of Deep's friends decided to join us, so we had a rather powdery snowball fight that rapidly deteriorated into a "let's see how many people we can tackle to the ground" war. Then I found two abandoned lunch trays, and we joined a small crowd of people sledding down the 38th Street Bridge. We met up with Matt and Brady, and near the end ran into Erin Finley, one of my friends from Hockaday, who was there with another group of friends. Unfortunately, our fun was untimely cut short upon the arrival of a snow plough. Humbug. Ko, Deep, and I warmed up with dinner from Qdoba, which I always find pleasantly surprising, as Ko constantly rags on its inauthenticity and badness in comparison with what she's used to in Albuquerque, whereas unsophisticated me finds it quite tasty. I'll have to keep it in mind. Later that evening, I went up to The Boys' room and watched "Monty Python and the Meaning of Life." For the first time. Yes, I am that lame. Now, all I have to see if "The Life of Brian" and I won't have to be ashamed to look at myself in the mirror anymore at my sheer Monty Python fan poserhood. :D In other news, Allison posted this link. I am so entertained. Priscilla said at 11:10 PM Ooh, here's an interesting link! Musings over the latest episode of Lost and the significance of Walt's particular issue of Green Lantern.
But wah, as rehearsals for Lady in the Dark are starting this Monday, I'll be back to having to wait until the episodes become available for download before I can see them. Hisss. I will no longer be able to check my LJ friends page Wednesday nights. :D *sigh* Three cheers for the Supreme Court's Universal City Studios, Inc. et al. v. Sony Corporation of America Inc. et al., commonly known as the Betamax case. Gotta love time shifting. Let the issue of warehousing never ever come up in court! Priscilla said at 10:48 PM
Friday, January 21, 2005
I keep wondering how on earth Bush could have been reelected, and then I find links like this. *sigh*
And I keep wondering if Kerry was elected, would this be happening? There were so many national and international issues I thought before the election that Kerry would resolve when he was elected... And that sentence probably makes no sense, but I don't care. And imagining Bush on the deck of the Satellite of Love singing "We killed the Hubble" is not funny at all. Priscilla said at 7:15 PM Hurrah! *does a little dance* A bunch of my programs (IE, Photoshop, and then even Mozilla and Paint) started spazzing out on me yesterday, so out of curiosity, I ran my Spyware detection programs, and now Jimmy is back to running perfectly! I thought I had been good about running them frequently enough, but I guess I haven't been. So yay, Jimmy is happy again, and therefore so am I, so tra-la.
Priscilla said at 5:59 PM Made further updates to the fandom dates list. And probably more to come, seeing as I just realized I left out The Witching Hour. Clearly, I have no brain.
I still haven't decided if I'm going to go yet, which is ridiculous, as every time I even consider it, I decide I should. I need to stop being a hesitant wuss about it and register already. Priscilla said at 5:37 PM Thinking about Orson Scott Card makes me twitch violently, but it's nice to know that he has some measure of taste, despite being an unspeakable homophobe.
Priscilla said at 4:55 PM Finally updated the "Fandom Dates (To Beware Of)" listing in the sidebar. It was about time! Am I forgetting anything?
Priscilla said at 4:48 PM Ooh! New poster and desktops for HHGTG!
When are they going to release images of Zaphod in all his 2-headed, 3-armed glory? And an actual trailer, rather than just the teaser? Grr. The media monster for Episode III has already reared its And I refuse to angst over "If only Universal had waited to make the decision to delay Serenity until after the trailer premiered in theatres!". Yup, not even going to think it. Priscilla said at 3:44 PM Priscilla said at 3:30 PM OOH! Ganked from Beth: Check out the trailer for Corpse Bride, a stop-motion animated movie based on a 19th Century Russian folktale.
Mmm, Tim Burton + stop-motion animation + Johnny Depp = Priscilla is a happy happy girl. Priscilla said at 3:20 PM Now this is cool! The Perception Laboratory's Face Transformer. Tanja, Rebecca, and I played with something similar to this when we went to that kids' science museum in Queens.
We Begin -- me normally Ages: Baby -- scary as heck Child -- moderately freaky Teen -- meh Old -- I could still take you on Races: Afro-Caribbean (which they spell wrong on the site, durr) -- scary East Asian -- I'm cute! West Asian -- my eyebrows could consume entire villiages Art Styles: Botticelli Modigliani Mucha Manga -- this will haunt my very soul And Now For Something Completely Different: Male -- I would date me, provided I cut my hair ApeGirl Priscilla said at 1:30 PM
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Just got back from a meeting with David, the director of Lady in the Dark. The production sounds like it's going to be fabulous, and I am dropping Calculus like a hot potato! Yay, no more 4 1/2 solid hours of class on Tuesdays and Thursdays! Now if only I could find someone to sell my books to so that I'm not out a hundred bucks...
Priscilla said at 10:43 AM
Wednesday, January 19, 2005
*laughs and laughs until she can't breathe*
Another gem from! Poll: Nation Split on Bush as Uniter or Divider Priscilla said at 10:03 PM LOST. I am head over heels in love with Dominic Monaghan. Whose name is endearingly like a banana.
Spoiler One ahead! Only one calorie, not spoilery enough! (Woah. Surrealist to English translation: The following is very mildly spoilery. They're there, but hopefully they won't go straight to your hips.) Walt. "You're not looking!" Amusingly reminiscent of "You can't see anything!" Thy Walt be done, apparently. :D Something Blue, anyone? The revelation in the last minute? Saw it coming a mile away. It's about time! Though it was nice to see diary cutness, I need my OTP! How dare next week be a repeat! Also, the one-shot with the diary? Has to be one of the funniest moments of all TV. My roommates can attest to my cackling laughter all the way through the scene. Hence, see above "head over heels love with Dominic Monaghan." The CG polar bear I didn't really mind. Probably because I'm so used to watching Buffy, whose CG n' puppet creatures are laughably fake. Also, I am so entertained by Boone's behavior around Locke. And that's all I have to say about that. </incoherence> Priscilla said at 9:05 PM Amber -- Apologies to you and all other Ohioans. I didn't intend to paint all Ohioans in a negative light (whee, mixed metaphors!). I was just being overly general in my frustration with the portion of the population that voted in favor of the Amendment. For future reference, know that if you find something I say in my blog that you find offensive, chances are it wasn't intended that way. I was expressing my frustration at those that voted for the Amendment and the lawyers despicable enough to exploit an already appalling law to protect the perpetrators of domestic violence. I'm very much aware of how purple a state Ohio was in the past election; I'm by no means under the delusion that all Ohioans feel this way! As a Liberal from Texas, I know firsthand how it feels to be in a state whose population votes overwhelmingly against my own political beliefs. Keep fighting the good fight!
Priscilla said at 4:08 PM Squee! I met with Amy this afternoon to discuss my courseload, and she suggested I stick with my 6 courses and see how things go, and if anything, drop Calculus. I love this woman! After all, Calculus 3 is more or less optional, and if I wanted to, I could take Oceanography in its place. It's just that it would make my future computer science classes easier, and would probably be generally good for me to know. I wouldn't want to take it later, as I'll have other big courses (read: math and natural sciences) to occupy my brain for my other remaining semesters. So I'm going to try my hand at 6 classes.
I am absolutely insane. Oh well, I have until Feb 11th to change my mind. It feels so good to be willing to give this a shot, after spending the last couple weeks convincing my roommates that there was no shame in taking 4 classes. Finally, merry karmic payback for enduring Ko's "Wah, I got an A- instead of an A" when I was saying things like "Yesss! Uncurved, I got .12 points above failing!" Ah, the angst of the Engineering student. :D I actually feel really good about this semester. Let's hope that doesn't change. Priscilla said at 3:47 PM Woah! Now there's the snow the weatherman has been promising! Looking out my window at the thickly swirling flakes, I can't help but laugh.
*blinks* I just caught myself thinking "I can't wait to go outside any play in it", and then the fire alarm went off. I hate my life. Priscilla said at 1:55 PM Just a couple days after I posted a link to the Fantastic Four teaser, the official trailer is out! Danke to Chungy for the link.
Priscilla said at 1:53 AM
Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Wow. Blogger + Mozilla = teh crack. *pokes Internet Explorer with a stick*
Anyway, I hope those anti-gay conservatives are pleased. They claimed that gay marriage would be somehow detrimental to society? Well in Ohio, an amendment meant "to prevent gay marriage is being used to block the prosecution of people in unmarried heterosexual relationships who abuse their partners." Full article here. Yeah, keep defending that sanctity of marriage, Ohioans. Priscilla said at 11:26 PM *snorks* Go NOW to and check out the headline. Utterly brilliant! Couldn't have said it better myself.
If it's been taken down by the time you read this, here's a screencap. Priscilla said at 10:28 PM EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.
Dear Priscilla --And in case you didn't get that the first time, EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Priscilla said at 9:04 PM Bwaha, just when you thought it was safe to go back to reading my blog, it's the RETURN OF THE DEANSPAM! Because the DNC needs a doctor in the house. :D
Concord Monitor Endorses Dean And, like, y'know, so do a bunch of others. Also, while we're at it, there's a petition on Replace Rumsfeld! Priscilla said at 8:54 PM presents a U.S. Map of Hate Groups. In one of my cities, Racist Skinheads and Black Separatists. In the other, Neo-Nazis.
It's been 37 years since Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated. I feel as though we've failed him. Reading back through many of his speeches yesterday, I was moved to tears by the beauty of his vision and the truth of his words. And then I get linked to stuff like this and I think about how far we still have to go. "The arc of history is long, but it bends toward justice," he said. Sometimes I just need to be reminded of that. Priscilla said at 8:35 PM Okay, whoever turned our thermostat down to 68 needs to suffer horribly. That is all.
Priscilla said at 8:29 PM I just got back from my callback for "Lady in the Dark" and I'm just about convinced I got a role! In addition to the two leads (pre-cast), there are just two ensemble girls and six guys, and I think I'm one of them! The girls, that is! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE, YAY!
They called me a "powerhouse soprano" and thought I was a senior because of my "poise." The music director asked "So why aren't you in the Penn Singers?" Life is so good. Priscilla said at 7:00 PM Sweet! Paid LJ users can go here to get comped 2 weeks for the outage over the weekend. Thanks to cousinjean for the link!
Priscilla said at 10:21 AM
Monday, January 17, 2005
I'm so amused by this book I'm reading for my copyright class: "Twain started studying copyright laws during the 1870s when he lost substantial money to Canadian pirates."
Canadian pirates! Of course, they're talking about literary piracy, but still. *hums Arrogant Worms' "Last Saskatchewan Pirate"* Though the author did imply that computer generated works are not artistic, which does not serve to endear him to me in the least. Arrr. Priscilla said at 1:08 PM
Saturday, January 15, 2005
Yay, LJ is back! *does a merry dance*
Priscilla said at 10:12 PM The teaser trailer for "Fantastic Four" is out. Not much to see yet, but it looks neat.
Priscilla said at 2:51 PM Hee! Did I notice that before? In "Primeval", Spike quotes Monty Python! To Adam, "Let's not quibble over who failed who". Then of course, in "Touched," he comments on "the diabolical torture device known as the Comfy Chair"... I know I've heard more. Or maybe I'm just thinking of Dawn's "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" remark in "Him". *ponders* Oh! "End of Days"! [Re: the Scythe] "And you did it. Fulfilled your mission, found the Holy Grail... or the holy hand grenade or whatever the hell that is."
Good stuff. Can anyone remember any others? *cocks a snook at LJ users* Priscilla said at 11:41 AM
Friday, January 14, 2005
Intriguing: Some insight into the women of Lost.
Exciting: Idle's Monty Python Musical Wows US Critics Squeeworthy: Jasper Fforde Announces Next Novel (link from Sannali) Appalling: 9th Circuit of Appeals rules that it's legal for an employer to fire a female employee who refuses to wear makeup. Hilarious beyond words: Who Will Be "The Man With Superman's Heart"? Priscilla said at 5:00 PM *snorks madly* Pentagon reveals rejected chemical weapons Most bizarre among the plans was one for the development of an "aphrodisiac" chemical weapon that would make enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. Provoking widespread homosexual behaviour among troops would cause a "distasteful but completely non-lethal" blow to morale, the proposal says.And that's just the beginning! The rest of the article is short, but hilarious. Priscilla said at 4:57 PM
Thursday, January 13, 2005
In celebration of my monitor working again, I checked out Buffy Season 4 from the library. And after being immersed in the darker tone of seasons 6 and 7, I forgot how uproariously funny this show could be! Poor Ko, attempting to take a nap! I keep bursting out into loud, uncontrollable giggles.
You know... when Spike grabs the lab guy's throat when he escapes the Initiative, why doesn't his chip go off? Priscilla said at 7:48 PM Hurrah! I got into the copyright course!
My spring schedule: MW 9-12: FNAR 267 (3D Modeling) MW 4:30-6: CSE 377 (Virtual World Design) TR 12-1:30: CSE 112 (Networked Life) TR 1:30-3: MATH 240 (Calculus 3) TR 3-4:30: FILM 295 (Copyright and Culture) F 10-11: MATH 240 recitation Plus Lady in the Dark, if I get in. *pokes Director over yet more delays in callbacks* Not sure if I'll drop a course if I get in (or what course I'll drop if I do), as Lady is actually being offered as a class. Tra-la! Priscilla said at 10:20 AM Looking at this list of TV shows being made into movies for 2005, it occurs to me: What ever happened to the Red Dwarf movie? It seems to be as quagmired (is that a word?) as the "Good Omens" movie... I wonder if the Hitchhiker's Guide movie is a success, they'll consider reviving the project?
Priscilla said at 9:59 AM
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
*drools profusely*
More stills from Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean's Mirrormask. Has Dave McKean reproduced? A lot? Because he so needs to. Priscilla said at 11:10 PM *happy sigh* You don't truly appreciate a crystal-clear, 1400x1050 resolution, 32-bit color monitor until you lose it. Even though I've been regularly using other computers with lovely, high-quality screens while Jimmy was ill, everything on Jimmy just looks positively radiant now. Gleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
Priscilla said at 6:09 PM Jimmy is alive and beautiful and robust and dear god I am so late for class!
Priscilla said at 4:26 PM I uploaded my first animation assignment and posted a link in my LJ. Go see! Not too shabby for a first attempt.
Priscilla said at 1:05 PM One upside to being forced to live with 480x600 resolution is that now I can almost read the teeny-tiny text so popular on LJ icons nowadays.
Priscilla said at 12:32 AM
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Is it tremendously pathetic that I noticed and recognized the sound effect when I was watching the episode? I pointed it out to Cyth, whom I was IMing at the time.
I am too geeky to function. Priscilla said at 7:26 PM YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! Today, Dean announced his intentions to run for Chairman of the DNC! *grooves*
Priscilla said at 7:11 PM Woohoo! It's time for the 5th Annual Harry Potter V-Day Project! So who wants to collaborate with a CGer with a broken video card and/or faulty monitor?
Mon? Alicey? Tanja? Glock? Jia-Ling? Rebecca? Beuller? Someone I didn't mention because my brain is spazzing out under the stroboscopic effect of my poor screen? Just 2-3 business days... Priscilla said at 11:18 AM The first day of classes and I'm in the animation lab at 1AM. Oh yes, my teacher is truly mad.
Priscilla said at 1:51 AM
Monday, January 10, 2005
Woohoo! I called Dell tech support, and as my computer is still under warranty (until April 26th! Phew!), they're sending a guy over to replace the LCD screen, the motherboard, and the video card. Cheap as free, good as new! Mmm, gotta love it when insurance works for you! Jimmy should be back on his metaphorical feet in 2-3 business days! Boo to the yeah.
It makes being stuck on hold over 40 minutes worthwhile! Priscilla said at 10:42 PM Good news! (She's dead!)
It looks like all is not lost, Jimmy-wise. We believe that the problem lies with a video card driver, and though we haven't gotten rid of the seizure-inducing noise, I've been able to start up the computer in normal mode (though at 480x600 res. Gah, the pain!), and I spent a lot of last night burning backups of my most precious files. I still haven't met with the manager guy yet (I'll have to poke Ari with a stick), but I'm feeling generally confident that we'll be able to fix everything. I hope so, at least! Cross your digits for me, my dahlinks! As to avoid eye strain, I'm currently typing in the animation lab, after my first 3D animation class. We're starting with basic 2D animation in AfterEffects, and I'm quite enjoying myself! Tra-la! Priscilla said at 11:55 AM
Sunday, January 09, 2005
WAAAAAAHHHHH. I'm currently typing from Deep's computer, as my computer, Jimmy, is cautiously extending his tongue and sampling the dust, carefully weighing whether or not he intends to bite it. It was working fine on the plane when I was watching the second half of the RotK:EE actor commentary, but when I first turned it on, I was greeted with freaky Matrixlike green lines and white noise and other such horrors for one who has not backed up anything in forever. My friends Ari and Jing, computer geniuses, each tried fixing it for about an hour before throwing in the towel. I'm grateful that they lasted that long; the screen's behavior is seizure inducing. Ari is going to contact the ITA manager to see if he can help.
ANGST. Come on, Jimmy! You're the only one of the Lone Gunmen that didn't snuff it! Be like your namesake and LIVE! Priscilla said at 3:43 PM
Saturday, January 08, 2005
It's that time again! A mass posting of a bunch of random links!
Dear MSN 2005 Movie Preview, Hurrah, look at all these fun movies coming out in 2005! Ooh, the anticipation! Only next time, when you set aside a paragraph for "From TV to Big Screen", please make some passing mention of Serenity? Teh weep. Crossly, Priscilla Ummm, here's the Joss Whedon Holiday Post that I somehow missed on Whedonesque. I cannot breathe for laughing. So. Any particular reason why there won't be any new Smallville until January 26th? Especially since the most recent episode was December 1st, and before that, November 17th? (Episode guides are handy! If I actually knew those dates, I think I would have to cry.) I miss my mindless hour of shirtless Tom Welling ogling! Pah. But ooh! I am distracted from my pout by these new photos from Serenity! Is it just me, or do River's enormous goggles remind anyone of those hilarious welding goggles Spike wears in "Spiral"? Few news items have amused me as much as this: Britney Spears Quits Pop Music To Become a Forensic Scientist. Of course, then I see this link to Hip-Hop mimes for Christ, and all bets are off. I think I ruptured something laughing. Happy happy happy news from Gneil: Merrilee Heifetz of Writers House, acting as agent for Gaiman, McKean, and The Jim Henson Company, negotiated a book deal with HarperCollinsPublishers for two MIRRORMASK projects. MIRRORMASK, an oversized, beautifully designed volume, containing the complete script and storyboards, and augmented by notes and observations by the creators, as well as full-color art from the film, will be published in the summer of 2005 by William Morrow/An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers.*lusts* Also from Neil's blog, a useful tool for packrats like me: Save that Calendar! And because the subject matter is so amusing, BBC Goes Ahead with Springer Opera And to end, some random BtVS ponderings: It's About Height and My Comparisons Between Spuffy and Christine/Phantom. Mmm, archetypes! Priscilla said at 1:55 PM
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
Squee! Gleeful news on the HHGTG movie front, pointed out to me by Rebecca M! The voice of Marvin will be Alan Rickman and Bill Bailey will play the whale, and Dark Horizons has a fabulous picture of Zaphod, Trillian, Marvin, and Ford. And worry not, according to Martin Freeman's official website, Zaphod will have two heads! Tra-la!
Priscilla said at 4:33 PM
Monday, January 03, 2005
*dies laughing*
Well, it's the new year! I spent New Year's Eve at home with a bunch of my JETS alumnae, where we watched a bunch of Lost episodes, the pilot of Futurama, and played several games of "Chronology," wherein I demonstated a rather impressive ability at guessing the dates certain random patents were established, and also that I am a bad Liberal. Crazy fun! A splendid time and a cup of black-eyed peas were guaranteed for all. Oh, and Chungy and Cyth? You lie! You said that this week, Lost was going to be preempted by two hours of Alias. Falsehoods, all of it! Wednesday, Jan. 5, 8/7: Lost 1x12 -- "Whatever the Case May Be." They say that what you do on January 1st is a good indication of how you'll spend your year. I wonder if the first blog entry of the year also indicates how I'll blog? If so, 2005 will be a year of:
Priscilla said at 1:08 PM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. |