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Thursday, October 31, 2002
![]() Yay, back from photographing my friends dancing in the graveyard! Loff to Schlien, Bethyliz, my sister Melissa, and Dr. Chandler (Sleeny's mom). I'm crossing my fingers that they'll work -- I'm developing them tomorrow.
I forgot to mention that my baby is at exactly 5000 miles, where she sits now in the driveway. And she reached 5000 miles at precisely 5:00, by my watch. Is that eerie or what? Priscilla said at 11:50 PM ![]() Hurrah! Halloween! My costume went over quite well, in spite of the popular misconception that I was Xena. I received quite a few compliments, both on costume and decorations, which was quite good for my ego. I'll post photos and such either later tonight or tomorow.
It was quite amusing when I wore my costume to Jesuit to drop off the files and such for the program cover for DotM. I've never encountered such a high per-capita wolfwhistle quotient in my life. I attribute it to the breastplate. And the calf strips. And the collar. Oh dear. Let it be known that Monica is wonderful, for she is drawing Vimes fanart. Give her smooches. Priscilla said at 7:38 PM
Wednesday, October 30, 2002
![]() On Halloween, it's traditional for the Seniors to metamrphose the Upper School into the most horrifying tableau imaginable. I just got back from transforming Hockaday's hallways into a grisly spectre of Disney death. We like to call it "TinkerHELL".
Photos soon to follow. Priscilla said at 10:41 PM ![]() Dancing in a graveyard on Halloween. Dude, I love the excuses this photography project gives me. Yay, "How the Moon Began". And I'm using a slightly modified version of the DotM program cover as part of the assignment, as well. Muaha.
Priscilla said at 3:41 PM ![]() Submitted Penn application. Now going to bed.
Priscilla said at 1:53 AM
Tuesday, October 29, 2002
![]() Parker:
More blood will be spilt Hunger has increased. Nothing left of guilt, Beast has been released! Damn the world of men! Everyone will pay! I will kill again! Um... er, uh... uh... That's what he would say! Did I mention that I have tickets for Theatre Three's producion of "Bat Boy"? The end of April is another date that can't come soon enough. Priscilla said at 7:59 AM
Monday, October 28, 2002
![]() Part 1 of 3: 1,586 words.
1 and 2/3 pages, 10 pt. Arial, single-spaced. And now, Saturday night. The JETS gathered at my house -- namely Ashley, Elizabeth, Marcelina, Christine, and Mackenzie -- to see "Punch Drunk Love". Hearing the title, I thought it was a foreign film, and I was therefore really excited about seeing it. Then my mom told me it starred Adam Sandler, one of my least favourite actors. I tried to convince everyone to see "Spirited Away" instead, but no avail. I ended up being pleasantly surprised, though, not just because the movie was better than I expected, but because of who I saw at the theatre: Carrie Johnson, my childhood best friend. She used to live across the street from me, but she moved away when I was 10 or so, and I hadn't seen her since. It was amazing how little and how much she had changed! Anyway, "Punch Drunk Love" was surprisingly indie and artistic, considering the past work of the lead actor. While definitely not one to earn a rank in my list of beloved favourite movies, it's worth a watch. It will certainly hold a slight space in Ashley's Innocence Box, however, as it's the first rated-R movie she's ever snuck in to. Good for her. There's still some aspects of the movie I'm puzzled about, but I'm probably going to content myself with the possibility that perhaps they were trying to be as obscure and surreal as possible. Whatever floats their boat. Afterwards, we went to IHOP for munchies. Nearly everyone ordered the International Club sandwich. Hurrah for originality. We realized that Chungy was the only one that could end up staying the night, so the potential sleepover was cancelled. We'd instead all meet at my house at 9:30 in the morning for community service. And that, my dears, is entry 2 of 3. Priscilla said at 6:19 PM ![]() Cyanotype background + hunk of coral + scanner + petals + liberal amounts of Photoshop = this. The "Dark of the Moon" program cover, done mostly during my Java class, as I'd already finished the lab. Hurrah. ::checks stuff off her "to do" list::
Priscilla said at 6:07 PM ![]() Well, I'm back. Care to hear about what you've been missing? Sure you do. This entry is for the BEST competition, and it's probably long enough. Saturday night and Sunday will be with you shortly. I get the award for Longest Bloody Blog Post. Keep in mind that this is Part I of 2 or 3. Harhar.
Saturday was the JETS competition. I obediently donned my Hockaday uniform, in accordance with previous years, only to arrive a few minutes later at Ashley's house to find that she was wearing jeans and our JETS shirts. Apparently, Mackenzie had decided that we were going to be more casual this year. Somehow, Tori See and I were the only ones who didn't get this message. While I thought this was an absolutely stupid decision, I sped back to my house anyway and got jeans for myself, plus several extra uniforms in case I was able to change Mackenzie's mind. Ashley and I stopped by Chick-Fil-A for breakfast, then went to Hockaday, where we found that the Chick-Fil-A folks hadn't put my chicken biscuit in the bag, just Ashley's. With the morning starting on a rather sour note, I returned to Chick-Fil-A, where I received my breakfast bounty. I was unable to change Mackenzie's mind, so I glumly changed to my jeans and t-shirt. Then, it was off to UTD for the competition. We had brought all the tools and such to UTD the previous night, so we were ready to go. I hung a poster in the entrance hall, which was unfortunately dwarfed in the presence of elaborate shrines to Austin Academy, Lincoln High School, and several other competing teams. It had never occurred to us to set up a presentation in the halls, so our efforts were hopelessly inadequate. We worked up our driver list (I was #5 out of 5), meaning that I would spot for Sagari drive with Ashley. And suddenly, there was music. Austin Academy's theme this year was "Austin's Power Team", leading their thronging preadolescent multitudes to don brightly-colored t-shirts and wave neon, 60's-style flowers at people. Their "mascot" was a boy in a blue suit, glasses, and a ruffled collar. Their band and boom boxes alternately blasted a certain irritating cinematic theme incessantly. Yeah, baby, yeah. The competition had arrived. Now, it's no secret that most teams believe Austin Academy's five engineers and parental supervisors do most of (if not all) the work. It may be true that an infinite number of monkeys sitting at an infinite number of typewriters can eventually churn out the complete works of William Shakespeare, I cannot believe that a squad of two dozen-some middle schoolers can craft a machine of such impressive caliber in only six weeks. Resigning to the fact that we weren't going to beat Austin Academy, we prepared to compete. To my surprise, I spotted for our first match. Unfortunately, our swivel wheel caught on the ramp and we were unable to traverse the field, so instead, on my urging, Sagari positioned the robot so that none of the other robots could get back across, leaving them unable to score as well. Once the round was over, we diagnosed and fixed the problem, and all was well. Hurrah. The game went on, relatively uneventfully. When it was my turn to drive, I had quite a bit of fun un-switching rival teams' switches, robbing them of points. When Sagari drove again and I spotted, I earned the Judges' distinction as "Most Enthusiastic Spotter" as I jumped wildly around my square, trying to get messages across to Sagari as emphatically as possible. Mackenzie tells me that my teammates got some great pictures. And then, finally, we reached our last match before Finals. The morning rounds are merely for seating, and the top 8 teams go on to compete in a set of six games that determine who gets the glory. We had been holding on to 8th place throughout most of the morning, so we were fairly nervous. Fortunately, at the helm was Mackenzie Miller, one of our best drivers, so we weren't as worried. Our confidence was restored when one girl calculated that we only had to flip a switch (which we had accomplished in nearly every round) and we would be guaranteed a spot in the Finals. Confident and cool, Mackenzie began our next round. She easily flipped the switch, to the joy of our team, then snatched up the Bumble Ball. She traversed the ramp again, and went to deposit the Bumble Ball in its corrall. But then, with mounting horror, we saw what Mackenzie failed to notice. We were the Green team in that round, and she had scored for the Blue team. It was an easy mistake to make, considering the similarity of the paint colors, but it was nevertheless a fatal one. With sinking hearts, we watched Waxahachie overtake our tentative grip on 8th place, thanks to our 50 points raising their point total average. We were out. Some of the judges came to our table during the interim between Seating and Finals to ask us how we felt. Most of us admitted feelings of resigned disappointment, but happiness at doing so well, considering our abyssmal performance last year. Only Marcelina had the guts to say how she truly felt: "pissed off". The judges eventually left to talk to other schools as we started to generally pack up. But then, to our surprise, one of the judges returned to our table. "I don't know how much you paid them," the official said, "but Waxahachie is withdrawing. You're back in the finals." There was a moment of stunned silence as this sunk in. Then we all started screaming and jumping for joy. I actually burst into PMS-ridden tears of happiness, my faith in humanity restored. From that moment on, whenever we saw a Waxahachie student, all JETS members either hugged him/her or elaborately pantomimed her undying love for their school. We performed admirably enough in the finals -- we finished in 5th place, which was impressive compared to last year, in which we were awarded 2nd to last simply due to alphabetical order. And now that the games were over, my real competition began: the BEST award. This is what I'd been working on for the last five weeks. Not the robot, the Notebook. The Notebook was my baby. The Notebook was, in our team's opinion, one of the most gorgeous binders BEST had ever seen. I don't mean to brag, I'm simply stating popular opinion. This notebook would be our ticket to success. The game bosses started by announcing the winners of the Game award, then the individual awards for elegance, sportsmanship, etc. Then, the BEST award. I started shaking. Several of the girls rubbed life back into my hands as I tilted my face skyward in silent prayer. As the official slowly read the school names out, starting with #6, my heart leapt with every place he did not bequeath to "Hockaday!". By the time he got to #4, I had to sit down, as I felt faint. My arms and belly were tingly and numb. Then, #3 went to Austin Academy. "We're going to state!" I hissed deliriously to Sagari, convinced beyond question that Hockaday was then one of the Top 2. #2: Not Hockaday. I started twitching. #1: Not Hockaday. I choked on air, refusing to believe my ears, ignoring the vision of cheering throngs of students from the winning school taking the field to accept their trophy. My eyes stung. I clenched my teeth as I fought back the malicious rage that suddenly coursed through my numbed body. "Not even sixth place!" I growled, "Not even SIXTH PLACE!" My team members looked at each other uncertainly. They were all shocked and disappointed by the result, but they knew how much obsessive work I had put into the notebook. Sagari held me as I broke down in racking sobs. It had been a very emotional day, to say the least. It didn't help that I was PMSing or overstressed or merely fed up from a lousy morning. Looking back, I wonder how unnerved my friends must have felt, seeing a girl who never cries break down in tears twice in one day. I have to say, though, things got much better when I finally pulled myself together. My undying optimistic streak pointed out to me that I wouldn't have been able to attend the state competition anyway due to it being the performance weekend of Dark of the Moon. Also, this meant that my friends would be able to see the show, plus they would be in town for my birthday, which is the same day. Tori, Sagari, and Mackenzie convinced me that it wasn't our fault, as we don't have cheerleaders or a band, and that our notebook was the most gorgeous B.E.S.T. would ever see. By the time the cars were loaded up and we were leaving, I was smiling again. I promised Tori that I'd teach her Photoshop and the ins and outs of the JETS website, and I bequeathed the notebook to the JETS lab for reference for future Secretaries. The judges had no taste, several schools' names were mud, and life was beautiful again. One blissful week of free afternoons stretched ahead of me. With college essays entering their final polish, my to-do list dwindled to containing little more than the Very Secret Project. Alicey and Monica were online. Life is good. Priscilla said at 2:01 AM ![]() Your reward for reading all the way to the bottom: nearly finished!
Priscilla said at 2:01 AM
Friday, October 25, 2002
![]() Holy cow. Richard Harris is dead.
Priscilla said at 9:26 PM ![]() ...and everything is solved to unanimous approval. Yay for mediating. Meanwhile, we got our shirts today, which look pretty cool. Unfortunately, we found today that the Japanese students had given us the kanji for "sky, money, [nonexistent character]" instead of "Benzai-Ten". I don't get it. We're prepared to be the laughingstock of Japan at Game Day tomorrow. Ah well, this is the stuff memories are made of.
Today, I got to practice driving more. When not driving, I was either working on my costume or helping the Halloween committee make poster things for decoration. I can't reveal our theme here for fear of an underclassman seeing it, so I'll inform the populace next Thursday. Anyway, let it be known that cordless drills, rasps, and band saws are every costumer's best friend. I've now drilled the holes for the leather strips on my breastplate, and I de-CostumeShopped my sword. Namely, I sawed the curlique things off the hilt. I'm going to wrap the hilt in duct tape (of course duct tape exists on the Discworld!) or black gaffe, then re-spray paint it so that the blade isn't evilly shiny. Huzzah. My costume is nearly done! Priscilla said at 6:51 PM
Thursday, October 24, 2002
![]() It's that time again... Several Unrelated Posts in One. Hurrah!
Well, I've started painting my breastplate. It's going to look awesome come Halloween. Hurrah! When the College Board says you can view your scores early online starting October 25th, do they mean midnight on the 24th or sometime in the morning? Bleh. I want to see how I did on the SAT 2's. I'm cold, despite warm pajamas, toe-socks, and my jedi robe. Is there hot chocolate in the house? Marcelina and I had quite an amusing outing yesterday after school. We first went to a grocery store, where I got Spam and hard candy for the Thanksgiving drive. We decided that "Spam and hard candy" was the Phrase of the Day. Then, we went to Whole Foods in search of a healthier snack, where Marcelina found some absolutely awesome mittens. We both got smoothies, the we brought back some garlic and parmesan bread for the masses. Good stuff. And a brief rant: Today, not for the first time, but for the first time I really paused to reflect, I got the feeling that some of the JETS members don't want me driving this year. When Ashley was enumerating the drivers, it seemed she deliberately refused to mention my name, despite my pointed comments that I was on the list. After listing the obvious candidates (Mack, for one), she started listing less experienced underclassmen and seniors that displayed marginal interest in driving. When I told her that I always assumed my position on the list went without saying, she rallied with "Well, it's either you or Sagari." I don't want to seem demeaning to Sagari, as she's the Junior-President and a devoted member and I love her, but I found it insulting that it was even an issue. Sagari might not even be going, as she has a piano lesson. Excuse me? A piano lesson in higher priority over a once-per-year opportunity? And Ashley wants to give my spot to her? I realize I sound incredibly egocentric, but I hardly think that's fair. I put in Percy knows how many hours of blood and sweat into the notebook; I think I deserve it. In previous competitions, I've been one of our highest scorers. Can I at least have a reason why I'm being snubbed? Priscilla said at 11:23 PM ![]() This amuses me.
Priscilla said at 5:59 PM ![]() Tanja -- I don't mean to pester you, but whatever happened to Swussian.com? Has your printer been fixed yet? Any idea when we can expect a nice, shiny package on our doorstep? ::pines::
Priscilla said at 2:16 PM
Wednesday, October 23, 2002
![]() Why am I posting so much tonight? This always happens whenever I skip a day. Such behavior merits further research. Additionally, I've found that the number of comments I get is inversely proportional to my number of posts per day. Something must be done.
Priscilla said at 9:53 PM ![]() I decided today that what I really, really want to do with my life is to find some way to give Alan Rickman a pair of toe socks.
Priscilla said at 9:13 PM ![]() Listening to my "Yellow Submarine" CD, I just got the urge to stamp around in a bathtub of laundry. Wow, it's instinctual!
Priscilla said at 9:02 PM ![]() I have decided that Penn's school song needs to be Puff Daddy's "It's All About the Benjamins". And Duke can be The Beatles' "Hey, Bulldog". Feel free to contribute your own suggestions.
Priscilla said at 8:52 PM ![]() Let it be known: Ilford paper is the devil. I weep over the loss of my Oriental. I have half a mind to make my own tray of Dektol developer, right next to the tray of Evil Developer, so that I can use my Oriental paper, which is strangely allergic to the weird developer we use in the Hockaday darkroom. Stupid Ilford, making my beautiful pictures look like mud.
Oh! And Stephanie is letting me have work prints of the photos she took of me for the fairy tale assignment. I love her photos. Priscilla said at 8:41 PM ![]() Felicitations to you and your loved ones on this most blissful of Mole Days.
Priscilla said at 8:36 PM ![]() Woo hoo! My parents just okayed the HP convention! I'm going to Orlando, baby! June 2003.
Priscilla said at 8:17 PM ![]() Priscilla said at 7:47 PM ![]() Do you think anyone would guess at first blush that this is a parody of the 20th Century Fox logo? Bah. Anyway, that's what the JETS t-shirt is going to look like. Except the lines aren't so sharply aliased in the real thing. They're pretty and smooth. Hurrah for blue shirts and yay for the 10th anniversary of the B.E.S.T. competition!
(Yes, it's ugly, but I had to do it in two hours. Bah.) Priscilla said at 7:42 PM ![]() Goodness! More quotes! As soon as my life gets to a healthy level of sanity, I'm going to update the actual archive. Hurrah!
Chungy: Why do teachers get a sick satisfaction out of seeing students in pain? Loh: It's not the pain, it's the overly dramatic reaction to it that we like. Ah dun math on it! You're going to be the only girl on Broadway who knows the Heine-Borel theorem! Mr. Dubsky: Imagine a room filled with an infinite number of blankets-- Me: A room of infinite blankets? Oh, Mr. Dubsky, not first period on a Monday morning... Think about French people when you draw it. It makes it easier. ...And in the end, the force you take is equal to the force you make. Marcelina: I like mu! It's the first letter of my name! Me: Mu-celini? Marcelina: Who was Schrodinger? Me: He did experiments with dead cats. There's nothing that can't be fixed with a little love and a hammer. ...so if you drink coffee, you lose your wobble? Loh: So how would you measure your mass in space? Me: You hit them with a baseball bat and see how fast they go. Loh: So you take your calibrated baseball bat... Priscilla said at 12:32 PM ![]() Score! Another A- from She-Who-Never-Gives-A's! Man, I love English class this year...
Priscilla said at 12:22 PM ![]() The Day's Non-Sequitors:
Well, my "to do" list is slowly being accomplished, with the exception of website updation. I did the JETS t-shirt designs yesterday between school and Dido and Aeneas rehearsals (2 hours), which really wasn't enough time, but they look cool enough anyway, so I'm not letting it bother me. I'll post the graphics later in my LJ. Also found my "Yellow Submarine" CD this morning! Happiness! DSL still down, which means I'm stuck using HAL until we figure out why *my* computer isn't working, but the rest of the computers in the hous *are*. ::pats Jimmy despondently:: HAL's keyboard is ultra-evil, and I have to absolutely hammer down on the keys if I want any output. Blegh. Any resultant typoes are therefore not my fault. I took my breastplate to school yesterday to see if Mrs. McCullough would let me work on it in class (no, as expected), and I found that it has the potential to be an excellent snack bowl. Grungification of the JETS notebook has given me ideas for how to grunge up the breastplate, as well. Of course, then I remembered that because Angua's is... er... "custom made", it probably wouldn't be as worn and beaten up as, say, Nobby's. Drat. Priscilla said at 8:04 AM
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
![]() Eyes woobly from staring through magnifying loupe all night... walking into walls... painful sockets... doom in general. Maybe I can wake up early and finish it. Or something. Seeing as I have about an hour and a half of loupe-gazing to do..
Priscilla said at 12:57 AM ![]() Today's Accomplishments:
1. Doodled in class 2. Explained the workings of our robot to various small children, namely Middle School Math/Science Club. Hurrah, converts. 3. Figured out why I keep getting evil marks on my photographs -- the chemistry we use in the school darkrooms is evil and incompatible with my cool paper. Losers. 4. Printed sample program cover for DotM after class. 5. Showed it to Mrs. Felice, who loved it. 6. Brainstormed for ideas to mesh with her suggestions. Suceeded. 7. Went to JETS, where I staked out my territory by writing in blue sharpie "Priscilla's Nook" on a hammered-out piece of printer metal. Added subtitle "Don't you go messin' with my nook, yo" on Marcelina's influence. Hung it from the ceiling with Seine Twine. "My Territory" is a nice, exclosed space I stayed when working on the notebook. I used the table saw as a computer bench. 8. Returned to Jesuit, dragging Ashley with me, for my measurements sheet. Saw various people performing. They absolutely rock. This show is going to be amazing. 9. Spent promised 45 min. on JETS t-shirt logo. Still not even close to finishing. 10. Worked my tail off on art project. On 4th square out of 5. Due tomorrow. Kill me now. Priscilla said at 12:32 AM
Monday, October 21, 2002
![]() I know the lyric is supposed to be "hold you in his arms 'till you can feel his disease", but I keep hearing "armchair". Is this a problem?
Priscilla said at 9:14 PM ![]() I was bored in English class today. Featuring a badly-drawn Dream (how do I make it look like those aren't sunglasses?), a random Death eye, and a very amused-looking Delirium. From Sandman, doncha know.
Priscilla said at 8:58 PM
Sunday, October 20, 2002
![]() ::wibbles:: Where is my "Yellow Submarine" CD? If I left it in the art room, I'm going to be upset.
Priscilla said at 9:06 PM ![]() Hey, a naked guy! Too bad it's only a bust portrait. Comment, or I shall weep bitterly and not post any others.
Priscilla said at 3:15 PM ![]() Things to do today:
Priscilla said at 10:20 AM ![]() A much-belated Friday Five. Jolly good.
1. How many TVs do you have in your home? 2. One in the parents' bedroom, one downstairs. We also have one in the guest room-ish-thingy, but since it's detatched from the actual house, I'm not counting it. 2. On average, how much TV do you watch in a week? None, unless someone brings a tape of MST3K or Invader Zim or Farscape or summat to Advisory. 3. Do you feel that television is bad for young children? Think of it this way -- if I had not been nurtured as a youth by the madcap exploits of Rainbow Brite, Strawberry Shortcake, and CareBears, would be a very different person. 4. What TV shows do you absolutely HAVE to watch, and if you miss them, you're heartbroken? I miss Invader Zim. 5. If you had the power to create your own television network, what would your line-up look like? I would hire people to come up with ideas for the network, then go off and spend my time on more worthwile pursuits. Then I'd cancel the station and spend the money I'd most likely lose anyway buying plane tickets to meet Alicey, Mon, Jia, Brenna, Mags, Tanja, and the rest of the gang. Or maybe get each of them a ticket to a central location so we could have our own mini-convention. That would make me happy. Priscilla said at 9:11 AM ![]() Who here likes the Alicey/Priscellie submission better than the winning layout, raise your hand. ::raises hand::
Priscilla said at 8:48 AM ![]() Answering Questions from Last Night's Blog Coments:
Rebecca: You definately deserve award for "Worst Experiance While Putting Together the Notebook". A: Thank you. ::muzzily accepts award:: Megs: Ahhhhhhhhh I remember the days when I use to pull all-nighters without a sweat. Nowadays, I can't go a week without taking naps periodically. I've grown weak in my years. A: I was really dead around 4AM, but as daylight rolled around, I got perkier. Perhaps it's the overwhelming joy of finishing the notebook talking. I fell asleep in Loh's car ride back. No one was surprised. Brenna: Hehe, Baby's First All-Nighter. Just curious (like a squid, mayhaps), what time do you go to bed when you study for midterms/finals? A: I go to sleep early, maybe around 11. If I don't get enough sleep, all the studying in the world will be useless, because I won't remember a word of it. Marcelina: ::jaw drops:: :: blinks:: you've NEVER pulled an all nighter before?!?!??!? A: Nope, not even for the Research Paper. I went to sleep at 3 or something for that. Brenna: I suppose committing a crime while crying 'Here, Carrot, Carrot, Carrot!' won't successfully get us a model volunteer... A: Not that it wouldn't stop us from trying. Anyway, time for News From Yesterday. I'm really excited about the Notebook's chances. I spent a few minutes hobnobbing with the judges, who were griping about the size of Austin Academy's notebook. It was four inches thick. The notebook guidelines say "fewer than 25 pages" (ours was 23), but there's a loophole. They say that you can include "documents that you feel are relevant", and Austin Academy (as well as Lincoln High School, which was 2 1/2 to 3 inches) believed that to mean "please include each individual student's (approx. 80) test pages (5 per person), in which they share their interpretation on how the robot works. The judges confided that they probably wouldn't even glance through AA's "supporting information", just the required 25 pages at the front. "Victory!" the Highland Park Notebook Team and I exlaimed in the privacy of our own heads. They said that they'd be looking at Highland Park and Hockaday's notebook the most because they had the best design. Excuse me whilst I squee with happiness. We got lots of compliments, all of which served nicely to inflate my sleep-deprived ego. Good stuff. And while taking a break from the competition practice stuff (held conveniently in a mall), Ashley, Tori, and I went to Hot Topic and got Invader Zim stuff. Life is indeed beautiful. Priscilla said at 8:21 AM ![]() Mmmm. Sleep. Entered dreamland at 3 in the afternoon, awoke at 6:30 AM. Life is good. Messed up dreams included:
Priscilla said at 7:58 AM
Saturday, October 19, 2002
![]() Attempting to punch holes in pages. So far, three hole punchers have jammed. Is this Industrial Strength hole puncher a worthy candidate for my challenge? We shall see...
Priscilla said at 9:01 AM ![]() I want to find a scrapbook and make a nice page of "Baby's First All-Nighter". The binder is more or less finished, at least. I want to put some photos at the end, but they're all in the lab, so I'll probably end up doing that part in the car ride from Hockaday to the event. Hurrah. Maybe I'll print out the photos taken with the digital camera...
Priscilla said at 8:34 AM ![]() 5AM and still going strong! And without caffiene! Woo-hoo!
Priscilla said at 6:02 AM ![]() For those confused, here's what happened, as explained to Matt over AIM:
The JETS met for 10 hours at Hockaday this morning to work on stuff for the notebook. Because my laptop (the home of the notebook) has no floppy drive, we decided to send all the files to my home account, carbon-copied to my school address. When I got home, I found that my DSL was still down (meaning that I couldn't use Outlook on my laptop), my webmail was randomly down, and the attachment function wasn't working on the school server. In short, I had no way of accessing the work we had sent. Finally, I realized that my evil, ancient dinosaur of a computer still had Outlook, configured to the same settings I use now. I opened Outlook, which takes ages to receive all the emails sent to a particular address. Because Christine had sent me a bunch of huge files early on in the day (twice, I later learned), I had to "receive" all of her files before I could receive any of the documents my friends had written, which were the things I needed most. It took about 4 hours to receive the first set, then maybe three hours for the second. And now, everything is received and I can access everything. Hurrah. Still hard at work, and nearing completeness. Go me. Man, I'm proud of this baby. Priscilla said at 3:34 AM ![]() Woo! 1:40 AM and everything is downloaded! And the page for the first arm design rocks my socks. I've discovered so much about Photoshop in this experience! More than several months' worth of CGing, probably. Hurrah for graphic design! I'll post some of the pages tomorrow morning. Wow, when I get around to it, the new JETS website design is going to be awesome.
Binder work goes generally well. My grunge quotient has certainly been satisfied! Note to self: formatting text in Photoshop is not my idea of a good time. I wish I had experimented with Illustrator and Freehand more beforehand so that I woud have known if they could have helped. Ah well. Gotta finish these pages if I want any sleep at all tonight. Priscilla said at 2:39 AM
Friday, October 18, 2002
![]() Okay, back to being ready to cry. For some unfathomable reason, all the files were sent *twice*. Lucky Priscilla has four more hours of downloading ahead of her. That's it, I'm rewriting everything myelf. Mackenzie said that tonight was going to be the night I got back on caffiene (I've been abstinent from soft drinks and coffee for three years now). She may be right.
Priscilla said at 11:44 PM ![]() Ooh, I love where this is going! This binder is positively "Derelicte". Yay!grunge. New binder + duct tape + sandpaper + black charcoal + sharp objects + stress-relieving violence + mailing tape = day-um. Pretty cover art + liberal amounts of water + scrunching + smooshing = a nice compliment to said binder.
Four hour update: Still downloading stupid files. Currently on #19 of 21, though, so things are happy. Then I'll finally be able to access the documents Mackenzie, Sleen, Elizabeth, Tori, & co sent me. Huzzah. Priscilla said at 11:24 PM ![]() Hogfather briefly mentions a Captain Carrot One-Man Night Watch Action Figure. Now all we need is a model.
Priscilla said at 8:17 PM ![]() I love you, HAL. This stupid, outmoded rubbish heap of a machine just might end up saving my life.
EDIT: ::cries tears of joy:: It's working. It's working. Now if only I could actually see through these tears so I could get back to work! 2nd EDIT: Permission to seriously injure Christine? She sent me 21 files, each between 2 and 3Mb. Each is taking approxmately 10 minutes to download on my demeted modem. And I'm on #2. ::twitches:: 3rd EDIT: Back to loving Christine. She's rushing me a photo CD of the 21 files, an action that merits uncountable kudos-age. Of course, I still have to continue downloading the 21 files, because the files I really need were sent after the 21. Ye gods. Priscilla said at 7:36 PM ![]() Don't you love it when everything you've been working on for two weeks suddenly crashes and burns in your face? Yeah. That's fun. I had such high hopes for the JETS notebook, but the irony gods have decided to conspire against me. First, my DSL goes down so I can't use Outlook. Then, my webmail goes down, so I can't use my ninemuses address. Then the school email server decides that it doesn't like attachments. If I'd known it was being stupid about attachments, I could have gotten my friends to put their paragraphs for the notebook on disks or print them out, but noooo, the school email system belied its inadequacy quite effectively. This stupid notebook is due in 15 hours and everything my friends and I did this morning--all 10 hours--is absolutely, completely in vain. I want to curl up into a fetal position and cry.
Priscilla said at 7:11 PM
Thursday, October 17, 2002
![]() Priscilla said at 9:57 PM ![]() The author of this article deserves massive plaudits. Hilarious.
Priscilla said at 9:28 PM ![]() Wow, I haven't posted in two days. In case you were curious, indeed, I am still alive. Stressed, but alive. The JETS notebook is due Saturday morning, which is slightly horrifying, but I get to spend the entirety of tomorrow at school on the notebook (we have a day off), so all is good. I'll have to upload some of the pages after we turn the notebook in -- I'm very proud of the design.
On one hand, I want us to win. Every fiber of my being longs for our success: I poured hours of blood and sweat into this binder, and I think its absolutely awesome. If we lose to Highland Park's glitter-and-construction-paper creation, I personally will cut off all my appendages with a chainsaw. On the other hand, the State Competition is the weekend of "Dark of the Moon", the Jesuit fall play, which is *not* double-cast. I'd have to miss State, which would absolutely stink. There's always the possibility that I could fly over after the Friday performance, then leave Saturday afternoon in time for our 5:00 call, but there would always be the chance of a flight getting cancelled or delayed, stranding me in Austin. Bad idea. So alas, woe is me in general. Can't win 'em all. ::sighs and shugs:: Priscilla said at 9:04 PM
Monday, October 14, 2002
![]() Matt's friend's reaction upon seeing the pictures I posted here: "Congratulations, Matt. You found yourself a nerdy girl who looks like a model, and a Sluggite to boot."
::warm fuzzies:: Priscilla said at 11:26 PM ![]() Yay, the return of the much-feared "Priscilla the Poet". We had to write Mill on the Floss-inspired Shakespearean sonnets, and my group close to write about Maggie's encounter withe the gypsies. Apparently, the combination of successes with my LotR poem and the previous "Charade" I wrote for Emma gave the class the impression that I was actually talented at writing poetry (HA!). I probably made the situation worse when I asked Dr. Moreland if it had to be in iambic pentameter. Snide glances abound! Grr, iambic pentameter. Give me Anapest (--/) or Dactyl (/--) any day.
You probably won't understand it unless you've had the misfortune of reading Mill on the Floss, but I'm posting it anyway. Bah. Collaborators: Shari Barnett, Elizabeth Block, and Emily Banta. Maggie and the Gypsies With family, she felt left out at home. They called her "gypsy" when she cut her hair. The longely outcasts, fated 'er to roam, She longed for love and people who would care. Rejoicing in salvation, first it seemed A life Bohemian, easy and free, But then she found it wasn't as she dreamed. They lacked in manners, treacle, bread, and tea. Pockets breached by fingers quick and nimble, Her confidence soon waned and she grew wary. She saw with frightened eyes the pilfered thimble, Former friends now treacherous and scary. Returning home with her adventure done, Her dream of gypsies faded with the sun. Priscilla said at 11:11 PM
Sunday, October 13, 2002
![]() Read DV10 yet? If not, you should. Not simply because the story is fabulous, but because Alicey and I have cameos. Muaha.
Priscilla said at 11:09 PM ![]() Woo-hoo! Half-finished with my breastplate! Let the world know that those plaster roll things are my new best friend. I'm letting the form dry now (it's about 3 layers thick), and later this afternoon I'll reinforce it some more in the weak places. It's absolutely awesome! *heeeeaaaaarts breastplate* Exactly what I had in mind. Additionally, this afternoon, I also want to investigate a belt, plus the leather strips and spraypaint for the breastplate. Silver/gold (mostly silver), with a bit of dry-brushed rust. Sounds good? Yay. Then it's just the short sword, leather calf-strip-things, and the badge and I'm done! Ooh, Halloween can't come soon enough.
Priscilla said at 12:54 PM ![]() Just got my 24th email submission for the etymology of "Billywig". That's it. ::rolls up sleeves, grabs crowbar, and departs with a purposeful look on her face::
Priscilla said at 10:59 AM ![]() Priscilla's Life at the Moment:
Priscilla said at 9:06 AM
Saturday, October 12, 2002
![]() A joke I heard today:
President Bush and Colin Powell are sitting in a bar. A guy walks in and asks the barman, "Isn't that Bush and Powell sitting over there?" The barman says, "Yep, that's them." So the guy walks over and says, "Wow, this is a real honor. What are you guys doing in here?" Bush says, "We're planning WW III." And the guy says, "Really? What's going to happen?" Bush says, "Well, we're going to kill 140 million Iraqis this time and a cute, fuzzy, innocent little kitten." The guy exclaimed, "A cute, fuzzy, innocent little kitten? Why kill a kitten?" Bush turns to Powell, punches him on the shoulder and says, "See, smarty pants? I told you no one would worry about the 140 million Iraqis!" Priscilla said at 8:20 PM ![]() Spent 10 hours at school today. Kill me now.
In other news, the JETS notebook is going to absolutely rock this year. Hurrah for industrial grunge. Priscilla said at 8:18 PM
Friday, October 11, 2002
![]() Woo-hoo! Internet connection is back on! *grooves* Wow, I'm a happy camper now. *kicks stupid 56k modem and AOL she was forced to use in the interim*
Priscilla said at 8:18 PM ![]() Why are all my guestbook entries on some kind of crack? The latest: "A stunned silence lasting around five or six minutes, followed by a quiet gulp. A luke-warm cup of coffee and two garibaldi biscuits later, the words 'kin ell' were muttered with reverence. I'm frequently shocked, but never so pleasantly. Congrats."
What in gravy? Of course, I like getting these kinds of weird comments a lot more than normal ones, because they add surrealism to my day, so I'm happy. Yay for "Mick". Priscilla said at 10:45 AM
Thursday, October 10, 2002
![]() Ooh, yay! My Elfwood gallery has been updated. Comment, if you wish.
Priscilla said at 9:51 PM ![]() I think I'm going to make my breastplate this weekend. *nods* Yeah, that'll be cool... After the SAT 2's, of course. Bah to the SAT 2's.
Priscilla said at 9:05 PM ![]() Updated art section with stuff that's been laying around on my computer or in my LJ for ages. Broke up Photography section. Also added the Angua MAA VSD to Writings. Yay.
Priscilla said at 8:54 PM ![]() Operation: "Hey, there's more to Discworld than the Watch" begins. Currently rereading Wyrd Sisters and drawing unexplored characters in my margins. Like Teatime here. Yay for experimentation with skinny, gawky styles! Other illustrious names are soon to follow.
Priscilla said at 12:11 AM ![]() "Come on, dad, stop being cute. Come on, evil! Grrr, evil! I kick puppies in my spare time! Evil, mean, cunning grin. Of doom! Grrrr, evil!"
I took photos of my dad just now for my fairytale project. The cunning brother turned out rather evil, as you see here, but oh well. I develop everything tomorrow, and I start printing later. I'll scan my prints eventually. Priscilla said at 12:08 AM
Wednesday, October 09, 2002
![]() Good News: Mrs. McCullough really liked the stuff I did in art today.
Better News: She says that I can work on the JETS notebook and the "Dark of the Moon" cover in class for my design folio. Bad News: The JETS notebook is due a week from Saturday, and I have almost nothing to work from. Why, why, why does no one document anything? ::aaargs at robot plans written on paper towels:: Plus, I'm going to have to get the DotM drafts/concepts and final in to Mrs. Felice really soon if I want it in color. Oy. Priscilla said at 6:35 PM
Monday, October 07, 2002
![]() Yay. Homecoming!Priscilla = dead sexy.
Proof: Uno, Dos. L-R: Matt, me, Mackenzie, and Luke. (wow, I have a major farmer tan. This amuses me muchly) Priscilla said at 9:07 PM ![]() Dear PDM,
You need comments for your blog. Sincerely, Priscilla Spencer P.S.: Dude! I would *so* wear one of those buttons! Priscilla said at 8:57 PM ![]() Uploaded random stuff to Elfwood. Hopefully, my gallery will be updated in the next few days. I'll post again when it does.
Priscilla said at 4:47 PM
Sunday, October 06, 2002
![]() Brie -- of course you can join the Cult of Lincoln! Pinstriped suits are welcomed, but on no account are the chopsticks to be replaced. If you feel you cannot accede to this request, I know Rebecca has a far inferior, yet equally amusing cult dedicated to Woodrow Wilson. All hail Abe!
Priscilla said at 8:09 PM ![]() Working on art assignment of doom. Just got a great laugh. Cookie points to whomever finds the phrase "tender and private" on the US $1 bill. Project Mayhem, anyone?
Priscilla said at 7:50 PM ![]() This morning, I went to Stephanie Swingle's house to photograph for our school assignment, Fairy Tales. Stephanie is doing Snow White, and Sagari (the other girl who met with us -- a very cool Junior) is doing Cinderella. Because "How the Moon Began", my chosen story, features four brothers and takes place at night, I wasn't able to take any pictures, and instead provided modeling services for Stephanie and Sagari. I got to be Snow White and Cinderella's Prince, which was quite an experience. While not modeling, I held the lights for optimum effect. Jolly good. I look forward to seeing the negatives -- I'll try to convince Stephanie to let me scan some of her finished images.
Meanwhile, I'll be continuting to flip through Sandman in search of a story I prefer over "How the Moon Began". I have lots of cool ideas for HtMB, but it may prove difficult to convince some of my friends to don airy, wispy garments and dance in a moonlit graveyard. A long exposure, with the cameraperson splashing us with flashlights. That would be awesome, say I. Stephanie and Sagari have volunteered to help me, though, and my parents will be there most likely, so they might be enough. Hurrah! I hope Mrs. Yoshii approves. She seems less open to alternative techniques than some of my previous instructors. Anyway, I got back home last night at 2 AM and woke up at 10. From 11-3, I was at Stephanie's. I got one hour to work on my college essays (all week, mind you), and now, at 4, I'm off to an essay workshop. I need a nap. Oh -- if you haven't seen the photographs I shot yesterday for my other Photography class (God help me), there right here. Comment if you haven't already. Priscilla said at 4:49 PM
Saturday, October 05, 2002
![]() My Physics class has decided the the world's coolest language is officially now PseudoGerman. And the perfect word for describing a Force vs. Acceleration graph is "schlopenmass"!
Priscilla said at 4:46 PM
Friday, October 04, 2002
![]() Earlier today, I was griping about how I didn't want to go to Homecoming, as it's eating up a big chunk of my free time this weekend. I now officially take it all back. I had a great time! Tonight was the football game, which was highly amusing. Matt and his friends are amazingly nifty. At halftime, we went to Chili's, which I haven't been to in ages. I had my "Anglo-Saxon Chicken Pasta", which is basically Cajun Chicken Pasta without the spicy Cajun-ness. There, we ran into Casey Pedersen and another of the Urseline girls who does Jesuit drama with me. Jolly good! A splendid time was had by all. I look forward to tomorrow night.
Priscilla said at 11:42 PM ![]() Friday Five!
1. What size shoe do you wear? 11 1/2 EE, womens, and darn proud of it. Size 42 in Birkenstocks, which is quite an achievement in itself. 2. How many pairs of shoes do you own? oh nelly. 1 pair kickass leather boots, 1 pair Angua sandals, 2 pair saddle oxfords for school (as my mom is demented and insists that my current pair need replacing) 1 pair 21-year-old tennis shoes (see Question #4), 1 pair character shoes for theatrical endeavors, 2 pair fancy dress shoes, 2 pair sandals. Dear god save me. 10 pair. I am Ivana Trump. 3. What type of shoe do you prefer (boots, sneakers, pumps, etc.)? I like my Birkenstock sandals and my tennis shoes. Depends on my mood, but usually it's sandals. 4. Describe your favorite pair of shoes. Why are they your favorite? The 21-year-old tennis shoes, purchased by my father on his honeymoon, then worn by me for three years when I saw that they fit me. My mom has now forbidden me from wearing them, but they remain in my closet as an heirloom. 5. What's the most you've spent on one pair of shoes? Probably $80 or summat. Shoes are expensive, grrr. Priscilla said at 7:18 PM
Wednesday, October 02, 2002
![]() Ooooooh! Our new photography assignment is to do photographs inspired by a fairytale. In my efforts to avoid the expected (and now clicheed at my school) Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood (etc), I've decided to go with obscurity. There was a long time when I thought I would do the Greek myth of Arachne or even Midsummer Night's Dream, then I thought I would choose "How the Moon Began", a fairytale I found in the Lower School Library this afternoon. Now I'm considering one of the fairytale-esque stories from Neil's Sandman or Smoke and Mirrors. Hmmm... the possibilities! I love this assignment already!
Priscilla said at 6:51 PM ![]() Mrs. McCullough recommended plaster cloth, so I went to MJDesigns (arts & crafts store) and bought a few rolls. I think I'll make the breastplate over the weekend. I'm still trying to decide whether to do a backplate or a cloak. I'm thinking cloak, because I don't want to have to lie on my stomach for an hour while the plaster sets. I'm using myself as a model -- all hail Saran Wrap, which shall prevent it from touching my skin (icky).
So backplate or cloak? What do the "official" artists say?... Paul Kidby: cloak Lissanne Lake (MAA HC): cloak Josh Kirby (scares the hell out of me): umm... is that some kind of a freakish armored corset? Ouch. But she also has a cloak, so both. What would look best with the costume? Cloak. Hell yeah. Must plan a trip to a fabric store in the near future. Priscilla said at 6:43 PM ![]() Yay! Mom is my hero of the day. While randomly shopping for god knows what, she found the most perfect skirt for my Angua costume. Knee-length, dark brown corderoy. It wasn't what I initially had in mind, but now I can't think of anything that would work better. It's an ideal cut and weight and color... so yay mom! *dances* Tomorrow, we're going to get a few holes punched in the collar, as I need it to be smaller. I'm also going to try to find some leather strips for the leg-things that I have no idea what to call. And I'm going to talk to Mrs. McCullough, my art teacher, to get her opinion on material for the breastplate. Hurrah!
Looking back on this entry, I see nothing that anyone but I could possibly be interested in. Perhaps this is why Kell got a cosplay journal. XD Priscilla said at 12:26 AM
Tuesday, October 01, 2002
![]() I looked at this picture, and my first thought was "Woah, Slytherin looks totally stoned". Then I realized what I had said.
Someone please kill me before I cause further injury to others. Priscilla said at 9:40 PM ![]() Happy Halloween! Costume references are nifty.
Priscilla said at 1:07 AM Title cartoon by Bruce Eric Kaplan, used without permission. ![]() |
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